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[其他资源] call for paper

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    2013-8-20 15:23
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    发表于 2013-3-21 14:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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    本帖最后由 hustepic 于 2013-3-21 14:54 编辑
    ! p$ e2 L+ n; t* ]% m8 W
      C* `+ w7 ?8 d8 u) ~Call for Paper
    " J0 X* S0 {8 m% }8 n, p' c
    5 o0 w. x, }, p3 p$ u  q/ iCyberC 2013: The 5th International Conference on Cyber-EnabledDistributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery1 M- b+ g3 \3 A: P! X0 W
    Beijing, China, October 10 - 12, 2013
      K( B. g: Z3 F4 |8 X% P2 hCyberC isco-sponsored by:
    $ _' [2 [9 X0 S! I
    9 A5 u( E4 P& F: B% B' W: J* w. G
      m, p$ l; j) N# J- }IEEE     Computer Society (Technically Co-Sponsored)' L+ c, w. k  n; k( u9 g- i
    IEEE     Technical Committee on Simulation
    ' f3 T( o  S- \( }: R( hIEEE     CS Task Force on Networked Mobile Systems
    " |6 r% b4 s; y% }& u( vBeijing     Jiaotong University, China* y7 U+ Y) R9 {
    University     of Louisville, USA. _, m7 V0 M7 t$ X2 @
    Embedded     Pervasive Computing Lab, HUST, China
    ! o) u3 G2 ^0 M/ H+ l& [: {
    $ S: h0 h) G7 c$ p: R( W4 ?' Z  TSponsors:
    . P  u# c6 ?& I, c! w) c
    ' t7 e% ]  e+ @9 z! t/ iAT&T, USA,8 K0 @2 e4 N6 a9 }7 V; I
    Teradata, USA,, V, P+ Y0 _# t1 I
    InfoBeyond, USA,     , t! ~5 ^  [; g9 N& m  g! `
    Comrise, USA,
    * c' E! Y: U. s; Q0 {; @Huawei, China,' q7 {4 s& a/ z) P5 C' t6 }
    Rainstor, USA, \! Q3 e# ]: F5 E0 o6 E

    # F  ]2 C: i$ ~1 m7 d8 e' c) }CyberC promotes research and development ofthe cyber-related technology and it is unique and significant that spansthrough cyber-enabled data mining and knowledge discovery, distributed andparallel computing, cyber security, cloud computing, pervasive computing,mobile computing, Internet, wireless networks, cognitive systems, cyberinformation process, information discovery, e-health via cyber network,e-science, web technology, and network performance and tools. The research anddevelopment in these areas have received extensive attention in both theacademia and industry to provide ubiquitous services for users. Varioushardware and software designs, algorithms, protocols, simulations, andtest-bed, and implementations are developed for distributed computing in aninterconnected and distributed network environment. The purpose of CyberC is toprovide a forum for presentation and discussion of innovative ideas, researchresults, applications and experience from around the world as well as highlightactivities in the related areas.  
    & P# U8 m" t0 d7 v
      C- P" I2 T5 A  j4 HCyberC 2013 (The fifthCyberC) continues the aim to provide a forum for presentation and discussion ofinnovative ideas, research results, applications, and experience from aroundthe world as well as highlight activities in the related areas. The conferencefocuses on all aspects of distributed computing and knowledge mining and theirscientific, engineering, and commercial applications. The topics of interestsinclude, but not limited to:
    / a5 z$ r- L/ P% V9 w2 J: |# |Data Mining and Information Discovery
    ; n" E1 g- m- mAgent-baseddistributed data mining algorithms
    / D6 r3 d3 p- R( ?2 L- ~3 GDatastreaming, multimedia, stream, or web mining1 I+ r9 ]6 A1 L# y, m3 \% R
    Informationdiscovery in data mining0 w7 M% Q) W7 U5 u. \( A
    Datamining applications for bioinformations and biometrics$ g: V0 u, a" z. X: ?2 ]! h
    Databaseapplications and data mining
    * S- }3 V* @, X; {2 oSecurityand information assurance in data mining
    + n4 L/ V! `. }3 b) P5 {
    # x& n- j( S  ~5 n+ V9 k' ?, l8 u/ Q  \Parallel and Distributed Computing
    : D7 C' o5 p; x7 x: e! sParalleland distributed algorithms
    ' k, M4 C$ H) ]* N: tResourceallocation, load-balance, and management in distributed computing( X, B3 `5 o$ M( H4 B  l
    Grid andcluster computing
    7 l, Q% I) z6 l/ O& ]Cloudingcomputing/ h8 G1 ]7 G) @  A
    SOA, Webservices, and mobile services
    ) W: }9 r* S  x; N( \1 a2 @Web-caching,content delivery systems and data distribution systems/ H* G. K1 c6 a! |, D$ m, M  [
    Webservices and internet computing- l4 G+ e2 O& E! e% ~; S
    Distributedsystems and applications, modeling language, and software engineering for
    3 [9 |$ K9 b  p/ S/ Edistributedapplications                          
    5 I7 p% B, X& u" |& DPervasive/ubiquitouscomputing and intelligence
    0 M, B! }) ?7 N3 H% Z* l4 dBiological/molecularcomputing
    % i9 Z! E0 V' `% G
    1 ?! {' J2 L. S# e' k& g# A- l3 WMobile andInternet Computing
    4 c( f9 J+ v. H2 t7 n/ a% X! oWirelessad hoc networks, wireless mesh networks, networking theory and algorithms
    $ A' R# \+ V) a+ x9 j; V6 x8 jWirelessembedded sensor systems, body sensor, new sensing capabilities, and security
    ; c1 d# [2 R6 N  M$ dCognitiveradio and SDR% P9 h; ~) w  ]! K
    Futuregeneration communications for 4G or beyond (WiMAX, LTE)
    , c. ~/ L5 C) p/ v& ]Peer-to-peernetwork computing and overlaying networks
    9 v6 {8 [* k3 ~. Y4 w+ W: PDirectionalantenna and networking
    . w4 B1 ?4 i7 w  }3 a( i7 AFDMA/OFDMAmodulations, synchronization, and power optimization
    ; o. m& Z, n3 B8 m% QMobile IPand Internet technology& `3 e6 H7 K+ @& x
    Key,attacking models, privacy, confidentiality, and security in Mobile WirelessNetworks$ z  d! D3 g4 L% H$ E9 A, Q" G# ?
    Communication,services, middleware, and multimedia on wireless networks
    % ?9 ~4 R/ ]' A9 ^QoS,reliability, performance, and communication theory
    # i$ h1 @1 c( v- |. zWirelessnetwork simulations, implementation, and applications/ ?0 e5 g& a" W0 E" Y6 Z: q

    $ P6 X7 c% Z# v( @1 j) nCloud Computing
    8 {0 `3 P) P8 G! |  iAutonomic, Real-Time and Self-Organizing Clouds' u- V$ _# q: i: Q4 `
    Architectural models for public and privatecloud computing
    4 ?+ T) r5 U3 d5 G+ {2 ^Cloud resource management and allocation
    ) O% B! e5 B- I9 w( W1 _Utility models and service pricing: V* Y/ \' F! V1 T
    New parallel / concurrent programming modelsfor cloud computing
    ( s( l7 o. v3 h* V6 f6 N/ @Scientific computation and other applicationsin the cloud$ G& |0 |( q% [  d5 w7 M
    Workflows for cloud computing
    : z- ?6 k6 v1 ^/ y. h! a! q  {Content Delivery Networks using StorageClouds9 E# C. Z' C. }% P4 X
    Escience and Grid applications
    4 ]$ e: g) Q6 k# }Escience workflow management
    - n9 x# ]1 z( ~, }$ HWeb semantics for Escience
    8 h, r- I: Y$ s: r$ POntologies and databases for Escience
    & H) I2 ?( D% y0 z- L- D, x  u4 MData and process provenance! g! s, A% W% a$ B; f" c
    ) `' K# |3 C0 Y) V$ Z
    Performance and User Experience* d+ |* |: i: ^. r! U
    Performanceevaluation, measurement and optimization
    " e; \  s3 h+ CTools,test-bed, simulations, and experimental environments for user experiencemeasurement9 ~/ |' C0 x7 C: J3 R  w; v
    Collaborativeand cooperative environments
    7 ]+ X. u$ K6 ]" e+ X% i% Z8 b1 GAutonomic,reliability, and fault-tolerance
      W( t; q" D3 ~( NAuthentication,trust, privacy and other security issues
    5 F$ e8 J5 V! t/ }/ f% ]" S; ?QoS forimprove user experience
    " t) n6 U  R8 ?; f1 ?0 a% X& [# d. I: M) u- S( I" b+ s
    Important Days& @. w: ]) m4 y
    % m. r3 A+ y) Z. K& n
    May 15, 2013 - Conference PaperSubmission Deadline
    # [5 K5 P9 P. m7 J; CJune 15, 2013 - Notification ofAcceptance/Rejection & Registration Starts# K9 E) E* _! e- q. i( ?
    August 1, 2013 - Camera-Ready PaperSubmission Due & Registration Due
    ; s/ c( e1 K) \  q: W0 N* _
    " p1 g! [5 G/ c- pSubmitted manuscripts have to present the original unpublished research that isnot currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers notfollowing these guidelines will be rejected without review and further actionmay be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads ofthe institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissionsreceived after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structuredmay also not be considered.& q! r' v6 d# j$ v5 @5 B( p
    0 y. ~, ~# R# p5 {8 z2 m

    : U! F1 F. w. g- z  ~4 RPaper Acceptance         
    * i5 Q) S1 O5 Q* SManuscripts shouldpresent the current research in the areas identified in the call for papers.All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by experts in the fields and will bejudged from the aspects of problem significance, contributions, originality,correctness, technical strength, quality of presentation, and relevance to theconference attendees. Papers will be accepted with Regular Papers and Short Paperswith maximal 8 pages and 4 pages in the final version respectively.  , m5 c9 G& ^# F; u4 {, H
    " }- a" l( Z/ s4 n4 I7 ]8 e& W
    Publications; G0 }6 v6 r7 P/ H: R( j
    All accepted and presented papers, including theworkshops’ papers, will be published by IEEE Computer Society's ConferencePublishing Services (CPS) and are included in the IEEE Xplore database. Theywill be further arranged for indexing through IEE INSPEC, EI (Compendex), andThomson ISI. Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, shouldregister and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers willbe removed from the digital libraries of IEEE Xplore and EI after theconference." {- L) n) H3 b: i$ a( l

    7 i* k5 n  q7 K# r/ X

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