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Burgess 实名认证       







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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-8-9 00:28
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    新人进步奖 发帖功臣






    发表于 2009-3-26 16:59 |只看该作者
    |招呼Ta 关注Ta


    我现在用的是Ubuntu8.10,想在系统上装个lingo 11.0,学习学习2 r! P2 q) t: }, S. o- ~8 m
    但是自己试几次,安装都不成功  t6 i; H2 g2 h" ^2 h  A2 w% g" s& e
      lingo 11.0 是从官方网上下载的,求的一注册码DJh@-#*7f-8iCA-RDTH-N8$M-syFW-SxfX-f$Sb-PhBo-KhLL-LEM9-pFKG-RdjZ-Hfez-K9wi-?t7&-zh$T-CTD9-fQTq-Zr6r-s@8c-i&g@-erMF-7g58-&#ie-2uXm-VwV8-8ea6-iCkJ-aL23-E4Qq-xj&%-br6a-$4Ui-XHom-?SEE-qPN9-UBFc-b#SU-jeCZ-5REv-?a3K-Zm*6* [9 p  K- @) Q' K4 @1 X" O
    5 f. d- T; i6 y. f' o) u: E
       那英文说明看到的有颠糊涂,没怎么看懂,详情高手帮忙0 v$ K. x3 C% {& |8 _0 Q! v$ }) Z
    : s+ b4 n7 T$ Q( ~
    : r; m1 g2 E5 U: J文件内容如下::" A3 S8 ~; B$ w& @
    1. Introduction
    : C( Z  j* V/ s0 \; a0 ]" U; D
    9 ]8 g: S' E) K3 G% D  _: P
    & a8 D6 I. I. Z9 F) b! F2 N  x4 a! I1 u
    LINGO is a tool for utilizing the power of linear and nonlinear optimization to formulate large problems concisely, solve them, and analyze the solution. Optimization helps you find the answer that yields the best result; attains the highest profit, output, or happiness; or the one that achieves the lowest cost, waste, or discomfort. Often these problems involve making the most efficient use of your resources including money, time, machinery, staff, inventory, and more. Optimization problems are often classified as linear or nonlinear, depending on whether the relationships in the problem are linear with respect to the variables.5 a; _9 U; `4 [+ J
    ' X/ k8 s8 |0 l' @

    : X  @" S+ A# {$ P# J# q. e
    $ m% E1 t) e/ U8 P/ `
    & A& V: g5 Q1 d6 e" ~# X
    : e4 z4 x8 Y, x) l. \
    7 P2 N6 |( _$ A3 j. v+ R) q  Z, g7 g$ o! j9 n- |
    2. Installation% s9 X5 u: j- S% s4 M) Y) `
    - G7 i2 n2 }' G3 D

    / ^" @& O% d) o0 z
    2 L2 ~$ X( W+ i7 c; W+ L; ~3 M, M0 wThe current release of LINGO has the following directory structure
    0 z. q$ l9 p' u9 |
    0 z9 p. U7 c+ j; L( b, ?8 A! _6 h ! O5 H% R6 W  ?, Q  h- M$ Y7 v
    & [, j. W* i9 m  {  W6 H4 F
           lingo11/                         ' Installation directory/ C- W  d, H# `8 ]5 x+ a8 o

    4 T% g1 c8 T) g. e# [% W       lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM>           ' Executables, dynamic libraries0 R! p. Z( b/ U/ y( o

    " S/ U$ w- R5 C) |; B' U+ c+ V       lingo11/doc                      ' User manual and documentation$ C  f" j2 V" U6 b

    3 i$ e6 B: ~: P( l# E6 K& S8 I6 _8 f       lingo11/license                  ' License files
      j, A# q# D7 Y& y. k0 P! T
    ) x6 y- R) X: o4 s/ u       lingo11/samples                  ' Sample models directory( e* F; l5 T! V/ s+ V1 J

    3 V/ H- U1 `" m' Q( H( f       lingo11/programming_samples      ' Examples on calling LINGO from C, FORTRAN & Java: Z' b# r% ]) u6 X# ]( m" c4 K) n
    3 k% U7 h; [6 P$ L6 ~
    ' f% z2 L9 y' E0 `! m

    : N/ I1 x0 [4 e" v; k0 ]0 H
    : i( l; f! c  B7 a8 p8 A' H/ q/ f$ g. T; C- `, r; r
    3 G" Q8 f4 C, Y! C5 W

    ! \; {! |1 i! K3 S2.1. Windows Platforms: No specific installation procedure is required on Windows platforms.
      T# L- P/ U" s, A* p: y; c
    ' _* A& z9 z6 ~ 5 a0 p0 Q2 F- C$ A' _

    " v7 I6 t# y" }$ _! A9 G: ~ 2 @8 `  P% a* P' P

    0 O! K5 }! D, o3 N
    5 ~) a- D/ Y! M- O) F, v: d. d! B7 W$ W1 A! G
    2.2. Unix/Linux Platforms: Follow the steps below to complete the installation.
    * D; I( _. v9 t/ k
    % c2 V) f4 h2 ~2 u& a  ^
      t  ?% V1 r, ^6 P- S
    8 o1 O  j- G0 q8 _9 hStep 1. Go to lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM> binaries directory and make sure all the files are in executable mode. If they are not, you should change their mode by typing: w# k5 g3 M' n) z8 N6 t" f% _
      r; j" w2 L) @/ l/ j# k
    9 D+ Q6 g2 m- N( n# T! z* h# p
    / g1 ?4 _6 @) @
            %> chmod 755 *. F! m; D0 ^$ T6 b

    % N6 w& P9 \5 I
    # B1 x! I7 A7 p% G! U* e; l$ l3 q5 X$ Q6 G! s
    Step 2. Update the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. It is assumed that the installation directory is $HOME/lingo11.8 @: R, O5 u, D! H2 E

    8 k3 M6 `- _" X2 n* ^( Y   g2 ?$ g0 q% I

    0 H: ?/ y9 f# F; V3 D. E- c/ j        LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    / t* m% f, S5 q( U0 A4 Z: K1 [. {- F; q# T, Q% U6 Q
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    ' J5 K( ?' H, i- x' y& E: R# j: q9 f8 k/ D& l

    , w6 y# \( z% Q) U8 P" s
    1 _) ]' ?- ^8 w1 `8 e: |Step 3. Set the $LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to refer to the license file for your installation. For example, if your installation directory is $HOME/lingo11 and you have a 32-bit version of LINGO, then the environment variable should be set as
    9 P  ~* Z: d. ]6 p9 k$ Y0 f. M9 a- @' M7 `
    4 T" j' D* ~' h- H

      _% D- _  a1 g- U- G; [4 p8 u        LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/lingo11/license/lndlng11.lic$ h$ F6 J0 D+ ~4 S: C
    ! F; A2 M' X, I, K
            export LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE) e. a9 Y1 c% N$ n6 ~9 R

    " H$ x0 c3 X$ `8 c; d% h- o/ I9 T. q
    . L0 j7 Y  f9 i; a) }1 R
    ! i0 b/ j) j" H$ }5 A4 qor, for 64-bit versions of LINGO do the following :
    " C5 F( ^" g/ B8 n/ x% [# l
    7 V: B% i/ K2 e
    - r) T8 F  d3 |9 e1 w& U
    . r5 l$ o3 M, q+ S        LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/lingo11/license/lndlng64_11.lic
    4 B! N; m" I8 c: L+ ]0 S! B2 B3 T9 t* o5 V; `4 l& ^3 _0 Y
            export LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE; Z) c( c# p. Z/ O( W# a
    6 i( F' p$ j1 o0 s

    . D/ i  B7 E! |$ \5 P3 D; i" c5 l4 ~: q4 n3 }/ r1 Y) G
    Alternatively, you can execute the shell script lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM>/lingovars.sh to perform the required updates in these environment variables.
    , X' B& v6 A  ~$ `* r
    $ ~; D8 ]* C$ A! a) J, f ( h5 {& U- K: i$ J% k- G2 d( P

    0 i+ T9 U9 a/ STo execute this script manually, enter the following at command line' O2 G3 K) }6 g. ^2 C% i4 X# t! h
    ( |( D% _% ^  h$ g) r
    ' ^% U4 b3 _9 R' x
    5 W0 F" X7 _! g( A/ T- V  q. u        source $HOME/lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM>/lingovars.sh3 R) p. n3 x4 m: Z
    ; u4 I. C% E+ [

    2 m% F7 I, J. T0 j' k6 b5 f# F- h+ u9 t; ]+ d5 N/ g  G3 m1 [
    Alternatively, to execute the script automatically at logon, append this line to the end of your startup script (.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash shell).
    8 f" ^1 Y) a2 o2 x& f3 y
    6 ?4 z# _/ ]: R( e! b) }) q6 n! r ; l8 o* @% t$ d; P) \& T

    6 O7 L7 A) v8 b, mStep 4. If you do not already have a valid LINGO license file and you wish to create a demo license, then go to the lingo11/license folder and run the create_demo_license script as follows:, i% h; U& i. T6 k0 o# V* F" f: R' X
    % S* A  S1 c1 a& a* X

    & U  o& }# u% f  T; [3 T0 k; z3 o9 p! c
            cd $HOME/lingo11/license  J* O" Y2 Q3 E9 [* n" X8 n1 R9 I
    $ ^. s! o1 e8 ?# d! c$ N" O
            source create_demo_license.sh  W5 c" j; F1 h% J! M9 j' l! t

    : i. p$ m' ?8 ]6 K" i" _. d- R, p $ K+ s5 s" W: ?3 T+ M6 Z

    1 ~: \% Y  E9 g
    6 m$ W2 ^2 O  F; }. m& c
    * A  U, Z$ g) q+ CStep 4. You should now be able to run LINGO by going to the $HOME/lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM> folder and entering “lingo11” for 32-bit versions and ‘lingo64_11” for 64-bit versions.  If the LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE or LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not set up correctly, you will receive the following error message every time you start LINGO.
    3 V6 F/ N1 `) J- \  d! C1 x- a6 b

    6 Q4 i6 \# m! T/ U3 T0 @' n) P; A# k; e) I+ Y5 j1 m- m/ Y
    - - -
    2 C0 |( r9 d" D0 G$ {# {( ^1 L. {% [
    % I2 Z! T, X2 l+ O        [Error Code: 171]/ S) _, m" k" m/ N; `

      C) X( a- N0 G) F7 _( `/ P1 z $ R% \3 Z* V7 Y/ M6 i% C
    ; f) j2 E1 E* b9 O, ]) X- t
            License key was not found or is invalid.
    " X: H+ x' [( `" ]! K+ K7 W0 W" K
    ! c0 t8 s: i& J8 t; a2 h- - -
    4 l8 f0 f, Y. [- L+ N9 W% Z, s9 `: _
    , W8 @4 k. {6 C& ?& q' Y
    ; x" G' h5 W# n+ ]# W; _
    Step 5. On Linux platforms, you may prefer to include the lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM> directory into the /etc/ld.so.conf file and then run ldconfig. This operation generally requires super user privileges. You may also update the $PATH environment variable accordingly to include the lingo11/bin/<PLATFORM> folder in the search path.
    % q2 {4 \5 ?, b1 g8 C% g/ y3 M
    % f, t  v9 p  V( e: r5 V/ H
    , x4 ~' i4 w1 |3 N/ ^3 e7 U
    + q* T0 z: k7 f2 A$ H$ \( vNOTE: Unlike the Windows version of LINGO, which has a GUI front end, Unix/Linux versions are command-line applications.  All commands are typed into LINGO’s command-line prompt that begins with a colon character (:).  Available commands are discussed in detail in Chapter 6, Command-Line Commands, of the LINGO Users Manual.5 `, [( M4 H  |9 H7 z- p2 l

    * {. M8 a! @! }
    * Z1 [2 u% S5 c! S0 \1 c0 U% m5 C# p
    1 z! x% D+ q6 ]& R+ Q
    4 P" P% a0 w4 N1 V& H0 N; W0 ^
    6 x8 |' C+ f- O1 C5 n
    4 d% V- h8 Q4 E: o& z5 l5 T9 {/ ?2 Q! G4 Y7 k6 O
    3. License File
    7 k! w- k/ y/ _1 K& }
    1 M5 R% c1 m  [" ]: ^- o; U8 k / T- L5 G3 h6 M
    & V) U: D1 b* w, ]7 J3 b
    In a default installation, the license file (lndlng11.lic or lndlng64_11.lic) is located in the lingo11/license directory.  If you do not currently have a valid LINGO license file, then you may create a demo license by following the instructions above.  The demo license allows full access to LINGO’s feature set, however with a limited model capacity.5 y5 v3 }+ B9 ]
    4 a7 c, N+ s1 R( _

    1 I: ]( j# N9 C1 `9 g+ _; t1 K
    7 N  S, ]& G: m2 WIMPORTANT: If you purchased a license and received it via email, you should update the license file in the lingo11/license folder with the license file you obtained from your sales representative. You should install the license file under the name lndlng11.lic for 32-bit versions and under name lndlng64_11.lic for 64-bit versions.  If you received a distribution CD, your license file will be pre-installed in the lingo11/license directory, and no additional steps will be required. Your license key is unique to your installation and contains information regarding your version's serial number, size, and supported options. Given that your license key is unique to your installation, you should not share it with any user not licensed to use your copy of the LINGO
    9 P% I: ~, G" ^! h; n* N4 v. [4 @
    5 l5 Z4 \( M  p6 ?+ m8 }3 }7 W' d# o还望高手指点!!!

    使用道具 举报

    Burgess 实名认证       







    升级  6%

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-8-9 00:28
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    新人进步奖 发帖功臣






    我现在用的是Ubuntu8.10,想在系统上装个lingo 11.0,学习学习6 a+ r$ S7 h3 J3 g
    # w3 b4 \; p3 a1 \  lingo 11.0 是从官方网上下载的,求的一注册码DJh@-#*7f-8iCA-RDTH-N8$M-syFW-SxfX-f$Sb-PhBo-KhLL-LEM9-pFKG-RdjZ-Hfez-K9wi-?t7&-zh$T-CTD9-fQTq-Zr6r-s@8c-i&g@-erMF-7g58-&#ie-2uXm-VwV8-8ea6-iCkJ-aL23-E4Qq-xj&%-br6a-$4Ui-XHom-?SEE-qPN9-UBFc-b#SU-jeCZ-5REv-?a3K-Zm*61 c, ~& D- u  p0 G1 T

    0 X- q( ]$ l/ A  K# ^. S1 D' [: t   那英文说明看到的有颠糊涂,没怎么看懂,详情高手帮忙
    2 m% `! z4 Y: R4 y5 t. K
    ( m7 H. X; m! T9 [; E+ ?4 _0 Y8 ]readme
    ( H" L1 [2 A3 L3 ^2 T3 \; g& T文件内容如下::6 l5 r, h* c/ ]: v! W
    1. Introduction0 Q+ p+ d  g" L1 x2 U
    & O: M8 N% R4 a: k, |! y" _5 p# ]
    ; E( ~( s" O) V5 j
    0 e9 v5 J/ J& `7 Q! v+ L5 s5 \: j
    LINGO is a tool for utilizing the power of linear and nonlinear optimization to formulate large problems concisely, solve them, and analyze the solution. Optimization helps you find the answer that yields the best result; attains the highest profit, output, or happiness; or the one that achieves the lowest cost, waste, or discomfort. Often these problems involve making the most efficient use of your resources including money, time, machinery, staff, inventory, and more. Optimization problems are often classified as linear or nonlinear, depending on whether the relationships in the problem are linear with respect to the variables.* K: y- r, w6 H1 A5 g% h
    4 }: c7 S9 P- V" w7 ]
    1 ?4 I' @9 w8 c& V6 \% Z7 ?% R
    " C5 w; E' m2 F7 M" p+ Y

    0 y0 c, K4 w+ [( d2 u
    , x( p$ u. R1 H1 ]% ~) S " ~$ M) W9 C0 x4 p$ E
    ; n$ Q/ i- @7 d3 m$ Q. c" ^
    2. Installation
    , F  z+ @/ s+ W5 }3 L9 U, ^6 w$ A' s0 f. I; J4 Q6 w/ Z" T3 S

    # l0 x- _6 Z" A- k2 l
    9 |7 }4 W$ I, E( [8 n8 NThe current release of LINGO has the following directory structure + ^/ h1 Y7 C$ [3 d  u, v! M

    ; X7 a# a: l7 y ! ^+ {; `  u, P9 h6 m
    - |$ X: M0 L! h4 l$ j/ \
           lingo11/                         ' Installation directory' M: ]. D2 H  F8 d8 h5 }
    - L$ s$ d0 P4 g6 R
           lingo11/bin/<LATFORM>           ' Executables, dynamic libraries# ^0 q. v* l! `0 e9 n  r9 n& [

    $ V2 Q+ p* ^; M1 o       lingo11/doc                      ' User manual and documentation7 K( e+ ~8 T- I

    ) y1 N4 w( r: r2 v+ p! F       lingo11/license                  ' License files: p; ?9 b3 |6 x

    $ G! v' Y- U+ p! f       lingo11/samples                  ' Sample models directory
      M: S4 `8 X0 k& n) w5 L4 S* m) p4 n
           lingo11/programming_samples      ' Examples on calling LINGO from C, FORTRAN & Java
    ' W9 m; L( e8 I6 s9 y! P2 p6 \
    ' r9 \, l- }; z( K: S

    % ^2 {7 I$ s) l8 ` / s- j2 Q% o6 ^. u
    6 ?3 `( `/ W* w/ i9 s8 i
    * i7 h4 N$ v. O0 {
    1 k1 E7 v. `3 |  B4 m9 o# r9 B; b; ~
    2.1. Windows Platforms: No specific installation procedure is required on Windows platforms.6 P9 v( I, _* q5 G  X+ d. v

    ' \: j2 c% j$ W9 U! n
    & b8 |' L6 X6 k2 h; o5 _
    5 A0 F- X5 V/ E& r
    ) M  ^5 g( ?( ~8 s* O: K, ?
    / \( A/ Q  @% s" u1 j7 Q# P/ u5 a
    / ^- C" V3 `) h3 L  E- Q9 T
    * _! h$ r- Z" M! s7 B: }( l2 R2 Y2.2. Unix/Linux Platforms: Follow the steps below to complete the installation.
    4 D; {" S. p1 |+ G2 ^0 A# {/ d! z8 k5 ~7 r$ V1 D8 o
    " A, {5 W1 Q" {9 u- {7 K

    ' |) ~& I! D" z9 ^7 dStep 1. Go to lingo11/bin/<LATFORM> binaries directory and make sure all the files are in executable mode. If they are not, you should change their mode by typing
    ; P+ @, f8 d! m3 V6 A/ T7 n7 [. O; Q) t5 }
    % I& \' E1 E) j* ?5 l" l0 G% l

    ( W* [7 u( o6 Z) |- h: t        %> chmod 755 *
    " `, |" `4 P8 K% N) Q1 J! A
    9 v# ]% q) h! l1 _
    $ A) b" j- M4 Q) g. J' s
    9 I7 ^; H2 d2 N5 S% n/ tStep 2. Update the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. It is assumed that the installation directory is $HOME/lingo11.
    & {' ^3 t9 z4 \; ]+ D7 P) u, T2 N& v8 i

    8 e" s! A3 l- s# K  A, E' b( Y$ G: V+ u3 F, t5 [" `
            LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lingo11/bin/<LATFORM>LD_LIBRARY_PATH9 m& ^  ]; w' h- y+ a& k

    ( Y7 \2 P& c4 n* e        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH8 S, R" d1 k. |) s9 M
    * y8 x% \1 }! U# x* P

    ( W2 b* V# H8 Q& I) w: S9 [) H+ n% n+ \( M2 c0 `+ a* K/ H" M
    Step 3. Set the $LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to refer to the license file for your installation. For example, if your installation directory is $HOME/lingo11 and you have a 32-bit version of LINGO, then the environment variable should be set as
    . }$ l3 C0 S6 n  h2 x0 Y- X8 x
    6 Y$ f- ~# h6 T1 Y% i! z( P# A4 X
    ' R0 U3 z4 I: \6 _9 L/ R* F* K( k( H- |$ j
            LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/lingo11/license/lndlng11.lic8 e: Q. c- i5 |$ B* M
    3 O: k' V) H* [4 B& V7 l- p
            export LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE& E1 h* Y3 |/ N* a
    5 [: ~: j7 }% B% q( p3 Q" d
    / ]  x2 E$ t1 M% _0 {  f
    ) z+ C4 i" V6 X9 Z: X  Z
    or, for 64-bit versions of LINGO do the following :
    5 p2 @6 n/ {0 x( `' j: j" r# }/ S2 m# |8 y: {# M2 u& k( c

    ! d: b  ^* B+ s; q  o3 }7 A" Q
    / ~1 v! ^7 f/ X1 O# G6 V. @        LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/lingo11/license/lndlng64_11.lic
    * t: Y- G( I5 D/ V
    2 T) N: o9 L, a. i, x, O  |: K        export LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE% g- N( x. \, \/ B" |4 v+ {. R

    & S  \) }, u  y+ R4 u6 L2 R
    ' G  Z  ^  \. S# ?; u5 j( t3 \' [! E. I. c; f# Q; H# v
    Alternatively, you can execute the shell script lingo11/bin/<LATFORM>/lingovars.sh to perform the required updates in these environment variables.
    ' k5 R: ?# P$ k, }/ W; E
    / B! e- W; X7 l% ?) L0 E0 F; s  L/ r / i5 |. e/ Y4 V% F( ~/ s6 b& M

    9 o- j8 N5 i8 ATo execute this script manually, enter the following at command line: {. {9 R1 C, A3 w2 X3 ^# K
    ; [3 b6 A/ F' \5 Z0 g) i
      - k: Y2 k$ \2 G3 B* e( j% g7 P

    % D  ]) n2 m9 q        source $HOME/lingo11/bin/<LATFORM>/lingovars.sh
    / D* |5 B+ H( X; `! ?- I8 c: E2 n, e/ v% l+ @$ a8 T" w  y( k
    : J. J( ~  h0 `
    : @0 u) Z6 a; ~$ S' m1 l( U
    Alternatively, to execute the script automatically at logon, append this line to the end of your startup script (.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash shell).
    : c; L" S  Y2 A0 E6 ?( C' ~. k* |- [5 X8 U; \( _3 z5 ?; [( m
    ( `- \: `6 ^0 j5 G

    & l: |. s5 \) Y$ ?$ \- O8 _Step 4. If you do not already have a valid LINGO license file and you wish to create a demo license, then go to the lingo11/license folder and run the create_demo_license script as follows:8 o6 x0 }/ ~+ \, R7 ^$ I  u
    ) r1 b: V! e' E6 @# D7 C) n
    ; [$ G9 K4 c, N  b# B; r! a$ t! m
    ) M8 i! g( F: `0 B1 ?/ }# u9 j) O
            cd $HOME/lingo11/license& n- u: ?2 q# D# \: E' O( p

    3 `  v7 T6 H0 W5 I- x        source create_demo_license.sh. V: A7 ^( t5 Q3 T) ^

    3 @  `5 |4 ~7 h) _' { : v  {* M# q& _6 U& x
    ; T# R% l/ W; W; ]3 |

    0 \' T: }1 a+ h! S) F5 W$ P, Q( ?6 U# M! D7 ^) e* _( I- X  `
    Step 4. You should now be able to run LINGO by going to the $HOME/lingo11/bin/<LATFORM> folder and entering “lingo11” for 32-bit versions and ‘lingo64_11” for 64-bit versions.  If the LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE or LINGO64_11_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not set up correctly, you will receive the following error message every time you start LINGO.# O: \# o- w! Z

    4 g( h% q& a; M
    5 A9 M4 R3 h7 W. B. N7 h# N& d, o& Y+ ^4 b& Z* R
    - - -
    " x. G( Y0 s* p. h! S) \# c8 C8 T9 u  n9 I. f
            [Error Code: 171]# b6 w7 J' z7 Q/ u6 r
    ) ]# U$ [# W5 [) _5 o) I  p
      O4 J* G5 @3 B* x+ {
    - |. N! `' e5 B9 I* w
            License key was not found or is invalid.0 G) ]' q$ _# x- Y. t2 ^
    " c2 H2 _* o! W! x) O/ J
    - - -
    $ \2 C- ]& p3 {7 ]2 m
    % H6 ^7 B, g3 i  I. t / c2 {6 s& b1 f+ r
    2 r1 @) T. H1 ~* @2 w% L
    Step 5. On Linux platforms, you may prefer to include the lingo11/bin/<LATFORM> directory into the /etc/ld.so.conf file and then run ldconfig. This operation generally requires super user privileges. You may also update the $PATH environment variable accordingly to include the lingo11/bin/<LATFORM> folder in the search path.
    ( [. X3 T! ]; y/ L7 O
    2 g. V2 }, Z( q
    % C& o# m) r1 d! ~  t9 z0 q: v( [
    ! E7 N$ |7 b2 X! J$ A8 S% Q; [2 TNOTE: Unlike the Windows version of LINGO, which has a GUI front end, Unix/Linux versions are command-line applications.  All commands are typed into LINGO’s command-line prompt that begins with a colon character (.  Available commands are discussed in detail in Chapter 6, Command-Line Commands, of the LINGO Users Manual.
    4 ]* R1 M' U, x  j' e' N0 N# z& @  B/ L8 l8 D- X

    0 R2 \8 [6 g+ i8 c8 v/ I1 I! N: [4 |  a

    5 Y$ I2 R& i; S/ {8 o
    ' l1 ]  t& N1 D0 B* j" l  b1 S4 g- a
    9 t+ r2 ?8 N$ b% @! o4 P- h$ `: t7 C' ]0 @6 `9 `
    3. License File! G- h: A% b- D( N

    - S+ b0 i2 r' w6 v0 g$ A0 y, [( T
    ' w3 i" [- ^( `! S8 a: L& O' L- z
    9 J* }. W* c3 R2 P- JIn a default installation, the license file (lndlng11.lic or lndlng64_11.lic) is located in the lingo11/license directory.  If you do not currently have a valid LINGO license file, then you may create a demo license by following the instructions above.  The demo license allows full access to LINGO’s feature set, however with a limited model capacity.) ]( P9 {% y% P# [3 R

    ' K, P" E3 W& N0 W ( @0 e5 M7 R  j& |
    ' E% }5 f* k/ e6 s) ~+ J
    IMPORTANT: If you purchased a license and received it via email, you should update the license file in the lingo11/license folder with the license file you obtained from your sales representative. You should install the license file under the name lndlng11.lic for 32-bit versions and under name lndlng64_11.lic for 64-bit versions.  If you received a distribution CD, your license file will be pre-installed in the lingo11/license directory, and no additional steps will be required. Your license key is unique to your installation and contains information regarding your version's serial number, size, and supported options. Given that your license key is unique to your installation, you should not share it with any user not licensed to use your copy of the LINGO
      r, Q2 t3 ^  T0 w. Z. J$ Y! k$ c0 I& `" V
    转播转播0 分享淘帖0 分享分享0 收藏收藏0 支持支持0 反对反对0 微信微信
    Burgess 实名认证       







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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-8-9 00:28
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    7 \$ [6 E! k; h/ O. Y5 I  V   官网软件包下载地址:http://www.hearne.com.au/products/lingo/demos/381/4 E; z1 t. F2 y
    & \0 s; q" x0 m/ r3.打开终端切换到/home输入:tar -xvf LINGO-LINUX-IA32-11.0.tar.tar
    8 T' R; a, @4 U% m5 l  h4.更新环境变量,在终端输入:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/lingo11/bin/linux32/LD_LIBRARY_PATH     
    " x& `" T  m* y5.输入:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH- n# @, p/ S! k1 I! n5 e* U
    6.设置$LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE environment variable环境变量,在终端输    入:LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE=/home/lingo11/license/lndlng11_demo.lic" O$ c; |! x0 [& P5 W* O
    7.输入:export LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE: b2 x: r; s3 v$ p. f1 o/ B
    8.手工执行shell脚本:$HOME/lingo11/bin/lingo11/lingovars.sh+ S0 U% B) e9 b. A& h5 ~/ u
    9. 进入/lingo11/目录输入:cd license9 G: ?- u3 e* N1 ~* e. e7 P* W
    10.输入: ./create_demo_license.sh
    - p. c3 m( `9 P) P2 o6 iOK ! 大功告成,现在可以进入目录$HOME/lingo11/bin/lingo11/运行ling11了!!!

    使用道具 举报








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    升级  25.26%



    嗯, 如果您不介意的话就用wine一下lingo10 for windows吧, 这个我试过的, 完成可以运行, 运行效率和windows server 2008下比差不多, 大概是9%左右的效率损失.
    , k2 t- v# X  Y9 Z, Z0 lPS: 那个序列号是什么版本的啊? 嘿嘿~

    使用道具 举报

    victzhang 实名认证       







    升级  48.42%



    # n$ \, c! b4 [3 a! C; u1、到http://download.csdn.net/source/1644337下载linux下的lingo 11破解版; N, y* I9 U1 q( I7 J6 X2 c# j, W
    : ]; W6 }8 r8 L7 {$ u3、执行如下指令" X& N' t' M  w$ M6 M
    cd ~1 w" v: c5 Y$ u
    cd lingo118 {% V! ^: S$ y% W
    cd bin' i  ^+ p2 B. R% ?& S; Q
    cd linux324 @6 h& T5 J9 Q
    chmod 755 *4 Z2 a4 J6 v" d" A( w
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lingo11/bin/linux32LD_LIBRARY_PATH3 [  O" X) q( ?1 ?
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    ; }  P6 a* e$ r; KLINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/lingo11/license/lndlng11.lic8 U7 P  s* f6 |) A4 b1 F' M
    export LINGO_11_LICENSE_FILE
    ( w9 s& e' @# l* v3 ?ldconfig
    & q7 Z5 E  z# B./lingo114 H& J) G8 e2 q& g* I3 \- @* Q
    4、如果还是提示找不到链接库(如liblindo.so.5.0),这样解决) s2 d- X1 `9 q3 A3 D; d
    cd ~
    ' S& k! q2 T/ H5 T; Ycd lingo11
    ; U/ X; [) {2 M4 hcd bin5 O, s( w& D$ h; ^8 [+ b( d7 f
    cd linux323 a4 a! R1 v3 H  m9 R" q0 j
    cp *.so* /usr/local/lib
      _0 M2 R# _, a7 t  R: I: Gldconfig
    / S: i6 Y& v5 [- Z& z./lingo116 S+ `+ b* x- e5 q& v, G

    9 {9 u( a- f2 Y. i/ u如果可能的话,尽量不要用wine

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    lwxmath 实名认证       







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  • TA的每日心情
    2011-12-29 02:00
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    6 y" ~# S0 j7 h+ J9 g6 alwx@ubuntu:~/lingo11/bin/linux32$ ./lingo11
    $ A4 i% i1 V/ q./lingo11: error while loading shared libraries: liblindo.so.5.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    % i) [+ M+ n% |" r7 _$ o1 G7 B/ R

    使用道具 举报

    lwxmath 实名认证       







    升级  67%

  • TA的每日心情
    2011-12-29 02:00
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