madio 发表于 2017-10-28 04:28



2017 HiMCM
Problem A: Drone Clusters as Sky Light Displays
Intel® developed its Shooting Star™ drone and is using clusters of these drones for aerial light
shows. In 2016, a cluster of 500 drones, controlled by a single laptop and one pilot, performed a
beautifully choreographed light show (
Your large city has an annual festival and is considering adding an outdoor aerial light show. The
Mayor has asked your team to investigate the idea of using drones to create three possible sky

2017 HiMCM
Problem B: Ski Slope
Winter is coming! In February 2018, PyeongChang, South Korea will host the Winter Olympics.
And, in 2022, Beijing, China will be the host city. The Winter Olympics have over fifty ski
related events in the disciplines of Alpine, Nordic, Cross-Country, Ski Jumping, Snowboarding,
and Freestyle.
A group of wealthy winter sport fans are looking for a new mountain to develop into a ski resort
that could perhaps host the Winter Olympics in the future. An agent, calling herself Ms. Mogul,
represents them.
Wasatch Peaks Ranch in Peterson, Utah, USA is for sale! This almost 13,000 acre ranch has an
estimated 5,500 acres of potential ski slopes with an 11 mile ridgeline, a 4750 foot drop among
its 24 peaks, and 15 bowls. Ms. Mogul wants your team to identify potential ski slopes and trails
on the property in order to develop it as one of the top ski resorts in North America and a
potential future Winter Olympics location.

39839844 发表于 2017-10-28 08:10


1262161281 发表于 2017-10-29 20:02


738391227 发表于 2017-10-30 19:39


343437223 发表于 2017-11-11 12:48


343437223 发表于 2017-11-11 12:48


3055925054 发表于 2017-11-13 23:17


几凡风 发表于 2019-2-24 20:37

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