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分享 2013美赛
泉韵无声 2012-10-26 22:23
MCM/ICM Media Contest Note the rules and FAQ's below only apply to the Media portion of the MCM/ICM contest. With this 2011 edition of the MCM and ICM, COMAP announces a new competition. We have noticed over the years that contest teams have increasingly taken to various forms of documentation of their activities over the grueling 96 hours – frequently in video and/or slide and power point form. We understand that this material has been produced to provide comic relief and let off steam as well as to provide some memories days, weeks, and years after the contest. We LOVE it. And we want to encourage teams (outside help is allowed) to create media pieces and share them with us and the MCM/ICM community. While we have yet to determine the exact nature of the award categories for this material, rest assured that outstanding entries will be appropriately acknowledged and recognized. We want to emphasize that the media contest is COMPLETELY SEPARATE from MCM and ICM. No matter how creative and inventive your media presentation, it will have NO effect on the judging of your team paper for MCM or ICM. We do not want work on the media project to detract or distract work on the contest problems in ANY way. This will be a separate competition and one we hope will be fun for all. We have provided a set of FAQ’s to describe the formats for the contest entries and the timeline. If you have any additional questions please feel free to write us at mcm@comap.com . All teams must submit a signed release form for everyone appearing in the multimedia project. Click here to download a release form. Deadline for submissions: February 22, 2013 Prizes: To be determined Results: April 29, 2013 when the MCM/ICM results are announced. Size of submission: For video material, maximum of 15 minutes. File Formats: COMAP can accept video submissions in a variety of different formats. Both 4:3 and 16:9 (widescreen) aspect ratios are acceptable as well as power point, photos and slide shows . Acceptable Formats MOV (Apple QuickTime Movie) MPEG (MPEG Video File) DVD video format MP4/M4V (iTunes Video File) AVI (Audio Video Interleave File) Flash Video (.flv) FAQ's Can non-team members take part in creating our multimedia submission? YES, any other undergraduates, family, friends or faculty can help. Can we interview our faculty advisor? YES, by all means. Is there some type of standard form for our submission? NO, we encourage teams to use their own imaginations. Can we use music? MAYBE, we hope to promote this material without having to pay for permissions. As a consequence we highly recommend that all material be original, unless it is in the public domain. Can we use video footage or stills from other sources? MAYBE, we hope to promote this material without having to pay for permissions. As a consequence we highly recommend that all material be original, unless it is in the public domain. Can we send in our media project with our contest solution? YES if your project is ready by all means ship your media project with your solution packet. Be sure to clearly mark your DVD or CDRom. What media formats will be accepted? All multimedia projects should be submitted on DVD or CDRom. Clearly label your DVD or CDRom with Multimedia and team control number . Example: Multimedia #1111 Will the media projects be used during the grading process? NO the media projects will not be seen or used during the grading process. Is a release needed with each submissions? YES anyone who appears in the multimedia project must sign a release form which can found here. Will the multimedia projects be made available to the public? Maybe, some (or many?) projects, including the winners and contenders will be made available via web and DVD. Do we need to pre-register to take part in the multimedia portion of the MCM/ICM contest? NO if you are registered to take part in the MCM/ICM contest you are able to compete in the multimedia portion of the contest. Is there an extra charge to take part in the multimedia portion of the MCM/ICM contest? NO if you are registered to take part in the MCM/ICM contest you are able to compete in the multimedia portion of the contest. Will partial or unfinished projects be accepted? YES Edited, Unedited or incomplete projects will be accepted. Are teams required to take part in the multimedia portion of the MCM/ICM contest? NO the multimedia portion of the contest is purely optional. Where do we mail our submission? Same address as your contest solutions. MCM/ICM Media Contest COMAP, Inc. 175 Middlesex Turnpike., Suite 3B Bedford, MA 01730 USA When must submissions be received at COMAP? On or before February 22 , 2013 * Your Solution Packet must still be recieved via mail on or before Wednesday February 13 , 2013. When will the results be made available? April 29, 2013 when the MCM/ICM results are announced. Does our submission have to be in English? We hope so, but we will accept original language material, if translations or subtitles are provided.
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