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分享 关于数学建模论文摘要的书写
呆萌的小猪波 2017-9-5 22:30
谈谈论文摘要的编写 一、 编写摘要的目的 科技论文的摘要是为读者检索论文服务的。即使读者看不到全文,仅 仅从摘要中也可以看出研究的水平,看出研究的方法、具体结果以及与以 往同类研究的不同(创新)之处。因此,很容易让读者了解您的研究结果 与其他人的研究结果的区别,以决定是否有必要花时间寻找全文,从而扩 大论文的传播范围、提高研究成果的影响力。 增加国际著名数据库(如 EI)的检索比例也是目的之一。EI 等数据库 的检索首要条件还是研究的水平问题,而研究水平在见不到全文的情况下 如何判断?只能通过摘要来体现。这其实也是期刊评价的形式标准之一。 一般情况下,没有(创新)内容的论文摘要很难写长,话说多就露出破绽 ——常常是废话。从以往数据库检索的情况来看,只是交代做了什么,而 没有具体写出做的结果是什么,具体规律是什么,具体关系是什么,等等, 这样的文章被漏检的很多。 二、 摘要撰写的一般要求 创新性研究的论文一般应当使用报道型摘要摘要,应包括:研究目的 (有时可省)、研究方法和手段、研究结果、结果分析和结论等几个主要 部分。重点应突出作者研究的创新性结果,主要结果和结论应交待清楚, 不能含混不清,似是而非;也应避免对标题的重复和一般性内容的叙述, 最大限度地增加摘要的信息量;应注意语言的表达,避免难以理解的长句, 用词应通俗易懂、简洁准确。而指示性摘要适用于那些创新内容较少的文 章使用。一般情况,至少应当采用“报道-指示性摘要格式”。 三、 编写摘要应注意问题 (1) 不要写成指示性摘要(做了、分析了、提出了),“了”慎重使 用。 (2) 应当重点写出研究的结果,特别是本研究的新发现、新规律、 新关系。 (3) 方法、模型类论文,应当交代清楚构建的原理、步骤,建立方 法、模型的特别之处棗特别的优势和具体特点,不能泛泛地说“很好、很快, 等等”。 (4) 英文摘要更应当写出体现水平的结果(创新性的),否则后果 可想而知!特别是英文表述要规范,避免键盘不能直接录入的符号,否则 文摘员不会摘录。 (5) 摘要和文章的结论不是一回事,不是结论中写了摘要中就不能 写!结论中的主要结果应当在摘要中体现!摘要是一篇体现全文主题的独 立性的短文! (6) 中文篇名、摘要和关键词中,不应使用英文单词或缩写词,如 果在摘要中要使用,应当在首次出现时给出中文解析。在英文篇名和摘要 中只有本学科熟悉的缩写词,在首次出现时应给出全称。 四、 具体问题举例 (1) 背景、常识性的内容,如:如“分支井技术是水平井、侧钻井技 术的集成和发展”。 (2) 不对论文进行诠释和评论,如:如何好.. (3) 简单重复论文题目,至少应当比题目具体。 (4) 避免使用第一人称,不必使用本文、作者做主语。 (5) 不使用非公知的符号、参考文献和公式。如果一定要指明文献, 需要具体写出。 (6) 缩略语、简称等多次使用时应给出说明。 (7) “文章介绍了”“文章总结了” “本试验研究了” “本研究分别将”“文 章”“本试验”“本研究”均应省去。如果可能会引起歧义,用“该文”比较好。 (8)用了中文的顿号(、)、破折号(——)等。 五、摘要编写的体会 一个主题:如何吸引读者的注意!扩大论文的传播范围。 二个重点:一是写出研究的创新点!没有创新就没有价值!与众不同 的方法、手段、方案和做法。二是保持形式上的规范。 三个途径:一是,通读文章,关键看引言的后半部、文章的结论或主 体部分的标题和段落结尾;二是,与作者沟通,作者口头陈述,编辑替作 者提炼主题;三是,调整写作手法、进行时态转换,将结果写实。 六、一点编写摘要的技巧 (1)实验研究类论文,一般写作要素比较容易做到齐全。 (2) 综述类论文应当交代综述的主要内容,什么是什么,避免使用 “了”,更重要的是写出方向性的思考结果。 (3)模型方法性论文的创新,就在于方法的构建本身,所以可以写出 构建的原理、关键步骤以及方法、模型的特别之处,如优势和具 体特点。 搜索 复制
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分享 校选
nanjiC 2016-11-24 23:57
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分享 今天好气哦
wqqqy 2016-10-7 15:16
因为用户组别太低了 我看不了论文的帖子 可是真的好想看,怎么样才能看到呢?好烦恼啊!
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分享 你好数模
热度 1 我是学渣 2016-9-6 21:18
数学建模竞赛对专业的限制较小,任何专业的学生都可以参与这项活动,而不需要有什么专业背景。如果非要说背景,当然理工科的会有一定优势,但是文科学生也可以在这项比赛中发挥他们的长处,比如在论文写作方面。 在数学建模竞赛中,参赛队伍被要求在三到四天时间内解决一个实际问题,在这个过程中,可以使用任何工具、软件,可以随意跑动而没有固定的比赛场所,可以查阅任何资料、文献,但是不能与本队伍之外的其他任何 有生命 的物体就赛题进行交流(可以上网搜索,但是不能通过网络向别人求助)。最终参赛队必须提交一篇科技论文,以展示他们对问题的理解和做出的解决方案。而队伍成绩评定的依据,也全部来自他们提交的这篇论文。 。
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分享 学习笔记(第十四天)
hwigsqx者 2016-6-29 13:51
正文(论文的模块设计) (20页左右,不超过30页) 简化模块: 1、问题背景分析 2、问题简化与假设 3、参数(变量)选择与量化 4、建模(问题重述) 5、模型求解 6、结果分析 7、模型讨论 8、模型校正 9、模型评价 扩大模块: 1、问题的提出/重述 2、基本假设与符号说明 3、问题的分析与模型的准备 4、模型的建立 5、模型的求解 6、模型的灵敏度与稳定性分析 7、模型的进一步讨论 8、模型的理论归纳 9、模型的科学性及现实意义 10、模型的评价 11、模型的改进 12、模型的使用说明 13、模型的推广 14、写给报纸的文章/公司总裁的信 论文评选标准: 1、假设的合理性; 2、建模的创造性; 3、结果的正确性; 4、表述的条理性 题目: 12个字左右 当所给赛题题目过于简单时,可适当改动 摘要 :(若摘要太长,可改变行间距,做好满3/4) #摘要是删减的过程 #摘要是二等奖和三等奖的分界线 #摘要写作需3个小时以上,反复修改、一改再改、霸气精悍、字字珠玑、闪闪发光 #突出:算法、结论、创新点、特色、重点,废话全省略 #摘要是论文内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,其作用是使读者不阅读论文全文即获得必要的信息 #论文摘要不要列举例证,不讲研究过程,不用图表,不给数学表达式,也不要自我评价 (即不要带有主观色彩) 【评卷时一般是看排版是否整洁,结果、公式是否有,是不是与摘要中提出的模型相对应】
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分享 论文实例
数模伴我成长 2015-2-1 10:52
Abstract It’sthattimeofyearagain,weareexpectedtohelpSantatofindabeststrategytopackhissleigh.Thekeytosolvingtheproblemliesinmakingstandardstomeasurewhatisthebestandmethodtoformulatepresentpackingstrategy.AcommonevaluationforpackingSanta’ssleighisgiveninthetestquestions,whichisregardsasreasonabletoourmind.Sointhearticle,ourmajortargetistoformulateasuitablepackingstrategy,makingthepresentsascompactlyaspossibleandinthebestorderpossible. Wemainlyformulatedthreestrategiesforpackingsleigh.Strategy1:Everyfixednumber( T )ofpresentsinorderaregrouped.Ineachgroup,thepresentsaredividedintobig-sizecategoryandsmall-sizecategory,accordingtowhethertheirlongestside-lengtharebeyondClassification( K ).Whenpacked,thepresentinbigsizewillgainpriority. Strategy2:defineacompactdegree( d )todescribeapresentissuitablewiththeavailablespace.Everypresentshouldbepackinthewaytomakethedegreetothebest. Strategy3:weshouldputthepresentinthelowestplacefromallregions,butwealsosearchthehigherlevelwhenthelowestplacecannotenoughforthepresent’ssize.Thenweputforwardtwooptimizationstrategytoreducethecomputationalcomplexityofthemodel:oneistogiveupthesmallgap;theotheristooptimizetheunavailablespace,andwegetthefinalmodel. Thenwetakethefirst1000presentsofthelistassampletotestthemodelandanalyzetheparameters.Astheresult,wegettheminimumvalueof M whenthelengthofgroup T =10 ,theclassificationboundary K =2 ,andthecompactdegree d =9 . Finally,weapplythemodelwiththebestparameterstocalculate30000,100000and1000000presents,andwegetthecorresponding M valuerespectively,theseare56261,186734and1862431.Wealsoanalyzethestrengthandweaknessofourmodel. KeyWords: packingproblem; classification; compactness 1 1 Introduction Christmasiscoming,Santaneedsanoptimalloadingmode,makesthepresentascompactaspossibleandorderlyarrangedinthesledge.Thetitlegivesanevaluationonthebeststandards,wethinkitiseffective,ourobjectiveisbasedasmuchaspossibletodetermineanoptimalloadingmethod. Thisisaspacelayoutoptimizationproblems ,andissimilartotheclassiccontainerloadingproblem.Containerloadingproblemaimstodeterminetheloadingstrategyasfaraspossibletomakemaximumutilizationofthecontainerspace,solutionmethodoftenusedtohaveaconstructiveheuristicalgorithm,usinggeneticalgorithm,antcolonyalgorithm,tabusearchalgorithmandotherintelligentalgorithm.ButintheSantaClauspresentloading,wenotonlyneedtomakeapresenttheplacementspaceutilizationrateofthehighestpossible,shouldalsobepossibletomaketheplaceasfaraspossibletheorderly,theexistingmethodsarenotapplicable,weneedtohavecharacteristicsdetermineasuitablemethod. Now,wewillshowourworkinthepaper: • Wefirstestablishthreepresentplacementstrategy. • Accordingtothestrategytoestablishthecorrespondingpresentdisplaymodel. • Wecarriedoutexperimentsoneachparameterinthemodel,tofindthebestparametervalue. • Weusethemodifiedmodeltocalculatethenumberofpresentsonthesubjectaregiven,toobtaintheresult. • Weusetheresultsofanalysistodiscussthebasicplacementstrategy,andtodiscusstherationalityofdefinitionoftheoptimalindexanalysisofthegiventopic. 2 Assumptionsandinterpretation Themutualextrusionwillnotattributetothedeformationamongpresents. Inthispaper,themainpurposeistogivethebestpresentloadingmethod,consideringtheclosedegreeandorder.Themathematicaldescriptionthatpresentsproduceextrusiondeformationisverycomplex.Toestablishthemathematicalmodeltofacilitatethesolution,wethinkthatthemutualextrusionwillnotgeneratedeformation. Anypresentplacedstateisstable,thepresentwillnotcollapse. Infact,thecenterofgravitywhenthetoppresentbelowontheoutsidesurfaceofthepresent,thewholestructurewillcollapsebecauseoftheunstable.Establishtheprocesstosimplifythemodeltoreducethecomputationalcomplexity,weassumethatanarbitrarystatedisplayprocessisstable. Putanypositionisfrombottomtotop. Becauseofgravity,articlesmustbefromthebottomup,nothangingputpresents,whichismoreconsistentwiththerealsituation. Undertheaboveandbasicassumptions,wecansetouttoconstructourmodel. 3 Establishstrategyandbuildmodels 3.1 Howtoputpresents Loadingofacertainnumberofobjectstothesleigh,wemakeitascompactaspossible,andtrytomakeitorderly.Astraightforwardideaistoputsomebigsizeofthepresentsfirst,andthenputthesmallsizeintothegap.Foreachofthepresents,wecanadjusttheirattitudetofindthemostappropriateway.Eachgiftputcanstartfromthelowestplace,thiscanmakethesleighmoresmoothandmorecompact.Tothisend,weputforwardthefollowingstrategies. • Groupacertainnumberofpresents,andeachgroupbysizewithinintotwokindsofsize,largesizeinafirst,putthesmallsizesafter. Iftheidealsequencetoputcanproducemanysmallgap,notonlyreducethespaceutilization,andincreasedalotofjudgment,makethealgorithmcomplexityhasgreatlyincreased.Wecangroupfirst,classifyafter,andthenputaccordingtothestrategyofthelargesizeclassfirst,smallsizeclassafter.Thisnotonlycaneffectivelymakesuseofgaps,butalsogreatlyreducesthecomplexityofthealgorithm. WedivideeachofTpresentsintoagroup.Whenweputnpresents,thenextgroupcanbeshowedastheavailableset G { g n +1 ,g n +2 ,...,g n + T } . Throughthestatisticalanalysisforthegivenpresentssize,wecanseetheanalysisresultsasshowninFig3.1. Figure3.1:presentssizechart Fromthechart,theeachsidelengthofthemajoritypresentsislessthan 10 ,whichcanbeaboundarytodividedthemintolargesizeandsmallsize. Largesizeandsmallsizecanberespectedbytheset B and S .TheclassificationdiagramasshowninFig3.2. Figure3.2:Classificationdiagram Setthe n + k presentsoflength,widthandheight,respectively,andcanbeexpressedas u n + k , v n + k , w n + k .Thustheclassificationmethodcanbedescribedas k = T S =X g n + k ,andbecauseourmodelisrelativelyideal,computationalcomplexityistoobigthatitishardtosolve.Herewewillanalyzeafewofthemaincausesofcomputationalcomplexityandimproveourmodelforreducingthecomplexityofthecalculation. 3.3.1 Giveupsmallspace Afterthepresentputontheavailablespace,itwillbesetapartasgap1andgap2space,asshowninFig3.5.Toomuchgapwillproducealargenumberofsearchpoints,thatwillincreasessearchingcomplexityseriously. Figure3.5:Spaceisseparated Tosolvethisproblem,wecangiveupsomesmallspacetoreducethesearchingcomplexity.Soifforanyrectangularspace,theshortestedgeislessthanthegivenclosedegree d min ,itisconsideredtobenotused.Judgeexpressionasfollows: gap1(orgap2)isunavailablegap1(orgap2)isavailable 3.3.2 Howtodealwiththeunavailablespace Unavailablespace:Ifpresent g n isunabletoputintotheavailablespaceandneedtochoosethenextavailablespace,thespacebecomesunavailablespaceatthistime.whenweputintothepresent g n +1 ,wewillrestoretheunavailablespace. Dueto Min functionistosearchtheglobalminimumaltitude,youneedtotagsearchedspacenotusedtoavoidrepetition.Fuzzyproblemsexistinthechangewithunavailablespace,sowewillmakeastrategy. Figure3.6:unavailablespace ThefuzzyproblemsisshownintheFig3.6.Thedirectionofsearchingisdownandtotheright,thatcanmakethesearchpointspreadoutandproducetwospaces { S1,S2 } .IfwechangedthespaceofS1,thequantityofstatewillbataggedandS1isunabletouseatnextsearching.Toavoidthissituation,wetaketheshortestlengthofthespaceastheboundaryoftheunavailablespace.Becausetheupperlengthaislessthanthelowerlengthb,wedefineS2asunavailablespace. 4 TestingtheModel Wetake1000presentsastheresearchobject,andcountupthe3dlengthof1000presents.Wefindthatthestatisticof1000presentsissameofthe30000,100000and1000000,sowecansaythistestingismeaningful. ThecalculationflowchartisshowninFig4.1: Figure4.1:Thecalculationflowchart Forthebestanswer,weshouldtestsomeparametersofthemodel. 4.1 Parameteranalysis 4.1.1 ClassificationK Whenweresearchcategoryboundaries K influencingontheresult,weneedtoconsidertheindicatorsofdifferentscales.Inordertohighlightthechangetrendofeachindicators,theresultsafternormalizationisanalyzed.TheresultisshowninFig4.2: Figure4.2:AnalysisofparameterK Wecanseefromthefigurethat,theminimumvalueof M isobtainedat K =10 ,atthesametime,thechangeof K ontheimpactofthevariousindicators: 1. Withtheincreaseof K ,theorderofevaluationindicators σ ( p ) ,rapidgrowthandthenslowgrowth,andin K =10 ,thereistherateofchange; 2. Amaximumheightof Max z inatroughat K =10 ,afterthatheightchangeslittle; 3. M therewasaminimumvalue M =2582 inthe K =10 ,lateralongwiththechangeof K , M valueisbasicallythesame. 4.1.2 PacketlengthT Parameters T (branchlength)inthemodelinfluencetheorder,totesttheresultsof T withdifferentvalues,theresultisshowninFig4.3: Figure4.3:Analysisofparameter T Wecanseefromthefigurethat,theminimumvalueof M isobtainedat T =2 ,atthesametime,thechangeof T ontheimpactofthevariousindicators: 1. Withtheincreasingof T ,theorderofevaluationindicators σ ( p ) intolineargrowth,increasetheslopeis176.5; 2. Amaximumheightof Max z inatroughwhen T =2 ,after T 4 ,withtheincreaseof T changedlittle; 3. M valuethroughoutthechangeismainlyinfluencedbysigma(p),thereistheminimumwhen T =2 , M =2582 ,after T 5 ,withtheincreaseof T , M valuelineargrowth,growthslopewas163,slightlylessthan σ ( p ) thegrowthoftheslope. 4.1.3 Compactdegreeofd Inordertoavoidintheprocessofsolvingthesearchforunavailablespace,wegiveupsmallspace,andcompactdegreeofdinthestrategy’sinfluenceontheresultshereareanalyzing.Let T =2 and K =10 ,theresultsoftheanalysisisshowninFig4.4: Figure4.4:Analysisofparameterd Wecanseefromthefigurethat,theminimumvalueof M isobtainedat d =9 ,atthesametime,thechangeof d ontheimpactofthevariousindicators: 1. d hasnoeffectonthesizeof σ ( p ) ; 2. Amaximumheightof Max z inatroughwhen d =9 ,aftertheheightchangesgraduallyincrease; 3. M therewasaminimumvalueinthe d =9 , M =2262 ,lateralongwiththechangeof d , M valueincreasesgradually,andchangerateand Max z tendtobethesame. 4.2 Testresultsandanalysis 4.2.1 Bestparameterresult 1. Classificationboundary K =10 ; 2. Lengthofgroup T =2 ; 3. Compactness d =9 ; 4.2.2 Theanalysisoftheresults • Withtheincreaseofpacketlength T ,the M valuewillincreasequickly,whichshowsthatthelengthofthepackethasagreatinfluenceontheorder; • Withtheincreaseofclassificationboundaries K ,intheinitialtimesequenceindex σ ( P ) increasedrapidly,becausethepresentsizemostlylocatedwithin10; • Thechangeofcompactness d almosthasnoinfluenceontheorder.Itismainlytochangethespaceutilizationrate.Thereisaminimum d whichsatisfiestheoptimalspaceutilizationrate,andthatmaydecidedbythedistributioncharacteristicsofpresentsownsize. 5 Modelapplication Because1000,30000,100000and1000000presentssizehavethesamestatisticaldistribution,wecansettheparametersasthebestparametersintesting.Solutionofthespecificstepsareasfollows: Step1: Setupparametersandinputsizeandnumberofgifts T (blocklength) =2 , K (boundary) =10 , d (compactness) =9 , N =30000 Step2: Accordingtotheclassificationboundarytothegiftofclassification,getgiftplacednumber; Step3: Searchspaceandplacethegiftaccordingtothemodelofthealgorithm; Step4: calculate M ,outputtheresult. Table5.1:Result N 300001000001000000 σ ( p ) 496816553165503 Max z 25647 85090 848464 M 56261 186734 1862431 CalculatedresultstableatTab5.1 Ascanbeseenfromthetable,withthegrowthinthenumberofgifts,targetshowedabasiclineargrowth,thisfindingishelpfulforlarge-scalegiftspacelayoutoftheindexforecast. 6 StrengthandWeakness 6.1 Strength • Themodelhasacertaingeneralityandexpansibility,andcanaddtherequiredconstraintsorchangethedisplaytarget,thusobtainsthecorrespondingdisplaymethod. • Thestrategyisreasonable,andtheutilizationrateofthespaceishighaccordingtothedisplaymode. 6.2 Weakness • Thestabilityproblemintheprocessofmodeldoesnotconsider,sotheresultsaredifferentfromtheactualvalue. • Computationalcomplexityislarger,thedataprocessingtimeislong. References YuanQu,XuelianWang. Anefficientalgorithmforthreedimensionalbinpackigproblemundercomplexcondition. HoistingandConveying Machinery,2007(8):48-51. ZeshuangChen,JianmingHe. Morehybridgeneticalgorithmforunconstrainedthree-dimensionalcontainer. 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Appendices matlabsource: %******************************************************%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %sourceofdata:dataisderivedfromthefaculty %mainmethod:iteration %mainstepsofprogrammingandpurpose:everytimewesearchthelowest %placeandavailablearea,andtrytoputthegivenpresent.ifcan’t,we %raisetheheightofthefoundareawiththelowestheightofbordered%place,andrepeatthestepuntilpresentcanbeput. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%inputdata clear ; clc ; clf ; load presents.mat; %%parametersettings total=30000; %totalnumberofthepresentstobedelivered; L_divide=10; %Lengthofgroup; L_space=10; %Lengthoftheunavailablespace; L_group=10; %boundry num_group=total/L_divide; %numberofgroup; %%initial figure ; hold on; colormap ( jet (512)); axis equal; view ( );location= =find_min_height(lmap); =fit_block(lmap,x,len,presents(i,2:4)); ifflag ==0 if (len(1)L_space||len(2)L_space)hmap=fillmap(hmap,x,len); %discardthenarrowplacetoimprovetheefficiencyofsearching; end lmap=fillmap(lmap,x,len); %fillthetriedareatoavoidbeingfoundagain; end end hmap=renewmap(hmap,x,dem); %updatetheheightmapafterpresentsbeingput; location(i,1)=x(1);location(i,2)=x(2);location(i,3)=h; %recordthecoordinatesofpresentsput paint_block( ,dem,randi(512)); pause (0.1);count=count+1; P=P+ abs (total-count-i+1);M=P+2* max ( max (hmap)); fprintf (’i=%d,M=%d,P=%d,Hmax=%d\n’,i,M,P, max ( max (hmap))); endend for i=k*L_divide+L_divide:-1:k*L_divide+1 ifmin (presents(i,2:4))=L_group flag =0;lmap=hmap; while ( flag ==0) =find_min_height(lmap); %vispriority =fit_block(lmap,x,len,presents(i,2:4)); ifflag ==0 if (len(1)L_space||len(2)L_space)hmap=fillmap(hmap,x,len); end lmap=fillmap(lmap,x,len); end end hmap=renewmap(hmap,x,dem);location(i,1)=x(1);location(i,2)=x(2);location(i,3)=h;paint_block( ,dem,randi(512)); pause (0.1);count=count+1; P=P+ abs (total-count-i+1);M=P+2* max ( max (hmap)); fprintf (’i=%d,M=%d,P=%d,Hmax=%d\n’,i,M,P, max ( max (hmap))); end endend function paint_block(location,len,k) %****************************************% %function:paintcuboid %parameter:location:coordinate; len:sizeofpresent;k:colorparameter; %****************************************% len=len-0.001; X= ; Y= ;Z= ; surf (X,Y,Z,ones(2,2).*k); X= ; Y= ; Z= ; surf (X,Y,Z,ones(2,2).*k); Z= ; X= ;Y= ; surf (X,Y,Z,ones(2,2).*k); Z= ; X= ; Y= ; surf (X,Y,Z),ones(2,2).*k; Y= ; Z= ;X= ; surf (X,Y,Z,ones(2,2).*k); Y= ; Z= ;X= ; surf (X,Y,Z,ones(2,2).*k); function newmap=renewmap(hmap,x,presents) %******************************************% %function:updatethemapwiththegivenpresent %parameter:hmap:originalheightmap; x:thecoordinateofpresenttobe %put; presents:informationoflength,widthandheight; %******************************************% h= max ( max (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(1)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(2)-1)))...+presents(3);hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(1)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(2)-1)=h;newmap=hmap; function =fit_block(hmap,x,len,presents) %********************************************************% %function:ifastateofplacementtoputpresentcanbefind,return %1anditsplacement;ifcan’t,return0; %parameter:hmap:originalheightmap; x:thecoordinateofpresenttobe %put; len:sizeofgivenarea;presents:informationoflength,widthand %height; %*******************************************************% flag =0; if (presents(1)presents(2))temp=presents(1);presents(1)=presents(2);presents(2)=temp; end if (presents(2)presents(3))temp=presents(2);presents(2)=presents(3);presents(3)=temp; end if (presents(1)presents(2))temp=presents(1);presents(1)=presents(2);presents(2)=temp; end dem=presents; if (presents(1)=len(1)presents(2)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(1)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(2)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1; return ; end end if (presents(2)=len(1)presents(1)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(2)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(1)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1;dem(1)=presents(2);dem(2)=presents(1); return ; endend if (presents(3)=len(1)presents(1)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(3)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(1)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1;dem(1)=presents(3);dem(2)=presents(1);dem(3)=presents(2); return ; end end if (presents(1)=len(1)presents(3)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(1)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(3)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1;dem(1)=presents(1);dem(2)=presents(3);dem(3)=presents(2); return ; end end if (presents(2)=len(1)presents(3)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(2)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(3)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1;dem(1)=presents(2);dem(2)=presents(3);dem(3)=presents(1); return ; end end if (presents(3)=len(1)presents(2)=len(2)) ifall (hmap(x(1):x(1)+presents(3)-1,x(2):x(2)+presents(2)-1))... =hmap(x(1),x(2)) flag =1;dem(1)=presents(3);dem(2)=presents(2);dem(3)=presents(1); return ; end end function =find_min_height(map) %********************************************% %function:findthecoordinateofthelowestplaceandsearchthe %availablearea; %parameterintroduction:x:coordinate;h:lowestheight;len:sizeof %available %area; %*******************************************% = min (map); = min (a);x(2)=d;x(1)=b(d);h=c;len(1)=1;len(2)=1; while (x(1)+len(1)-1=1000map(x(1)+len(1)-1,x(2))=h)len(1)=len(1)+1; end len(1)=len(1)-1; while (x(2)+len(2)-1=1000 all (map(x(1):x(1)+len(1)-1,x(2)... +len(2)-1)=h))len(2)=len(2)+1; end len(2)=len(2)-1; function lhmap=fillmap(hmap,x,len) %*****************************************% %function:findthelowestheightofblockbordered,andfillthegiven %areatoraiseitbytheheight %parameter:hmap:originalheightmap; x:thecoordinateofpresenttobe %put; len:sizeofgivenarea; %****************************************% L=len(2); if x(1)==1x0=1; else x0=x(1)-1; end if x(1)+len(1)-1==1000x1=1000; else x1=x(1)+len(1); end if x(2)==1y0=1; else y0=x(2)-1; end if x(2)+len(2)-1==1000y1=1000; else y1=x(2)+len(2); end h=hmap(x(1),x(2))+65535; for i=x0:x1 for j=y0:y1 if hmap(i,j)˜=hmap(x(1),x(2))hmap(i,j)hh=hmap(i,j); endendend if x(1)˜=1 for i=x(2):x(2)+L-1 if hmap(x(1)-1,i)==hmap(x(1),i) L=i-x(2); break ; end endend if x(1)+len(1)-11000 for i=x(2):x(2)+L-1 if hmap(x(1)+len(1),i)==hmap(x(1)+len(1)-1,i) L=i-x(2); break ; end endend for i=x(1):x(1)+len(1)-1 for j=x(2):x(2)+L-1 if hmap(i,j)hhmap(i,j)=h; end endend lhmap=hmap;
个人分类: 论文写作|398 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2006 cumcm A题 特等奖论文?
foreverlilyer 2014-6-18 15:45
出版社资源配置的优化模型 江南大学 有没?
176 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2006 cumcm A题 特等奖论文?
foreverlilyer 2014-6-18 15:45
出版社资源配置的优化模型 江南大学 有没?
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分享 新手加入
◎贾老师 2014-5-17 14:57
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分享 想要一些全美建模优秀论文
KAIKAIKAI 2014-1-15 23:21
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分享 中文论文模式
风雪飘飘 2014-1-13 19:17
摘要 首先简要叙述所给问题的意义和要求,并分别分析每个小问题的特点 (以下以三个问题为例) 。根据这些特点我们对问题 1 用。。。。。。。。。。。。。的方法解决;对问题 2 用。。。。。。。。。。。。。的方法解决;对问题 3 用。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。的方法解 对于问题 1 ,我们用。。。。。。。。。。。。。数学中的。。。。。。。。。。。首先建立了。。。。。。。。。。模型 I 。。。。。。。。。在对。。。。。。。。。。模型改进的基础上建立了。。。。。。。。。。。。模型 II .。。。。。。。。对模型进行了合理的理论证明和推导,所给出的理论证明结果大约 为。。。。。。。。。。。。,然后借助于。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。数学算法和。。。。。。。。。。软件,对附件中所提供的数据进行了筛选, 去除异常数据 , 对残缺数据进行适当补充 , 并从中随机抽取了 3 组数据(每组 8 个采样)对理论结果进行了数据模拟,结果显示,理论结果与数据模拟结果吻合。(方法、软件、结果都必须清晰描述,可以独立成段,不建议使用表格)第 3 段)对于问题 2 ,我们用。。。。。。。 (第 4 段)对于问题 3 ,我们用。。。。。。。。 如果题目单问题,则至少要给出 2 种模型,分别给出模型的名称、思想、软件、结果、亮点详细说明。并且一定要在摘要对两个或两个以上模型进行比较,优势较大的放后面,这两个(模型)一定要有具体结果。 (第 5 段)如果在 „„ 条件下,模型可以进行适当修改,这种条件的改变可能来自你的一 种猜想或建议。要注意合理性。此推广模型可以不深入研究,也可以没有具体 结果。 关键词:本文使用到的模型名称、方法名称、特别是亮点一定要在关键字里出现, 5~7 个较合适。注:字数 700~1200 之间;摘要中必须将具体方法、结果写出来;摘要写满几乎 一页,不要超过一页。摘要是重中之重,必须严格执行! 页码: 1 (底居中) 一、问题重述(第二页起黑四号) 二、问题分析与模型的准备 主要是表达对题目的理解, 特别是对附件的数据进行必要分析、 描述(一般都有数据附件),这是需要提到分析数据的方法、理由。如果有多个小问题,可 以对每个小问题进行分别分析。 (假设有 3 个问题) ( 一 ) 问题 1 的分析 对问题 1 研究的意义的分析。 问题 1 属于。。。。。数学问题,对于解决此类问题一般数学方法的分析。 对附件中所给数据特点的分析。 对问题 1 所要求的结果进行分析。 由于以上原因,我们可以将首先建立一个。。。。。的数学模型 I, 然后将建立一个。。。。。。。的模型 II, 。。。。。。。。。。对结果分别进行预测,并将结果进行比较 ( 二 ) 问题 2 的分析 对问题 2 研究的意义的分析。 问题 2 属于。。。。。数学问题,对于解决此类问题一般数学方法的分析。 对附件中所给数据特点的分析。 对问题 2 所要求的结果进行分析。 由于以上原因,我们可以将首先建立一个。。。。。。的数学模型 I, 然后将建立一个。。。。。。。的模型 II, 。。。。。。。。对结果分别进行预测,并将结果进行比较 . 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 三、模型假设 ( 4 号黑体)(以下小 4 号) 1 假设题目所给的数据真实可靠; 2,3,4,5,6 注意:假设对整篇文章具有指导性,有时决定问题的难易。一定要注意假设的 某种角度合理性,不能乱编,完全偏离事实或与题目要求相抵触。注意罗列要工整。 四、定义与符号说明( 4 号黑体)(对文章中所用到的主要数学符号进行解释小 4 号)尽可能借鉴参考书上通常采用的符号,不宜自己乱定义符号,对于改进的一 些模型,符号可以适当自己修正(下标、上标、参数等可以变,主符号最好与经 典模型符号靠近)。对文章自己创新的名词需要特别解释。其他符号要进行说明,注意罗列要工整。如 “ijx ~第 i 种疗法的第 j 项指标值 ” 等,注意格式统一,不要出现零乱或前后不一致现象,关键是容易看懂。 五、模型的建立与求解 ( 4 号黑体) 第一部分:准备工作( 4 号宋体) (一)数据的处理数据全部缺失,不予考虑。 2 对数据测试的特点,如,周期等进行分析。 3 数据残缺,根据数据挖掘等理论根据。。。。。变化趋势进行补充。 4 对数据特点(后面将会用到的特征)进行提取。 (二)聚类分析(进行采样) 用。。。。。。。。。软件聚类分析和各个不同问题的需要,采得。组采样,每组 5-8 个采样值。将采样所对应的特征值进行列表或图示。 (二)预测的准备工作 根据数据特点,对总体和个体的特点进行比较,以表格或图示方式显示。 第二部分:问题 1 的。模型( 4 号宋体) (一)模型 I( 。。。。。。。。。。。的模型 ) 1. 该种模型的一般数学表达式,意义,和式中各种参数的意义。注明参考文献。 2. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。模型 I 的建立和求解( 1 )说明问题 1 适用用此模型来解决,并将模型进行改进以适应问 题 1 。。。。。。。。( 2 )借助准备工作中的采样,(用拟合等方法)确定出模型中的参 数。( 3 )给出问题 1 的数学模型 I 表达式和图形表示式。( 4 )给出误差分析的理论估计。 3. 模型 I 的数值模拟将模型 I 进行数值计算,并与附件中的真实采样值(进行列表或图 示)比较。对误差进行数据分析。 (二)模型 II( 。。。。。。。。。。的模型 ) 1. 该种模型的一般数学表达式,意义,和式中各种参数的意义。注明参考文献。 2. 。。。。。。。。。。。模型 II 的建立和求解( 1 ) 说明问题 1 适用用此模型来解决,并将模型进行改进以适应问 题 1 。( 2 ) 借助准备工作中的采样,通过确定出模型中的参数。 ( 3 ) 给出问题 1 的数学模型 I 表达式和图形表示式( 4 ) 给出误差分析的理论估计。 3. 模型 II 的数值模拟将模型 II 进行数值计算,并与附件中的真实采样值(进行列表或图 示)比较。对误差进行数据分析 (三)模型 III( 。。。。(四)问题 1 的三种数学模型的比较。 对三种模型的优点和缺点结合原始数据和模拟预测数据进行比较。给出 各自得优点和缺点。 第三部分:问题 2 的。。。。。。。。个模型( 4 号宋体)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 第四部分:问题 3 的。。。个模型( 4 号宋体) 六、模型评价与推广 对本文中的模型给出比较客观的评价,必须实事求是,有根据,以便评卷人参考。推广和优化,需要挖空心思,想出合理的、甚至可以合理改变题目给出的条件的、不一定可行但是具有一定想象空间的准理想的方法、模型。大胆、合理、心细。反复推敲,这段 500 字半页 左右的文字,可能决定生死存亡。) 七、参考文( 4 号黑体 ) ( 书写格式如下 ) 作者名 1, 作者名 2. 文章名字 . 杂志名字,年,卷(期):起始页码 - 结束页码 作者名 1, 作者名 2. 书名出版地:出版社,年,起始页码 - 结束页码 作者名 1, 作者名 2. 文章名字 . 年,卷(期):起始页码 - 结束页码,网页地 址。 李传鹏,什么是中国标准书号, http://www.ywtd.com.cn/mypage/page2.asp?pgid=51440pid=46275 , 2006-9-1 。 徐玖平、胡知能、李军,运筹学( II 类),北京:科学出版社, 2004 。 IshizukaY,AiyoshiE.Doublepenaltymethodforbileveloptimizationproblems.AnnalsofOperationsResearch,24:73-88 , 1992 。注意: 5 篇以上! 八、附件( 4 号黑体) (正文中不许出现程序,如果要附程序只能以附件形式给出) 2006 年数学建模评分参考标准
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九.尾 2013-12-12 14:20
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分享 苦逼的建模。。。
沈波 2013-12-10 16:23
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分享 2002年彩票优化问题优秀论文
紫轩馨梦雨 2013-9-4 21:10
摘要: 本问题要求我们建立一种优选的评价准则去评估各种彩票方案的合理性,关于彩票中奖与否涉及的因素较多,主要因素有中奖率、奖金额的设值、彩票的规则对彩民的吸引力等。题目要求我们对各种因素进行综合分析,评价出给定29种彩票方案的合理性,另外题目还要求设计出更好的方案,对管理部门给出合理化的建议。 对问题一,我们首先分别对“传统型”、“乐透单项型”、“乐透复合型”给出了不同的概率计算方法,计算出了各类彩票方案中各种奖项的中奖率并统计中奖概率总和;其次,通过综合分析建立了评价彩票发行方案合理性的目标函数——合理度 ,它是度量各种因素对彩民吸引力程度的函数。本文 通过层次分析法得到模型中涉及到的各因素的权重值 ,利用题目所给的数据通过向量的标准化得到各种因素的标准值 , 利用 Matlab 软件编程对大量的数据进行了处理。得出序号为4的方案为“传统型”的最优方案,序号为7的方案为“乐透型”的最优方案。 对问题二,应用问题一中计算出的权重值,建立了 合理的彩票发行方案的优化模型,通过 Matlab 软件编程计算得到:在不同彩票发行类型不同中奖概率和 前提下的彩票发行最优方案,如表所示: 浮动区间 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 最优方案 7/31 7 + 1/20 8/25 6+1/21 7/27 6+1/20 0.1114 0.1000 0.1253 0.1276 0.1558 0.1512 由表可知,适当提高 的浮动区间, 彩票的发行方案更合理,“更好”。 关键字: 层次分析,合理度,彩票,传统型,乐透型 1.问题重述 目前流行的彩票主要有“传统型”和“乐透型”两种类型。 “传统型”采用“ 10 选 6+1 ”方案:先从 6 组 0~9 号球中摇出 6 个基本号码,每组摇出一个,然后从 0~4 号球中摇出一个特别号码,构成中奖号码。根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少及顺序确定中奖等级。以中奖号码 “ abcdef+g ”为例说明中奖等级,如附录表一( X表示未选中的号码) 。 “乐透型”常有两种方式――单项型和复合型。单项型比如“ 33 选 7 ”的方案:先从 01~33 个号码球中一个一个地摇出 7 个基本号,再从剩余的 26 个号码球中摇出一个特别号码。投注者从 01~33 个号码中任选 7 个组成一注(不可重复),根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少确定相应的中奖等级,不考虑号码顺序。复合型又比如“ 36 选 6+1 ”的方案,先从 01~36 个号码球中一个一个地摇出 6 个基本号,再从剩下的 30 个号码球中摇出一个特别号码。从 01~36 个号码中任选 7 个组成一注(不可重复),根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少确定相应的中奖等级,不考虑号码顺序。这两种方案的中奖等级如附录一。 奖项的 总奖金 比例 一般为销售总额的 50% ,投注者单注金额为 2 元,单注若已得到高级别的奖就不再兼得低级别的奖。 现在常见的销售规则及相应的奖金设置方案如附录表三,其中一、二、三等奖为高项奖,后面的为低项奖。低项奖数额固定,高项奖按比例分配,但一等奖单注保底金额60万元,封顶金额500万元, 试分析各种不同彩票方案的合理性,并得到更好的彩票发行方案,给彩票管理部门提出建议。并且给报纸写一篇短文,供彩民参考。 2.定义、假设和符号说明 定义 : 1) “ 传统型 ” :采用 “10 选 6 + 1” 方案,由 6 个基本号码和 1 个特别号码组成,号码可重复,根据单注号码与中奖号码的个数和顺序确定中奖等级的一种彩票 ; 2) “ 乐透型 ” :采用 “m 选 n” ( mn )或 “m 选 n+1” 方案,方法较灵活,号码不可重复,不考虑号码顺序仅以中奖号码的个数来决定中奖等级的一种彩票 ; 3) 中奖面:对于发行的单注彩票获得的各奖项概率之和,它表示每注彩票中奖的可能性 ; 4) 高项奖,低项奖 : 高项奖的奖金额为浮动值,它与当期的销售总额有关系,且按比例分配。一般为一等奖、二等奖、三等奖;后面的奖项为低项奖,其单注奖金为固定值 ; 5) 奖池:对于某些特定金额的存储仓库,它包含每期最高奖项超出封顶的部分以及奖池的基金,如果最高奖项为空注,所有的最高奖项奖金额滚入奖池 ; 6) 合理度: 对于一种彩票实施方案各种指标的综合评定值,它的数值越大,相应的方案就越为合理; 假设: 1) 单注规定最高奖项为一等奖,次之为二等奖、三等奖,依次类推,不存在特等奖的情况 ; 2) 若已得到高级别的奖就不再兼得低级别的奖 ; 3) “ 传统型 ” 要求基本号码是连号, 如‘ xbcdxf ’表示与基本号码相符合的是‘ bcd ’, 首尾相连的情况视为不连续,如 ‘ axxxxf ’视 为无奖 ; 4) “传统型”的抽奖号码可以重复,而“乐透型”中不管是“ 7/33 ”还是“ 6+1/36 ”的形式,投注者的抽取号码不允许重复; 5) 单注投注金额为两元,总奖金一般为当期销售总额的 50 %,且此比例固定不变 ; 6) 低项奖单注奖金固定,高项奖金额按比例分配为浮动值,但一等奖单注保底金额 60 万元,封顶金额 500 万元 ; 7) 彩票形式多种多样,在此问题中,我们仅讨论 “ 传统型 ” 和 “ 乐透型 ” 两种 ; 8) 假定各个不同方案均是在公正公平的原则下实施,而且彩民购买和对奖的方便程度相同; 符号说明: :合理度,用来评价彩票发行方案合理性的目标函数; :各种因素对彩票合理度 的影响力; :各种因素对彩票合理度 的贡献权重; :各个奖项的中奖概率; :各个奖项 的设置及奖金(高项奖 为比例值,低项奖 为金额值); :彩票中奖的概率总和; :影响合理度的每一种因素的标准值; :彩票方案中设置的最低级奖项,也就是奖项数; :高项奖的奖项数; :合理度的几个影响因素通过两两比较得到的判断矩阵; :判断矩阵 的最大特征值; :判断矩阵 的一致性指标; 3.问题分析和模型建立 1 ) 各种奖项的概率计算 : 对于种类繁多的彩票,目前流行的主要有“传统型”和“乐透型”两种类型。 (1) 针对 “ 传统型 6+1 / 10” 的方案,由于基本号码是从 6 组 0~9 的数值中产生,并且 6 个基本号码允许重复,因此利用排列可以计算出各种中奖的概率 。 首先 列出 各种等级下可能出现的所有 状态 , 如下表: 表1传统型10选6+1 中奖等级 中奖状态 备注 一等奖 abcdef - g 选 7 中 6+1 二等奖 Abcdef 选 7 中 6 三等奖 abcde× , ×bcdef 选 7 中 5 四等奖 abcd×× , ×bcde× , a×cdef , ××cdef , abcd×f 选 7 中 4 五等奖 abc××× , ×bcd×× , ××cde× , ×××def , abc×e× , abc××f , ×bcd×f , a×cde× , a××def , ×b×def 选 7 中 3 六等奖 ab×××× , ×bc××× , ××cd×× , ×××de× , ××××ef , ab× d ×× , ab××ef , ab×××f , ×bc×e× , ×bc××f , a×cd×× , ××cd×f , a××de× , ×b×de× , ××c×ef , a×××ef , ×b××ef , ab× d ×f , ab×de× , ×bc×ef , a×cd×f , a×c×ef , ab ××e× 选 7 中 2 1:表中的×表示所选号码不是中奖号码。 2:表中的字母表示所选号码是中奖号码。 设 1~6 等奖的概率分别表示为 ,例如状态为‘ xbcdxf ’下的概率为 。因此 1~6 等奖的概率计算如下: = ; ; ; = ; = ; = (2) “乐透型”——常见有两种形式: 单项 型 和 复 合 型 。其中,单项 型 指 类似于 “33 选 7” 的形式, 摇奖摇出 7 个基本号码和 1 个特别号码,但彩民应从 33 个号码中选出 7 个号码作为一注。 而 复 合 型 指 类似于 “36 选 6+1” 的形式, 摇奖 有 6 个 基本号码 1 个 特别号码 ,彩民抽奖是从 36 个号码中出取 7 个号码, 单项式和 复 合式 都要求抽奖号码不可重复。判断彩民是否中奖以及中什么等级的奖项,主要看抽取的号码与基本号码和特别号码是否相符合以及相符合的个数。 对不同 游戏 规则, 可以 分别计算 各种等级奖项的 中奖概率(选 计算): a. 单项型彩票: 现以一注为单位 , 计算一注中奖的概率。考虑实际奖项等级规则,为简单起见 , 我们建立一个摸球模型 : 假设袋子里有 个球 , 其中有 个红球 ,1 个黄球和 个白球。 设 红球为中奖号码,黄球为特别号码,白球为其他号码。于是,每一注彩票就相当于一次从袋子中摸出 个球来,如果摸出 个红球,即为一等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球,即为二等奖;摸出个 红球、 1 个白球,即为三等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球、 1 个白球,即为四等奖;摸出 个红球、 2 个白球,即为五等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球、 2 个白球,为六等奖;摸出 个红球、 3 个白球,为七等奖 ,由于抽取的奖号不可重复,因此问题简化为摸球试验是不放回的,即一次从口袋里抽出 m 个球。 根据 以上简化的假设和摸球 模型, 由组合计算公式, 可以计算出各个奖 项等 级 的 中 奖 的概率 分别 为: 一等奖: ; 二等奖: ; 三等奖: ; 四等奖: ; 五等奖: ; 六等奖: ; 七等奖 : b.复合型彩票: 假设 从 n 个 号码的球中摇出 m 个基本号码,再 从 n-m 个号码的球中摇 出 1 个特别号码,各个 (m+1) 号码都不 可 重复。 彩民要从 n 个号码中选取 m+1 个号码,游戏规则是根据彩民的选号与中奖号码相符的个数评判出彩民的中奖等级,但是 复合 型 彩票 与单项型彩票最大的区别是彩民选号时特别号码要单独选取,即与 m 个号码分开选。并且彩民在特别号码与基本号码的选取中,可能出现交叉情形,例如在( 6+1 ) /36 中,‘●●●●○★ ●’与‘●●●●○○ ★’不符,而与‘●●●●○○’相符,因此只能算六等奖,非五等奖。 在计算概率时, 同样可以建立摸球试验:一个口袋中装有 n 个球,其中有 m 个红球(基本号码), 1 个黄球(特别号码), n-m-1 个白球(非中奖号),从口袋中一次摸出 m 个球,再从剩余 n-m 个球中摸出 1 个球(决定特别号码),因此样本空间总数为 。而各个奖项等级的可能状态数的计算根据组合原理得到,举两例说明: a )三等奖的概率计算(( 6+1 ) /36 ) 三等奖的状态为‘●●●●●○ ★’,样本空间总数为 ,该状态的所有可能数理解为从 6 个红球中取 5 个、 1 个黄球中取 1 个、剩余的 29 个白球中取 1 个白球的取法,共有 种取法,因此其概率为: 。 b )四等奖的概率计算(( 6+1 ) /36 ) 四等奖的状态为‘●●●●●○’,为了简化问题,首先将该状态分解为两种: ‘●●●●●★ ○或●’和‘●●●●●○ ○或●’,其组合数分别为 和 ,并且这两种状态不重叠,所以状态数为 + ,因此概率为: 同理分析,通过归纳分析,可以计算各个等级下的概率: 一等奖: ; 二等奖: ; 三等奖: ; 四等奖: ; 五等奖: ;六等奖: ; 七等奖: 由以上的分析,即可以计算得到 29 种不同方案的各个奖项的中奖概率 及中奖概率和 如 附 表 。 对附表一结果进行分析,奖项等级越高,其获奖的概率就越小,即中大奖的几率最小。这是为人们接受,合情合理的。而每个方案的概率和就代表了中奖面。这个值越大就表明中奖面越宽;反之,中奖面就会越窄。各个不同等级奖项的设置和中奖面的大小直接影响着彩民的购买彩票的情况。另外,由于我们在假设里面已经约定了各个不同方案均是在公正公平的原则下实施,而且彩民购买和对奖的方便程度相同 。因此,彩票对于彩民的吸引力就主要表现在中高奖的概率、高奖的金额以及中奖概率总和。据此,我们对于衡量各个不同方案的合理度建立模型。合理度作为目标函数,其他的有效因素都是变量。 2)模型建立 (1)模型一 彩票的发行方案(以下简称彩票方案)包括彩票类型(有传统型和乐透型,乐透型又分单项型和复合型),彩票总数码、中奖基本号码及特别号码的设置以及奖项、将金额的设置,这些设置又直接影响到彩票方案的中奖概率和,另外,彩票方案的奖项、金额设置以及中奖概率和又是吸引彩民购买彩票的关键因素。为了评价彩票发行方案的合理性,设定一目标函数值 ,称为合理度, 值越高说明彩票方案越合理。我们认为高项奖的奖金比例分配、低项奖的奖金金额和彩票方案的中奖概率和是影响彩票方案合理性的最直接因素,所以从根本上看,合理度 的计算和以下因素有关:(1)彩票方案中各个奖项 的设置及奖金 ( , 为彩票方案中设置的最低级奖项,也就是奖项数, 为高项奖的奖项数,高项奖中为 比例值,低项奖中 为金额值),(2)彩票中奖的概率总和 ,这和彩票方案所采用的中彩类型和奖项设置有关。我们用下面的式子形象的表示合理度 和各个因素的关系模型: (1) 式子中各因素不是简单的相加关系,他们彼此间的量纲是不同的,为了将各种因素的量纲统一起来寻求计算合理度 的目标函数,现作如下考虑: 就每一种因素设定一个标准值 ,将该种因素值 和相应标准值 的比值 作为该种因素 对彩票方案合理度目标函数的影响力 ,即 (2) 由此,彩票方案合理度的目标函数即为各种因素影响力 加权平均和。 上述 (I+1) 种因素的标准值 ,相应的对合理度 的影响力 。 由于各类不同的彩民对上述各种不同因素的取舍不同,那么各种因素对合理度 的值的贡献也不同,设置各个因素对合理度 的贡献权重为: ,现在,我们就可以得到确切的评价彩票方案合理度 目标函数: (3) 模型中 权重值 通过层次分析法得到 ,各种因素的标准值 可利用题目所给的数据通过向量的标准化得到, 本文的“模型的计算”中要分别加以计算。由于各种彩票方案的奖项、金额设置以及中奖概率和是已知的,所以利用模型一即可计算得到题中的所有方案的合理度 ,那么就可以知道提供的所有方案中那种方案最合理。 (2) 模型二 为了取得最合理彩票方案,要使得合理度 的目标函数达到最大值,即 (4) 在现实的彩票方案中,有以下的约束条件: a.前面已经分析,彩票方案的中奖概率总和和彩票方案的发行类型 、彩票总数码 、中奖基本号码 及特别号码的设置以及奖项 的设置有关。所以不同类型 中奖概率和应该是 等因素的函数,即: (5) b.高项奖的奖金比例和为1,所以模型中 (6) c.部分彩民热衷彩票,其心态是基于特大奖(一等奖)的诱惑,为了能够吸引这一部分彩民,方案必须使得一等奖的奖金要占高项奖总金额的大部分,设一等奖的奖金比例的合理区间为 ,可知,通常, ,所以 (7) d.相应的,除一等奖以外的其他高项奖的奖金比例也在某一合理区间内,可表示为 (8) e.要提高彩票方案的吸引力,就要提高彩票方案的中奖概率和,其最直接的方法就是增加奖项I,每一个低项奖的奖金金额同样要处于某一合理区间 ,允许低项奖的奖金金额为0,表示相应彩票方案中不设置该奖项。 (9) f.高一等奖项肯定要比低一等奖项的奖金金额高,这是显然的,由于高项奖和低项奖的量纲不一样,分两种情况处理,即: (10) g.模型一的假设,方案中奖项、奖金的设置以及中奖概率和与各因素对合理度 的影响力存在以下关系: (11) 综上所述,建立取得最合理彩票发行方案的目标规划模型: (12) 3. 模型的求解 1 )模型 1 的求解 根据前面建立的数学模型,我们可以得到确切的评价彩票方案合理度 的目标函数: (13) 下面分别计算影响度 和权重 。 (1)计算影响度 就每一种因素设定一个标准值 ,将该种因素值 和相应标准值 的比值 作为该种因素 对彩票方案合理度目标函数的影响力 ,即 (14) 利用向量的单位化就可以求得每一种因素中的各个值的影响力。 (15) 其中 ,是 维向量 的长度。 根据上述公式,即可得到任一个因素的标准值,从而得到 各种因素对合理度 的影响力 。 计算过程中对数据的统计: a 分“传统型”和“乐透型”两种情况分别处理; b 23组数据特殊,暂时取出不处理; c 设总的奖项数为7,其中高项奖数为3,对于某些方案为设全7个低项奖的情况,视其最后的几个最低的未设的奖项奖金金额为0; (2)用层次分析法计算权重 ,具体的算法如下所述: a.在认真分析 影响彩票方案合理度的各个直接因素(七种奖项)之间的关系后,我们 建立彩票方案的递阶层次结构: 图一彩票方案递阶层次结构 b.对同一层次的各个元素关于上一层次中某一准则的重要性进行两两比较,构造两两比较判断矩阵。在构造两两比较判断矩阵的过程中,按1~9比例标度对重要性程度进行赋值。 下表给出1~9标度的含义: 表2标度含义表 标度 含义 1 表示两个元素相比,具有同样重要性 3 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者稍重要 5 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者明显重要 7 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者强烈重要 9 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者极端重要 2,4,6,8 表示上述相邻判断的中间值 倒数 若元素 I 和元素j的重要性之比为a ij ,那么元素j和元素 I 的重要性之比为1/a ij 根据上述给出的标度含义表,对于任何一个准则,几个被比较元素通过两两比较就可以得到一个判断矩阵: ( 16 ) 其中, 就是 与 相对于 的重要性的比例标度。 c.根据得到的判断矩阵,我们采用“特征根法”来求解判断矩阵中被比较元素的排序权重向量。若矩阵 的最大特征值 对应的特征向量是 ,将所得到的 经归一化后就是要求的权重向量。 设 表示第 层上 个元素相对于总目标的排序权重向量,用 表示第 层上 个元素对第 层上第 个元素为准则的排序权重向量,其中不受 元素支配的元素权重取为零。那么第 层上元素对目标的总排序 为: ( 17 ) 对于本模型而言,我们认为高项奖比中奖面稍稍重要,中奖面比除高项奖外的中项奖稍稍重要,中项奖比低项奖稍重要,依据上述的层次分析方法,计算得到如下各个层次下的判断矩阵和其对应的排序权重向量、一致性指标: A 1 3 5 2 0.4729 1/3 1 3 1/2 0.1699 1/5 1/3 1 1/4 0.0729 1/2 2 4 1 0.2844 表3目标层的判断矩阵 表4准则层 的判断矩阵 1 3 0.75 1/3 1 0.25 1 2 3 4 0.4673 1/2 1 2 3 0.2772 1/3 1/2 1 2 0.1601 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 0.0954 表5 准则层 的判断矩阵 C 层对A的总排序 可用下表计算得: 表6合成排序 0.4729 0.1699 0.0729 0.2844 C 1 1 0 0 0 0.4729 C 2 0 0.75 0 0 0.1274 C 3 0 0.25 0 0 0.0425 C 4 0 0 0.4673 0 0.0341 C 5 0 0 0.2772 0 0.0202 C 6 0 0 0.1601 0 0.0117 C 7 0 0 0.0954 0 0.0069 C 8 0 0 0 1 0.2844 得到的 即为影响彩票方案合理度的各因素的权重: 表 7 各因素权重 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.4729 0.1274 0.0425 0.0341 0.0202 0.0117 0.0069 0.2844 根据多层一致性指标的计算方法 ( 18 ) 利用上面求得的各个层次的一致性比例,得到 ,符合递阶层次结构在 3 层水平以上的所有判断具有整体满意一致性的标准,即所得的排序权重向量是合理的。 由此,我们已经得到了 的值,那么就可以根据评价彩票方案合理度目标函数: (19) 分“传统型”和“乐透型”两种情况分别计算,在计算过程中,由于“传统型”的四种方案相差较小,单独对四种方案计算,无法得出结论,故在计算中加入“乐透型”的三种方案以协助计算。对不同类型的每一种方案,我们都可以计算出彩票方案的合理度 ,列表如下,然后根据合理度的大小来判断那种方案最优。 “传统型”: 表8“传统型”各方案合理度 序列号 1 2 3 4 合理度 0.2223 0.4120 0.4138 0.4243 “乐透型”: 表9“乐透型”各方案合理度 序列号 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 合理度 0.1655 0.1722 0.2594 0.2521 0.2521 0.2438 0.1562 序列号 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 合理度 0.1562 0.1534 0.1571 0.1523 0.1529 0.1497 0.2108 序列号 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 合理度 0.1510 0.2093 0.2227 0.2095 0.1627 0.1605 0.1965 序列号 27 28 29 合理度 0.2172 0.1568 0.1467 由表可知,对于“传统型”,4号方案最优,为 6+1/10, 其中一等奖比例为70%,二等奖比例为15%,三等奖比例为15%,四等奖奖金为300元,五等奖奖金为20元,六等奖奖金为5元。 对于“乐透型”,7号方案最优,为7/30,一等奖比例为65%,二等奖比例为15%,三等奖比例为20%,四等奖奖金为500元,五等奖奖金为50元,六等奖奖金为15元,七等奖奖金为5元。 另外从表可知,在基数一定的情况下(即 值相同),“乐透型”彩票方案中“单项式”方案要比“复合式”方案更好。 2 )问题二的求解: 对模型二的求解,以问题一的求解结果为前提,每一种因素的权重、标准值分别为模型一中计算得到的 ,模型二的未知变量比较多,模型二的计算过程: (1) 先要确定各个决策变量的合理浮动区间,如各奖项的奖金设置及中奖概率和的浮动区间,其浮动区间的设置存在认为主观因素的影响,即彩票发行部门有权对浮动区间的范围进行修改,本文先从提供的方案中总结各变量的大致浮动范围,如表 10 所示: 表 10 变量浮动区间 变量 浮动区间 :根据实际情况,上述约束条件 为离散序列 , 步进值在程序中体现。 (2) 利用穷举法,让 从 20 到 40 , 从 3 到 8 ,步进为 1 ,遍历上表中未知变量的浮动范围,以求得最大合理度,即最优彩票发行方案。因为有较多的未知变量,计算量非常大,所以将因素分为高项奖和低项奖进行分段遍历搜索:先固定低项奖的金额值,让高项奖金额比例浮动;然后固定计算得到的高项奖金额比例,计算低项奖的金额。这样可以大大地减少计算量,加快计算速度。 (3) 模型二的计算通过 matlab 编程实现,对于不同的变量浮动范围,该模型都可以很快的得到有最大合理度的方案。 通过上述的计算过程,即可求得彩票发行的最优方案,如表所示 ( 抽奖方式同“乐透型单项式”方案 ) 表 11 不同中奖面的最优方案 浮动区间 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 最优方案 7/31 7 + 1/20 8/25 6+1/21 7/27 6+1/20 0.75 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 800 800 800 800 800 800 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.1114 0.1000 0.1253 0.1276 0.1558 0.1512 不同的彩票发行部门对表 10 中的浮动范围有不同的取舍,我们可以修改上表 11 中的变量浮动范围,求得不同的最优方案:改变中奖面 的浮动范围,其他变量同表 10 ,计算结果如表 11 所示,从表 11 可知:适当提高中奖面 的浮动范围,彩票发行方案更合理。 由上述分析可知,基于彩票发行单位的不同要求,有不同的变量浮动范围,可得出不同的最优方案。变量的约束条件可根据彩票发行单位的意愿决定,该模型可以很快为彩票发行部门求得不同约束条件下的最优方案。 4.模型的优缺点及改进方向 优点: 1) 本文模型充分考虑了影响彩票发行方案的各个因素,提出了合理度 的值来映射彩票发行方案的合理性,计算结果显示了本文模型的合理性。 2) 本文利用层次分析法来计算各个因素对于合理度 的权重,有效地减少了人为主观因素对模型的影响,得到了较为可信的权重值。 3) 对模型二的计算过程中,本文采用了分段搜索的方法,大大减少了计算量,很快计算出结果,所以利用本文的合理度优化模型,彩票发行中心可以根据主观愿望方便的修改各因素的浮动范围,很快地得到具体的彩票发行最优方案。 缺点: 由于缺乏某些现实统计数据的支持,使得人为主观因素在模型的建立计算过程中的影响显得较为关键,但是,我们利用向量标准化、层次分析法等科学方法有效地减少了人为主观因素的影响。如,计算权重过程中, 一致性比例 ,符合递阶层次结构在3层水平以上的所有判断具有整体满意一致性的标准,即所得的排序权重向量是合理的。 模型的改进: 1) 每注彩票有其期望效益 , 依赖两个因素: (1) 各个奖级的中奖概率 ,(2)各个奖级的奖金数额 。则每注彩票的期望效益 表示为: 。 因为单注彩票的价格为2元,彩票的奖金返还率为50%,所以,从总体上来说,每一注彩票的理论期望值应该是1元。那么,彩票方案的单注彩票期望效益越接近1说明该方案越合理,越吸引人。模型的设计最好将彩票的期望效益考虑进来,期望效益的计算需要各个奖级的奖金数额 的大量数据,但我们不能在短时间之内取得相应的大量数据。在得到大量现实统计数据的前提下,建模考虑期望效益对方案合理度的影响,便可使得模型更加合理完善。 2) 彩民对号码数字的喜好程度不一样,如国内存在喜好“8”、“6”,厌恶“4”的情况,人为地造成每个数码在彩票中出现的不等概性。如果取得这些统计数据,建立的模型会更加合理。 参考文献 【1 】王沫然,MATLAB6 . 0与科学计算,北京,电子工业出版社,2001 【2】云舟工作室,MATLAB数学建模基础教程,北京,人民邮电出版社,2001 【3】姜启源等,数学实验,高等教育出版社,1999 【4】梅长林,王宁,周家良,概率论和数理统计,西安,西安交通大学出版社,2001 【5】王莲芬,许树伯,层次分析发引论,北京,中国人民大学出版社,1990
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分享 2002年彩票优化问题优秀论文
紫轩馨梦雨 2013-9-4 21:09
摘要: 本问题要求我们建立一种优选的评价准则去评估各种彩票方案的合理性,关于彩票中奖与否涉及的因素较多,主要因素有中奖率、奖金额的设值、彩票的规则对彩民的吸引力等。题目要求我们对各种因素进行综合分析,评价出给定29种彩票方案的合理性,另外题目还要求设计出更好的方案,对管理部门给出合理化的建议。 对问题一,我们首先分别对“传统型”、“乐透单项型”、“乐透复合型”给出了不同的概率计算方法,计算出了各类彩票方案中各种奖项的中奖率并统计中奖概率总和;其次,通过综合分析建立了评价彩票发行方案合理性的目标函数——合理度 ,它是度量各种因素对彩民吸引力程度的函数。本文 通过层次分析法得到模型中涉及到的各因素的权重值 ,利用题目所给的数据通过向量的标准化得到各种因素的标准值 , 利用 Matlab 软件编程对大量的数据进行了处理。得出序号为4的方案为“传统型”的最优方案,序号为7的方案为“乐透型”的最优方案。 对问题二,应用问题一中计算出的权重值,建立了 合理的彩票发行方案的优化模型,通过 Matlab 软件编程计算得到:在不同彩票发行类型不同中奖概率和 前提下的彩票发行最优方案,如表所示: 浮动区间 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 最优方案 7/31 7 + 1/20 8/25 6+1/21 7/27 6+1/20 0.1114 0.1000 0.1253 0.1276 0.1558 0.1512 由表可知,适当提高 的浮动区间, 彩票的发行方案更合理,“更好”。 关键字: 层次分析,合理度,彩票,传统型,乐透型 1.问题重述 目前流行的彩票主要有“传统型”和“乐透型”两种类型。 “传统型”采用“ 10 选 6+1 ”方案:先从 6 组 0~9 号球中摇出 6 个基本号码,每组摇出一个,然后从 0~4 号球中摇出一个特别号码,构成中奖号码。根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少及顺序确定中奖等级。以中奖号码 “ abcdef+g ”为例说明中奖等级,如附录表一( X表示未选中的号码) 。 “乐透型”常有两种方式――单项型和复合型。单项型比如“ 33 选 7 ”的方案:先从 01~33 个号码球中一个一个地摇出 7 个基本号,再从剩余的 26 个号码球中摇出一个特别号码。投注者从 01~33 个号码中任选 7 个组成一注(不可重复),根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少确定相应的中奖等级,不考虑号码顺序。复合型又比如“ 36 选 6+1 ”的方案,先从 01~36 个号码球中一个一个地摇出 6 个基本号,再从剩下的 30 个号码球中摇出一个特别号码。从 01~36 个号码中任选 7 个组成一注(不可重复),根据单注号码与中奖号码相符的个数多少确定相应的中奖等级,不考虑号码顺序。这两种方案的中奖等级如附录一。 奖项的 总奖金 比例 一般为销售总额的 50% ,投注者单注金额为 2 元,单注若已得到高级别的奖就不再兼得低级别的奖。 现在常见的销售规则及相应的奖金设置方案如附录表三,其中一、二、三等奖为高项奖,后面的为低项奖。低项奖数额固定,高项奖按比例分配,但一等奖单注保底金额60万元,封顶金额500万元, 试分析各种不同彩票方案的合理性,并得到更好的彩票发行方案,给彩票管理部门提出建议。并且给报纸写一篇短文,供彩民参考。 2.定义、假设和符号说明 定义 : 1) “ 传统型 ” :采用 “10 选 6 + 1” 方案,由 6 个基本号码和 1 个特别号码组成,号码可重复,根据单注号码与中奖号码的个数和顺序确定中奖等级的一种彩票 ; 2) “ 乐透型 ” :采用 “m 选 n” ( mn )或 “m 选 n+1” 方案,方法较灵活,号码不可重复,不考虑号码顺序仅以中奖号码的个数来决定中奖等级的一种彩票 ; 3) 中奖面:对于发行的单注彩票获得的各奖项概率之和,它表示每注彩票中奖的可能性 ; 4) 高项奖,低项奖 : 高项奖的奖金额为浮动值,它与当期的销售总额有关系,且按比例分配。一般为一等奖、二等奖、三等奖;后面的奖项为低项奖,其单注奖金为固定值 ; 5) 奖池:对于某些特定金额的存储仓库,它包含每期最高奖项超出封顶的部分以及奖池的基金,如果最高奖项为空注,所有的最高奖项奖金额滚入奖池 ; 6) 合理度: 对于一种彩票实施方案各种指标的综合评定值,它的数值越大,相应的方案就越为合理; 假设: 1) 单注规定最高奖项为一等奖,次之为二等奖、三等奖,依次类推,不存在特等奖的情况 ; 2) 若已得到高级别的奖就不再兼得低级别的奖 ; 3) “ 传统型 ” 要求基本号码是连号, 如‘ xbcdxf ’表示与基本号码相符合的是‘ bcd ’, 首尾相连的情况视为不连续,如 ‘ axxxxf ’视 为无奖 ; 4) “传统型”的抽奖号码可以重复,而“乐透型”中不管是“ 7/33 ”还是“ 6+1/36 ”的形式,投注者的抽取号码不允许重复; 5) 单注投注金额为两元,总奖金一般为当期销售总额的 50 %,且此比例固定不变 ; 6) 低项奖单注奖金固定,高项奖金额按比例分配为浮动值,但一等奖单注保底金额 60 万元,封顶金额 500 万元 ; 7) 彩票形式多种多样,在此问题中,我们仅讨论 “ 传统型 ” 和 “ 乐透型 ” 两种 ; 8) 假定各个不同方案均是在公正公平的原则下实施,而且彩民购买和对奖的方便程度相同; 符号说明: :合理度,用来评价彩票发行方案合理性的目标函数; :各种因素对彩票合理度 的影响力; :各种因素对彩票合理度 的贡献权重; :各个奖项的中奖概率; :各个奖项 的设置及奖金(高项奖 为比例值,低项奖 为金额值); :彩票中奖的概率总和; :影响合理度的每一种因素的标准值; :彩票方案中设置的最低级奖项,也就是奖项数; :高项奖的奖项数; :合理度的几个影响因素通过两两比较得到的判断矩阵; :判断矩阵 的最大特征值; :判断矩阵 的一致性指标; 3.问题分析和模型建立 1 ) 各种奖项的概率计算 : 对于种类繁多的彩票,目前流行的主要有“传统型”和“乐透型”两种类型。 (1) 针对 “ 传统型 6+1 / 10” 的方案,由于基本号码是从 6 组 0~9 的数值中产生,并且 6 个基本号码允许重复,因此利用排列可以计算出各种中奖的概率 。 首先 列出 各种等级下可能出现的所有 状态 , 如下表: 表1传统型10选6+1 中奖等级 中奖状态 备注 一等奖 abcdef - g 选 7 中 6+1 二等奖 Abcdef 选 7 中 6 三等奖 abcde× , ×bcdef 选 7 中 5 四等奖 abcd×× , ×bcde× , a×cdef , ××cdef , abcd×f 选 7 中 4 五等奖 abc××× , ×bcd×× , ××cde× , ×××def , abc×e× , abc××f , ×bcd×f , a×cde× , a××def , ×b×def 选 7 中 3 六等奖 ab×××× , ×bc××× , ××cd×× , ×××de× , ××××ef , ab× d ×× , ab××ef , ab×××f , ×bc×e× , ×bc××f , a×cd×× , ××cd×f , a××de× , ×b×de× , ××c×ef , a×××ef , ×b××ef , ab× d ×f , ab×de× , ×bc×ef , a×cd×f , a×c×ef , ab ××e× 选 7 中 2 1:表中的×表示所选号码不是中奖号码。 2:表中的字母表示所选号码是中奖号码。 设 1~6 等奖的概率分别表示为 ,例如状态为‘ xbcdxf ’下的概率为 。因此 1~6 等奖的概率计算如下: = ; ; ; = ; = ; = (2) “乐透型”——常见有两种形式: 单项 型 和 复 合 型 。其中,单项 型 指 类似于 “33 选 7” 的形式, 摇奖摇出 7 个基本号码和 1 个特别号码,但彩民应从 33 个号码中选出 7 个号码作为一注。 而 复 合 型 指 类似于 “36 选 6+1” 的形式, 摇奖 有 6 个 基本号码 1 个 特别号码 ,彩民抽奖是从 36 个号码中出取 7 个号码, 单项式和 复 合式 都要求抽奖号码不可重复。判断彩民是否中奖以及中什么等级的奖项,主要看抽取的号码与基本号码和特别号码是否相符合以及相符合的个数。 对不同 游戏 规则, 可以 分别计算 各种等级奖项的 中奖概率(选 计算): a. 单项型彩票: 现以一注为单位 , 计算一注中奖的概率。考虑实际奖项等级规则,为简单起见 , 我们建立一个摸球模型 : 假设袋子里有 个球 , 其中有 个红球 ,1 个黄球和 个白球。 设 红球为中奖号码,黄球为特别号码,白球为其他号码。于是,每一注彩票就相当于一次从袋子中摸出 个球来,如果摸出 个红球,即为一等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球,即为二等奖;摸出个 红球、 1 个白球,即为三等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球、 1 个白球,即为四等奖;摸出 个红球、 2 个白球,即为五等奖;摸出 个红球、 1 个黄球、 2 个白球,为六等奖;摸出 个红球、 3 个白球,为七等奖 ,由于抽取的奖号不可重复,因此问题简化为摸球试验是不放回的,即一次从口袋里抽出 m 个球。 根据 以上简化的假设和摸球 模型, 由组合计算公式, 可以计算出各个奖 项等 级 的 中 奖 的概率 分别 为: 一等奖: ; 二等奖: ; 三等奖: ; 四等奖: ; 五等奖: ; 六等奖: ; 七等奖 : b.复合型彩票: 假设 从 n 个 号码的球中摇出 m 个基本号码,再 从 n-m 个号码的球中摇 出 1 个特别号码,各个 (m+1) 号码都不 可 重复。 彩民要从 n 个号码中选取 m+1 个号码,游戏规则是根据彩民的选号与中奖号码相符的个数评判出彩民的中奖等级,但是 复合 型 彩票 与单项型彩票最大的区别是彩民选号时特别号码要单独选取,即与 m 个号码分开选。并且彩民在特别号码与基本号码的选取中,可能出现交叉情形,例如在( 6+1 ) /36 中,‘●●●●○★ ●’与‘●●●●○○ ★’不符,而与‘●●●●○○’相符,因此只能算六等奖,非五等奖。 在计算概率时, 同样可以建立摸球试验:一个口袋中装有 n 个球,其中有 m 个红球(基本号码), 1 个黄球(特别号码), n-m-1 个白球(非中奖号),从口袋中一次摸出 m 个球,再从剩余 n-m 个球中摸出 1 个球(决定特别号码),因此样本空间总数为 。而各个奖项等级的可能状态数的计算根据组合原理得到,举两例说明: a )三等奖的概率计算(( 6+1 ) /36 ) 三等奖的状态为‘●●●●●○ ★’,样本空间总数为 ,该状态的所有可能数理解为从 6 个红球中取 5 个、 1 个黄球中取 1 个、剩余的 29 个白球中取 1 个白球的取法,共有 种取法,因此其概率为: 。 b )四等奖的概率计算(( 6+1 ) /36 ) 四等奖的状态为‘●●●●●○’,为了简化问题,首先将该状态分解为两种: ‘●●●●●★ ○或●’和‘●●●●●○ ○或●’,其组合数分别为 和 ,并且这两种状态不重叠,所以状态数为 + ,因此概率为: 同理分析,通过归纳分析,可以计算各个等级下的概率: 一等奖: ; 二等奖: ; 三等奖: ; 四等奖: ; 五等奖: ;六等奖: ; 七等奖: 由以上的分析,即可以计算得到 29 种不同方案的各个奖项的中奖概率 及中奖概率和 如 附 表 。 对附表一结果进行分析,奖项等级越高,其获奖的概率就越小,即中大奖的几率最小。这是为人们接受,合情合理的。而每个方案的概率和就代表了中奖面。这个值越大就表明中奖面越宽;反之,中奖面就会越窄。各个不同等级奖项的设置和中奖面的大小直接影响着彩民的购买彩票的情况。另外,由于我们在假设里面已经约定了各个不同方案均是在公正公平的原则下实施,而且彩民购买和对奖的方便程度相同 。因此,彩票对于彩民的吸引力就主要表现在中高奖的概率、高奖的金额以及中奖概率总和。据此,我们对于衡量各个不同方案的合理度建立模型。合理度作为目标函数,其他的有效因素都是变量。 2)模型建立 (1)模型一 彩票的发行方案(以下简称彩票方案)包括彩票类型(有传统型和乐透型,乐透型又分单项型和复合型),彩票总数码、中奖基本号码及特别号码的设置以及奖项、将金额的设置,这些设置又直接影响到彩票方案的中奖概率和,另外,彩票方案的奖项、金额设置以及中奖概率和又是吸引彩民购买彩票的关键因素。为了评价彩票发行方案的合理性,设定一目标函数值 ,称为合理度, 值越高说明彩票方案越合理。我们认为高项奖的奖金比例分配、低项奖的奖金金额和彩票方案的中奖概率和是影响彩票方案合理性的最直接因素,所以从根本上看,合理度 的计算和以下因素有关:(1)彩票方案中各个奖项 的设置及奖金 ( , 为彩票方案中设置的最低级奖项,也就是奖项数, 为高项奖的奖项数,高项奖中为 比例值,低项奖中 为金额值),(2)彩票中奖的概率总和 ,这和彩票方案所采用的中彩类型和奖项设置有关。我们用下面的式子形象的表示合理度 和各个因素的关系模型: (1) 式子中各因素不是简单的相加关系,他们彼此间的量纲是不同的,为了将各种因素的量纲统一起来寻求计算合理度 的目标函数,现作如下考虑: 就每一种因素设定一个标准值 ,将该种因素值 和相应标准值 的比值 作为该种因素 对彩票方案合理度目标函数的影响力 ,即 (2) 由此,彩票方案合理度的目标函数即为各种因素影响力 加权平均和。 上述 (I+1) 种因素的标准值 ,相应的对合理度 的影响力 。 由于各类不同的彩民对上述各种不同因素的取舍不同,那么各种因素对合理度 的值的贡献也不同,设置各个因素对合理度 的贡献权重为: ,现在,我们就可以得到确切的评价彩票方案合理度 目标函数: (3) 模型中 权重值 通过层次分析法得到 ,各种因素的标准值 可利用题目所给的数据通过向量的标准化得到, 本文的“模型的计算”中要分别加以计算。由于各种彩票方案的奖项、金额设置以及中奖概率和是已知的,所以利用模型一即可计算得到题中的所有方案的合理度 ,那么就可以知道提供的所有方案中那种方案最合理。 (2) 模型二 为了取得最合理彩票方案,要使得合理度 的目标函数达到最大值,即 (4) 在现实的彩票方案中,有以下的约束条件: a.前面已经分析,彩票方案的中奖概率总和和彩票方案的发行类型 、彩票总数码 、中奖基本号码 及特别号码的设置以及奖项 的设置有关。所以不同类型 中奖概率和应该是 等因素的函数,即: (5) b.高项奖的奖金比例和为1,所以模型中 (6) c.部分彩民热衷彩票,其心态是基于特大奖(一等奖)的诱惑,为了能够吸引这一部分彩民,方案必须使得一等奖的奖金要占高项奖总金额的大部分,设一等奖的奖金比例的合理区间为 ,可知,通常, ,所以 (7) d.相应的,除一等奖以外的其他高项奖的奖金比例也在某一合理区间内,可表示为 (8) e.要提高彩票方案的吸引力,就要提高彩票方案的中奖概率和,其最直接的方法就是增加奖项I,每一个低项奖的奖金金额同样要处于某一合理区间 ,允许低项奖的奖金金额为0,表示相应彩票方案中不设置该奖项。 (9) f.高一等奖项肯定要比低一等奖项的奖金金额高,这是显然的,由于高项奖和低项奖的量纲不一样,分两种情况处理,即: (10) g.模型一的假设,方案中奖项、奖金的设置以及中奖概率和与各因素对合理度 的影响力存在以下关系: (11) 综上所述,建立取得最合理彩票发行方案的目标规划模型: (12) 3. 模型的求解 1 )模型 1 的求解 根据前面建立的数学模型,我们可以得到确切的评价彩票方案合理度 的目标函数: (13) 下面分别计算影响度 和权重 。 (1)计算影响度 就每一种因素设定一个标准值 ,将该种因素值 和相应标准值 的比值 作为该种因素 对彩票方案合理度目标函数的影响力 ,即 (14) 利用向量的单位化就可以求得每一种因素中的各个值的影响力。 (15) 其中 ,是 维向量 的长度。 根据上述公式,即可得到任一个因素的标准值,从而得到 各种因素对合理度 的影响力 。 计算过程中对数据的统计: a 分“传统型”和“乐透型”两种情况分别处理; b 23组数据特殊,暂时取出不处理; c 设总的奖项数为7,其中高项奖数为3,对于某些方案为设全7个低项奖的情况,视其最后的几个最低的未设的奖项奖金金额为0; (2)用层次分析法计算权重 ,具体的算法如下所述: a.在认真分析 影响彩票方案合理度的各个直接因素(七种奖项)之间的关系后,我们 建立彩票方案的递阶层次结构: 图一彩票方案递阶层次结构 b.对同一层次的各个元素关于上一层次中某一准则的重要性进行两两比较,构造两两比较判断矩阵。在构造两两比较判断矩阵的过程中,按1~9比例标度对重要性程度进行赋值。 下表给出1~9标度的含义: 表2标度含义表 标度 含义 1 表示两个元素相比,具有同样重要性 3 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者稍重要 5 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者明显重要 7 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者强烈重要 9 表示两个元素相比,前者比后者极端重要 2,4,6,8 表示上述相邻判断的中间值 倒数 若元素 I 和元素j的重要性之比为a ij ,那么元素j和元素 I 的重要性之比为1/a ij 根据上述给出的标度含义表,对于任何一个准则,几个被比较元素通过两两比较就可以得到一个判断矩阵: ( 16 ) 其中, 就是 与 相对于 的重要性的比例标度。 c.根据得到的判断矩阵,我们采用“特征根法”来求解判断矩阵中被比较元素的排序权重向量。若矩阵 的最大特征值 对应的特征向量是 ,将所得到的 经归一化后就是要求的权重向量。 设 表示第 层上 个元素相对于总目标的排序权重向量,用 表示第 层上 个元素对第 层上第 个元素为准则的排序权重向量,其中不受 元素支配的元素权重取为零。那么第 层上元素对目标的总排序 为: ( 17 ) 对于本模型而言,我们认为高项奖比中奖面稍稍重要,中奖面比除高项奖外的中项奖稍稍重要,中项奖比低项奖稍重要,依据上述的层次分析方法,计算得到如下各个层次下的判断矩阵和其对应的排序权重向量、一致性指标: A 1 3 5 2 0.4729 1/3 1 3 1/2 0.1699 1/5 1/3 1 1/4 0.0729 1/2 2 4 1 0.2844 表3目标层的判断矩阵 表4准则层 的判断矩阵 1 3 0.75 1/3 1 0.25 1 2 3 4 0.4673 1/2 1 2 3 0.2772 1/3 1/2 1 2 0.1601 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 0.0954 表5 准则层 的判断矩阵 C 层对A的总排序 可用下表计算得: 表6合成排序 0.4729 0.1699 0.0729 0.2844 C 1 1 0 0 0 0.4729 C 2 0 0.75 0 0 0.1274 C 3 0 0.25 0 0 0.0425 C 4 0 0 0.4673 0 0.0341 C 5 0 0 0.2772 0 0.0202 C 6 0 0 0.1601 0 0.0117 C 7 0 0 0.0954 0 0.0069 C 8 0 0 0 1 0.2844 得到的 即为影响彩票方案合理度的各因素的权重: 表 7 各因素权重 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.4729 0.1274 0.0425 0.0341 0.0202 0.0117 0.0069 0.2844 根据多层一致性指标的计算方法 ( 18 ) 利用上面求得的各个层次的一致性比例,得到 ,符合递阶层次结构在 3 层水平以上的所有判断具有整体满意一致性的标准,即所得的排序权重向量是合理的。 由此,我们已经得到了 的值,那么就可以根据评价彩票方案合理度目标函数: (19) 分“传统型”和“乐透型”两种情况分别计算,在计算过程中,由于“传统型”的四种方案相差较小,单独对四种方案计算,无法得出结论,故在计算中加入“乐透型”的三种方案以协助计算。对不同类型的每一种方案,我们都可以计算出彩票方案的合理度 ,列表如下,然后根据合理度的大小来判断那种方案最优。 “传统型”: 表8“传统型”各方案合理度 序列号 1 2 3 4 合理度 0.2223 0.4120 0.4138 0.4243 “乐透型”: 表9“乐透型”各方案合理度 序列号 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 合理度 0.1655 0.1722 0.2594 0.2521 0.2521 0.2438 0.1562 序列号 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 合理度 0.1562 0.1534 0.1571 0.1523 0.1529 0.1497 0.2108 序列号 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 合理度 0.1510 0.2093 0.2227 0.2095 0.1627 0.1605 0.1965 序列号 27 28 29 合理度 0.2172 0.1568 0.1467 由表可知,对于“传统型”,4号方案最优,为 6+1/10, 其中一等奖比例为70%,二等奖比例为15%,三等奖比例为15%,四等奖奖金为300元,五等奖奖金为20元,六等奖奖金为5元。 对于“乐透型”,7号方案最优,为7/30,一等奖比例为65%,二等奖比例为15%,三等奖比例为20%,四等奖奖金为500元,五等奖奖金为50元,六等奖奖金为15元,七等奖奖金为5元。 另外从表可知,在基数一定的情况下(即 值相同),“乐透型”彩票方案中“单项式”方案要比“复合式”方案更好。 2 )问题二的求解: 对模型二的求解,以问题一的求解结果为前提,每一种因素的权重、标准值分别为模型一中计算得到的 ,模型二的未知变量比较多,模型二的计算过程: (1) 先要确定各个决策变量的合理浮动区间,如各奖项的奖金设置及中奖概率和的浮动区间,其浮动区间的设置存在认为主观因素的影响,即彩票发行部门有权对浮动区间的范围进行修改,本文先从提供的方案中总结各变量的大致浮动范围,如表 10 所示: 表 10 变量浮动区间 变量 浮动区间 :根据实际情况,上述约束条件 为离散序列 , 步进值在程序中体现。 (2) 利用穷举法,让 从 20 到 40 , 从 3 到 8 ,步进为 1 ,遍历上表中未知变量的浮动范围,以求得最大合理度,即最优彩票发行方案。因为有较多的未知变量,计算量非常大,所以将因素分为高项奖和低项奖进行分段遍历搜索:先固定低项奖的金额值,让高项奖金额比例浮动;然后固定计算得到的高项奖金额比例,计算低项奖的金额。这样可以大大地减少计算量,加快计算速度。 (3) 模型二的计算通过 matlab 编程实现,对于不同的变量浮动范围,该模型都可以很快的得到有最大合理度的方案。 通过上述的计算过程,即可求得彩票发行的最优方案,如表所示 ( 抽奖方式同“乐透型单项式”方案 ) 表 11 不同中奖面的最优方案 浮动区间 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 单项式 复合式 最优方案 7/31 7 + 1/20 8/25 6+1/21 7/27 6+1/20 0.75 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 800 800 800 800 800 800 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.1114 0.1000 0.1253 0.1276 0.1558 0.1512 不同的彩票发行部门对表 10 中的浮动范围有不同的取舍,我们可以修改上表 11 中的变量浮动范围,求得不同的最优方案:改变中奖面 的浮动范围,其他变量同表 10 ,计算结果如表 11 所示,从表 11 可知:适当提高中奖面 的浮动范围,彩票发行方案更合理。 由上述分析可知,基于彩票发行单位的不同要求,有不同的变量浮动范围,可得出不同的最优方案。变量的约束条件可根据彩票发行单位的意愿决定,该模型可以很快为彩票发行部门求得不同约束条件下的最优方案。 4.模型的优缺点及改进方向 优点: 1) 本文模型充分考虑了影响彩票发行方案的各个因素,提出了合理度 的值来映射彩票发行方案的合理性,计算结果显示了本文模型的合理性。 2) 本文利用层次分析法来计算各个因素对于合理度 的权重,有效地减少了人为主观因素对模型的影响,得到了较为可信的权重值。 3) 对模型二的计算过程中,本文采用了分段搜索的方法,大大减少了计算量,很快计算出结果,所以利用本文的合理度优化模型,彩票发行中心可以根据主观愿望方便的修改各因素的浮动范围,很快地得到具体的彩票发行最优方案。 缺点: 由于缺乏某些现实统计数据的支持,使得人为主观因素在模型的建立计算过程中的影响显得较为关键,但是,我们利用向量标准化、层次分析法等科学方法有效地减少了人为主观因素的影响。如,计算权重过程中, 一致性比例 ,符合递阶层次结构在3层水平以上的所有判断具有整体满意一致性的标准,即所得的排序权重向量是合理的。 模型的改进: 1) 每注彩票有其期望效益 , 依赖两个因素: (1) 各个奖级的中奖概率 ,(2)各个奖级的奖金数额 。则每注彩票的期望效益 表示为: 。 因为单注彩票的价格为2元,彩票的奖金返还率为50%,所以,从总体上来说,每一注彩票的理论期望值应该是1元。那么,彩票方案的单注彩票期望效益越接近1说明该方案越合理,越吸引人。模型的设计最好将彩票的期望效益考虑进来,期望效益的计算需要各个奖级的奖金数额 的大量数据,但我们不能在短时间之内取得相应的大量数据。在得到大量现实统计数据的前提下,建模考虑期望效益对方案合理度的影响,便可使得模型更加合理完善。 2) 彩民对号码数字的喜好程度不一样,如国内存在喜好“8”、“6”,厌恶“4”的情况,人为地造成每个数码在彩票中出现的不等概性。如果取得这些统计数据,建立的模型会更加合理。 参考文献 【1 】王沫然,MATLAB6 . 0与科学计算,北京,电子工业出版社,2001 【2】云舟工作室,MATLAB数学建模基础教程,北京,人民邮电出版社,2001 【3】姜启源等,数学实验,高等教育出版社,1999 【4】梅长林,王宁,周家良,概率论和数理统计,西安,西安交通大学出版社,2001 【5】王莲芬,许树伯,层次分析发引论,北京,中国人民大学出版社,1990
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分享 终于完成了论文初稿
chen675103379 2013-8-31 11:23
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苦行者 2013-8-17 08:07
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分享 论文完稿日心情
chen675103379 2013-7-27 19:12
经过一下午的奋战,终于将论文修改完毕了。 怎么说呢,这片论文写了6天了,不知怎样,感觉比第一篇论文好多了,至少有数学建模论文的样子。 还有就是吐下糟,它究竟怎么想的哦,机房不是免费网吧,自己不懂的知识又多,还不抓紧时间学习,搞的氛围都不好了。实在不行就拆了吧。
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liwenhui 2013-5-10 12:51
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ottiou 2013-5-4 17:45
TheUMAPJournalPublisher COMAP, Inc.Vol. 3?, No.??Executive Publisher Solomon A. Garfunkel ILAP Editor Chris Arney Dept. of Math’l Sciences U.S. Military Academy West Point, NY 10996david.arney@usma.eduOn Jargon Editor Yves Nievergelt Dept. of Mathematics Eastern Washington Univ. Cheney, WA 99004ynievergelt@ewu.eduReviews Editor James M. Cargal Mathematics Dept. Troy University— Montgomery Campus 231 Montgomery St. Montgomery, AL 36104jmcargal@sprintmail.comChief Operating Of?cer Laurie W. Arag′on Production Manager George Ward Copy Editor Julia Collins Distribution John Tomicek Editor Paul J. Campbell Beloit College 700 College St. Beloit, WI 53511–5595 campbell@beloit.edu Associate Editors Don Adolphson Aaron Archer Chris Arney Ron Barnes Arthur Benjamin Robert Bosch James M. Cargal Murray K. Clayton Lisette De Pillis James P. Fink Solomon A. Garfunkel William B. Gearhart William C. Giauque Richard Haberman Jon Jacobsen Walter Meyer Yves Nievergelt Michael O’Leary Catherine A. 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The UMAP Journal is published quarterly by the Consortium ?or Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP), Inc., Suite 3B, 175 Middlesex Tpke.,Bed?ord, MA, 01730, in coop- eration with the American Mathematical Association o? Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), the Mathematical Association o? America (MAA), the National Council o? Teachers o? Mathematics (NCTM), the American Statistical Association (ASA), the Society ?or Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and The Institute ?or Operations Re- search and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The Journal acquaints readers with a wide variety o? pro?essional applications o? the mathematical sciences and provides a ?orum ?or the discussion o? new directions in mathematical education (ISSN 0197-3622). Periodical rate postage paid at Bed?ord, MA and at additional mailing o?fces. Send address changes to: info@comap.com COMAP, Inc., Suite 3B, 175 Middlesex Tpke., Bed?ord, MA, 01730 ? Copyright 2012 by COMAP, Inc. All rights reserved. Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)?, High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)?, and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling(ICM)?are registered trade marks o? COMAP, Inc.Vol. 33, No.3????012 Table of Contents Guest EditorialNetwork Science: What’s Math Got to Do with It? Chris Arney .............................................................................. 185Editor’s NoteAbout This Issue........................................................................... 192MCM Modeling ForumResults of the 2012 Mathematical Contest in ModelingWilliam P. Fox ........................................................................... 193 A Close Look at Leaves Bo Zhang, Yi Zhang, and TianKun Lu ......................................... 205 Judges’Commentary: The Outstanding Leaf Problem Papers Peter Olsen......................................................... ....................... 223 ComputingAlong the Big Long River Chip Jackson, Lucas Bourne, and Travis Peters ............................ 231 Judges’Commentary: The Outstanding RiverProblem Papers Marie Vanisko ........................................................................... 247 Author’s Commentary: The Outstanding RiverProblem Papers Catherine A. Roberts.................................................................. 253 Judges’Commentary: The Giordano Award forthe RiverProblem Marie Vanisko and Richard D. West ............................................ 259ICM Modeling ForumResults of the 2012 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling Chris Arney .............................................................................. 263 Finding Conspirators in the Network via Machine Learning Fangjian Guo, Jiang Su, and Jian Gao .......................................... 275 Judges’Commentary: Modeling forCrime Busting Chris Arney and Kathryn Coronges............................................ 293Reviews............................................................................... 305Guest Editorial185Guest EditorialNetwork Science: What’s Math Got to Do with It?1Chris ArneyDept. of Mathematical Sciences U.S. Military Academy West Point, NY10996david.arney@usma.eduIntroductionThis year’s ICMR?problem involved network science,or more precisely, a component ofnetwork science—socialnetwork analysis. My post-contest re?ections have led me to believe it is time for the mathematics community to engage in this emerging subject to build a rigorous mathematical foun- dation for this important science and to join in performing mathematical modeling and interdisciplinary problem solving. Some people call network science a “new” emerging discipline, yet, as we know, mathematicians have been developing graph (network) theory for centuries, and scientists and engineers have been modeling networks for decades. What is new is that the traditional techniques have been re- placed by an entirely new arsenal of mathematics, science, and modeling associated with networks. Others callnetwork science the “new” operations research in that it con- nects quantitative concepts and elements from several disciplines such as mathematics, computer science, and information science with the qualita- tive models from sociology and other social sciences. By its very nature, network science is interdisciplinary and involves emerging areas of science such as complex adaptive systems, cooperative game theory, agent-based modeling, data analytics, and social network analysis.1With both appreciation and apologies to Tina Turner and her emotional song “What’s Love Got To Do With It” and fulltongue-in-cheek realization that unlike “love,” mathematics is certainly not a second-hand emotion. TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)185–191. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.186TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) From another, perhaps simpler, perspective, you could merely call net- work science a form of applied mathematics—applied dynamic graph the- ory with additional data elements and attributes. Or perhaps from a mod- eling perspective, it is simply modeling with a highly structured, entity- linked complex adaptive system framework. I do not pretend to know exactly what network science is, or where it ?ts in with today’s scienti?c world, or what it will become. However, I believe that much of the strength of network modeling is in its ability to embrace the complexity of the real world. For me, that makes network science an important and empowering form of interdisciplinary modeling and problem solving—worthy of ICM problems and much more. In particular, I hope that the mathematics community does not ignore it. Network science needs the engagement of the mathematics community to produce its underlying framework and to invent new mathematics and computational techniques for analysis of its complex structures, develop- ment of its synergistic processes, and organizing of its overwhelming data. Likewise, mathematics needs network science to establish the relevance of mathematics in the modern information-based world. As the ICM teams discovered, network science is exciting, relevant, enjoyable, and modern— elements that mathematics currently desperately needs to bolster its future place in society.Mathematical ElementsWhat are the mathematical elements of network science? One way to de?ne a network is to establish its?components (nodes, links, data, processes);?properties (dynamic, functional, layered); and?applications(logistics,?ow,transportation,Internet,metabolicnetworks,social networks, organizational networks—perhaps there are just too many categories to list!). Another way is to use the concept of a mathematical graph (the nodal- link structure) with its nontrivial topological features and then classify the various types of graphs that occur (random, scale free, small world, scale rich) and the data (often heavy-tailed)that need to be mined and analyzed. A foundationalresearch management report on network science offered a layered approach of network roles—physical, communicative, informa- tional, biological and social/ cognitive—that connect together to produce the overallweb-like network framework . No matter whatde?nition or theoreticalframeworkisused,network sci- enceis inherently and essentially mathematicalat its core;there is plenty for applied mathematicians to do. Most networks are suf?ciently complexthatGuest Editorial187 simply relying on visualization produceserroneousintuitiveconceptions— or, worse yet, complete misunderstanding. De?ning,computing,and mea- suring well-de?ned properties can counter those misguided perceptions and improvenetwork modeling and analysis. Indispensablerolesfor math- ematical modelers in network science are?working with social scientists to build explicative and empirical models,?creating appropriate measures for important applications, and??nding appropriate properties and formalizing their measurement sys- tems and calculations. Like many other mathematical modeling con- structs, these properties can be classi?ed as structural or functional; lo- cal, global, or regional; discrete or continuous; dynamic or static; and deterministic or stochastic. The network science world needs mathematicians to help sort out these characteristics and do even more.Signi?canceNetwork science has become a major global research thrust (with fund- ing potential equal to or exceeding that of mathematics and many sciences) in the research agenda of governments, societies, militaries, businesses, and organizations. Its publication and citation qualities and quantities are signi?cant. Just look at the remarkable citation record of the works by someone such as Albert-László Barabási to see this subject’s in?uence in science. New societies, new conferences, and new journals with a network science theme are emerging at a dazzling pace. Network science is reaching the popular press and also entering the business world with tremendous fanfare.Mathematicians’EngagementOne could argue that all the Mathematics Awareness Month themes since 1997,when the theme was “Mathematics and the Internet,” have been related to networks in some way. The theme for 2004, “The Mathematics of Networks,” established a?rm connection, and I still use the myriad networks on that year’s poster as examples to students of the variety and beauty of networks. However, while mathematicians are certainly aware of network science, I still do not see much real engagement by the U.S. mathematics community. Recent meetings of the Mathematical Associa- tion ofAmericaand theAmerican MathematicalSocietyshow only minimal mathematically-connected networkresearch. TheSocietyfor Industrialand188TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Applied Mathematics and the Institute for Operations Research and Man- agement Science and their members are slightly more engaged, although “when it comes to the research agenda now popularized by network sci- ence, has been an underutilized resource” . In my opinion,mathematics is a vastly underutilized and unfortunately often missing part of network science. In a comment on Alderson , Nagurney adds that “it is not just the network topology and associated sta- tistical aspects of networks that matter but?ows that must be incorporated into network modeling as well as behavior” . Alderson and colleagues also wrote about mathematics and its engagement in Inter- net research that “surprising little attention has been paid in the mathemat- ics and physics communities ... in the Internet research arena” . Of course, there is much more to network science than the In- ternet, but it is a signi?cant network that most of the world confronts many times and in many ways every day.Family TreeIt may be worth looking at a family tree for network science. While these relationships are subjective and incomplete, one can see inFigure 1a ?ow that brings together many elements ofmathematics. The mathematics community should not miss out on an opportunity as rich and stimulating asnetwork science. Ultimately,themathematicalelementsofthisdiscipline will be accomplished somehow and by someone. I suggest that this work be done by mathematicians—and the sooner, the better.Network Science forUndergraduatesDoes network science extend to the undergraduate curriculum? Based on their interest in this year’s ICM problem, I believe that undergraduates would respond in the af?rmative. In some institutions, network science is even making inroads in establishing undergraduate programs,and courses and programs traditionally offered at the graduate level are entering the undergraduate realm. My mathematics students tell me that they want to learn network science. As analysis ofsocialmedia and online games are be- ginning to be seen to be parts ofnetwork science modeling,student interest in network science is growing in leaps and bounds. The bottom line is that network science is highly popular with students. Ihave taught three differ- ent network science courses over the past four semesters and am designing a fourth for the Fall semester of 2012. I usually have to turn away students or add more sections. This past Spring,Iteam-taught socialnetwork analy- sis with a sociologist and enjoyed the interdisciplinary modeling aspects ofGuest Editorial189Figure 1.Disciplinary connection network modelshowing some ofthe links between mathematics and network science.this exciting subject. Last year’s award-winning publication for INFORMS was a network science book by Easley and Kleinberg from Cornell written for undergraduates . Network science is on the map of undergraduate education.Worldwide InterestThe ICM data show there may be differences among nations in per- ceptions or interests in interdisciplinary modeling and network modeling. The U.S. has always been slightly behind the rest the rest of the world in ICM/ MCMR?interest ratio, as measured by the proportion of teams who choose the ICM problem rather than one of the MCM problems. Usually, there is about half as much interest in the ICM from U.S. teams compared to teams from the rest of the world; this year, that ratio dropped to about one-third. I do not know why this is so or if this phenomenon has any real signi?cance. Perhaps American students have a more disciplinary focus on mathematics or just haven’t been exposed to as many network or interdis- ciplinary ideas. Whatever the reason, I personally hope that all students (high school,undergraduate and graduate)in every nation have the oppor- tunity to study some aspects of networks, and that the mathematics they learn in doing so goes to excellent use.190TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)ExhortationMathematicians, let’s not miss this opportunity. Take another look at network science and see where you can contribute. Talk to colleagues in other disciplinesand form teamstolearn,study,research,teach,and engage in this enjoyable and important?eld of network science.ReferencesAlderson, David L. 2008. Catching the “network science” bug: Insight and opportunity for the operations researcher.Operations Research56 (5) (September-October 2008): 1047–1065.http://www.informs.org/ content/download/255771/2414490/file/networks.pdf. Easley, D., and J. Kleinberg. 2010.Networks,Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning AboutaHighlyConnectedWorld.New York: CambridgeUniversityPress. Nagurney, Anna. 2008. Comment on Alderson .Operations Re- search (OnlineForum Commentary)56 (5) (October–November 2008) on- line commentary.http://www.informs.org/content/download/ 255775/2414506/file/nagurney.pdf. National Research Council. 2006.Network Science.Washington, DC: Na- tional Academies Press. Willinger, Walter, David Alderson, and John C. Doyle. 2009. Mathematics and the Internet: A source of enormous confusion and great potential. Notices of the American Mathematical Society56 (5) (May 2009): 286–299.http://www.ams.org/notices/200905/rtx090500586p.pdf.Guest Editorial191About the AuthorChrisArneygraduated from WestPointand served as an intelligence of?cer in the U.S. Army. His aca- demic studies resumed at Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute with an M.S. (computer science) and a Ph.D. (mathematics). He spent most of his 30-year military career as a mathematics professor at West Point, be- fore becoming Dean ofthe SchoolofMathematicsand Sciences and Interim Vice President for AcademicAf- fairs at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. Chris then moved to RTP (Research Triangle Park), NC, where he served for various durations as chair of the Mathematical Sciences Division, of the Network Sciences Di- vision, and of the Information Sciences Directorate of the Army Research Of?ce. Chris has authored 22 books, written more than 120 technical arti- cles, and given more than 250 presentations and 40 workshops. His techni- cal interests include mathematicalmodeling,cooperative systems,pursuit- evasion modeling,robotics, arti?cial intelligence,military operations mod- eling, and network science;his teaching interests include using technology and interdisciplinary problems to improve undergraduate teaching and curricula. He is the founding director of COMAP’s Interdisciplinary Con- test in Modeling (ICM)R?. In August 2009, he rejoined the faculty at West Point as the Network Science Chair and Professor of Mathematics.192TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Editor’s NoteAbout This IssueThis year we had 5,000 (!) participating teams in the two contests com- bined; the 18 (!) Outstanding papers ran to over 500 manuscript pages. Editing and publishing all the Outstanding papers, which we once did, is simply not possible any more. Hence, as in 2010 and 2011, we are able to present in the pages of the Journalonly oneOutstandingentry for each oftheMCM and ICM problems. The selection of which papers to publish re?ected editorial considerations and was done blind to the af?liations of the teams. Allofthe18Outstandingpapersappearin theiroriginalform on the2012 MCM-ICM CD-ROM,which also has the press releases for the two contests, the results, the problems, unabridged versions of the Outstanding papers, and some of the commentaries. Information about ordering is athttp: //www.comap.com/product/cdrom/index.htmlor at (800) 772-6627.Results of the2012 MCM193MCM Modeling ForumResults of the 2012 Mathematical Contest in ModelingWilliam P. Fox, MCM DirectorDept. of Defense Analysis Naval Postgraduate School 1 University Circle Monterey, CA 93943–5000wpfox@nps.eduIntroductionA total of 3,697 teams of undergraduates from hundreds of institutions and departments in 16 countries spent a weekend in February working on applied mathematicsproblemsin the28th MathematicalContestin Modeling(MCM)R?. The 2012 MCM began at 8:00 P.M. EST on Thursday, February 9, and ended at 8:00 P.M. EST on Monday, February 13. During that time, teams of up to three undergraduates researched, modeled, and submitted a solution to one of two open-ended modeling problems. Students registered, obtained contest materials, downloaded the problem and data, and entered completion data through COMAP’s MCM Website. After a weekend of hard work, solution papers were sent to COMAP on Monday. Two of the top papers appear in this issue ofTheUMAP Journal, together with commentaries. In addition to this special issue ofThe UMAP Journal, COMAP offers asupplementary2012MCM-ICM CD-ROMcontaining thepress releasesfor thetwo contests,theresults,theproblems,unabridged versionsoftheOutstanding papers, and judges’ commentaries. Information about ordering is athttp: //www.comap.com/product/cdrom/index.htmlor at (800) 772–6627.Results and winning papers from the?rst 27 contests were published in special issues ofMathematical Modeling(1985–1987) andThe UMAP Journal(1985–2011). The 1994 volume ofTools for Teaching, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the contest, contains the 20 problems used in the?rst 10 years of the contest and a winning paper for each year. That volume and the specialTheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)193–204. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.194TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)MCM issuesoftheJournalfor thelast few yearsare availablefrom COMAP.The 1994volumeisalsoavailableon COMAP’sspecialModelingResourceCD-ROM.Also available isThe MCM at 21CD-ROM, which contains the 20 problems from the second 10 years of the contest, a winning paper from each year, and advice from advisors of Outstanding teams. These CD-ROMs can be ordered from COMAP athttp://www.comap.com/product/cdrom/index.html. This year, the two MCM problems represented signi?cant challenges:?Problem A, “The Leaves of a Tree,” asked teams to model the leaves on atree, classifying their shapes, investigating the effect of leaf shape on tree pro?le and branching, and estimating the leaf mass of a tree.?Problem B, “Camping Along the Big Long River,” asked teams to design a management plan for scheduling recreational multi-day rafting tours down a long stretch of a river. The goal was to maximize the number of trips, optimize campsite usage, and offer an optimal mix of trip lengths. COMAP also sponsors:?The MCM/ ICM Media Contest (see p. 202).?TheInterdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)R?,which runsconcurrently with MCM and next year will offer a modeling problem involving network science. Results of this year’s ICM are on the COMAP Website athttp: //www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests. The contest report, anOutstanding paper, and commentaries appear in this issue.?The High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)R?, whichoffers high school students a modeling opportunity similar to the MCM. Further details are athttp://www.comap.com/highschool/contests.2012 MCM Statistics?3,697 teams participated (with 1,329 more in the ICM)?8 high school teams (0.5%)?341 U.S. teams (9%)?2,428 foreign teams (91%), from Canada, China, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Palestine, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom?10 Outstanding Winners (0.5%)?17 Finalist Winners (0.5%)?405 Meritorious Winners (11%)?1,048 Honorable Mentions (28%)?2,211 Successful Participants (60%)Results of the2012 MCM195Problem A:The Leaves of a Tree“How much do the leaves on a tree weigh?” How might one estimate the actual weight of the leaves (or for that matter any other parts of the tree)? How might one classify leaves? Build a mathematicalmodel to describe and classify leaves. Consider and answer the following:?Why do leaves have the various shapes that they have??Do the shapes “minimize” overlapping individual shadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure? Does the distribution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and its branches effect the shape??Speaking of pro?les, is leaf shape (general characteristics) related to tree pro?le/ branching structure??How would you estimate the leaf mass of a tree? Is there a correlationbetween the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume de?ned by the pro?le)? In addition to your one-page summary sheet, prepare a one-page letter to an editor of a scienti?c journal outlining your key?ndings.Problem B: Camping along the Big Long RiverVisitorsto theBig Long River (225miles)can enjoy scenicviewsand exciting white water rapids. The river is inaccessible to hikers, so the only way to enjoy it is to take a river trip that requires several days of camping. River trips all start at First Launch and exit the river at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream. Passengers take either oar- powered rubber rafts, which travel on average 4 mph or motorized boats, which travel on average 8 mph. The trips range from 6 to 18 nights of camping on the river, start to?nish. The government agency responsible for managing this river wants every trip to enjoy a wilderness experience, with minimal contact with other groups of boats on the river. Currently,Xtrips travel down the Big Long River each year during a six- month period (the rest of the year it is too cold for river trips). There areYcamp sites on the Big Long River, distributed fairly uniformly throughout the river corridor. Given the rise in popularity of river rafting, the park managers have been asked to allow more trips to travel down the river. They want to determinehow theymightschedulean optimalmixoftrips,ofvaryingduration (measured in nights on the river)and propulsion (motor or oar)that willutilize the campsites in the best way possible. In other words, how many more boat trips could be added to the Big Long River’s rafting season?196TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)The river managers have hired you to advise them on ways in which to develop the best schedule and on ways in which to determine the carrying capacity of the river, remembering that no two sets of campers can occupy the same site at the same time. In addition to your one-page summary sheet, prepare a one-page memo to the managers of the river describing your key?ndings.The ResultsThe solution papers were coded at COMAP headquarters so that names and af?liations of the authors would be unknown to the judges. Each paper was then read preliminarily by two “triage” judges at either Appalachian State University (Leaf Problem) or at the National Security Agency (River Problem) or at Carroll College (River Problem). At the triage stage, the summary and overall organization are the basis for judging a paper. If the judges’ scores diverged for a paper, the judges conferred; if they still did not agree, a third judge evaluated the paper. AdditionalRegionalJudgingsiteswerecreated attheU.S.MilitaryAcademy, the Naval Postgraduate School, and Carroll College to support the growing number of contest submissions. Final judging took place at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. The judges classi?ed the papers as follows:Honorable Successful Outstanding Finalist Meritorious Mention Participation Total Leaf Problem 4 8 226 482 862 1,582 River Problem 69 179 566 1,349 2,109 10 17 405 1,048 2,211 3,691We list here the 10 teams that the judges designated as Outstanding;the list of all participating schools, advisors, and results is at the COMAP Website.Outstanding TeamsInstitution and Advisor Team Members Leaf Problem“How to Measure the Weight of Leaves on a Tree ” Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon, Hong Kong Alex Wing Kee Mok Xiaotian Wu Qingran Li Jin LiangResults of the2012 MCM197“A Close Look at Leaves” Shanghai Foreign Language School Shanghai, China YiJung Wang Bo Zhang Yi Zhang TianKun Lu “Geometrical Tree” National University of Singapore Singapore Weizhu Bao Wenji Xu Jing Zhang Jingyi Lu “The Secrets of Leaves” Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China Zhiyi Tan Cheng Fu Danting Zhu Hangqi ZhaoRiverProblem“Best Schedule to Utilize the Big Long River” Peking University Beijing, China Liu Xu Feng Nan Bi Chenwei Tian Yuan Liu “Computing Along the Big Long River” Western Washington University Bellingham, WA Edoh Y. Amiran Chip Jackson Lucas Bourne Travis Peters “Optimization of Seasonal Throughput and Campsite Utilization on the Big Long River” University of Colorado Boulder, CO Anne M. Dougherty Stephen M. Kissler Christopher Corey Sean Wiese “Getting Our Priorities Straight” Bethel University Arden Hills, MN Nathan Gossett Michael D. Tetzlaff Blaine Goscha Jacob Smith198TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)“Optimal Scheduling for the Big Long River” University of Colorado Boulder, CO Anne M. Dougherty Tracy Babb Christopher V. Aicher Daniel J. Sutton “C.A.R.S.: Cellular Automaton Rafting Simulation” University of Louisville Louisville, KY Changbing Hu SurajKannan Joshua Mitchell James JonesAwards and ContributionsEach participatingMCM advisor and team member received a certi?cate signed by the Contest Director and the appropriate Head Judge. INFORMS, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences,recognized the team from the ShanghaiForeign Language School, China (Leaf Problem) and the team of Babb, Aicher, and Sutton from the University of Colorado (River Problem) as INFORMS Outstanding teams and provided the following recognition:?a letter of congratulations from the current president of INFORMS to each team member and to the faculty advisor;?a check in the amount of $300 to each team member;?a bronze plaque for display at the team’s institution, commemoratingteam members’achievement;?individual certi?cates for team members and faculty advisor as a per-sonal commemoration of this achievement;and?a one-year student membership in INFORMS for each team member,which includes their choice of a professional journal plus theOR/MS Todayperiodical and the INFORMS newsletter. The Society for Industrialand Applied Mathematics (SIAM)designated one Outstanding team from each problem as a SIAM Winner. The SIAM Award teams were from Zhejiang University (Leaf Problem) and the Uni- versity of Louisville (River Problem). Each team member was awarded a $300 cash prize, and the teams received partial expenses to present their results in a special Minisymposium at the SIAM Annual Meeting in Min- neapolis, MN in July. Their schools were given a framed hand-lettered certi?cate in gold leaf. The MathematicalAssociation ofAmerica (MAA)designated one North American team from each problem as an MAA Winner. The Winner for theResults of the2012 MCM199 Leaf Problem was a Finalist team from Cornell University with members Dennis Chua, Jessie Lin, and Alvin Wijaya, and advisor John R. Callister. The winner for the River Problem was the Outstanding team of Kissler, Corey, and Wiese from the University of Colorado. With partial travel sup- port from theMAA,theteamspresented their solution at a specialsession of the MAA Mathfest in Madison,WIin August. Each team member was pre- sented a certi?cate by an of?cial ofthe MAA Committee on Undergraduate Student Activities and Chapters.Ben Fusaro AwardOne Meritorious or Outstanding paper is selected for the Ben Fusaro Award, named for the Founding Director of the MCM and awarded for the ninth time this year. It recognizes an especially creative approach; details concerning the award, its judging, and Ben Fusaro are in Vol. 25 (3) (2004): 195–196. The Ben Fusaro Award Winner, for the Leaf Problem, was the Outstanding team from the National University of Singapore. A commentary about it appears in this issue.Frank Giordano AwardFor the?rst time, the MCM is designating a paper with the Frank Giordano Award. This award goes to a paper that demonstrates a very good example of the modeling process in a problem featuring discrete mathematics—this year, the River Problem. Having worked on the con- test since its inception, Frank Giordano served as Contest Director for 20 years. The Frank Giordano Award for 2012 went to the Outstanding team from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA.JudgingDirector William P. Fox, Dept. of Defense Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA AssociateDirectors Patrick J. Driscoll, Dept. of Systems Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Kelly Black, Mathematics Dept., Clarkson University, Potsdam, NYLeaf ProblemHead Judge Patrick Driscoll, Dept. of Systems Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY200TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) AssociateJudges William C. Bauldry, Chair-Emeritus, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC (Head Triage Judge) Karen Bolinger, Dept of Mathematics, Clarion University, Clarion, PA Tim Elkins, Dept. of Systems Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY(INFORMSJudge) J. Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH (MAA Judge) Ben Fusaro, Dept. of Mathematics,Florida State University, Tallahassee,FL (SIAM Judge) Michael Jaye, Dept. of Defense Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Mario Juncosa, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA (retired) Peter Olsen, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Baltimore, MD John Scharf, Dept. of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science, Carroll College, Helena, MT (Fusaro Award Judge) Michael Tortorella, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ(Problem Author) Dan Zwilliger, Raytheon, Boston, MA Regional Judging Session at the U.S. Military Academy Head Judge Patrick J. Driscoll, Dept. of Systems Engineering AssociateJudges Tim Elkins, James Enos, Kenny McDonald, and Elizabeth Schott, Dept. of Systems Engineering Paul Steve Horton, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Jack Picciuto, Of?ce of Institutional Research —all from the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY Paul Heiney, Dept of Mathematics, U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School, West Point, NY Ed Pohl, Dept. of Industrial Engineering Tish Pohl, Dept. of Civil Engineering —both from University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR Triage Session at Appalachian State University Head TriageJudge William C. Bauldry, Chair, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences AssociateJudges Bill Cook, Ross Gosky, Jeffry Hirst, Katie Mawhinney, Trina Palmer, Greg Rhoads, Ren′e Salinas, Tracie McLemore Salinas, Kevin Shirley, and Nate Weigl —all from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Appalachian State University, Boone, NCResults of the2012 MCM201 Amy H. Erickson and Keith Erickson —Dept. of Mathematics, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA Steven Kaczkowski and Douglas Meade —Dept. of Mathematics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SCRiverProblemHead Judge Maynard Thompson, Mathematics Dept., University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN AssociateJudges Peter Anspach, National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD (Head Triage Judge) Robert Burks, Operations Research Dept., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Jim Case, Baltimore, MD (SIAM Judge) Veena Mendiratta, Lucent Technologies, Naperville, IL Greg Mislick, Operations Research Dept., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Scott Nestler, Operations Research Dept., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Jack Picciuto, Of?ce of Institutional Research, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Kathleen M. Shannon, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD (MAA Judge) Dan Solow, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (INFORMSJudge) Marie Vanisko, Dept.ofMathematics,Engineering,and Computer Science, Carroll College, Helena, MT (Giordano Award Judge) Richard Douglas West, Francis Marion University, Florence, SC (Giordano Award Judge) Regional Judging Session at the Naval Postgraduate School Head Judges William P. Fox, Dept. of Defense Analysis Frank R. Giordano, Dept. of Defense Analysis AssociateJudges Michael Jaye, Dept. of Defense Analysis Robert Burks, Greg Mislick, and Scott Nestler, Operations Research Dept. —all from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Joanna Bieri, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA Rich West, (retired) PA202TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Triage Session at Carroll College Head Judge Marie Vanisko AssociateJudges Terry Mullen and Kelly Cline —all from Dept. of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science, Carroll College, Helena, MT Triage Session at the National Security Agency Head TriageJudge Peter Anspach, National Security Agency (NSA), Ft. Meade, MD AssociateJudges Jim Case, Dean McCullough, and judges from within NSASources of the ProblemsThe Leaf Problem was contributed by Lee Zia (Program Director, Na- tional Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education). The River Problem wascontributed by CatherineRoberts(Dept.ofMathematics and Computer Science, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA).AcknowledgmentsMajor fundingfor theMCMisprovided by theNationalSecurityAgency (NSA) and by COMAP. Additional support is provided by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Soci- ety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). We are indebted to these organizations for providing judges and prizes. We also thank for their involvement and un?agging support the MCM judges and MCM Board members, as well as?Two Sigma Investments.“This group of experienced, analytical, and technical?nancial professionals based in New York builds and operates sophisticated quantitative trading strategies for domestic and interna- tional markets. The?rm is successfully managing several billion dol- lars using highly-automated trading technologies. For more information about Two Sigma, please visithttp://www.twosigma.com.”Results of the2012 MCM203CautionsTothereader of research journals: Usually a published paper has been presented to an audience, shown to colleagues, rewritten, checked by referees, revised, and edited by a jour- nal editor. Each paper here is the result of undergraduates working on a problem over a weekend. Editing (and usually substantial cutting) has taken place; minor errors have been corrected, wording has been altered for clarity or economy, and style has been adjusted to that ofThe UMAP Journal. The student authors have proofed the results. Please peruse these students’efforts in that context. Tothepotential MCM advisor: It might be overpowering to encounter such output from a weekend of work by a small team of undergraduates, but these solution papers are highly atypical. A team that prepares and participates will have an enrich- ing learning experience, independent of what any other team does. COMAP’sMathematicalContestin Modelingand InterdisciplinaryCon- test in Modeling are the only international modeling contests in which students work in teams. Centering its educational philosophy on mathe- matical modeling, COMAP serves the educational community as well as the world of work by preparing students to become better-informed and better-prepared citizens.Editor’s NoteThe complete roster of participating teams and results has become too longtoreproducein theJournal. Itcan now befound attheCOMAPWebsite, in separate?les for each problem:http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/contests/ 2012/results/2012-Problem-A.pdf http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/contests/ 2012/results/2012-Problem-B.pdf204TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Media ContestThis year, COMAP again organized an MCM/ ICM Media Contest. Over the years, contest teams have increasingly taken to various forms of documentation of their activities over the grueling 96 hours—frequently in video, slide, or presentation form. This material has been produced to provide comicrelief and let off steam, as well as to provide some memories days, weeks, and years after the contest. Weloveit, and we want to encour- age teams (outside help is allowed) to create media pieces and share them with us and the MCM/ ICM community. The media contest iscompletely separatefrom MCM and ICM. No matter how creative and inventive the media presentation, it hasnoeffect on the judging of the team’s paper for MCM or ICM. We do not want work on the media project to detract or distract from work on the contest problems in any way. This is a separate competition, one that we hope is fun for all. Further information about the contest is athttp://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/media.html. There were 11 entries, from Zhejiang University, United States Military Academy, Dalian Maritime University, and Beijing Institute of Technology. Outstanding Winners:?United States Military Academy, joint entry from three teams (Nolan Miles, Andrew Lopez, Benjamin Garlick, Brian Kloiber, Calla Glavin, Kailee Kunst, Samuel Ellis, Tanner Robertson, Robert Hume)?Zhejiang University (Jiajun Chen, Yuchen Lei, Canyang Jin) Finalists:?Dalian Maritime University (Chengcheng Bi, Xuefu Bai, Bo Han)?Dalian Maritime University(Zuchen Tang, Zihao Yu, Bowen Zhang) The remaining entries were awarded Honorable Mention. Complete results, including links to the Outstanding and Finalist videos, are athttp://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/contests/ 2012/results/media/media.html.A CloseLook at Leaves205A Close Look at LeavesBo Zhang Yi Zhang Tiankun LuShanghai Foreign Language School Shanghai, China Advisor: YiJung WangAbstract We construct four models to study leaf classi?cation, relationships be- tween leaf shape and leaf distribution, correlations between leaf shape and tree pro?le, and total leaf mass of a tree. Model 1 deals with the classi?cation of leaves. We focus primarily on the most conspicuous characteristic of leaves, namely, shape. We create seven geometric parameters to quantify the shape. Then we select six common types of leaves to construct a database. By calculating the deviation index of the parameters of a sample leaf from those of typical leaves, we can classify the leaf. To illustrate this classi?cation process, we use a maple leaf as a test case. Model 2 studies the relationship between leaf shape and leaf distribu- tion. First, we simplify a tree into an idealized model and then introduce the concept of solar altitude. By analyzing the overlapping individual shad- ows through considering the relationship between leaf length and internode length under different solar altitudes, we?nd that the leaf shape and distri- bution are optimized to maximize sunlight exposure according to the solar altitude. We apply the model to three test types of trees. Model 3 discusses the possible association between tree pro?le and leaf shape. Based on the similarity between the leaf veins and branch structure of trees,weproposethatleafshapeisatwo-dimensionalmimicofthetreepro?le. Employing the method of Model 1, we set several parameters re?ecting the general shape of each tree and compare them with those of its leaves. With the help of statistical tools, we demonstrate a rough association between tree pro?le and leaf shape. Model 4 estimates the total leaf mass of a tree given size characteristics. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration rate and tree age are introduced to es- tablish the link between leaf mass and tree size. Since a unit mass of a leaf sequesters CO2at a constant rate, the CO2sequestration rate has a quadratic relationship with the age of the tree, and the size the tree experiences logistic growth.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)205–222. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.206TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)IntroductionWe tackle four main subproblems:?classi?cation of leaves,?the relationship between leaf distribution and leaf shape,?the relationship between the tree pro?le and the leaf shape, and?calculation of the total leaf mass of a tree. To tackle the?rst problem, we select a set of parameters to quantify the characters of the leaf shape and use the leaf shape as the main standard for our classi?cation process. For the second question, we use the overlapping area that one leaf’s shadow casts on the leafdirectly under it as the link between the leafdistri- bution and the leaf shape, since the leaf shape affects the overlapping. We assume that the leaf distribution tries to minimize the overlapping area. As for the third question, we set parameters for the tree pro?le and comparethosewith theparametersfor thetree’sleafshapetojudgewhether there is a relation between tree pro?le and leaf shape. We use age to link the size of tree and the total weight of its leaves, because the tree size has an obvious relationship with its age and the age affectsatree’ssequestration ofcarbon dioxide,which affectsthetotalweight of a tree’s leaves.Assumptions?The trees are all individual (“open grown”) trees, such as are typically planted along streets, in yards, and in parks. Our calculation does not apply to densely raised trees, as in typical reforestation projects where large numbers of trees are planted close together.?The shape of the leaves does not re?ect special uses for the trees, such as to resist extremely windy, cold, parched, wet, or dry conditions, or to produce food.?The type of the leaf distribution (leaf length and internode distance rela- tion) re?ects the tree’s natural tendency to sunlight.?The tree pro?le that we consider is the part above ground, including thetrunk, the branches, and leaves.?All parts of a leaf can lie?at, and the thickness or protrusion of veins canbe neglected.?Leaves are the only part of the tree that reacts in photosynthesis andrespiration, so that the carbon dioxide sequestration of a tree is the sum of the sequestration of the leaves.A Close Look at Leaves207?The sequestration of a tree or a leaf is the net amount of CO2?xed in a tree, which is the difference between the CO2released in respiration andthe CO2absorbed in photosynthesis.?The trees are in healthy, mature, and stable condition. Trees of the samespecies have same characteristics.Model 1: Leaf Classi?cationDecisive ParametersTo classify the shape of a leaf, we set seven parameters and establish adatabase for comparison.RectangularityWe de?ne the ratio of the area of the leaf to the area of its minimumbounding rectangle as the leaf’srectangularity(Figure 1).Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. The photographs of leaves inFigures 1–4are reproduced (with overlays by the authors of this paper) from Knight et al. , by kind permission of that paper’s authors.Aspect RatioThe aspect ratio is the ratio of the height of the minimum bounding rectangle to its width. (Figure 2).CircularityTo evaluate how round a leaf is, we consider that ratio if the ex-circle tothe in-circle. (Figure 3).Form FactorForm factor, a famous shape description parameter, is calculated as FF= 4πA P2,208TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) whereAis the area of the leaf andPis its perimeter.Edge Regularity Area IndexAlthough the aspect ratio and the rectangularity of two leaves may be similar, the contour or the exact shape of two leaves may vary greatly. To take the different contour of the leaf into consideration, we join every convexdot along thecontour and develop what wecalltheboundingpolygon area. The ratio between the leaf area and this bounding polygon area is the edge regularity area index. The closer this ratio is to 1, the less jagged and smoother the leaf’s contour is (Figure 3).Edge Regularity PerimeterIndexSimilarly,we develop another parameter,theboundingpolygon perimeter, the perimeter of the polygon when we join the convex dots of a leaf. We de?ne the ratio of the bounding polygon perimeter to the perimeter of the leaf to be theedgeregularity perimeter index. The smaller this ratio, the more jagged and irregular the contour of the leaf is (Figure 3).Proportional IndexSince it is also highly critical to capture the spatial distribution of dif- ferent portions of a leaf along its vertical axis, we divide the minimum bounding rectangle into four horizontal blocks of equal height, and then calculate the proportion of the leaf area in a particular region to the total leaf,which we refer to as theproportionalindex (PI)for that region (Figure 4). Hence, the PI is a vector of length four.Common Types of LeavesWe develop a database of the six most common leaf types in North America (Figure 6), using the seven parameters discussed above.Table 2gives the values of the parameters for each leaf type, as measured from scans of photos of leaves in Knight et al. .ComparisonGiven a speci?cleaf,we calculatethe seven characteristicsofit and com- pare them with our database by calculating the squared deviation of each parameter of the given leaf from the corresponding standard parameter of each category. We realize that some of the parameters are somehow more important than others. So in an effort to make our model more accurateA Close Look at Leaves209Figure 5.The six most common seen leaf types in North America. (The photos, from Knight et al. , are reproduced by kind permission of that paper’s authors.) Table 1. Parameter values for the six leaf types. Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rectangularity 0.6627 0.5902 0.6250 0.4772 0.4876 0.6576 Aspect Ratio 0.8615 0.6600 0.1800 0.6383 0.4792 0.3111 Circularity 0.8140 0.5432 0.4564 0.3454 0.3123 0.3311 Form Factor 0.9139 0.6206 0.2823 0.2470 0.3662 0.4956 ER Area Index 0.9322 0.8780 0.9091 0.8500 0.7880 0.8895 ER Perimeter Index 0.8727 0.8889 0.9384 0.8602 0.8231 0.9903 PI10.0649 0.0769 0.1179 0.1909 0.1299 0.2920 PI20.2958 0.3555 0.2208 0.3892 0.3606 0.4187PI30.3439 0.4243 0.4139 0.3047 0.4123 0.2677PI40.2954 0.1433 0.2474 0.1152 0.0970 0.0220and reliable, we introduce a weightedindex of deviationID, withID=7?i=1wiIi,where eachIiis the squared deviation, except thatI7= 1 44?j=1(PIj?PInew,i)2.We determine the weights via the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) . We build a7×7matrix reciprocal matrix by pair comparison:210TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?R AR C FF ERAI ERPI PI R1 1/3 1 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/7AR3 1 3 1 2 2 1/3C1 1/3 1 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/7FF4 1 4 1 3 3 1/2ERAI2 1/2 2 1/3 1 1 1/4ERPI2 1/2 2 1/3 1 1 1/4PI7 3 7 2 4 4 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .The meaning of the number in each cell is explained inTable 2. The numbers themselves are based on our own subjective decisions.Table 2.The multiplication table ofD10. Intensity of Value Interpretation 1 Requirementsiandjhave equal value. 3 Requirementihas a slightly higher value thanj. 5 Requirementihas a strongly higher value thanj. 7 Requirementihas a very strongly higher value thanj. 9 Requirementihas an absolutely higher value thanj. 2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate scales between two adjacent judgments. Reciprocals Requirementihas alowervalue thanj.We then input the matrix into a Matlab program that calculates the weightwiof each factor, as given inTable 3.Table 3. AHP-derived weights. Factor R AR C FF ERAI ERPI PI Weight 0.0480 0.1583 0.0480 0.2048 0.0855 0.0855 0.3701We test the consistency of the preferences for this instance of the AHP. For good consistency :?Theprincipaleigenvalueλmaxofthematrixshould beclosetothenumbernof alternatives, here 7; we getλmax= 7.05.?The consistency index CI =(λmax?n)/(n?1)should be close to 0; weget CI= 0.009.?The consistency ratio CR = CI/ RI (where RI is the average value of CIfor random matrices) should be less than 0.01; we get CR= 0.006. Hence, our decision method displays perfectly acceptable consistency and the weights are reasonable.A Close Look at Leaves211Model TestingWe use a maple leafofFigure 6to test our classi?cation model. Visually, it resembles Category 4 most.Figure 6.Test maple leaf.Now we test this hypothesis with our model. First, we process theimage of the leaf, calculating rectangularity, aspect ratio, circularity, form factor, edge regularity area index, edge regularity perimeter index, and the proportional index, with values as inTable 2. The values of the seven parameters are shown inTable 4.Table 4. Parameter values for the sample maple leaf. Factor R AR C FF ERAI ERPI PI1PI2PI3PI4Measured 0.355 0.908 0.269 0.157 0.625 0.379 0.097 0.463 0.431 0.009 valueFinally, we use our weights to calculate the index of deviationIDof the maple leaf from each of the six categories of leaves considered earlier. We show the results inTable 5.Table 5. Index of deviation of maple leaf from six common leaf categories. Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 Index of deviationID0.27 0.12 0.18Sincetheindexofdeviation between thegiven mapleleafand Category4 is smallest, the model predicts that the maple leaf falls into Category 4— which conclusion is consistent with our initial hypothesis.ConclusionOur model is robust under reasonable conditions, as can be seen from the testing above. However, since our database contains only the six commonly-seen leaf types in North America, the variety in the database has room for improvement.212TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Model2: LeafDistributionandLeafShapeIntroductionGeneticand environmentalfactors contribute to the pattern ofleafveins and tissue, thereby determining leaf shape. In this model, we investigate how leaf distribution in?uences leaf shape.Idealized Leaf Distribution ModelWe construct an idealized model that immensely simpli?es the complex situation: The tree is made up of a branch perpendicular to the ground surface, and two identical leaves grown on the branch ipsilaterally (on the same side) and horizontally. The leaves face upward and point toward the sun in the sky. We suppose that the tree is at latitudeL(Northern Hemisphere). Let the greatest average solar altitude in a year, which is attained at noon on the vernal equinox, beα. Figure 7illustrates our primitive model of a tree at noon on the vernal equinox.Figure 7.Primitive model of a tree, at noon on the vernal equinox.Analysis of Overlapping AreasOur focus is the partly shaded leaf inFigure 7. The output of the model is what proportion of the leaf (PL) is shaded. We divide the situation into three scenarios, depending on the in?uence of the angleαon PL.A Close Look at Leaves213SolarAltitude Near90?This situation usually takes place in tropical regions, where leaf shapes are typically broad and wide and the tree crown usually contains only one layer of leaves. This can be explained in terms ofFigure 7: Withαnear 90?, the shaded part of the lower leaf would be too big to supply enoughsolar energy for photosynthesis, and the greatest absorption of energy can be achieved by a broad leaf shape.SolarAltitude Near0?This situation usually takes place in frigid zones, where leaves are typ- ically acicular (needle-shaped) and the tree crown contains dense layers of closely-grown leaves. In terms ofFigure 7: Withαnear 0?, the shaded part ofthe lower leafwould approach zero, allowing a much more concentrated distribution of leaves than in other situations. In addition, the maximum absorption of energy can be best achieved by needle-like leaves.SolarAltitude within Normal RangeThis scenario is typical in the temperate zone on earth, where sunlight irradiates the leaves in a tilted way. It is also the case in which our idealized model is the most suitable. Another crucial factor that we control in this case is the distancehbetween the two points connecting the leaves and the branch. We assume that a tree’s leaf distribution tries to minimize the overlappingarea between leaves,soour modelinvestigatesthequantitative relationship between the overlapping area and the shape of the leaf. To simplify the model, we model the leaf as a rhombus, whose major axis has lengthLmajorand whose minor axis has lengthLminor. Also, we ?x the area of the leaf asA, to ensure constant exposure area to the sun. With area?xed, now we only need to change the length of the major axis to change the shape of the leaf (seeFigure 8).Figure 8.Two leaves of the same area but different lengths of major axis.214TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Also, since we have?xed the area of the leaf and just adjust its shape, the minimum proportion of the lower leaf shaded isE= AoverlappingA ,whereAoverlappingis the smallest overlapping area. The most ef?cient situation is for both leaves to be totally exposed to sunlight, as inFigure 9a: For some valueh=h0, we achieveE= 0.Figure 9a.Upper leaf does not overlap lower one. Figure9b.Upper leafoverlapslower one.What ifh h0, as inFigure 9b? We can easily give the relationship amongh,Lmajor, andEfor a given?xed solar altitudeα:E= ? Lmajortanα?h Lmajortanα ?2= ? 1? h Lmajortanα ?2.For?xedhandα, the overlap area increases as the length of the leaf increase. The closerLmajoris toh/tanα, the smaller the overlap.From our discussion, the best leaf distribution occurs whenh=h0,which meansh=Lmajortanα.Model TestingWe need to test whether this relation between leaf distribution and leafshape is right. We offer data on leaf lengthLmajorand internode distancehof several kinds of trees and use our formula to calculate the respectivesolar altitudes of the trees. By converting the solar altitude into latitude, we can predict the origin of a tree! We choose species native to China:?Ligustrum quihoui Carr.(waxy-leaf privet or Quihou privet, a semi- evergreen to evergreen shrub);A CloseLook at Leaves215?Osmanthusfragrans(sweet olive,tea olive,or fragrant olive,an evergreen shrub or small tree that is the city?ower of Hangzhou, China); and?Camelliajaponica(Japanese camellia) as our test trees.Table 6shows the results.Table 6. Test of model for leaf shape as a function of latitude. Tree kindLmajorhCalculated Latitude tanαPredicted True Ligustrum quihoui Carr.2 2.5 1.25 38.7?35–35?Osmanthus fragrans10 18.5 1.85 28.4?23–29?Camelliajaponica6 9 1.50 33.7?32–36?The predicted latitudes of origin are close to the true latitudes, con- ?rming our hypothesis of a relationship between leaf distribution and leaf shape.Model 3: Tree Pro?le and Leaf ShapeHypothesisSince?the vein structure determines the leaf shape;?the branch structure determines the tree pro?le; and?to some degree, the leaf veins resemble branches, we have a wild hypothesis that the leaf shape is two-dimensional mimic of the tree pro?le.Comparison of Leaf Shape and Tree ContourThe leafshape is two-dimensional,so it is relatively easy to study its pa- rameters. However, the tree pro?le is three-dimensional, so it is important to?nd a two-dimensional characteristic of a tree to use for comparison. Since the longitudinal section of a particular tree re?ects its general size characteristics, we focus on that.Tree Pro?le Classi?cationIn theleafclassi?cation model,thereare6generalclassesofleaves. Since we are comparing only the general resemblance between leaf and tree, we216TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) incorporate Class 5 (elliptic leaf with serrated margin) into Class 2 (elliptic leaf,smooth margin). As a result,we get 5classes ofleaves and 5respective types of trees:?Class 1: Cordate (Texas redbud)?Class 2 and Class 5: Elliptic (camphor tree)?Class 3: Subulate (pine)?Class 4: Palmate (oak)?Class 6: Obovate (mockernut hickory)Parameters of the TreeWe appoint three parameters for the longitudinal section that can be compared with those of the leaf shape, namely, rectangularity, aspect ratio, and circularity. Table 7shows the measurements for both trees and leaves.Table 7. Comparison of leaf parameters and tree parameters. Class 1 2 and 5 3 4 6 Rectangularity (R) Leaf 0.6627 0.5902 0.6250 0.4772 0.6576 Tree 0.6281 0.6846 0.5180 0.5292 0.6238 Aspect Ratio (AR) Leaf 0.8615 0.6600 0.1800 0.6383 0.3111 Tree 0.7914 0.7243 0.6601 0.7980 0.6750 Circularity (C) Leaf 0.6396 0.5698 0.1834 0.3069 0.2889 Tree 0.5800 0.5928 0.2895 0.4070 0.3866For each of the parameter types, we drew a scatterplot, calculated the correlation, and investigated the statistical signi?cance of the resulting line of best?t. Aspect ratio (AR) and circularity (C) were each statistically signi?cant, pointing to linear relationships;rectangularity (R) was not.ConclusionThetestsofaspect ratio and circularity support thetheory that leafshape is a two-dimensional mimic of the tree contour. Thus, the shape of leaf resembles the shape of tree to some extent.A Close Look at Leaves217Model 4: Leaf MassIntroductionA simple way to calculate the total leaf mass is to multiply the number of leaves by the mass of a single leaf. Our method is more accurate and less demanding, in that our model is (surprisingly!) independent of these two factors but dependent on a more reliable factor of a grown tree: photosyn- thesis. Our methodology of estimating the leaf mass of a tree is based on three variables:?tree age;?growth rate, which is determined by tree species; and?general type (hardwood or conifer). In other words, given the age and type of a tree, we can estimate the total mass of leaves. In this model, CO2is used as a calculating medium.Leaf Mass and Tree AgeLeaf Mass and CO2SequestrationTrees sequester CO2from the atmosphere in their leaves but mostly elsewhere in the tree. A tree’s ability to sequester CO2is measured in termsof massASof CO2(in pounds)per gram of leaf. Hardwood trees sequestermore CO2per gram of leaf than conifers.A tree’s ability to sequester CO2is different from its ability to absorb it,sincethe tree also releasesCO2into the atmosphere as part ofits respiration.In other words, CO2sequestration = CO2absorption?CO2release. Now we need only to estimate the weight of CO2sequestered by the tree and then calculate the total mass of the leaves as the ratio of the mass of CO2sequestered to the mass of CO2sequestered per leaf:mleaves= mCO2AS.CO2Sequestration and Tree AgeThe relationship between the amount of CO2sequestered, the age of a tree, and the type of tree is given in a table by the Energy Information Administration , which also divides trees based on their growth rate: fast, moderate, or slow. For each growth rate, we graphed the annual sequestration rate vs. age of the tree and?tted a quadratic model (seeFigure 10for conifer example).218TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Figure 10.Annual CO2sequestration rates, in pounds of carbon per tree per year, for three rates of growth of conifer trees of increasing age.We were surprised to?nd that the curves?t the data perfectly! (This fact strongly suggests that the original table values were not measured but calculated from such a model.) From the equations of the?tted curves, we can easily estimate the CO2sequestered for a tree ofa given age and growth rate and consequently calculate the mass of the leaves.Tree Age and Tree SizeAbove, we used the age of a tree as a link between the two leaf massand the size characteristics of the tree. Since we now know the relationship between the age ofa tree (ofa particular growth rate)and its totalleafmass, now we only need to work out the relationship between the age of the tree and the size characteristics of it. Tree size is the accumulation of growth, which is a biological phenomenon of increase with time. In its life cycle, a tree experiences logisticgrowth, leading to a model for its “size,” or pro?le,P(height, mass, diameter) asP=k1? 1?ek2A?k3,henceA=k4ln ? 1?k5Pk6? ,whereAis the age of the tree and thekiare constants that depend on the species of tree.Leaf Mass and Tree SizeFinally, we get to answer the question of whether there is a relationshipbetween leaf mass and tree size characteristics. Putting together our earlier models, we have the relationships inFigure 11.A Close Look at Leaves219Figure 11.According to our earlier results,leafmassand treeagearerelated to each other through CO2sequestration, and we have just determined a functionbetween tree age and tree size.Strengths and WeaknessesModel 1Strengths:Our modelis based on quantitativeanalysis,so the classi?cation processis both objective and ef?cient. Our model is based on categories of leaf types that are the most typical and common.Weakness:We divide leaves into only six categories, which may not cover all leaf types.Model 2Strengths:Wehavetaken intoconsideration threeclimateconditions(tropicalzone,temperate zone,and frigid zone)in discussing the relationship between the leaf distribution and the leaf shape. The results of our model conform to the data that we found.220TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Weakness:We consider the leaf distribution on a single branch but have not con- sidered the inner-in?uence between different leaves of different branches.Model 3Strength:The whole process uses data and quantitative analysis as foundations,so the output is objective and reasonable.Weakness:We have limited categories of tree pro?les.Model 4Strength:We use the carbon sequestration rate and age as the media to calculatethe total mass of leaves, which is better than trying to estimate the number of leaves and the average weight of each.Weakness:The data are from a source that does not refer to the method of arriving at the data.Letterto a Science Journal EditorDear Editor: We present to you our key?ndings. We?rst focus on the possible in?uence on leafshape ofthe leafdistribu- tion on the tree. For survival reasons, a tree should develop an optimal leaf distribution and shape pattern that adjust to the speci?c region of its ori- gin, thereby gaining the most nutrients for photosynthesis by maximizing the exposure area to sunshine. We demonstrate a mathematical relation- ship among solar altitude, leaf shape, and leaf distribution. Based on this ?nding, we may be able to determine the best location for replanting or assisted-migration of a tree species by observing its leaf distribution. Our second key?nding is a rough relationship between the tree’s pro- ?le and its leaves. In fact, we hypothesize that a leaf is a two-dimensional mimic of the tree. For several trees, we compared the shape of the leaf and the contour of the tree,?nding similarities between certain characteristics.A CloseLook at Leaves221 This?nding is another instance of the natural world containing examples of self-similarity, a mathematical concept that means that an object is ap- proximately similar to a part of itself, as is the case for the mathematical objects of the Koch snow?ake and the Mandelbrot set. The third part of our study deals with the relationship between tree size characteristics and the total mass of the leaves. The two are linked by the CO2sequestration rate and the age of the tree. Hence, we can estimate the total mass of the leaves given some pro?le parameters of a tree, such as its height, diameter, volume, age, and type. This?nding might have potential for agricultural and environmental uses, such as a new method to estimate tea production or wood production, or estimation of the CO2sequestration effect of a forest as an alleviator of global warming. In hope of publishing our research in your journal, we enclose our re- search paper for you to examine and judge. We are convinced that our research on leaves promises to contribute to a variety of areas. Sincerely yours, Team 14990AcknowledgmentThe authors thank David Knight, James Painter, and Matthew Potter of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University for permission to reproduce photos of leaves from their paper Knight et al. .ReferencesAlonso, Jos′ e Antonio, and Ma Teresa Lamata. 2006. Consistency in the analytic hierarchy process: A new approach.International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems14 (4): 445–459.http://hera.ugr.es/doi/16515833.pdf. Du,Ji-Xiang,Xiao-Feng Wang,and Guo-Jun Zhang. 2007. Leafshapebased plant species recognition.Applied Mathematics and Computation185 (2) (February 2007): 883–893. Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy. 1998. Method for calculating carbon sequestration by trees in urban and sub- urban settings.ftp://ftp.eia.doe.gov/pub/oiaf/1605/cdrom/pdf/ sequester.pdf. Im, C., H. Nishida, and T.L. Kunil. 1998. Recognizing plant species by leaf shapes—a case study of theAcerfamily. InProceedings of 1998 IEEE222TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, August 1998, vol. 2, 1171–1173. Knight, David, James Painter, and Matthew Potter. 2010. Automatic plant leaf classi?cation for a mobile?eld guide: An android application.http://www.stanford.edu/~jpainter/documents/Plant%20Leaf% 20Classification.pdfandhttp://www.stanford.edu/class/ee368/Project_10/Reports/Knight_Painter_Potter_PlantLeafClassification.pdf. Saaty, Thomas L. 1982.Strategy and Organization, The Analytical Hierarchy ProcessforDecisionsin aComplex World. Belmont,CA:Lifetime Learning Pub. Tsukaya, Hirokazu 2006. Mechanism of leaf-shape determination.Annual Review of Plant Biology57 (1): 477–496. Wang,Z.,Z.Chi,and D.Feng. 2003. Shape based leafimage retrieval.IEEE Proceedings: Vision, Image, and Signal Processing150 (1) (February 2003): 34–43. Team members Tiankun Lu, Bo Zhang, and Yi Zhang.Judges’Commentary223Judges’Commentary: The Outstanding Leaf Problem PapersPeter Olsen, P.E.Commander, US Coast Guard Reserve Baltimore, MDpcolsen@gmail.comA manager would rather live with a problem he cannot solve than accept asolution hedoes not understand.—Robert E.D. “Gene” Woolsey IntroductionProblem A of the 2012 MathematicalContest in Modeling (MCM)tmwaswritten by Lee Zia, who posed a challenging problem, “How can you mea- sure the weight of leaves on a tree?” and several equally challenging sub- problems. The problems were easy to state, but there were no traditional approaches. Successful teams would have to combine existing models, data, and new ideas in creative and original ways. The results were gratifying. The judges were impressed by the variety of approaches submitted by the teams. The approaches were creative and the models showed each team’s ability to use their own new ideas to re?ne and extend work that had gone before. No two of the Outstanding papers shared the same model. Some share parts and data; but those are emphasized, combined, and used in different ways. Existing work, often quickly?ndable on Google, forms the scaffold on which each team built their own model. The?nal structures were a pleasure to behold.Problem Statement“How much do the leaveson a tree weigh?” How might oneestimatethe actual weight of the leaves (or for that matter any other parts of the tree)?TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)223–229. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.224TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) How might one classify leaves? Build a mathematical model to describe and classify leaves. Consider and answer the following:?Why do leaves have the various shapes that they have??Do the shapes “minimize” overlapping individualshadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure? Does the distribution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and its branches effect the shape??Speaking of pro?les, is leaf shape (general characteristics) related to tree pro?le/ branching structure??How would you estimate the leaf mass of a tree? Is there a correlationbetween the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume de?ned by the pro?le)? In addition to your one-page summary sheet, prepare a one-page letter to an editor of a scienti?c journal outlining your key?ndings.DataFor some of the subproblems, such as the leaf classi?cation, real data could be obtained easily. For others, such as the calculation of the mass of the leaves of the tree, it was dif?cult or impossible to obtain real data. In these latter cases, the teams showed creativity?nding and using secondary sources.Criteria forJudgingHere are some of the issues that kept papers from the?nal rounds:?Errors in mathematics, which quickly took them out of further consider- ation.?Including mathematics that didn’t?t the?ow of the presentation. In afew cases, mathematics appears to have been inserted to make a paper look more credible or to take the place of other work that had led to a dead end.?Changing notation, sometimes even within a single section.?Using unde?ned or poorly de?ned symbols, or using symbols before de?ning them.?Incomplete expressions, either because the team made an error or be-cause the expression did not survive the word-processor. (One of the Outstanding papers addressed in this commentary had a few incomplete expressions, probably because they didn’t survive the word-processor,Judges’ Commentary225 but the coherence of its model and the strength of its presentation over- came that defect.)Modeling IssuesThis problem required two different types of model:?Increasing abstraction:The leaf classi?cation model abstracted from an immense number of natural leaf characteristics a set of arti?cial ones small enough to be useful for classi?cation.?Decreasing abstraction:The leaf mass problem took abstract models, ap- plied them to data, and got concrete numerical results Some models were dif?cult to understand; poor writing was the most common cause. Another cause was the use of inapposite mathematics. If the mathematics was a result of a “drive-by” insertion,?tting it into the model could be dif?cult. Here are a few of the modeling issues that hurt some papers’chance of entering the?nal rounds:?Questionable,con?icting,orunjusti?ablyspeculativeassumptions. Good papers did not assume any spherical cows (“a metaphor for highly sim- pli?ed scienti?c models of complex real life phenomena” ).?Dependence ondeus ex machina: an assumption, equation, reference, or procedure invoked without explanation or context. Often the invocation would start with the phrase “It is well-known that...” It may be well- known to those who know it well, but that is unlikely to be the customer or client.?Confusing, missing, or misplaced model de?nitions; model de?nitions are more complex and more important than mathematical ones, since they must not only name thede?niendumbut also specify what it is and what it is to be used for.?Failure to reach a conclusion.?Con?icting subproble models with unexplained con?icts between as- sumptions.?Unexplained inconsistencies in data.?An unclear, incomplete, or unrepresentative letter to the journal editor.?A poor abstract: –too much detail, so much that it was dif?cult to see the overall struc- ture of the model or the strategy for using it; or226TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) –too little detail, so that it was dif?cult for the reader to what was actually to be done; or –an incomplete abstract, presenting only part of the problem.?Poor presentation, including bad prose style, poor vocabulary, and dis- organized explanations. Good presentation won’t get a bad paper into the?nals, but poor presentation may keep a good one out. (The weight given to this criterion varies among the judges.)Letterto a Journal EditorThe one-page letter to a journal editor was an important part of the problem. Its goal was to give insight into whether or not the teams could explain their results clearly, simply, and directly. The most important crite- rion of modeling is whether or not the models are used, either to increase understanding directly (through use) or indirectly (through publications, conferences,or professionaltools such as software). A modelthat cannot be understood will not be used (see the quotation from Woolsey at the head of this commentary). A good letter should present an overview of the problem, technique, and results in a single page. The clarity of each team’s letter is one indication of how their model might fare in the real world.The Outstanding PapersHong Kong Baptist UniversityThis team’s entry was nicely laid out and easy to follow. The tree- classi?cation models appeared to be traceable back to the?rst principles of physics. Each model’s development began with a clear description of the ap- proach the team intended to follow. For example, in the leaf classi?cation subproblem theapproach wasto reduceallleafstructuresto a oneofseveral polar coordinate functional shapes. These easily can be distinguished. The team’s solution to the problem of?nding the mass of leaves on a tree was unique. The team used the structural properties of the tree, not properties of the tree canopy directly. The advantage of this approach is that the team did not need any information about the size or density of the canopy,the properties ofindividualleaves,or the number or distribution of the leaves. Knowing each branch’s modulus of elasticity and its de?ection under load provided enough information so that its leaf load could be inferred from thebranch’sde?ection. Conceptually,thissolution wasmuch simpler than most of the others. As a practical matter, users of this solution might?nd dif?culty in obtaining some of the data, such as the de?ection ofJudges’Commentary227 an unloaded branch; but if they could, this would an ef?cient and elegant solution. The presentation was excellent for all models. The prose, graphics, and equations?owed seamlessly throughout the paper. The team’s letter to the editor was the paper’s one weakness. The team employed a very high-level approach, laying out the overall goals for the problem, but without giving insight into the models’operational details.Shanghai Foreign Language SchoolThis paper had a particularly strong beginning. Within the space of three pages, the team?reorganized the problem into four consolidated subproblems,?stated their assumptions clearly and succinctly, and?provided a table listing their model’s parameters and their symbols. The team’s leaf classi?cation model used seven simple measurement procedures involving 10parameters,the most complicated ofwhich is area. The measurementscan be conducted on-siteusing only a sheet of?ne-ruled graph paper. Only one parameter requires calculation: division of the area of a fractional leaf segment by the leaf’s entire area. (In times past, this could have been done by eye with a simple nomograph. Now people will stop and key data into calculators.) As with the team from Hong Kong Baptist University, the model for estimating leaf mass has an unusual approach. The model does not rely on direct measurements of leaf characteristics or tree size. This can be used to show that leaf-mass and tree size are correlated. The challenge in using this model is determination of the rate of sequestration of carbon-dioxide. The modelusessequestration data from a U.S.DepartmentofEnergy document. The last section of the paper contained a clear and well-organized sum- mary list of each problem’s strengths and weaknesses. The team’s letter to the editor was clear and concise. It covered the high- levelstatement ofthe problem,then gave enough detailofthe solution plan that an knowledgeablebut non-expertreader could feelconversantwith the approach.National University of SingaporeThis team’s leaf classi?cation algorithm is the simplest of the four de- scribed in this commentary. It has four steps:?project the leaf onto a grid;?determine the grid squares covered by the projection to determine if theleaf has convexities:228TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)?If it convex, it is a palmate leaf, exit;?if it is not convex, then perform further classi?cation. The leafmass is calculated based on the team’s vector tree modeloftree- structureand their insolation model. Thevector treemodelrepresentsa tree as three-dimensional vectors; daughter branches are obtained by applying a linear transform to the parents. This entry made excellent use of graphics in presenting their models and results. This team’s letter to the editor successfully wove their research, their results, and their ideas about further research into a single clear narrative.Zhejiang UniversityThis paper presented a neural-net-based leaf classi?er that was most sophisticated of all of the leaf classi?cation schemes. The input layer had 4 nodes, the middle layer 10 nodes, and the output layer had 1 node. The team divided a sample of leaves into four classes. They trained the network on 32 exemplars of each class, then tested the network on 8 other leaves drawn at random from the entire ensemble. The network misclassi?ed 1 of the 8. In general, it’s impossible to tell how a back-propagation reaches its results; but it’s reasonable to hypothe- size that more training data might have corrected the one misclassi?cation. The leaf mass estimation was the most traditional of these four papers. It was based directly on the leaf mass constant, a known value that varies with treespecies,and an estimateofthevolumeofan approximatingregular solid.SummaryThese four solutions had strong similarities—importantly, not in the solutions themselves. Models work when they provide understandable bases for reasonable decisions. All four solutions met that criterion and several others:?They were presented clearly. –The descriptive text was clear. There were comparatively few errors in grammar, vocabulary, or style; and these didn’t interfere with the reader’s understanding. –Graphics were appropriate and clear. They supported the argument being made. The appropriate text referred to them.?The models were appropriate to the problem to be solved, in that –the assumptions and goals were clearly stated;Judges’Commentary229 –thephysicswascorrectand appropriate—therewerenodeiexmachina or spherical cows; –there was no extraneous mathematics air-dropped into the model— the solution was organized in sections; and –the graphics were easy to?nd.ReferenceArney, Chris, and Kathryn Coronges. 2012. Modeling for crime busting. TheUMAP Journal33 (3) (2012) 291–302. Wikipedia. 2012. Spherical cow.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_cow. Woolsey, Robert E.D. 2003.Real World Operations Research: The Woolsey Papers. Marietta, GA: Lionheart Publications.AcknowledgmentsThis paper bene?tted from insights in the Judges’Commentary by Chris Arney and Kathryn Coronges in this issue.About the AuthorA graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Peter Olsen retired fromthe Coast Guard Reserveas a Commander in 1997,after 27years service,ac- tive and reserve. His most challenging assignment was to build the quanti- tativemodelused to allocateresourcesfor theExxon Valdezoil-spillcleanup. Of the model, Vice Admiral Robbins, the on-scene coordinator, wrote that it was completed on time, it was used by the people who paid for it, and its predictions were borne out by events.230TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Computing Along theBig Long River231Computing Along the Big Long RiverChip Jackson Lucas Bourne Travis PetersWestern Washington University Bellingham, WA Advisor: Edoh Y. AmiranAbstract We develop a model to schedule trips down the Big Long River. The goal is to optimally plan boat trips of varying duration and propulsion so as to maximize the number of trips over the six-month season. We model the process by which groups travel from campsite to campsite. Subject to the given constraints, our algorithm outputs the optimal daily schedule for each group on the river. By studying the algorithm’s long-term behavior, we can compute a maximum number of trips, which we de?ne as the river’s carrying capacity. We apply our algorithm to a case study of the Grand Canyon, which has many attributes in common with the Big Long River. Finally, we examine the carrying capacity’s sensitivity to changes in the distribution of propulsion methods, distribution of trip duration, and the number of campsites on the river.IntroductionWe address scheduling recreational trips down the Big Long River so as to maximize the number of trips. From First Launch to Final Exit (225 mi), participants take either an oar-powered rubber raft or a motorized boat. Trips last between 6and 18nights,with participants camping at designated campsites along the river. To ensure an authentic wilderness experience, at most one group at a time may occupy a campsite. This constraint limits the number of possible trips during the park’s six-month season. We model the situation and then compare our results to rivers with similar attributes,thus verifying that our approach yields desirable results. Our model is easily adaptable to?nd optimal trip schedules for rivers of varying length, numbers of campsites, trip durations, and boat speeds.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)231–246. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.232TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)De?ning the Problem?How should trips of varying length and propulsion be scheduled to maximize the number of trips possible over a six-month season??How many new groups can start a river trip on any given day??What is the carrying capacity of the river—the maximum number ofgroups that can be sent down the river during its six-month season?Model OverviewWe design a model that?can be applied to real-world rivers with similar attributes (i.e.,the GrandCanyon);?is?exible enough to simulate a wide range of feasible inputs; and?simulates river-trip scheduling as a function of a distribution of triplengths (either 6, 12, or 18 days), a varying distribution of propulsion speeds, and a varying number of campsites. The model predicts the number of trips over a six-month season. It also answers questions about the carrying capacity of the river, advantageous distributions of propulsion speeds and trip lengths, how many groups can start a river trip each day, and how to schedule trips.ConstraintsThe problem speci?es the following constraints:?Trips begin at First Launch and end at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream.?There are only two types of boats: oar-powered rubber rafts and motor- ized boats.?Oar-powered rubber rafts travel 4 mph on average.?Motorized boats travel 8 mph on average.?Group trips range from 6 to 18 nights.?Trips are scheduled during a six-month period of the year.?Campsites are distributed uniformly along the river.?No two groups can occupy the same campsite at the same time.Computing Along theBig Long River233Assumptions?We can prescribe the ratio of oar-powered river rafts to motorized boats that go onto the river each day. Therecan beproblems if toomany oar-powered boats arelaunchedwith short trip lengths.?The duration of a trip is either 12 days or 18 days for oar-powered rafts, and either 6 days or 12 days for motorized boats. Thissimpli?cation stillallowsourmodeltoproducemeaningfulresults whileletting us comparetheeffect of varying trip lengths.?There can only be one group per campsite per night. This agrees with thedesires of theriver manager.?Each day, a group can only move downstream or remain in its current campsite—it cannot move back upstream. Thisrestrictsthe?ow ofgroupstoasingledirection,greatly simplifying how wecan movegroups from campsitetocampsite.?Groups can travel only between 8a.m.and 6p.m., a maximum of 9 hours of travel per day (one hour is subtracted for breaks/ lunch/ etc.). Thisimpliesthat perday, oar-poweredraftscan travelat most 36miles, and motorized boats at most 72 miles. This assumption allows us to determinewhich groups can reasonably reach agiven campsite.?Groups never travelfarther than the distancethat they can feasibly travel in a single day: 36 miles per day for oar-powered rafts and 72 miles per day for motorized boats.?We ignore variables that could in?uence maximum daily traveldistance, such as weather and river conditions. Thereis noway of accurately including thesein themodel.?Campsites are distributed uniformly so that the distance between camp- sites is the length of the river divided by the number of campsites. Wecan thusrepresent theriverasan array ofequally-spacedcampsites.?A group must reach the end of the river on the?nal day of its trip: –A group will not leave the river early even if able to. –A group will not have a?nish date past the desired trip length. This assumption?ts what we believe is an important standard for the river manager and for thequality of thetrips.234TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Table 1. Notation. Symbol Meaning gigroupi titrip length for groupi, measured in nights;6≤ti≤18dinumber of nights groupihas spent on the riverYnumber of campsites on the river cYlocation of campsiteYin miles downstream;0 cY225 c0campsite representing First Launch (used to construct a waitlist of groups)c?nalcampsite (which is always “open”) representing Final Exitlilocation of groupi’s current campsite in miles down the river;0 li225aiaverage distance that groupishould move each day to be on schedule;ai= 225/timimaximum distance that groupican travel in a single dayPipriority of groupi;Pi= (di/ti)(li/225)Gcset of groups that can reach campsitecRratio of oar-powered rafts to motorized boats launched each day Xcurrent number of trips down Big Long River each year Mpeak carrying capacity of the river (maximum number of groups that can be sent down the river during its six-month season) Ddistribution of trip durations of groups on the riverMethodsWe de?ne some terms and phrases: Open campsite:A campsiteisopen ifthereisnogroup currentlyoccupying it: Campsitecnis open if no groupgiis assigned tocn. Moving to an open campsite:For a groupgi, its campsitecn, moving to some other open campsitecm?=cnis equivalent to assigninggito thenew campsite. Since a group can move only downstream, or remain at their current campsite, we must havem≥n. Waitlist:The waitlist for a given day is composed ofthe groups that are not yet on the river but will start their trip on the day when their ranking on the waitlist and their ability to reach a campsitecincludes them in the setGcof groups that can reach campsitec, and the groups are deemed“the highest priority.” Waitlisted groups are initialized with a current campsite value ofc0(the zeroth campsite), and are assumed to have priorityP= 1until they are moved from the waitlist onto the river. Off the River:We consider the?rst space off of the river to be the “?nal campsite”c?nal, and it is always an open campsite (so that any number of groups can be assigned to it. This is consistent with the understanding that any number of groups can move off of the river in a single day.Computing Along theBig Long River235The Farthest Empty CampsiteOur schedulingalgorithm usesan arrayasthedata structuretorepresent the river, with each element of the array being a campsite. The algorithm begins each day by?nding the open campsitecthat is farthest down the river, then generates a setGcof all groups that could potentially reachcthat night. Thus,Gc={gi|li+mi≥c},whereliis the group’s current location andmiis the maximum distancethat the group can travel in one day.?The requirement thatmi+li≥cspeci?es that groupgimust be able to reach campsitecin one day.?Gccan consist of groups on the river and groups on the waitlist.?IfGc=?, then we move to the next farthest empty campsite—located upstream,closer to the start ofthe river. The algorithm always runs from the end of the river up towards the start of the river.?IfGc?=?,then thealgorithm attemptstomovethegroup with thehighest priority to campsitec. The scheduling algorithm continues in this fashion until the farthest empty campsite is the zeroth campsitec0. At this point, every group that was able to move on the river that day has been moved to a campsite, and we start the algorithm again to simulate the next day.PriorityOnce a setGchas been formed for a speci?c campsitec, the algorithm must decide which group to move to that campsite. ThepriorityPiis ameasure of how far ahead or behind schedule groupgiis:?Pi1: groupgiis behind schedule;?Pi1: groupgiis ahead of schedule;?Pi=1: groupgiis precisely on schedule. We attempt to move the group with the highest priority intoc. Some examples of situations that arise, and how priority is used to re- solve them, are outlined inFigures 1and2.Priorities and OtherConsiderationsOur algorithm always tries to move the group that is the most behind schedule, to try to ensure that each group is camped on the river for a236TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Downstream?→ Campsite 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group A B C Open Open Farthest PriorityPA= 1.1PB=1.5PC= 0.8open campsite Figure 1.The scheduling algorithm has found that the farthest open campsite is Campsite 6 and Groups A, B, and C can feasibly reach it. Group Bhas the highest priority, so we move Group Bto Campsite 6. Downstream?→ Campsite 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group A Open C Open Farthest B Priority PA=1.1PC= 0.8open campsite Figure 2.As the scheduling algorithm progresses past Campsite 6, it?nds that the next farthest open campsite is Campsite 5. The algorithm has calculated that Groups A and C can feasibly reach it; sincePA PC, Group A is moved to Campsite 5.number of nights equal to its predetermined trip length. However, in some instances it may not be ideal to move the group with highest priority to the farthest feasible open campsite. Such is the case if the group with the highest priority isaheadof schedule (P 1). We provide the following rules for handling group priorities:?Ifgiisbehindschedule,i.e.Pi1,then movegitoc,its farthest reachableopen campsite.?Ifgiisaheadof schedule, i.e.Pi1, then calculatediai, the number ofnights that the group has already been on the river times the average distance per day that the group should travel to be on schedule. If the result is greater than or equal(in miles)to the location ofcampsitec,then movegitoc. Doing so amounts to movinggionly in such a way that itis no longer ahead of schedule.?Regardless ofPi, if the chosenc=c?nal, then do not movegiunlessti= di. This feature ensures thatgi’s trip will not end before its designated end date. Theonecasewhereagroup’spriorityisdisregarded isshown inFigure3.Scheduling SimulationWe now demonstrate how our model could be used to schedule river trips. In the following example, we assume 50 campsites along the 225-mile river, and we introduce 4 groups to the river each day. We project the tripComputing Along theBig Long River237Downstream?→ Campsite 170 171 ... 223 224 Off Group D Open Open Open Open Farthest PriorityPD=1.1open campsite tD= 12dD= 11 Figure 3.The farthest open campsite is the campsite off the river. The algorithm?nds that Group D could move there, but Group D hastD dD—that is, Group D is supposed to be on the river for 12 nights but so far has spent only 11—so Group D remains on the river, at some campsite between 171 and 224 inclusive.schedules of the four speci?c groups that we introduce to the river on day 25. We choose a midseason day to demonstrate our model’s stability over time. The characteristics of the four groups are:?g1: motorized,t1= 6;?g2: oar-powered,t2= 18;?g3: motorized,t3= 12;?g4: oar-powered,t4= 12. Figure 5shows each group’s campsite number and priority value for each night spent on the river. For instance, the column labeledg2gives campsite numbers for each of the nights ofg2’s trip. We?nd that eachgiis off the river after spending exactlytinights camping, and thatP→1asdi→ti, showing that as time passes our algorithm attempts to get (andkeep) groups on schedule.Figures 6and7display our results graphically. These?ndings are consistent with the intention of our method; we see in this small-scale simulation that our algorithm produces desirable results.Case StudyThe Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon is an ideal case study for our model, since it shares many characteristics with the Big Long River. The Canyon’s primary river raftingstretch is226miles,ithas235campsites,and itisopen approximately six months of the year. It allows tourists to travel by motorized boat or by oar-powered river raft for a maximum of12or 18days,respectively . Using the parameters of the Grand Canyon, we test our model by run- ning a number ofsimulations. We alter the number ofgroups placed on the water each day, attempting to?nd the carrying capacity for the river—the238TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Figure 4.Visual depiction of scheduling algorithm.Computing Along theBig Long River239 Campsite numbers and priority values for each group Number of nights spent on river ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 1 ????????????????????????????2 ?????????????????????????????3 ??????????????????????????????4 ????????????????????????????????5 ????????????????????????????????6 ?????????????????????????????7 ??????????????????????????????8 ??????????????????????????9 ??????????????????????????11 ?????????????????????????12 ??????????????????????????13 ???????????????????????14 ??????????????????????15 ??????????????16 ?????????????17 ??????????????18 ??????????????19 ??????????????20 ????????????Figure 5.Schedule for example of groups launched on Day 25.? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ? ????? ? ????? ? ????? ?Figure 6.Movement of groups down the river based onFigure 5. Groups reach the end of the river on different nights due to varying trip-duration parameters.240TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ? ????? ? ????? ? ????? ?Figure 7.Priority values of groups over the course of each trip. Values converge toP= 1due to the algorithm’s attempt to keep groups on schedule.maximum number ofpossibletrips over a six-month season. The main con- straint is that each trip must last the group’s planned trip duration. During its summer season, the Grand Canyon typically places six new groups on the water each day ,so we use this value for our?rst sim- ulation. In each simulation, we use an equal number of motorized boats and oar-powered rafts, along with an equal distribution of trip lengths. Our model predicts the number of groups that make it off the river (completed trips), how many trips arrive past their desired end date (late trips), and the number of groups that did not make it off the waitlist (total left on waitlist). These values change as we vary the number ofnew groups placed on the water each day (groups/ day).Table 2. Results of simulations for the number of groups to launch each day. Simulation Groups/ day Trips Left on Completed Late waitlist 1 6 996 2 8 1328 3 10 1660 4 12 1992 5 14 2324 6 16 2656 7 17 2834 8 18 2988 9 19 3154 5 10 20 3248 10 43 11 21 3306 14 109Computing Along theBig Long River241 Table 1indicates that a maximum of 18 groups can be sent down the river each day. Over the course of the six-month season, this amounts to nearly 3,000 trips. Increasing groups/ day above 18 is likely to cause late trips (some groups are stillon the river when our simulation ends)and long waitlists. In Simulation 1, we send 1,080 groups down river (6 groups/ day×180days)but only 996groupsmakeit off;theother groupsbegan near the end of the six-month period and did not reach the end of their trip before the end of the season. These groups have negligible impact on our results and we ignore them.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying CapacityManagersoftheBig Long River arefaced with a similar task to that ofthe managers of the Grand Canyon. Therefore, by?nding an optimal solution for the Grand Canyon, we may also have found an optimal solution for the Big Long River. However, this optimal solution is based on two key assumptions:?Each day, we put approximately the same number of groups onto the river; and?the river has about one campsite per mile. We can make these assumptions for the Grand Canyon because they are true for the Grand Canyon, but we do not know if they are true for the Big Long River. To dealwith theseunknowns,wecreateTable 3. Itsvaluesaregenerated by?xing the numberYof campsites on the river and the ratioRof oar- powered rafts to motorized boats launched each day, and then increasing the number of trips added to the river each day until the river reaches peak carrying capacity.Table 3. Capacity of the river as a function of the number of campsites and the ratio of oarboats to motorboats. Number of campsites on the river 100 150 200 250 300 1:4 1360 1688 2362 3036 3724 Ratio 1:2 1181 1676 2514 3178 3854 oar : motor 1:1 1169 1837 2505 3173 3984 2:1 1157 1658 2320 2988 3604 4:1 990 1652 2308 2803 3402The peak carrying capacities inTable 3can be visualized as points in a three-dimensional space, and we can?nd a best-?t surface that passes (nearly) through the data points. This best-?t surface allows us to estimate242TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) the peak carrying capacityMof the river for interpolated values. Essen- tially, it givesMas a function ofYandRand shows how sensitiveMis tochanges inYand/ orR.Figure 7is a contour diagram of this surface.Figure 7.Contour diagram of the best-?t surface to the points ofTable 3.The ridge along the vertical lineR= 1 : 1predicts that for any givenvalue ofYbetween 100 and 300, the river will have an optimal value ofMwhenR= 1 : 1. Unfortunately, the formula for this best-?t surface israther complex, and it doesn’t do an accurate job of extrapolating beyond the data ofTable 3;so it is not a particularly usefultoolfor the peak carrying capacity for other values ofR. The best method to predict the peak carrying capacity is just to use our scheduling algorithm.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying Capacity reRandDWe have treatedMas a function ofRandY, but it is still unknown to ushowMis affected by the mix of trip durations of groups on the river (D).Computing Along theBig Long River243 For example, if we scheduled trips of either 6 or 12 days, how would this affectM? The river managers want to know what mix of trips of varying duration and speed will utilize the river in the best way possible. We use our scheduling algorithm to attempt to answer this question. We?x the number of campsites at 200 and determine the peak carrying capacity for values ofRandD. The results of this simulation are displayed inTable 4.Table 4.Carrying capacity of the river by trip lengths and boat type. Distribution of trip lengths 12 only 12 or 18 6 or 12 6, 12, or 18 1:4 2004 1998 2541 2362 Ratio 1:2 2171 1992 2535 2514 oar : motor 1:1 2171 1986 2362 2505 2:1 1837 2147 2847 2320 4:1 2505 2141 2851 2308Table 4is intended to address the question ofwhat mix oftrip durations and speeds will yield a maximum carrying capacity. For example: If the river managers are currently scheduling trips of length?6, 12, or 18: Capacity could be increased either by increasingRto be closer to 1:1 or by decreasingDto be closer to “6 or 12.”?12 or 18: DecreaseDto be closer to “6 or 12.”?6 or 12: IncreaseRto be closer to 4:1.ConclusionThe river managers have asked how many more trips can be added totheBig Long River’sseason. Without knowing thespeci?csofhow theriver is currently being managed, we cannot give an exact answer. However, by applyingour modeltoa studyoftheGrand Canyon,wefound resultswhich could be extrapolated to the context of the Big Long River. Speci?cally, the managers of the Big Long River could add approximately(3,000?X)groups to the rafting season, whereXis the current number of trips and 3,000 is the capacity predicted by our scheduling algorithm. Additionally, we modeled how certain variables are related to each other;M,D,R, andY. River managers could refer to our?gures and tables to see how they could change their current values ofD,R, andYtoachieve a greater carrying capacity for the Big Long River. We also addressed scheduling campsite placement for groups moving down the Big Long River through an algorithm which uses priority values to move groups downstream in an orderly manner.244TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Limitations and ErrorAnalysisCarrying Capacity OverestimationOur model has several limitations. It assumes that the capacity of the river is constrained only by the number of campsites, the trip durations, and the transportation methods. We maximize the river’s carrying capac- ity, even if this means that nearly every campsite is occupied each night. This may not be ideal, potentially leading to congestion or environmental degradation of the river. Because of this, our model may overestimate the maximum number of trips possible over long periods of time.Environmental ConcernsOur case study of the Grand Canyon is evidence that our model omits variables. We are con?dent that the Grand Canyon could provide enough campsites for 3,000 trips over a six-month period, as predicted by our algo- rithm. However, since the actual?gure is around 1,000 trips ,the error is likely due to factors outside ofcampsite capacity, perhaps environmental concerns.Neglect of RiverSpeedAnother variable that our model ignores is the speed of the river. River speed increases with the depth and slope of the river channel, making our assumption of constant maximum daily travel distance impossible . When a river experiences high?ow, river speeds can double, and entire campsites can end up under water . Again, the results of our model don’t re?ect these issues.ReferencesC.U. Boulder Dept. of Applied Mathematics. n.d. Fitting a surface to scat- tered x-y-z data points.http://amath.colorado.edu/computing/Mathematica/Fit/. Jalbert, Linda, Lenore Grover-Bullington, and Lori Crystal, et al. 2006. Colorado River management plan. 2006.http://www.nps.gov/grca/ parkmgmt/upload/CRMPIF_s.pdf. NationalPark Service. 2008. Grand Canyon NationalPark. High?ow river permitinformation.http://www.nps.gov/grca/naturescience/high_ flow2008-permit.htm. . 2011. Grand Canyon National Park. 2011 Campsite List.http: //www.nps.gov/grca/parkmgmt/upload/2011CampsiteList.pdf.Computing Along theBig Long River245 Sullivan, Steve. 2011. Grand Canyon River Statistics Calendar Year 2010.http://www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/upload/Calendar_ Year_2010_River_Statistics.pdf. Wikipedia. 2012. River.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River.Memo to Managers of the Big Long RiverIn response to your questions regarding trip scheduling and river ca- pacity, we are writing to inform you of our?ndings. Our primary accomplishment is the development of a scheduling al- gorithm. If implemented at Big Long River, it could advise park rangers on how to optimally schedule trips of varying length and propulsion. The optimal schedule will maximize the number of trips possible over the six- month season. Our algorithm is?exible, taking a variety of different inputs. These include the number and availability of campsites, and parameters associ- ated with each tour group. Given the necessary inputs, we can output a daily schedule. In essence, our algorithm does this by using the state of the river from the previous day. Schedules consist of campsite assignments for each group on the river, as well those waiting to begin their trip. Given knowledge of future waitlists, our algorithm can output schedules months in advance,allowing managementto scheduletheprecisecampsitelocation of any group on any future date. Sparing you the mathematical details, allow us to say simply that our algorithm uses a priority system. It prioritizes groups who are behind schedule by allowing them to move to further campsites, and holds back groups who are ahead of schedule. In this way, it ensures that all trips will be completed in precisely the length of time the passenger had planned for. But scheduling is only part of what our algorithm can do. It can also compute a maximum number of possible trips over the six-month season. We call this the carrying capacity of the river. If we?nd we are below our carrying capacity, our algorithm can tell us how many more groups we could be adding to the water each day. Conversely, if we are experiencing river congestion, we can determine how many fewer groups we should be adding each day to get things running smoothly again. An interesting?nding of our algorithm is how the ratio of oar-powered river rafts to motorized boats affects the number oftrips we can send down- stream. When dealing with an even distribution oftrip durations (from 6to 18 days), we recommend a 1:1 ratio to maximize the river’s carrying capac- ity. If the distribution is skewed towards shorter trip durations, then our model predicts that increasing towards a 4:1 ratio will cause the carrying capacity to increase. Ifthe distribution is skewed the oppositeway,towards longer trip durations, then the carrying capacity of the river will always be246TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) less than in the previous two cases—so this is not recommended. Our algorithm has been thoroughly tested, and we believe that it is a powerful tool for determining the river’s carrying capacity, optimizing daily schedules,and ensuring that people will be able to complete their trip as planned while enjoying a true wilderness experience. Sincerely yours, Team 13955Team members Chip Jackson, Lucas Bourne, and Travis Peters, and team advisor Edoh Amiran.Judges’Commentary247Judges’Commentary: The Outstanding RiverProblem PapersMarie VaniskoDept. of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Carroll College Helena, MT 59625mvanisko@carroll.eduProblem Overview and General RemarksThis year’s problem dealt with scheduling variable-length river trips down a 225-mile stretch of a particular river, using either oar-powered rubber rafts (at 4mph)or motor boats (at 8mph). A?xed starting point and a?xed ending point were speci?ed for all trips, with campsites distributed fairly uniformly down the river corridor. Minimal contact between groups of visitors was desired, and no two groups could share the same campsite. The goal was to maximize the number of trips over a six-month period, utilizing both types of transportation and allowing for trip lengths of 6 to 18 nights on the river. In addition to the executive summary, teams were required to write a memo to the managers of the river trips, advising them on the optimal scheduling of trips of various lengths over the six-month period, and taking the carrying capacity of the river into account. The teams’ approaches varied greatly, especially regarding the num- ber of campsites available—a factor that had a signi?cant impact on the number of trips that could be scheduled. Many teams found that the “Big Long River” greatly resembled a stretch of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, and some used that as a case study for their models. Simulations are available for scheduling trips on that river, but teams had to address all of the issues raised in the problem statement and come up with a solution that demonstrated their own creativity. The judges looked for that and for carefully-explained mathematical model-building with sensitivity analysis that went beyond what is found in the literature.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)247–251. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.248TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Executive Summary and MemoTheexecutivesummaryisofcriticalimportance,especiallyin earlyjudg- ing. It should?motivate the reader;?be polished, with a good synopsis of key results;?give an overview of the model(s) used, together with the rationale forusing such a model and the primary results obtained from that model; and?state speci?c results obtained for the optimal solution. Teams were also asked to write a memo appropriate for the manager of the Big River boat tours. Whereas the executive summary usually con- tains technical details, this memo was intended for a nontechnical person who wanted to know how best to schedule trips. Hence, the memo was supposed to give speci?cs on how to schedule trips of various types to best accommodate as many groups as possible. Vague generalizations were of little or no value.DocumentationIn comparison with previous contests, the judges were pleased to ob- servea noticeableimprovementin how referenceswereidenti?ed and in the speci?cprecision oftheir documentation. Considering the online resources available, proper documentation was an especially important factor in this year’s problem. Despite the improvement, many papers contained charts and graphs from Web sources with no documentation. All graphs and tables should?have labels and/ or legends;?provide information about what is discussed in the paper;?be “called out” in the text of the paper, so as to refer the reader to them; and?be explained in the text, including their signi?cance. Thebestpapersused graphstohelp clarifytheirresults,and thosepapers also documented trustworthy resources whenever used.AssumptionsTeams made many assumptions about travel along the river. Some were appropriate and played integral roles in the models used;others wereJudges’Commentary249 super?uous. Some teams assumed that there would always be enough customers to?ll any trips scheduled; other teams used probability distri- butions to describe the demand for different trips at different times of the season. Either approach could beused,but each led to different results. The carrying capacity of the river was dependent on the number of campsites available and the types of trips to be scheduled. Since this is a modeling contest, much weight is put on whether or not the model could be used (with modi?cation) in the real world. Therefore, assumptions required for simpli?cation could not be totally unrealistic. Also, clear writing and exposition is essential to motivate and explain as- sumptions, and to derive and test models based on those assumptions.The Model(s)One can arrive at a fairly complete solution to this problem with pencil and paper alone. Problem solvers should at least consider this possibility before launching a simulation! Some teams began with a simple model, then improved it to accommodate the requirements better. Teams should be aware that it is not the quantity of models considered that is important, but rather the quality of the model selected and its applicability to the case at hand. At a minimum, the solutions should try to come up with a mix of trips that seem reasonable. Most teams recognized that for a 225-mile river, a motor boat could run the entire distance in 6 to 8 nights, whereas a raft powered by oars would need 12 to 18 nights. While it is true that requiring only the shortest trip lengths would permit the most boats to get down the river, it was important to consider that not all groups would choose to travel that way. Some teams considered a pro?t incentive when scheduling trips of varying duration on the river and used selected numbers from the Grand Canyon boat trips as a guide. For example, the cost of the trip might be a constant?xed cost plus an amount based on the number of nights on the river. In that case, shorter trips might allow more boats to launch and be optimal in terms of pro?t. Or perhaps it would be more valuable to people to get more time in this pristine wilderness, so they would pay a premium for the longer trips—in which case it might be worth sending fewer boats down the river. Many teams ignored cost/ pro?t issues. Teams assigned campsites so as to ensure that no two sets of campers occupied the same site at the same time. At the end of each night, the teams had to be sure that all crafts camped in reasonable locations and that the model did not require a boat to travel too far in any one day. Many teams measured the percentage of campsites occupied each night as a help in determining an optimalnumber ofcampsites and how good the solution was from a manager’s perspective.250TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) In addition to having no two groups at the same campsite, minimum contact between groups also implies minimizing crafts passing one another on the river. Teams that took this into account showed true diligence. Some teams even measured the average number of such contacts. Although ne- glecting this aspect was not a fatal?aw, proper consideration of the cross- ings gave the model added value.Testing the Model—Simulations and Sensitivity AnalysisMCM teams are getting better at carrying out simulations,and this tech- nique was of great value for the Big River problem. However, to carry out a simulation properly, criteria had to be speci?ed for scheduling trips of varying length. A good?owchart with examples was very powerful in clarifying how a simulation was to be carried out. Some teams used a well- de?ned prioritization scheme that assured that no two groups stayed at the same campsite on any given night and rejected assignments that violated that criterion. Sensitivity analysis was an essential ingredient. The better papers con- sidered how their solution was impacted by changing the number ofcamp- sites and by changing the types of trips. This included varying the ratio of motor boats to oar-powered rafts and varying the ratio of trip durations. The graphical demonstration of the results of such sensitivity analysis was a powerful way to communicate the outcomes and to check for patterns of optimality. Although sensitivityanalysiscould haveincluded issuesassociated with boating accidents, inclement weather, and?ash?oods, most papers only alluded to such possibilities. Few teams considered anything but constant speeds for the river?ow and the boats. Some teams considered extending the hours of travel.Strengths and WeaknessesA strong paper must assess its strengths and its weaknesses. One of the greatest strengths of any model is how well it re?ects the real world situ- ation. Hence, using a case study to validate a model is a powerful means to make that case. Most papers recognized the limitations of their mod- els in failing to consider weather, river, and individual camper issues. A strong solution might mention among weaknessesthat assigning campsites is something of a limitation, because an accident that prevents a boat from reaching its assigned campsite could mess up the model. A more realistic model would say that a given boat will go at most—rather than exactly—nJudges’Commentary251 miles per day; and a?exible model would ensure that a boat could?nd an open campsite if it didn’t make it to its goal campsite.Concluding RemarksMathematical modeling is an art. It is an art that requires considerable skill and practice in order to develop pro?ciency. The big problems that we face now and in the future will be solved in large part by those with the talent, the insight, and the will to model these real-world problems and continuously re?ne those models. The judges are very proud of all participants in this Mathematical Contest in Modeling and we commend you for your hard work and dedication.About the AuthorMarie Vanisko is a Mathematics Professor Emerita from Carroll College in Helena, Montana, where she taught for more than 30 years. She was also a Visiting Professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and taught for?ve years at California State University, Stanislaus. She chairs the Board of Directors at the Montana Learning Center on Canyon Ferry Lake and serves on the Engineering Advisory Board at CarrollCollege. She has been a judge for the MCM for 17 years and for the HiMCM for eight years.252TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Author’s Commentary253Author’s Commentary: The Outstanding RiverProblem PapersCatherine A. RobertsDept. of Mathematics and Computer Science College of the Holy Cross Worcester MA 01610croberts@holycross.eduThis MCM problem was inspired by a research project for the Grand Canyon NationalPark in Arizona,U.S.A.My collaboratorsand Ideveloped a mathematicalmodel to simulate white-water rafting traf?c along the 225- mile Colorado River corridor within the national park. The National Park Service manages access to the river, guided by a document called the Col- orado River Management Plan (CRMP).This research program began with efforts to revise the 1989 CRMP in the late 1990s. Our model was used as a tool by river managers at the National Park Service to explore options for scheduling rafting traf?c. At the time, every year (almost entirely over the summer months) more than 19,000 people rafted the river on trips guided by 16 licensed commer- cial companies, while approximately 3,500 private boaters paddled them- selvesdown theriver. Demand for accessto theriver far exceeded supply— a waiting list for a private river trip pass had over 7,000 names on it, and a quarter of those people had already waited over a dozen years. The hope was that this mathematical model would provide insight into alternativemanagement scenariosso that park managerscould make smart decisions that would enable as many visitors as possible to enjoy the river, while at the same time maintaining standards for a wilderness experience. Some simpli?cations were built into the MCM Problem, compared to the actual situation on the Colorado River.?The campsites on the Colorado River are not distributed evenly through- out the river corridor. Indeed,there’s a big congestion problem in a reach of the river with few campsites and many popular attraction sites. Some campsites are not suitable for motorized boats.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)253–257. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.254TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)?It is permissible to have more than one group camping at the same site, although theColoradoRiver ManagementPlan dictatesthattheschedule should minimize any camping within sight or sound of another party.?There are two?xed-points on the river corridor—places where passen- gers are exchanged via hiking in-and-out of the canyon or traveling via helicopter. A trip with an exchange must make it to their site at a prede- termined dateand time. Otherwise,therearenoassigned campsites—it’s really impossible to assign a rafting trip a speci?ed set of campsite loca- tions because so much (?ash?oods, boat spills, accidents, health prob- lems) can interfere with a party’s ability to reach a certain location at a ?xed time. Moreover, the river culture is such that assigned campsites would be anathema. The model uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) to divide the river into 90-meter cells. We assigned each cell speci?c attributes (camp- site, lunch spot, dangerous rapid, hiking trail, waterfall, etc.). We used hundreds of trip diaries and personal interviews with river guides to de- termine appropriate weights for the popularity of camping and attraction sites along the river corridor. Trip diaries also helped us estimate the av- erage rate of travel of motor and oar boats through various reaches of the river (when the river corridor narrows, the water’s velocity increases and so boats travel through faster). The model captures the complex dynamics of human visitors interacting with the environment and each other. It is both temporal and spatial as it carefully tracks every move that every trip makes. Our model, titled the Grand Canyon River Trip Simulator (GCRTSim), was programmed in VisualBasic. A user can build any imaginable launch schedule and “run” the season down the virtual river. The results are then analyzed and judged against criteria established by the Park Service. Our model leveraged a number of mathematical theories and ideas.?Intelligentagenttheory: Each trip hasan assigned “personality”and makes all of its decisions consistent with that personality to optimize each day. Thus, a short commercial trip would be less likely to choose a long hike when it needs more time just to paddle down the river. Each trip is an intelligent agent operating within a complex system.?Decision theory: Each trip makes decisions based on a?xed set of choices (e.g., to stop to camp or to continue to the next campsite). The model measures the utility gained from each choice and seeks to maximize the total utility for each trip (e.g., best campsites, key attractions, low crowds).?Game theory: Strategic behavior and bargaining rules come into play as each trip seeks to in?uence the decisions of other trips. For example,can one trip claim a downstream campsite earlier in the day by communi- cating its desire with the other trips that it encounters?Author’s Commentary255?Essentially, the GCRTSim model boils down to aconstrained optimization problem where the success of the entire season depends on individual decisions made by all of the trips, and the outcome depends on the com- bined strategies. For the National Park Service to manage the Grand Canyon rafting season successfully, the sum of all the individual deci- sions over the course of the entire season contributes to an overall utility that must be maximized. The GCRTSim model suggested that the best solution was to expand the rafting season into the shoulder months in the spring and fall. The new CRMP was authorized in 2006, and the new approach to scheduling river trips has been in place since 2008. The number of private launches was dramatically increased without lowering the commercial use. The waiting list was converted to a lottery system that appears to be in favor with the private boaters. Yet, even with more trips being sent down the river each year, the overall crowding at any particular moment was reduced because the trips were spread out over additional months. The number of trips on the river at any one time was reduced from a high of 70 to a high of 60, so the perception of visitors is that the river is less crowded now than it used to be. It is also quieter, since the number of months in which motorized rafts and helicopter exchanges are allowed have been cut in half. A rafter going through the Grand Canyon NationalPark on the Colorado River will enjoy a genuine wilderness experience.Photo Credit: Catherine A. Roberts.256TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)ReferencesBieri, Joanna A., and Catherine A. Roberts. 2000. Using the Grand Canyon River Trip Simulator totestnew launch scheduleson theColoradoRiver. AWIS Magazine29 (3): 6–10.http: //mathcs.holycross.edu/~croberts/publications/AWIS.PDF. Gimblett, R., T.C. Daniel, C.A. Roberts, and M. Ratliff. 1998. Update on river research at the Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon River Trip Simu- lator Project.(ColoradoRiver) Soundings: Newsletter of theColoradoRiver Management Planning Process(May 1998): 1–2. Gimblett, H. Randy, Catherine A. Roberts, Terry C. Daniel, Michael Ratliff, Michael J. Meitner, Susan Cherry, Doug Stallman, Rian Bogle, Robert Allred, Dana Kilbourne, and Joanna Bieri. 2000. An intelligent agent- based modeling for simulating and evaluating river trip scheduling scenarios along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. InIntegrating GIS and Agent-Based Modeling Techniques for Simulating Social and Ecological Processes, edited by H. Randy Gimblett, 245–275. New York: Oxford University Press.http://mathcs.holycross. edu/~croberts/RESEARCH/GCRTSim/SantaFe.PDF. O’Brien, Gary, and Catherine Roberts. 1999. Evaluation of river beach car- ryingcapacityinformation utilized bytheGrand Canyon RiverTrip Sim- ulator: Analysis and recommendationsfor future study. Grand Canyon Science Center (CA8210-99-002), Final Report.http://mathcs. holycross.edu/~croberts/RESEARCH/Beach/BEACH.PDF. Roberts, Catherine A. 2002a. How can a computer program aid the Col- orado River planning process?The Waiting List: The Grand Canyon Pri- vateBoatersAssociationQuarterly5(4): 6–8.http://mathcs.holycross. edu/~croberts/RESEARCH/GCRTSim/waitinglist.pdf. . 2002b. A computer model for the Colorado River Management Plan.TheRiver Management Society News(Winter 2002): 6–7. . 2007. Environmental mathematical modeling: Grand Canyon. Math Horizons15 (1) (September 2007): 10–13.http://www.maa.org/ mathhorizons/MH-Sep2007_GrandCanyon.pdf. , and Joanna A. Bieri. 2001. Impacts of low?ow rates on recre- ational rafting traf?c on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. Final Report. Bureau of Reclamation, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center.http://www.gcmrc.gov/library/reports/ cultural/Recreation/roberts2001.pdf. 2008. Summarized inSyn-opses of Studies Completed in Association with theLow Steady Summer Flow Experimental Release from Glen Canyon Dan in WY2000, edited by B.E. Ralston and J.L. Waring, 58–61. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Geological Survey.Author’s Commentary257 Roberts,CatherineA.,and Randy Gimblett. 2001. Computer simulation for rafting traf?c on the Colorado River. InProceedings of the5th Conference of Research on theColoradoPlateau, 19–30. Washington, DC:U.S. Geolog- ical Survey.http://mathcs.holycross.edu/~croberts/RESEARCH/ GCRTSim/USGS.PDF. Roberts,CatherineA.,Doug Stallman,and Joanna A.Bieri. 2002. Modeling complex human-environment interactions: The Grand Canyon river trip simulator.Journal of Ecological Modeling153 (2): 181–196.http:// mathcs.holycross.edu/~croberts/RESEARCH/GCRTSim/EcoMod. pdf.About the AuthorCatherine Roberts is Chair of the Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science at the College of the Holy Cross and Editor-in-Chief of the journalNatural Resource Modeling. She has an A.B. magna cum laude from Bowdoin College in mathematics and art his- tory and a Ph.D. from Northwestern University in applied mathematics and engineering sciences. She has served on numerous committees of the American Mathematical Society and the Association for Women in Mathe- matics, and she is an Associate Editor of thisJournal.258TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)GiordanoAward Commentary259Judges’Commentary: The Giordano Award forthe RiverProblemMarie VaniskoDept. of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Carroll College Helena, MT 59625mvanisko@carroll.eduRichard D. WestMathematics Dept. Francis Marion University Florence, SC 29501rwest@fmarion.eduIntroductionFor the?rst time in its history, the MCM is designating a paper with the Frank Giordano Award. This designation goes to a paper that demon- strates a very good exampleofthe modeling process in a problem involving discrete mathematics. Havingworked on thecontestsinceitsinception,FrankGiordanoserved as Contest Director for 20 years. As Frank says: It was my pleasure to work with talented and dedicated profession- als to provide opportunities for students to realize their mathematical creativity and whet their appetites to learn additional mathematics. The enormous amount of positive feedback I have received from par- ticipants and faculty over the years indicates that the contest has made a huge impact on the lives of students and faculty, and also has had an impact on the mathematics curriculum and supporting laborato- ries worldwide. Thanks to all who have made this a rewarding and pleasant experience!TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)259–262. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.260TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) The Frank Giordano Award for 2012went to the Outstanding team from Western Washington University (WWU) in Bellingham, WA. This solution paper was characterized by?a high-quality application of the complete modeling process, including assumptions with clear justi?cations, a well-de?ned simulation, a case study, and sensitivity analysis;?originality and creativity in the modeling effort to solve the problem as given; and?clear and concise writing, making it a pleasure to read.The RiverProblemThis year’s problem dealt with scheduling variable-length river tripsdown a 225-mile stretch of a particular river, using either oar-powered rubber rafts (at 4 mph) or motor boats (at 8 mph). Fixed starting and ending points were speci?ed for all trips, with campsites distributed fairly uniformly down the river corridor. Minimal contact between groups of visitors was desired and no two groups could share the same campsite. The goal was to maximize the number of trips over a six-month period utilizing both types of transportation and allowing for trip lengths of 6 to 18 nights on the river. In addition to the executive summary, teams were required to write a memo to the managers of the river trips, advising them of the carrying capacity of the river and how to schedule trips of various lengths over the six-month period. The approaches that teams took varied greatly, especially with regard to the number of campsites available. That factor had a signi?cant impact on the number of trips that could be scheduled. Many teams found that the “Big Long River” greatly resembled a stretch of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, and some looked at this as a case study for their models. Simulations for scheduling trips on the Colorado River were available, but teams had to address all the issues raised and come up with a solution that demonstrated their own creativityTheWesternWashingtonUniversityPaperExecutive Summary Sheet and MemoAlthough well written, this team’s one-page sheet at the start was an abstract rather than a one-page executive summary. Typically, an executive summarycontainsmoreinformation (and often moresensitiveinformation) than the abstract does. This team’s one-page summary was too short andGiordanoAward Commentary261 did not state results, but, to the team’s credit, it did motivate the reader to read on. Although it should have contained more speci?cs with regard to the scheduling,the team’s memo, written in an appropriate nontechnical man- ner, was done much better.AssumptionsOne of the?rst things that made this paper stand out from the others was that assumptions were not merely listed but each one was justi?ed. Assumptions were reasonable,and it was noted how the assumptions were to be used in the algorithm. This is something that is most important in the modeling process, but something that is frequently overlooked, so the team is to be commended for their thoroughness in this regard.The Model and MethodsTheteam used a schedulingalgorithm. Thevariableswerewell-de?ned; and it was clear how they arrived at their constraints, based on the stipu- lations stated in the problem. This was one of the few papers that allowed for groups to stay at a camp for more than one night, but that worked well for their algorithm and did not con?ict with the problem statement. Using a very speci?c de?nition for the priority that one group would have over another group, the team was able to assign campsites in a successful man- ner. Interestingly, they started at the end of the river;and using the priority list, they placed the groups in campsites each night. One drawback with their model was that they did not consider crossings ofgroups while on the river.Testing TheirModelsThe?owchart for the team’s scheduling algorithm was clari?ed by the useofexamplesand simulations. Thecasestudy,using data from theGrand Canyon, enabled them to validate their model. They considered many different numbers of campsites, ranging from 50 to 235. With regard to the ratio of the types of boats and lengths of trips, they carried out sensitivity analysis,although they limited their trip lengths to 6, 12,or 18nights on the river. The use of contour maps to demonstrate their results and to observe the “ridge” representing the 1:1 ratio of motor boats to oar-powered rafts was particularly noteworthy.262TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Recognizing Limitations of the ModelRecognizing the limitations of a model is an important last step in the completion of the modeling process. The students recognized that their algorithm would have to be modi?ed if the river speed were taken into account. They also acknowledged that their carrying capacity for trips might be overestimated and that they had not considered environmental concerns.References and BibliographyThe list of references was fairly thorough, and it was very good to see speci?c documentation of where those references were used in the paper.ConclusionThe careful exposition in the development of the mathematical modelmade this paper one that the judges felt was worthy of the Frank Giordano Award. The team is to be congratulated on their analysis, their clarity, and using the mathematics that they knew to create and justify their own creative model for scheduling camping trips along the Big Long River.About the AuthorsRich Westisa MathematicsProfessor Emeritusfrom FrancisMarion Uni- versity in Florence, South Carolina,where he taught for twelve years. Prior to his time at Francis Marion, he served in the U.S. Army for 30 years, 14 of which were spent teaching at the U.S. Military Academy. He is currently working on a National Science Foundation Grant on freshmen placement tests. He also serves as a Reading Consultant for AP Calculus and as a developmental editor for CLEP (College Level Equivalency Program) Cal- culus Exam. He has judged for both the MCM and HiMCM for over 10 years. Marie Vanisko is a Mathematics Professor Emerita from Carroll College in Helena, Montana, where she taught for more than 30 years. She was also a Visiting Professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and taught for?ve years at California State University, Stanislaus. She chairs the Board of Directors at the Montana Learning Center on Canyon Ferry Lake and serves on the Engineering Advisory Board at CarrollCollege. She has been a judge for the MCM for seventeen years and for the HiMCM for eight years.Results of the2012 ICM263ICM Modeling ForumResults of the 2012 Interdisciplinary Contest in ModelingChris Arney, ICM DirectorDept. of Mathematical Sciences U.S. Military Academy West Point, NY10996david.arney@usma.eduIntroductionIn the 14th Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)R?,1,329teams from six countries spent a weekend in February working on an applied modeling problem involving a criminal network. This year’s contest began on Thursday, February 9, and ended on Monday, February 14, 2012. During that time, teams of up to three undergraduate or high school students researched, modeled, analyzed, solved, wrote, and submitted their solutions to an open-ended inter- disciplinary modeling problem involving a criminalconspiracy network. After theweekend ofchallengingand productivework,thesolution papersweresent to COMAP for judging. Seven of the papers were judged to be Outstanding by the expert panel of judges. COMAP’s Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) involves students working in teams to model and analyze an open interdisciplinary problem. Centeringitseducationalphilosophyon mathematicalmodeling,COMAPsup- ports the use of mathematical tools to explore real-world problems. It serves society by developing students as problem solvers in order to become better informed and prepared ascitizens,contributors,consumers,workers,and com- munity leaders. The ICM is an exampleofCOMAPsefforts in working towards these goals. Thisyear’sproblem waschallengingin itsdemand for teamsto utilizemany aspects of science, mathematics, and analysis in their modeling and problem solving. The problem required teams to investigate the relationships of theTheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)263–273. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.264TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)members of a criminal conspiracy network within a business organization through social network analysis of their message traf?c. It required teams to understand concepts from the informational and social sciences to build effective network and statistical models to analyze more than 400 messages, categorized into 15 topics, among 83 people. To accomplish their tasks, the students had to consider many dif?cult and complex disciplinary and interdis- ciplinary issues. The problem also included the customary requirements in the ICM to perform thorough analysis and research, exhibit creativity, and demon- strate effective communication. All members of the 1,329 competing teams are to be congratulated for their excellent work and dedication to interdisciplinary modeling and problem solving. Instructions to the teams included:?Your ICM submission should consist of a 1-page Summary Sheet and your solution cannot exceed 20 pages for a maximum of 21 pages.?As modelers, you have to deal with the data you have and through valid assumptions decide what to do with holes, irregularities,redundancies,and errors. Next year, we will continue the network science theme for the contest prob- lem. Teams preparing for the 2013 contest should consider reviewing interdis- ciplinary topics in the areas ofnetwork science and socialnetwork analysis and assemble teams accordingly.The Problem Statement: The Crime-Busting ProblemYour organization, the IntergalacticCrime Modelers (ICM),is investigating a conspiracy to commit a criminal act. The investigators are highly con?dent they know several members of the conspiracy, but hope to identify the other members and the leaders before they make arrests. The conspirators and the possible suspected conspirators all work for the same company in a large of?ce complex. The company has been growing fast and making a name for itself in developing and marketing computer software for banks and credit card com- panies. ICM has recently found a small set of messages from a group of 82 workers in the company that they believe will help them?nd the most likely candidates for the unidenti?ed co-conspirators and unknown leaders. Since the message traf?c is for all the of?ce workers in the company, it is very likely that some (maybe many)ofthe identi?ed communicators in the message traf?c are not involved in the conspiracy. In fact,they are certain that they know some people who are not in the conspiracy. The goal of the modeling effort will be to identify people in the of?ce complex who are the most likely conspirators. A priority list would be ideal so ICM could investigate, place under surveillance, and/ or interrogate the most likely candidates. A discriminate line separatingResults of the2012 ICM265conspirators from non-conspirators would also be helpful to distinctly catego- rize the people in each group. It would also be helpful to the district attorney (DA) if the model nominated the conspiracy leaders. Before the data of the current case are given to your crime modeling team, your supervisor gives you the following scenario (called Investigation EZ)that she worked on a few years ago in another city. Even though she is very proud of her work on the EZ case, she says it is just a very small, simple example, but it may help you understand your task. Her data follow: The 10 people whom she was considering as conspirators were: Anne#, Bob, Carol, Dave*, Ellen, Fred, George*, Harry, Inez, and Jaye# (* indicates prior known conspirators, # indicate prior known non-conspirators). Here is the chronology of the 28 messages that she had for her case, with a code number for the topic of each message that she assigned based on her analysis of the message: Anne to Bob: Why were you late today? (1) Bob to Carol: That darn Anne always watches me. I wasn’t late. (1) Carol to Dave: Anne and Bob are?ghting again over Bob’s tardiness. (1) Dave to Ellen: I need to see you this morning. When can you come by? Bring the budget?les. (2) Dave to Fred: I can come by and see you anytime today. Let me know when it is a good time. Should I bring the budget?les? (2) Dave to George: I will see you later — lots to talk about. I hope the others are ready. It is important to get this right. (3) Harry to George: You seem stressed. What is going on? Our budget will be ?ne. (2) (4) Inez to George: I am real tired today. How are you doing? ( 5) Jaye to Inez: Not much going on today. Wanna go to lunch today? (5) Inez to Jaye: Good thing it is quiet. I am exhausted. Can’t do lunch today — sorry! (5) George to Dave: Time to talk — now! (3) Jaye to Anne: Can you go to lunch today? (5) Dave to George: I can’t. On my way to see Fred. (3) George to Dave: Get here after that. (3) Anne to Carol: Who is supposed to watch Bob? He is goo?ng off all the time. (1) Carol to Anne: Leave him alone. He is working well with George and Dave. (1) George to Dave: This is important. Darn Fred. How about Ellen? (3) Ellen to George: Have you talked with Dave? (3) George to Ellen: Not yet. Did you? (3)266TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Bob to Anne: I wasn’t late. And just so you know — I am working through lunch. (1) Bob to Dave: Tell them I wasn’t late. You know me. (1) Ellen to Carol: Get with Anne and?gure out the budget meeting schedule for next week and help me calm George. (2) Harry to Dave: Did you notice that George is stressed out again today? (4) Dave to George: Darn Harry thinks you are stressed. Don’t get him worried or he will be nosing around. (4) George to Harry: Just working late and having problems at home. I will be ?ne. (4) Ellen to Harry: Would it be OK, if I miss the meeting today? Fred will be there and he knows the budget better than I do. (2) Harry to Fred: I think next year’s budget is stressing out a few people. Maybe we should take time to reassure people today. (2) (4) Fred to Harry: I think our budget is pretty healthy. I don’t see anything to stress over. (2) END of MESSAGE TRAFFIC Your supervisor points out that she assigned and coded only 5 different topics of messages:?1) Bob’s tardiness,?2) the budget,?3) important unknown issue but assumed to be part of conspiracy,?4) George’s stress, and?5) lunch and other social issues. Asseen in themessagecoding,somemessageshad two topicsassigned because of the content of the messages. The way that your supervisor analyzed her situation was with a network that showed the communication links and the types of messages.Figure 1is a model of the message network that resulted, with the code for the types of messages annotated on the network graph. Your supervisor points out that in addition to known conspirators George and Dave,Ellen and Carolwereindicted fortheconspiracybased on yoursuper- visor’s analysis, and later Bob self-admitted his involvement in a plea bargain for a reduced sentence, but the charges against Carol were later dropped. Your supervisor is still pretty sure that Inez was involved, but the case against her was never established. Your supervisor’s advice to your team is identify the guilty parties so that people like Inez don’t get off, people like Carol are not falsely accused, and ICM gets the credit so people like Bob do not have the opportunity to get reduced sentences.Results of the2012 ICM267Figure 1.Network of messages from EZ Case.The Current CaseYour supervisor has put together a network-like database for the current case,which has the same structure but is a bit larger in scope. The investigators have some indications that a conspiracy is taking place to embezzle funds from the company and use Internet fraud to steal funds from credit cards of people who do business with the company. The small example that she showed you for case EZ had only 10 people (nodes), 27 links (messages), 5 topics, 1 suspi- cious/ conspiracy topic, 2 known conspirators, and 2 known non-conspirators. So far, the new case has 83 nodes, 400 links (some involving more than 1 topic), over 21,000 words of message traf?c, 15 topics (3 have been deemed to be suspicious), 7 known conspirators, and 8 known non-conspirators. These data are given in the attached spreadsheet?les:Names.xls,Topics.xls, andMessages.xls1:?Names.xlscontains the key of node number to the of?ce workers’names.?Topics.xlscontainsthecodefor the15topicnumberstoa shortdescription ofthe topics. Because ofsecurity and privacy issues,your team willnot have direct transcripts of all the message traf?c.?Messages.xlsprovides the links of the nodes that transmitted messages and the topic code numbers that the messages contained. Several messages contained up to three topics.1These?les were available to contestants athttp://www.comap.com/undergraduate/ contests/mcm/contests/2012/problems/2012_ICM.zip.268TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)To help visualize the message traf?c, a network model of the people and message links is provided inFigure 2. In this case, the topics of the messagesare not shown in the?gure as they were inFigure 1. These topic numbers are given in the?leMessages.xlsand described inTopics.xls.Figure 2.Visual of the network model of the 83 people (nodes) and 400 messages between these people (links).Requirements:Requirement 1:So far, it is known that Jean, Alex, Elsie, Paul, Ulf, Yao, and Harvey are conspirators. Also, it is known that Darlene, Tran, Jia, Ellin, Gard, Chris, Paige, and Este are not conspirators. The three known suspicious mes- sage topics are 7, 11, and 13. There is more detail about the topics in?le Top- ics.xls. Build a model and algorithm to prioritize the 83 nodes by likelihood of being part of the conspiracy and explain your model and metrics. Jerome, Delores, and Gretchen are the senior managers of the company. It would beResults of the2012 ICM269very helpful to know if any of them are involved in the conspiracy.Requirement2:How would the priority list change ifnew information comes to light that Topic 1 is also connected to the conspiracy and that Chris is one of the conspirators?Requirement3:A powerfultechnique to obtain and understand text informa- tion similar tothismessagetraf?ciscalled semanticnetworkanalysiswhereasa methodology in arti?cial intelligence and computationallinguistics it provides a structure and process for reasoning about knowledge or language. Another computationallinguisticscapability in naturallanguageprocessing is text anal- ysis. For our crime busting scenario, explain how semantic and text analyses of the content and context of the message traf?c, if you could obtain the orig- inal messages, could empower your team to develop even better models and categorizations of the of?ce personnel. Did you use any of these capabilities on the topic descriptions in?le Topics.xls to enhance your model?Requirement4:Your complete report will eventually go to the DA, so it must be detailed and clearly state your assumptions and methodology;but it cannot exceed 20 pages of write-up. You may include your programs as appendices in separate?les that do not count in your page restriction, but including these programs is not necessary. Your supervisor wants ICM to be the world’s best in solving white-collar,high-tech conspiracy crimesand wantsyour methodology will contribute to solving important cases around the world, especially those with very large databases of message traf?c (thousands of people with tens of thousands of messages and possibly millions of words). She speci?cally asked you to include a discussion on how more thorough network, semantic, and text analyses of the message contents could help with your model and recommendations. As part ofyour report to her, explain the network modeling techniques you have used and why and how they can be used to identify, prioritize, and categorize similar nodes in a network database of any type, not just crimeconspiraciesand messagedata. For instance,could your method?nd the infected or diseased cells in a biological network where you had various kinds of image or chemical data for the nodes indicating infection probabilities and already identi?ed some infected nodes?The ResultsThe 1,329 solution papers were coded at COMAP headquarters so that names and af?liations of the authors were unknown to the judges. Each paper was then read preliminarily by triage judges at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY. At the triage stage, the summary, the model description, and overallorganization are the primary elements in judging a paper. Finaljudging by a team of modelers, analysts, and subject-matter experts took place in late March. The judges classi?ed the 1,329 submitted papers as follows:270TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Honorable Successful Outstanding Finalist Meritorious Mention Participant Total Crime-Busting 7 4 125 640 553 1,329Outstanding TeamsInstitution and Advisor Team Members“Social Network Analysis in Crime Busting” Northwesteren Polytechnical University Xi’an, China Bingchang Zhou Chen Dong Cunle Qian Jianjun Ma “Message Network Modeling for Crime Busting” Nanjing Univ. of Information Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Guosheng Cheng Yizhou Zhuang Senfeng Liu Liusi Xiao “Crime Busting by an Iterative Two-Phase Propagation Method” Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai, China Zulin Sun Xilun Chen Hang Qiu Chunzhi Yang “Finding Conspirators in the Network: Machine Learning with Resource-Allocation Dynamics” Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu, Sichuan, China Tao Zhou Fangjian Guo Jiang Su Jian Gao “iRank Model: A New Approach to Criminal Network Detection” Mathematical Modeling Innovative Practice Base, Zhuhai College of Jinan University Zhuhai, Guangdong, China Jianwen Xie Yi Zheng Yi Zeng You Tian “Extended Criminal Network Analysis Model Allows Conspirators Nowhere to Hide” Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hebei, China Zhengyang Mei Dekang Zhu Junmin Yang Xiang Chen “Crime Ring Analysis with Electric Networks” Cornell University Ithaca, NY Alexander Vladimirsky Michael Luo Anirvan Mukherjee Myron ZhangResults of the2012 ICM271Awards and ContributionsEach participating ICM advisor and team member received a certi?cate signed by the Contest Director. Additional awards were presented to the team from Cornell University by the Institute for Operations Research and the Man- agement Sciences (INFORMS).JudgingContest DirectorsChris Arney, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Joseph Myers, Computing Sciences Division, Army Research Of?ce, Research Triangle Park, NCAssociateDirectorRodney Sturdivant, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NYJudgesDimitris Christopoulos, University of the West of England, Bristol,United Kingdom Kathryn Coronges, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Kayla de la Haye, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA Tina Hartley, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Brian Macdonald, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY Christopher Marcum, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA Robert Ulman, Network Sciences Division, Army Research Of?ce, Research Triangle Park, NCTriageJudgesChris Arney,John Bacon,Jocelyn Bell,Kevin Blaine,Nicholas Clark,Gabe Costa, Michelle Craddock, Kevin Cummiskey, Chris Eastburg, Michael Findlay, James Gatewood, Andy Glen, Tina Hartley, Alex Heidenberg, Steven Horton, Nicholas Howard, John Jackson, Bill Kaczynski, Phil La- Casse, Bill Pulleyblank, Elizabeth Russell, Mick Smith, James Starling, Rodney Sturdivant, Andrew Swedberg, Csilla Szabo, Ben Thirey, Johan Thiel, Chris Weld, and Shaw Yoshitani. —all of Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY; and272TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Joseph Myers, Army Research Of?ce, Research Triangle Park, NC Michelle Isenhour, George Mason University, VA Hise Gibson and Chris Farrell, U.S. Army; and Amanda Beecher, Dept. of Mathematics, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ.AcknowledgmentsWe thank:?the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (IN- FORMS)for its support in judging and providing prizes for a winning team, and?all the ICM judges for their valuable and un?agging efforts.CautionsTothereader of research journals:Usually a published paper has been presented to an audience, shown to colleagues, rewritten, checked by referees, revised, and edited by a journal editor. Each of the team papers here is the result of undergraduates working on a problem over a weekend. Editing (and usually substantial cutting) has taken place; minor errors have been corrected, wording has been altered for clarity or economy, and style has been adjusted to that ofThe UMAP Journal. The student authors have proofed the results. Please peruse these students’ efforts in that context.Tothepotential ICM advisor:It might be overpowering to encounter such output from a weekend of work by a small team of undergraduates, but these solution papers are highly atypical. A team that prepares and participates will have an enriching learning experience, independent of what any other team does.Editor’s NoteThe complete roster of participating teams and results has become too longtoreproducein theJournal. Itcan now befound attheCOMAPWebsite:http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/contests/2012/results/2012_ICM_Results.pdfResults of the2012 ICM273About the AuthorChrisArneygraduated from WestPointand served as an intelligence of?cer in the U.S. Army. His aca- demic studies resumed at Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute with an M.S. (computer science) and a Ph.D. (mathematics). He spent most of his 30-year military career as a mathematics professor at West Point, be- fore becoming Dean ofthe SchoolofMathematicsand Sciences and Interim Vice President for AcademicAf- fairs at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. Chris then moved to RTP (Research Triangle Park), NC, where he served for various durations as chair of the Mathematical Sciences Division, of the Network Sciences Di- vision, and of the Information Sciences Directorate of the Army Research Of?ce. Chris has authored 22 books, written more than 120 technical arti- cles, and given more than 250 presentations and 40 workshops. His techni- cal interests include mathematicalmodeling,cooperative systems,pursuit- evasion modeling,robotics, arti?cial intelligence,military operations mod- eling, and network science;his teaching interests include using technology and interdisciplinary problems to improve undergraduate teaching and curricula. He is the founding director of COMAP’s Interdisciplinary Con- test in Modeling (ICM)R?. In August 2009, he rejoined the faculty at West Point as the Network Science Chair and Professor of Mathematics.274TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Finding Conspirators275Finding Conspirators in the Network via Machine LearningFangjian Guo Jiang Su Jian GaoWeb Sciences Center University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu, Sichuan, China Advisor: Tao ZhouKey ConceptsMachine learning Logistic regression Semantic diffusion Bipartite graph Resource-allocation dynamics Kendall’s tau Problem Clari?cation:A conspiracy network is embedded in a network of employees of a com- pany, with each edge representing a message sent from one employee (node) to another and catego- rized by topics. Given a few known criminals, a few known non-criminals, and suspicious topics, we seek to estimate the probability of criminal in- volvement for other individuals and to determine the leader of the conspirators. Assumptions?Conspirators and non-conspirators are linearly separable in the space spanned by localfeatures (necessary for machine learning).?A conspirator is reluctant to mention to an out- sider topics related to crime.?Conspirators tend not to talk frequently witheach other about irrelevant topics.?The leader of the conspiracy tries to minimizerisk by restricting direct contacts.?A non-conspirator has no idea of who are con-spirators, hence treats conspirators and non- conspirators equally.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)275–292. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.276TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Key TechniquesGradient Descent Revised LeaderRank Model Design and Justi?cationFor an unidenti- ?ed node (an employee not identi?ed as a conspir- ator or non-conspirator), we model the probabil- ity of conspiracy as a sigmoid function of a lin- ear combination of the node’s features (logistic re- gression). Those features are formulated from lo- cal topological measures and the node’s semantic messaging patterns. Parameters of the model are trained on a subset of identi?ed conspirators and non-conspirators. The performance of the model is enhanced by discovering potential similarities among topics via topic-word diffusion dynamics on a bipartite graph. We also perform resource- allocation dynamics to identify the leader of the conspirators; the identi?cation is supported by empirical evidence in criminal network research. Strengths and WeaknessesThe combination of topological properties and semantic af?nity among individuals leads to good performance. The time complexity of the algorithm is linear, so the method is suitable for large amounts of data. However, our model requires assistance from se- mantic network analysis to form an expert dictio- nary. Also, intrinsic differences among networks may hinder portability of the model’s features.IntroductionAs shown inFigure 1, criminals and conspirators tend to form organi- zational patterns, interconnected with one another for collaboration, while still maintaining social ties with the outside, thus providing a natural con- text for description and analysis via networks . Criminal networks can be captured from various information, resulting in different types of networks, where each node represents a person, and an edge is present when two nodes collaborate in the same task, share the same family name, or (as in this case) exchange messages . Since the nodes in the graph can be a mixture ofboth criminals and non- criminals, it is desirable to determine suspected criminals from topologi- cal properties of the network and other prior knowledge, which includes known criminals, known non-criminals, and information related to their interactions. Moreover, we desire a priority list of descending criminal likelihood so as to identify the primary leader of the organization.Finding Conspirators277Figure 1.The 83-employee network. Red (darker gray) nodes are known conspirators and the blue (lighter gray) nodes are known non-conspirators.Many authors have adopted centrality measures of the graph for ana- lyzing the characteristics of criminals. Criminals with high betweenness- centrality are usually brokers, while those with high degree-centrality en- joy better pro?t by taking higher risk . Morselli pro- posed that leaders ofa criminal organization tend to balance pro?t and risk by making a careful trade-off between degree-centrality and betweenness- centrality. However, centrality approaches, which utilize local properties, tend to overlook the complex topology of the whole network. Therefore, social network analysis (SNA)methods,including subgroup detection and block- modeling,have been introduced,which try to discover the hidden topolog- ical patterns by partitioning the big network into small closely-connected cliques . Despite the light that they shed on the internal structuresofcriminalnetworks,thesemethodsstillsuffer from intimidating complexity with large databases . We carefully combine the local-feature-based methods with approaches related to global topology of conspiracy networks. We propose a machine learning scheme to leverage local features, so as to estimate each node’s likelihood ofconspiracy involvement. We adopt dynamics-based methods, which are less computationally expensive than most other topology-based approaches, to help identify the lead conspirator and to discover semantic connections between topics. We start with the formulation of useful local features of a node in the network,which then lead to the machinelearning scheme. We feed a subset of known conspirators and non-conspirators as a training samples into the learning algorithm. We then use the algorithm to estimate the probability of being a conspirator for every other individual in the network.278TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Since highly suspicious topics are essential to the performance of ma- chine learning, we then try to discover similarities between topics, by per- forming simple source-allocation dynamics on the bipartite semantic net- work made up of topics and sensitive words. Those?ndings expand our knowledge on suspicious topics, thus enhancing the accuracy of our ma- chine learning model. To?nd the leader of the conspirators,we apply a dynamics-based rank- ing algorithm on a subgraph extracted from the network. Our?ndings are in agreement with empirical knowledge about the centrality balance of criminal leaders. Finally, we perform sensitivity analysis to test the robustness of our approach.A Machine Learning SolutionWe use machine learning mainly because of its adaptiveness and reor- ganization, which simulate humans’actions to obtain fresh knowledge. We describe the construction of our machine learning framework in detail, including feature formulation, core learning methods, and experi- mental results. Through statistical analysis on the results, we propose an enhancement based on semantic diffusion. We commence with several necessary assumptions:?All the data and information about the EZ case network and the 83-node network are relatively stable over a long period.?The contents of the communication among conspirators tends to be rel- evant about suspicious topics or some formal issues, rather than gossip.?The two networks feature similar core mechanisms for communication transmission.Feature formulation?CentralityWe exploit three types of centrality—degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality—to determine the center of the sus- picious network from different aspects:?Degreecentrality.Degree centrality indicates active- ness of a member, and a member who tends to have more links to others may be the leader. However, as explained in Xu and Chen , degree centrality is not quite reliable to indicate the team leader in a criminal network. For a graphG(V,E), the normalized degree centrality of nodeiisFinding Conspirators279CD(i) = ?|V| j=1ν(i,j) |V| ?1 , i?=j,(1) whereνis a binary indicator showing whether there exists a link be- tween twonodes. Sinceour graph isdirected,wecalculateseparately the in-degree and out-degree of every node.?Betweenness centrality.Betweenness centrality de- scribes how much a node tends to be on the shortest path between other nodes. A node with large betweenness centrality does not nec- essarily have large degree but illustrates the role of “gatekeeper”— someone who is more likely to be a intermediary when two other members exchange information. The normalized betweenness cen- trality isCB(i) = ?|V| j=1?|V|kjωj,k(i) |V| ?1 , k?=i,(2) whereωj,k(i)indicates whether the shortest path between nodejand nodekpasses through nodei.?Closeness centrality.Closeness centrality is usually utilized to measure how far away one node is from the others. Close- ness of a node is de?ned as the inverse of the sum of its distances to all other nodes and can be treated as a measure of ef?ciency when spreading information from itself to all other nodes sequentially. It indicates how easily an individual connects with other members. The normalized closeness centrality isCc(i) = ?|V| j=1ρ(i,j)?CcminCcmax?Ccmin, i?=j,(3) whereρ(i,j)is the length ofthe shortest path connecting nodesiandj.CcminandCcmaxare the minimum and maximum lengths of the shortest paths.f?Numberof known neighboring conspiratorsWe consider as a signi?cant feature the number of known neighboring conspirators of a node. The interaction among conspirators in a mes- sage network suggests a much stronger connectivity than that among non-conspirators: A conspirator is more likely to communicate with an accomplice. As shown inFigure 2, we calculate the ratio of known con- spirators among one’s adjacent neighbors, which measures proximity with known accomplices: The value is 1 if the individual connects with all the known conspirators, and 0 means that no conspirators connect to theindividual. Theknown suspiciouscliqueobviouslyrepresentsamore compact connectivity. Therefore, the more known conspirators among280TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) an individual’s neighbors, the greater the possibility that the individual is an accomplice.30 1 00 00.25 0.50.75 0.25 0.5 0.75Known non-conspirators Known conspiratorsHarvey Elsie Alex Yao Ulf Paul Jean Chris Paige Derlene Gard Ellin Tran Este JiaFigure 2.Ratio of known conspirators among adjacent neighbors. To avoid the overlapping of names with a linear scale, we adopt a topographic map type of diagram, with a peak at the center and symmetric contour circles around it. The closer a person is to the center, the more likely that the person is a conspirator.?Numberof currentnon-suspicious messages from known conspirators Table 1shows the topics mentioned between known conspirators.1Aknown conspirator rarely talks with accomplices about topics irrelevant to their conspiracy, though a very small proportion of unknown topics appear. If most of the information received from a known conspirator is irrelevant, the receiver is probably not a conspirator.Table 1. Topics among known conspirators. Known conspiratorial topics have an asterisk and are highlighted in blue (light gray). Jean Alex Elsie Poul Ulf Yao Harvey Jean11*8 14 Alex1 13*11*3,7* Elsie11*13* Poul11*7*7*4 Ulf7*,11*,13*13* Yao13*7*,11*,13*7*,9 13*2,7* Harvey13*1Topic 16 in the raw data is regarded as wrong and thus discarded.Finding Conspirators281MethodsWe use logistic regression to model the probability of a node being in- volved in the conspiracy. We obtain the parameters ofthe model by using a gradient descent algorithm to solve an optimization problem on a training set.Logistic RegressionWe consider a training set{(x(i),y(i))}of sizem, wherex(i)is ann- dimensional feature vector andy(i)indicates the classi?cation of the node, i.e.,y(i)= 1for conspirators andy(i)= 0for non-conspirators. The nodesin the training set are drawn from the 15 known conspirators and non- conspirators. As a specialization of a generalized linear model for Bernoulli distri- bution, logistic regression estimates the probability of being a conspirator asP(y= 1|x;θ) =hθ(x) = 1 1 +e?θTx,(4) whereθ∈Rnis the parameter vector. Under the framework of the generalized linear model, themaximum a posteriori(MAP) estimate of the parameterθisminθJ(θ),(5) where the cost function is given byJ(θ) = 1 mm?i=1? ?y(i)log ? hθ(x)(i)? ? ? 1?y(i)?log ? 1?hθ(x(i)) ?? + λ 2mn?j=1θ2 j,(6) withλbeing a regularization parameter.Gradient DescentThe cost functionJ(θ)is minimized by gradient descent, which drivesθdown the locally steepest slope, in hope of reaching the global minimum of the cost function. At every iteration before convergence, a newθreplaces the oldθviaθ:=θ?α?θJ(θ),(7) whereαis a small positive constant.282TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Leave-One-Out Cross ValidationSince we are informed of the correct classi?cation of onlyN0nodes (N0= 15in our case), in a given round we only use (N0?1) of them asthe training set, while leaving one out for cross validation (C-V). At every round, the next correctly classi?ed node is left out and the others serve as the training set; then the trained hypothesis is tested on the left-out node. In this way, by averagingN0rounds without overlapping, the errors for both the training set and the cross validation set can be evaluated. Suppose,for example,that in thej-th round sample(x(j),y(j))is left out and the training set is given bySj={(x(l),y(l))|l= 1,2,···,j?1,j+ 1,···,N0}.(8) Using this training set, parameter vectorθ(j)is obtained, and the corre- sponding hypothesis is tested on bothSjand the left-out(x(j),y(j)), ob- taining this round’s training errorεSjand C-V errorεj.Hence, by averaging overj, the training error and C-V error areεS= 1 N0 N0?j=1εSj, ε= 1 N0 N0?j=1εj.(9)Setting the Regularization ParameterThe regularization parameterλ 0is selected to minimize the cross validation error, i.e.,λ= argminλ0ε.(10)ResultsBy training the logistic regression model with our leave-one-out cross validation strategy,λis optimally set to1.9and the overall C-V error isε= 0.27(with training errorεS= 0). Then, while?xing the chosenλ, we retrain the hypothesis on the maximum training set, making full use of known conspirators and non-conspirators.Table 2. Top 10 in the priority list (known conspirators excluded). Name Dolores* Crystal Jerome* Sherri Neal Christina Jerome William Dwight Beth Node No. 10 20 34 3 17 47 16 50 28 38 Probability of conspiracy .56 .51 .39 .32 .30 .27 .25 .25 .24 .23Finding Conspirators283 Thetrained hypothesisgivestheestimated probability for nodeibeing a conspirator, resulting in a priority list of suspects, ranked in descent order of criminal likelihood. The top 10 suspects are shown inTable 2, with managers marked by an asterisk. Figure 3illustrates the probability of criminal involvement estimated byhθ(x)versus the corresponding rank in the priority list, where three managers (Jerome, Dolores, and Gretchen)2are marked by circles.Dolores (manager) is indeed the person deserving highest suspicion, and Jerome (manager) is also likely to be involved in conspiracy.10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1Rank in the priority listProbability of being criminal All the members Gretchen (manager) Jerome (manager) Dolores (manager)Figure 3.Probability of conspiracy vs. corresponding rank in the priority listSemantic Model EnhancementSemanticinformation ismoreimportanttohumansthan thecomplicated topology structure. For example,similar text information in their messages motivates us to conclude in the EZ case that Inez is similar to George, who is de?nitely a conspirator (for instance,“tired” when describing Inez and “stressed” when describing George). Similar cases can be also found in the 83-people network case: The word “Spanish” from known conspiratorial topic7ishighly suspiciousand appearsrepeatedlyin other unknown topics (e.g., topic 2 and 12). The contents about “computer security,” which is2Since several nodes are named either Gretchen or Jerome, we select those with bigger out- degrees to be managers, that is, Node 32 is Gretchen (manager) and Node 34 is Jerome (manager).284TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) treated as part of the key in the whole conspiracy, is also active in many other unknown topics, such as 5 and 15. Hence, it is natural to train a computer to measure similarities among topics so as to reveal potential information.Conspiratorial Message 1 Conspiratorial Message 2 Conspiratorial Message x suspicious word 3 suspicious word n suspicious word 1 suspicious word 2 Conspiratorial Dictionary New conspiratorial Message New non-conspiratorial Message Undetermined Message 1 Undetermined Message 2 Undetermined Message 3 Undetermined Message 4 Undetermined Message m Legend:Figure 4.Framework of topic semantic diffusion.Lexicalambiguity exists widely among words, which can have different meanings depending on context. So it is not wise to abandon human intel- ligence and depend only on algorithms. Therefore,we draw the problem of topic semantic diffusion into a topic-similarity measurement task based on an expert dictionary. We form the bipartite network illustrated inFigure 4, between the conspiratorial dictionary constructed from the conspiratorial messages about known suspicious topics, and all of the information in the message traf?c. We exploit a resource allocation mechanism to extract the hidden information ofnetworks and unfold the similarity among different topics. The bipartite network is modeled as the bipartite graphG= (D,T,E), where?D={di}is the dictionary of suspicious words, shown in the middlecolumn inFigure 4;?T={tl}is the message set, which is divided into two categories: –messages with known status (left column inFigure 4), and –undetermined messages (right column inFigure 4);?Eis an edge set, with(di,tl)∈Eindicating that worddiin the conspir- atorial dictionaryDoccurred in messagetlof the message setT; Weinitially give1unit ofresourceto each known conspiratorialmessage inTand 0 to the remaining messages. The process of semantic diffusionFinding Conspirators285 includes two steps, namely the redistribution of resource from message topics to keywords, and that from keywords back to topics. We commence with the?rst allocation from setTto setD:f(di) =n?i=1ailf(tl) K(tl) .(11) Equation(11)expresses the calculation of the resource held bytlafter the ?rst step, whereK(tl)denotes the degree of the nodetl,f(x)denotes theresource carried byx, andailis de?ned asail= ? 1,(di,tl)∈E; 0,otherwise.(12) Theintuitiveexplanation ofStep 1is simply theprocessofredistributing resource fromTtoD, with the transferred amount regulated by the degree of nodes inT.This is followed by Step 2, which is to re?ect the resource?ow back toTfromDobeying the same rule but in the inverse direction, as shown fromthe middle column to the right column inFigure 4. So the resource?nally locates ontiand satis?esf?(ti) =m?l=1ailf(dl) K(dl) =m?l=1ailK(dl)n?j=1ajif(tj) K(tj) .(13) After this two-fold process, the amount of resource held by every element inTcan be interpreted as a score ofsimilarity. The rank ofa topicaccording to its score represents the degree of its similarity to the information in the dictionary—thatis,thehigher thescore,themore likely thetopicis a newly- found conspiratorial topic. We setD={’Spanish’, ’system’, ’network’, ’computer’, ’meeting’}as the conspiratorial dictionary, andTable 3illustrates the?nal result for all 15topics in the 83-people network case. The known suspicious topics are 7, 11, and 13. They are naturally the top three, and topic 5 is more suspicious than other unknown topics. Topics 2, 12, and 15 are among the group with the second highest possibility in unknowns;and the remaining topics tend to be irrelevant to the conspiracy. We then append topic 5 to the set of known conspiratorial topics and train the model again; the overall C-V error decreases from 0.27 to 0.13. Since Since topics 2, 12, and 15 are less similar to known suspicious topics, as shown inTable 3, appending them to model training does not evidently in?uence the correctness. The enhanced correctness here indicate that with enough keywords in the conspiratorial dictionary and enough topics with abundant contents, such a method is likely to perform very well. On the other hand, if we utilize the speaker instead of the keywords to construct a bipartite graph with the topics, we will also get similarity286TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Table 1. Rank of all topics based on similarity to known suspicious topics (known conspiratorial topics have an asterisk and are highlighted in blue). Rank Topic Number Similarity to known suspicious topics 111* 0.750 27* 0.667 313* 0.667 4 5 0.417 5 2 0.167 6 12 0.167 7 15 0.167 8 1,3,4,6,8,9,10,14 0among topics based on the transmitting speaker. However, the determina- tion ofthe relationship between differing results under these two standards is de?nitely beyond this paper. The resource allocation method is also highly ef?cient: Its time com- plexity of computation is linear in the number of edges of the graph, which enables good performance with huge amounts of data.Identifying the Leaderof the ConspiracyOur machine learning scheme tries to estimate the likelihood of a node committing conspiracy. However, the likelihood does not proportionally indicate leadership inside the network,because the identi?cation ofleaders is further complicated by the network’s topology. We adopt LeaderRank, a node-ranking algorithm closely related to net- work topology,to?nd theleader. Weextractfrom thenetworkthesubgraph connected by known suspicious topics. Because of its robustness against random noise, LeaderRank is appropriate for addressing criminal network problems, which usually suffer from incompleteness and incorrectness.LeaderRankThe LeaderRank algorithm is a state-of-the-art achievement on node rankingthatismoretolerantofnoisy data and robustagainstmanipulations than traditionalalgorithmssuch asHITSand PageRank . This method is mathematically equivalent to a random-walk mechanism on the directed network with adaptive probability, leading to a parameter-free algorithm readily applicable to any type of graph. We insert a ground node, which connects with every node through newly-added bidirectionallinks,in ordertomaketheentirenetworkstrongly connected, so that the random walk will de?nitely converge.Finding Conspirators287 For a graphG= (V,E), every node in the graph obtains 1 unit of re- source except the ground node. After the beginning of the voting process, nodeiat steptwillget an adaptivevoting scoreν(t)according to the voting from its neighbors:νi(t+ 1) =|V|+1?j=1μijDout(j) νi(t),(14) whereμijis a binary indicator with value 1 if nodeipoints tojand 0 otherwise.Dout(j)denotes the out-degree of nodej. The quotient of theabove two arguments could be considered as the probability that a random walker atigoes tojin the next step. Finally, the leadership score of nodeiisνi(Tc) +νgn(Tc)/|V|, whereνgn(Tc)is the score of the ground node at steady state.Suspicious Topic Subnetwork ExtractionWe extract from the network of company employees the subnetworkGTSconnected by suspicious topics only, so as to minimize the coupling ofthe company’s hierarchical structure to the conspiracy relations. Suppose thatTijdenotes the set of topics mentioned by messages from nodeito nodej, andTSdenotes the set of known suspicious topics (TS={7,11,13}). ThenGTSis the maximum subgraph of the original graphG,whereasTij?TS,for all(i,j)?ETS.(15)Edge ReverseTheoriginalLeaderRankalgorithm dealswith?ndingleadersin Internetsocial networks, where the direction of an edge has a dissimilar meaning from our case: If A points to (follows) B in Twitter, then B is considered to be a leader of A. However, in our communication network, an edge from A to Bsuggests that A has sent Ba message. Therefore,assuming that a leader in a criminal network tends to be a sender rather than a receiver, each edge inGTShas to be reversed to be compatible with LeaderRank’s design. We denote byG? TSthe reversed subnetwork induced by suspicious topics.ResultsBy running LeaderRank onG?TS, a ranking score is assigned to every node in this subgraph, which generates a list of possible leaders ranked in descent order, as shown inTable 4. Yao (node number 67) is ranked as the chief leader of the conspiracy.288TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Table 4. Partial results of LeaderRank onG? TS. Name LeaderRank score Yao 2.67 Alex 2.21 Paul 1.92 Elsie 1.62Empirical SupportEmpirical analysis of criminal networks?nds that a leader of a criminal organization tends to carefully balance degree-centrality and betweenness- centrality. It has been proposed that the leader usually maintains a high betweenness-centralitybut a relatively low degree-centrality,for enhancing ef?ciency while ensuring safety .Figure 5.The joint distribution of betweenness centrality and degree centrality. Yao is at the lower right.Figure 5illustrates the joint distribution of betweenness centralityCBand degree centrality (Din+Dout) for the 7 known conspirators and 10 other nodes with high conspiracy likelihood,where two dashed lines mark average values of the displayed nodes. Yao’s high betweenness-centrality with relatively low degree-centrality accord with the identity of a leader. Our conclusion that Yao is the leader is thus empirically supported.Finding Conspirators289DiscussionWeidentifytheleader ofthecriminalnetworkby performingtheLeader- Rankalgorithm on theextracted,edge-reversed,suspicious-topic-connected subgraph;and our?ndings are strengthened by empirical research results.Evaluating the ModelSensitivity AnalysisConsidering the usual incompleteness, imprecision, and even inconsis- tency in mapping criminalsocialnetworks ,the method for deducing criminality should be robust enough to cope with minor al- ternations of the network. Otherwise,there could be mistaken accusations. Therefore, we perform a sensitivity analysis on our approach. Requirement 2 of the problem statement provides an appropriate sce- nario for such a test: While other conditions remain unchanged, new in- formation indicates that Topic 1 is also connected to criminal activity, and Chris, who was considered innocent before, is now proven guilty.Priority ListBy applyingour methodstothesealtered conditions,we?nd thatamong the top 10 of the previous priority list (the 7 known conspirators excluded), 7 of them are still in the new top 10, while the remaining 3?nd their new places at 12th, 14th, and 16th. A more sophisticated measurement of the sensitivity of the priority list isKendall’s taucoef?cientτ . Given two priority lists{pk}= {p1,p2,···,pn}and{qk}={q1,q2,···,qn}—for example,p2= 5meansnode 2 is ranked 5th in the{pk}list—then?(i,j)(fori?=j) is aconcordant pairif their relative rankings agree in thetwo lists, i.e.,pi pjandqi qj, orpi pjandqi qj;?otherwise,ifpi pjbutqi qj,orpi pjbutqi qj(i,j)is adiscordantpair. Kendall’s tauis de?ned asτ=(number of concordant pairs)?(number of discordant pairs)1 2n(n?1) ,(16) which lies in , with1for perfect ranking agreement and?1for utter disagreement. The value ofKendall’s taufor the two priority lists of Requirement 1 and Requirement 2isτ= 0.86,justifying therobustnessofthemachinelearning approach.290TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Let us assume that known conspirators and non-conspirators are inde- pendently wrongly classi?ed with the same speci?c probability.Figure 6 depicts the expected Kendall’s tau vs.the misclassi?cation probability, sep- arately for conspirators and non-conspirators. Even if the misclassi?cation probability is as high as 0.5, Kendall’s tau does not drop below 0.8, sub- stantially proving the inherent stability of our methods.? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ????????????????Figure 6.The expected Kendall’s tau declines as misclassi?cation probability increases.Probability In?ationFigure 7illustrates the change of estimated conspiracy probability due to the modi?ed conditions of Requirement 2, with the previous value asx-axis,and thenew asy-axis. Generally,mostnodesexhibita small“in?ation”in criminal probability, as indicated by the distribution of dots skewed from the diagonal line. The augmented probability is compatible with the new information that expands both the set of suspicious topics and known conspirators. 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The shift was popular with the student teams, sincea record 1,329teamssubmitted papersin solution to a “crime-busting” problem. Network science and/ or social network analysis will continue to be the topic area for next year’s problem as well. So, for teams that enjoyed this year’s problem or want to prepare early for next year’s contest,prepare by studying network modeling and assemble a team with that subject in mind. The ICM continues to be an opportunity for teams of students to tackle challenging, real-world problems that require a wide breadth of under- standing in multiple academicsubjects. These elements are practically part of the de?nition of network science—an emerging subject that blends con- cepts, theories, structures, processes, and applications from mathematics, computer science, operations research, sociology, information science, and several other?elds. ICM problems are often open-ended and challenging. Some, like the one this year, could be termed “wicked,” in that there is not one correct answer nor a set or established method to model such a problem.TheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)293–303. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.294TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) ThecomplexnatureoftheICM problemsand theshort timelimit require effective communication and coordination of effort among team members. One of the most challenging issues for the team is how to best organize and collaborate to use each team member’s skills and talents. Teams that solve this organizationalchallenge often submit solutions that can rise to the?nal rounds of judging.The Criminal Network Analysis ProblemThe Information Age, along with its information-laden and highly- linked Internet,has brought us many amazing capabilities,along with new ways to commit crimes. This year’s problem focused on potential conspir- ators within a company’s communication network plotting to commit a crime. Some people were already identi?ed either as known conspirators or as known non-conspirators. The goal of the model was to identify the most likely conspirators from the remaining people in the network through the analysis of con?scated and categorized message traf?c. The many con- nections and links between the people and the messages made this an es- pecially appropriate topic for network modeling. The main tasks expected of the students were to:?Requirement 1:Build a model to prioritize the 83 people by likelihood of being part of the conspiracy and explain your model and metrics. Are any senior managers of the company involved in the conspiracy??Requirement 2:As new information comes to light, use your model to analyze this changing situation. A good network model is?exible and able to handle the changing nature, structure and information in a dynamic network setting.?Requirement 3:If you could obtain the original messages, explain how semanticand text analyses ofthe message traf?ccould help you develop even better models.?Requirement 4:Explain the network modeling techniques you devel- oped and how they can be used to identify, prioritize, and categorize nodes in a network involving other kinds of data sources, not just crime and message data. Does your model generalize to other important prob- lems in society? Again,this is the mark ofstrong models within network science and their potential to impact society.Judges’CriteriaThe panelofexpert judges were impressed both by the strength ofmany of the submissions of individual teams, and fascinated by the variety ofJudges’Commentary295 innovative approaches that students used to address the issues, challenges, and questions that were posed by the problem. The papers were rich in modelingmethodologyand creativity. In order toensurethattheindividual judges assessed submissions on the same criteria, a rubric was developed. The framework used to evaluate submissions is described below.Executive SummaryIt was important that studentssuccinctly and clearly explained the high- lights of their submissions. The executive summary should contain brief descriptions of both the modeling approach and the bottom-line results. The remaining report provides a more detailed statement of the contents of the executive summary. One mark of an Outstanding paper is a summary with a well-connected and concise description of the approach used, the results obtained and any recommendations.ModelingModels and measures were needed to classify the people in the organi- zation to identify conspirators. Many teams used probability or likelihood measures for criminal-like behavior of the people within the context of the known data. Other used decision-making criteria as their basic modeling framework. Some teams used the explicit structures of networks or graphs to determine classic local or global network metrics, properties, node clus- ters, or performance outcomes. For such a structure, critical assumptions, such as thedirectionality ofin?uenceand connection within thegraph,lead to viable network models. Other teams ignored some of the aspects of the network structure and performed data mining, element classi?cation, and discrimination. Those teams often found prioritization and ordering easier than discrimination. Where to draw the line and commit to predict a conspirator was some- timesdif?cult. Nomatterthemodelingframework,theassumptionsneeded for these models and the careful and appropriate development of these models were important in evaluating the quality of the solutions. The better submissions explicitly discussed why key assumptions were made and how assumptions affected the model development. Stronger submis- sions presented a balanced mix of mathematics and prose rather than a series of equations and parameter values without explanation. One major discriminator was the use or misuse of arbitrary parameters without any explanation or analysis. Establishing and explaining parameter values in models are at least as signi?cant as making and validating assumptions.296TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)ScienceSemantic and text analysis are elements of the science of computational linguistics or natural language processing involving many challenging sci- enti?cand technologicalissuesrelated to the nature,valueand understand- ing of information and the production of knowledge or intelligence. Cur- rently, many information-rich systems and organizations are facing data deluge and overload. Vast amounts of unstructured textual data are often collected and held for practically impossible human analysis. The magni- tude ofdata makes this potentially valuable information at best a worthless distraction. Through natural language processing using semantic and text analysis the potentially valuable but hidden information can become visi- ble, understandable, organized, and useful. The ultimate goals of semantic and text analysis are to identify con- text, meaning, categorization, and entity attributes, and thereby produce human-ready synopses and standardized, interconnected, structured data (information networks). These highly sophisticated and complexprocesses are exactly what would be needed to model and solve this network con- spiracy problem. Some teams did effective research and insightful analysis that tackled the complexity of the problem and included elements of text or semantic analysis in their model or described how their model could ac- commodate such capability had the raw message data been available. No matter what modeling was performed by the teams, the interdisciplinary nature of this problem was fully revealed in this requirement. These areas of information science and analytics will experience signi?cant scienti?c and technological improvements in the future, and the ICM teams were exposed to this developing?eld in the context of their interdisciplinary science research.Data/Validity/SensitivityOnce the model was created, the use of test data and checks on the accuracy and robustness of the solution help to build con?dence in the modeling approach. Sensitivity analysis of models to determine the effects of changing data and errors can often be more meaningful than speci?c output values. This is especially true for highly-structured and powerful data-rich models like networks. Some network structures are highly robust and?exible while others are fragile and highly sensitive to data. While this is a challenging element of network modeling, it was important to address this issue in the report.Strengths/WeaknessesA discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the models is often wherestudentsdemonstratetheir understandingofwhattheyhavecreated.Judges’Commentary297 The ability of a team to make useful recommendations fades quickly if team members do not understand the limitations or constraints of their assumptions or the implications oftheir modeling methodology. Networks are complex structures and, therefore, the strengths and weaknesses are often hidden from direct view or control of the modeler. Again, the better teams were able to discuss these elements despite these challenges.Communication/Visuals/ChartsTo clearly explain solutions, teams must use multiple modes of expres- sion including diagrams and graphs, and, in the case of this competition, English. A solution that could not be understood did not progress to the ?nal rounds of judging. The judges were delighted by the amazing array ofpowerfulcharts and graphs that explained both models and results.Fig- ures 1–3on the this page and the next are intended as samples to show the richness of this kind of graphical analysis and reporting.Figure 1.Teamsprovided informativegraphicschematicsto show therelationship and connections uncovered by their models. This graphic is from Team 12460 from Harbin Institute of Technology in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.RecommendationsTeams were speci?cally asked to discuss their conspiratorial priorities and thepotentialinvolvementofsenior managersin their report that would be read by the district attorney. The ability of teams to evaluate the results of their analysis and make recommendations was important in identifying strong submissions.298TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Figure 2.This network portrayal vividly showing the likelihood of conspirators is from Team 16075 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei, China.?Figure 3.Teams that performed data analysis often used probability charts like this one from Team13104 from Southeast University, Jiulonghu Campus, Nanjin, Jiangsu, China, to demonstrate their results.Judges’Commentary299Discussion of the Outstanding PapersAs you will discover in this section, many different approaches were used by ICM teams to model various aspects of the problem. Some teams used the basic structure of networks and their properties and computed classic centrality measures to tackle the issues. Some chose to model using a data mining framework. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was a common method for addressing discrimination in the identi?cation ofa po- tential conspirator. As a result, the submissions this year were diverse and interesting to read. Overall, the basic modeling was often sound, creative, and sometimes quite powerful. Those that did not reach?nal judging gen- erally suffered from two shortcomings. Some lacked clear explanation or evidence to support their conclusions and recommendations. They seemed to jump from their modeling directly to the results without suf?cient anal- ysis. Others failed to connect their mathematical models to the aspects and basic elements of information science. In general, poor communica- tion was the most signi?cant discriminator in determining which papers reached the?nal judging stage. Although the outstanding papers used different methodologies, they all addressed the problem in a comprehen- sive way by embracing the complexity of the issues, data, questions, and team objectives. These papers were generally well written and presented explanations of their modeling procedures. In several outstanding papers, a unique or innovative approach distinguished them from the rest of the ?nalists. Others were noteworthy for either the thoroughness oftheir mod- eling or the power of their communicated results.Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyThe ICM team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China performed a thorough network analysis of the information ?ow and relationshipsofemployeesin theorganization. In their paper,“Ex- tended Criminal Network Analysis Model Allows Conspirators Nowhere to Hide,” they provided an in-depth analysis of the relationships between people and the way the criminal network operated and expanded. This report presented their framework, models, analysis, and results in power- ful visual formats that enabled readers to understand their work and feel con?dent in their results. In many ways, this paper is an excellent exam- ple of the potential of network modeling and the power of social network analysis to sort out nodal,edge,and data attributes through use ofnetwork measures and data analysis.Mathematical Modeling Innovative Practice BaseThe report entitled “iRank Model: A New Approach to Criminal Net- work Detection” wassubmitted by a team from theMathematicalModeling300TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) Innovative Practice Base, China. The Mathematical Modeling Innovative Practice Base,China,established in 2008,is an institute that promotes inter- disciplinary research and educational activities, integrating mathematical modeling and computational approaches to address problems arising in various areas of science and engineering. Their report contained creative analysis of the available data from several perspectives, starting with basic analysis as shown by: Carefully examining into the patterns of information exchanges and social connections in the network, we can see that only 24% messages carry conspiratorial information, which seems not systematically sig- ni?cant given that 20% of all the topics are conspiratorial. Therefore, two patterns can be inferred from the statistical results:?Although conspirators are generally more active than the known innocent people, they exchange irrelevant information with each other. Conspiratorial messages only take a small portion in their message traf?c.?Since the existing 7 conspirators have already involved in spread- ing about 40% of the total conspiratorial messages, it is very likely that the total number of conspirators is less than 20. They also performed a very thorough social network analysis of the message network. This report contained excellent visualizations to explain their algorithm, analysis and results.Nanjing University of Information Science and TechnologyTheICM team from NanjingUniversityofInformation Scienceand Tech- nology, Nanjing, China, built three different models for?nding and sepa- rating conspirators and then merged these for their best-case solution. A fourth model was used to identify the conspiracy leaders. Their paper, “Message Network Modeling for Crime Busting,” was an excellent synop- sis of the diverse methods one could use to approach this problem. Their emphasis was in classical network analysis and data mining algorithms. Once again, this team did a thorough job analyzing semantic analysis and its utility for information and network modeling.Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityFinding the hidden features of a network was the theme of the paper entitled “Social Network Analysis in Crime Busting,” by the ICM team from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi, China. This paper started with the foundations of graphs and networks and built the concept of cooperation within the network. This concept was a fundamentally sound and deeper approach than those of many of the other models. The resulting model was a powerful one for understanding a conspiracy andJudges’Commentary301 the team did an excellent job in their creative modeling and analysis. Their discussion on semantics and text analysis was thorough and insightful in ?nding ways for possible inclusion of these more powerful methodologies in their models.Shanghai Jiaotong University“Crime Busting by an Iterative 2-phase Propagation Method,” was sub- mitted by a team from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. Their classic propagation model of performing iterative and alternating computation of person suspiciousness and topic suspiciousness from each other was creative and powerful. Upon convergence of their model, they produced a priority list ofconspirators and performed a thorough analysis. This team’s model was both mathematically and scienti?cally simple yet elegant.University of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaThe report and work entitled “Finding Conspirators in the Network: Machine learning with Resource-allocation Dynamics” from the University ofElectronicScienceand Technology ofChina,Chengdu,China,wasstrong from start to?nish. This team made careful and thorough assumptions: (i)Two classes,conspiratorsand non-conspirators,are linearly separa- ble in the space spanned by localfeatures ofa node,which is necessary to machine learning. (ii) A conspirator is reluctant to mention topics related to crime when talking with an outsider. (iii)Conspirators tend not to talk about irrelevant topics frequently with each other. (iv) The leader of conspiracy tries to minimize risk by restricting direct con- tacts. (v) A non-conspirator has no idea of who are conspirators, thus treating conspirator and non-conspirators equally. Then they used machine learning and logistic regression to build their model. They were careful to show their analysis of leader selection and other problem requirements. They followed up their modeling and anal- ysis with sensitivity analysis and a careful discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of their model and its approach. Most impressive was their ability to discuss the incorporation of semantic analysis into their model and the discussion of the power of information modeling to the future.Cornell UniversityThe team from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, took a very different ap- proach than the other Outstanding papers. Their paper “Crime Ring Anal- ysis with Electric Networks” presented a model using an electrical circuit analogy for the conspiracy where the interactions between people, repre- sented as circuit nodes, were considered a conductance term. This model302TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) was creative in its structure and enabled the team to perform an interesting analysis of the conspiracy factors. This team was selected as the INFORMS winner.ConclusionAmong the 1,329 papers, there were many strong submissions, which made judging dif?cult. However, it was gratifying to see so many students with the ability to combine modeling,science and effective communication skills in order to understand such a complex problem and recommend solutions. We look forward to next year’s competition, which will involve another problem in network science and hopefully, the participation of many teams of competent and passionate interdisciplinary modelers.Recommendations forFuture Participants?Answerthe problem.Weak papers sometimes do not address a signif- icant part of the problem. Outstanding teams often cover all the bases and then go beyond.?Time management is critical.Every year there are submissions that do an outstanding job on one aspect of the problem, then “run out of gas” and are unable to complete their solution. Outstanding teams have a plan and adjust as needed to submit a complete solution.?Coordinate yourplan.It is obvious in many weak papers how the work and writing was split between group members,then pieced together into the?nal report. For example, the output from one model doesn’t match the input for the next model or a section appears in the paper that does not?t with the rest of the report. The more your team can coordinate the efforts of its members, the stronger your?nal submission will be.?The model is not the solution.Some weak papers present a strong model,and then stop. Outstandingteamsusetheir modelstounderstand the problem and recommend or produce a solution.?Explain what you are doing and why.Weak teams tend to use too many equations and too few words. Problem approaches appear out of nowhere. Outstanding teams explain what they are doing and why.Judges’Commentary303About the AuthorsChrisArneygraduated from WestPointand served as an intelligence of?cer in the U.S. Army. His aca- demic studies resumed at Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute with an M.S. (computer science) and a Ph.D. (mathematics). He spent most of his 30-year military career as a mathematics professor at West Point, be- fore becoming Dean ofthe SchoolofMathematicsand Sciences and Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at the College of SaintRosein Albany,NY.Christhen moved toRTP(Research TrianglePark), NC,where he served for various durations as chair ofthe MathematicalSci- ences Division, of the Network Sciences Division, and of the Information Sciences Directorate of the Army Research Of?ce. Chris has authored 22 books,written morethan 120technicalarticles,and given morethan 250pre- sentations and 40 workshops. His technical interests include mathematical modeling, cooperative systems, pursuit-evasion modeling, robotics, arti- ?cial intelligence, military operations modeling, and network science; his teaching interests include using technology and interdisciplinary problems toimproveundergraduateteachingand curricula. Heisthefoundingdirec- tor of COMAP’s Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)R?. In August 2009, he rejoined the faculty at West Point as the Network Science Chair and Professor of Mathematics. Kate Coronges is an Assistant Professor in the De- partment of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership and a research fellow in the Network Science Center at the U.S. Military Academy. She has a Master’s in Public Health and a Ph.D. in Health Behavior Research from the Uni- versity of Southern California. Kate teaches courses in social network analysis and public policy, working with cadets to apply analytic tools to understand and model complex systems, particularly as they relate to public policy issues such as energy, education, information security, and health care. Her primary research effort involves a social network study of leadership and organi- zational performance. She also is working on an analysis of social accept- ability of automatic biometric authentication tools, social determinants of phishing security vigilance, and modeling social media data to understand how protests turn to riots. Her publications in network science include the study of education, drug addiction, DADT (“Don’t ask, don’t tell”) policy, coalition building, and security.304TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)Reviews305ReviewsMaasz, Juergen, and John O’Donoghue (eds.). 2011.Real-World Problems for Secondary School Mathematics Students: CaseStudies. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers; ix + 281 pp, $49.99 (P). ISBN 978–94– 6091–541–3. Secondary school mathematics teachers seek resources for bringing rel- evant applications of mathematics to their students, and this book is de- scribed as being “full of ideas for introducing real world problems into mathematics classrooms.” The collection of 16 papers promises to provide teachers with a wealth of applications from a wide variety of school con- tent areas (e.g., statistics, geometry, and calculus), and to focus on topics that should appeal to a student audience with diverse interests (e.g., en- ergy issues,traveling to Mars,rugby and snooker, lotteries,logisticgrowth, worldwide oil reserves, and even Dirk Nowitzki). That is, in fact, what this collection does provide. Many of the authors offer suggestions on how to format the material into classroom lessons, yet they also encourage teachers to individualize the lessons for their own students and their own circumstances. There is also an international?avor to thecollection,a fact that willappealto many teachersand many students. There are several cautions, however:?Although the content is timely, class time will be needed for students to pro?t from these lessons; most lessons are not one- or two-period explorations. Teachers who are already short on time will have to weigh whether the advantageofproviding studentswith interesting,nontrivial real world applications is enough to warrant requisite class days.?Unless a teacher has a multiple-courseassignment,he or she willnot?nd a variety of lessons from which to select if one of the requirements is to illustrate applications of the mathematical topics covered in a particular course.?Since the mathematics is accessible, but de?nitely nontrivial, much of the content may be daunting for students who are not already mathe- matically pro?cient. For these reasons, this collection may best be seen as an excellent resource for a mathematics department rather than for one particular teacher. ItTheUMAPJournal33(3)(2012)305–308. c ?Copyright2012by COMAP,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.306TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012) would also be a?ne resource for an independent study course or for an upper-level course in mathematical modeling. J.T.Sutcliffe,MathematicsDepartment,St.Mark’sSchoolofTexas,10600Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75230;sutcliffe@smtexas.org. Thomson, Brian S. 2010.The Calculus Integral.North Charleston, SC: Cre- ateSpace. x + 291pp,$14.95(P).ISBN 978–1–442180956. Free download athttp://classicalrealanalysis.info/documents/ T-CalculusIntegral-AllChapters-Portrait.pdf. The study of integration within a?rst course of calculus is always prob- lematic. Thestandard approach isto begin with theproblem ofdetermining areas under curves,createapproximating sums,moveon to thegeneralRie- mann sums, de?ne the de?nite integral as a limit of these sums, and then prove the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus that links these limits of Rie- mann sumsto what Ishallrefer to asantiderivatives,also known asprimitives orinde?niteintegrals. Thomson is one in a long line of mathematicians dissatis?ed with this approach. It hasmany?aws. Thede?nition ofthede?niteintegralasa limit ofRiemann sums is incredibly sophisticated. For most students,the formal de?nition is quickly forgotten and the working de?nition of integration becomes antidifferentiation. The problem with this is that many students lose the link between antidifferentiation and Riemann sums. The reason that the standard textbook approach is problematic is that it is seriously ahistorical. Riemann created his de?nition in the 1850s for the speci?c purpose of determining how discontinuous a function might be yet still be integrable. His formulation is ideally suited for this purpose, a purpose that bears no relevance for the?rst year of university calculus. The fact is that from the time that Newton?rst recognized the power of reversing differentiation as a tool for computing areas until Cauchy sought a characterization of integration that would enable him to assert that every continuous function is integrable, integration was de?ned as antidiffer- entiation. Thomson embraces this natural and historical de?nition of the integral, what he calls “The Calculus Integral,” and uses it as the starting point for an exploration into our modern understanding of integration. This book is described as appropriate for a course of honors calculus or a?rst course in real analysis. In either context, it would be challeng- ing but do-able with the right students. The development is elegant and extremely original. After a dense?rst chapter that introduces the basic theorems needed to work with limits, sequences and series, continuity, and differentiability, Thomson begins by de?ning the inde?nite integral offon an open interval as a continuous function whose derivative coincides withfexcept possibly at?nitely many points. De?nite integrals are de?nedReviews307 in terms of inde?nite integrals. The Fundamental Theorem is introduced in two steps: First is the use of the Mean Value Theorem to establish the existence of a sequence of tagsζisuch that?b af(x)dx=n?i=1f(ζi)(xi?xi?1).Second comes the theorem that the de?nite integral can be uniformly approximated by Riemann sums with arbitrary tags. The emphasis has switched in a pedagogically signi?cant way from de?ning the de?nite in- tegral as a limit of Riemann sums to demonstrating that it can be approxi- mated arbitrarilycloselybyRiemann sums,simplybycontrollingthelength of the subintervals in the partition. This approach opens the door to the result that de?nite integrals are also uniformly approximated by Robbins sums, an interesting variation on the Riemann sum that was described by Herbert E. Robbins . The text continues through the study of sequences and series of inte- grals and the monotone convergence theorem, then into Cantor sets, sets of measure zero, functions with zero variation, and absolute continuity. The most original aspect of this text is the de?nition of the Lebesgue integral. Parallel to the Calculus Integral, the inde?nite Lebesgue integral offon an open interval is de?ned as an absolutely continuous function in the Vi- tali sense whose derivative coincides withfexcept possibly on a set of measure zero. The Lebesgue integral offover the interval is thende?ned asF(b)?F(a), whereFis an inde?nite Lebesgue integral offonthis interval. Connecting this de?nition to Riemann sums leads naturally into a discussion of the Henstock-Kurzweil integral, where the text ends. Traditional measure theory is nowhere to be found. One of the most distinctive features of this book is that none of the theorems or corollaries is proven in the text. Instead, Thomson leads the reader through a series of exercises that build to each proof. The actual text is quite short, only 150 pages. It is followed by an almost equally long presentation of the solutions to the exercises. Just the text, leaving the scaffolded proofs to the students without the option of looking them up, would provide an excellent inquiry-based introduction to real analysis or a challenging senior seminar. Thomson has given us a rich introduction to the complexities ofintegra- tion with many historical references and intriguing asides. I agree with his use of the Calculus Integral and his approach to Riemann sums. De?ning integration as a limit of Riemann sums makes no sense for?rst-year calcu- lus. I am not convinced that his approach to Lebesgue integration makes better pedagogical sense than a more traditional route, but it does form part of a coherent and consistent approach to integration. The student who completes this book willbe very wellversed in realanalysis and fully ready to tackle measure theory.308TheUMAP Journal 33.3 (2012)ReferenceRobbins, Herbert E. 1943. Note on the Riemann integral.American Mathe- matical Monthly50 (10) (December 1943): 617–618. DavidBressoud,MathematicsandComputerScience,MacalesterCollege,St.Paul, MN 55105;bressoud@macalester.edu.
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分享 2012年北美黑龙江大学获奖论文
刘李 2013-1-23 10:31
北美论文到底难不难呢?Locating the conspirators in the company The mathematical model built in this paper can analyze the complex crime reasonably. According to a part of known arrested suspects and their social relationship, the model can discover the conspirator with the maximum possibility, which can accelerate the process of investigating cases With the the suspicious information, known conspirators and innocents, a model of finding internal crime suspects in the company is established. For a person in the company, if he has closer contact with other members he will has more possibility to commit a crime, which is called core degree. Making use of Matrix replacement method and Hierarchical clustering method, we can find the group of higher core degree and sort them with descending. Next, we deem that a member who has closer contact with a conspirator will be more possibilily a conspirator . Because of the known conspirators in the company, to find the other suspects in the network sturcture, A list of association degree is ordered with ascending. At last, on the basis of the computational model, taking transmission information among members into acount, we stratified these message topics and given the different layers of different topics of suspicious degrees. According to the different topics among these members, we can calculate their suspicious degrees accurately and ordered them descending. Analysis by synthesis the result of three sort, using a computermerge the result of three sort, thereby all of the suspects is obtained accurately. Computers is the efficient and accurate tools to handle and analyze large-scale data. Using computers to deal with original data can reduce the error of the value of topics. We can make full use of semantic network analysis, artificial intelligence and text analysis, and calculate the frequency of words in original data . There are some less important but greater frequent words among those data, such as copula and personal pronouns. Deleting this type of words and merge them with similar semantic words, a language bank is then built with these similar words, and the frequency of every words is computed. Sometimes words collocation in the bank are also suspicious. therefore when these suspicious words appear and the frequency of them is high, thus the person who transmit the type of information must be suspicious characters. It suffice to find all of suspects accurately by this method. The crime busting model we built can also apply to many other practical cases. For example, it can be used on detecting difficult network-crime cases and applied to the problem of the spread of the virus between cells in the biological network. The method can also deal with these difficulties with high accuracy. Locating the conspirators in the company Abstract The mathematical model built in this paper can analyze the complex crime reasonably. According to a part of known arrested suspects and their social relationship, the model can discover the conspirator with the maximum possibility, which can accelerate the process of investigating cases With the the suspicious information, known conspirators and innocents, a model of finding internal crime suspects in the company is established. For a person in the company, if he has closer contact with other members he will has more possibility to commit a crime, which is called core degree. Making use of Matrix replacement method and Hierarchical clustering method, we can find the group of higher core degree and sort them with descending. Next, we deem that a member who has closer contact with a conspirator will be more possibilily a conspirator . Because of the known conspirators in the company, to find the other suspects in the network sturcture, A list of association degree is ordered with ascending. At last, on the basis of the computational model, taking transmission information among members into acount, we stratified these message topics and given the different layers of different topics of suspicious degrees. According to the different topics among these members, we can calculate their suspicious degrees accurately and ordered them descending. Analysis by synthesis the result of three sort, using a computer merge the result of three sort, thereby all of the suspects is obtained accurately. Computers is the efficient and accurate tools to handle and analyze large-scale data. Using computers to deal with original data can reduce the error of the value of topics. We can make full use of semantic network analysis, artificial intelligence and text analysis, and calculate the frequency of words in original data . There are some less important but greater frequent words among those data, such as copula and personal pronouns. Deleting this type of words and merge them with similar semantic words, a language bank is then built with these similar words, and the frequency of every words is computed. Sometimes words collocation in the bank are also suspicious. therefore when these suspicious words appear and the frequency of them is high, thus the person who transmit the type of information must be suspicious characters. It suffice to find all of suspects accurately by this method. The crime busting model we built can also apply to many other practical cases. For example, it can be used on detecting difficult network-crime cases and applied to the problem of the spread of the virus between cells in the biological network. The method can also deal with these difficulties with high accuracy. Keywords: core degrees, suspicious degrees, association degrees, text analysis, crime busting Team#15783 page 2 of 15 Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3 2 Analysis of the Problem ............................................................................................ 3 3 Crime busting ............................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Analysis ............................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................ 4 3.3 Assumption ...................................................................................................... 5 3.4 Modeling .......................................................................................................... 5 3.4.1 Solving of the core degree ..................................................................... 5 3.4.2 Solving of absolutely close degree ........................................................ 6 3.4.3 Using suspected information to find criminal suspects ..................... 7 3.5 Consider the additional datas ........................................................................ 9 4 Computer processing .............................................................................................. 10 4.1 Analysis .......................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Definition ....................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Computer processing Method ...................................................................... 11 5 Model promotion ..................................................................................................... 13 5.1 Analysis of model .......................................................................................... 13 5.2 Model application.......................................................................................... 13 6 Weaknesses and Strengths of the Model ............................................................... 14 6.1 Strengths ........................................................................................................ 14 6.2 Weaknesses .................................................................................................... 14 7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 15 8 References ................................................................................................................ 15 Team#15783 page 3 of 15 1 Introduction In recent years, the group frauds and economic crime problems have been very common in our daily life. Since the number of suspects is great, then it is difficult to detect the cases for the public security organs. Once the criminals escape, they will be a threat to more people and property, and even to personal security . The links between criminals posed by criminal networks is complex , and the mistake of judgment will falsely accuse innocent people and let the criminals get off . Here the problem arises: how to locate all the suspicion without a mistake? We learned many of the existing methods find that none give us a definite answer. Then we found the model of crime busting is similar to the model of social networks in the BBS in a way. What we need to do is identify the core characters and important figures in this matter. If we do the above, then we can basically determine the degree of suspicion for each person in this group combined with all kinds of the message topics, and arrange the guesswork out of suspects. It narrow the scope of criminal elements and reduce the workload of the public security organs so that they can break cases faster. 2 Analysis of the Problem  First, we should gain a clear idea of the characteristics of internal crime. There is a wide range of the criminal subjects: the senior managers of the company can be the conspirator, and each of the staffs can be also the conspirator. So it is difficult to capture criminals. But if we use the key features of economic crime, then we can easily find the mastermind of their accomplices.  According to the characteristics of crime and the offender's psychological, we believe that the possibility that those persons who keep close contact with criminals are the conspirators is very large. Then, by known criminals and suspicious messages, we can accurately determine criminal conspirators.  Based on the known contacts between persons inside the company, we use the matrix displacement method and the hierarchical clustering method to identify the company's central figures who keep close contact with other employees. Then combining with these figures with the types of message topics, we can make a further judgment to identify the other suspects. In addition, using given already certain schemers and certain not schemers, we can further discuss the group which have close relationship with those persons, and so we can increase the veracity of the result. With the help of our model, we can identify the maximum possible accomplices and confidently point out the conspirators and accomplices within the company. Team#15783 page 4 of 15 3 Crime busting 3.1 Analysis Although criminals choose randomly the modality of crime information and the route transmission of crime information, but their crime form still has a certain rule. Their modus operandi in this company transmits mainly by the information transfer form, so criminal gangs should form a network connection model. Questions have given several already certain criminals and crime information types, then according to these criminals' close relationship and the suspected degrees of total numbers of message receive and message issued, we can judge the scope of the criminals. 3.2 Symbols Table1 symbols k A The number of the company group members ai, k  if member i and member k have directly connected   D C k Connection degree of each member k A   ij g k if means of member i A and member j A pass by k A . C k B k A ’s absolute agent degree li, k the most short-circuit path length of member i A and member j A   C C k the absolutely tight density D C the average value of the absolute agent degree B C the average value of the absolute agent degree C C the average value of the closely degree   D Dev C the smooth coefficient of connection degree   B Dev C the smooth coefficient of absolute agent   C Dev C the smooth coefficient of absolutely tight density Team#
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分享 美赛历年论文集锦
热度 1 泉韵无声 2013-1-22 15:25
个人分类: 美赛|319 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 这绝对不是的,楼主又坑人了,这只是评论,没有论文啊!!!
千年寻梦 2012-12-31 12:09
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分享 论文latex
1097908652 2012-12-18 18:26
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分享 论文自动生成目录的方法
nandehutugood 2012-11-9 12:13
写毕业论文的注意了:怎样自动生成目录(以后要用,怕没了,转过来自己看) 微软WORD这个软件大家都很熟悉,但有不少功能我们并没有用到,其中不乏非常实用的。今儿个我给大家介绍一下如何用WORD自动生成目录。这对那些用WORD写书,写论文的朋友很有帮助。   优点:用WORD根据文章的章节自动生成目录不但快捷,而且阅读查找内容时也很方便,只是按住Ctrl点击目录中的某一章节就会直接跳转到该页,更重要的是便于今后修改,因为写完的文章难免多次修改,增加或删减内容。倘若用手工给目录标页,中间内容一改,后面页码全要改是一件很让人头痛的事情。应该自动生成的目录,你可以任意修改文章内容,最后更新一下目录就会重新把目录对应到相应的页码上去。   步骤:(以下内容在WORD2003中操作,其它版本WORD略有差别,但大同小异。)   1.在 中选   2.出现右边的一条“样式格式”栏,这里面主要就是用到标题1,标题2,标题3。把标题1,标题2,标题3分别应用到文中各个章节的标题上。例如:文中的“第一章 制冷概论”我们就需要用标题1定义。而“1.1制冷技术的发展历史”就用标题2定义。如果有1.1.1×××那就用标题3来定义。   3.当然标题1,标题2,标题3的属性(如字体大小,居中,加粗,等等)可以自行修改的。修改方法:右键点击“标题1”选“修改”,会弹出修改菜单,您可以根据自己的要求自行修改。   4.用标题1,2,3分别去定义文中的每一章节。定义时很方便,只要把光标点到“第一章 制冷概论”上,然后用鼠标左键点一下右边的标题1,就定义好了;同样方法用标题2,3定义1.1;1.1.1;依此类推,第二章,第三章也这样定义,直到全文节尾。   5.当都定义好后,我们就可以生成目录了。把光标移到文章最开头你要插入目录的空白位置,选 -- --   6.选第二个选项卡 ,然后点右下的确定。就OK了。 上图就是自动生成的目录   7.当你重新修改文章内容后,你需要更新一下目录,方法是:在目录区域内,点右键,选   8.当选 后,会出现上图的选框,选第二个“更新整个目录”点确定。就OK了。
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分享 2012-08-21
快乐海滨 2012-8-21 17:13
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分享 欢迎广大朋友对我们的网络挑战赛论文给出指导意见,谢谢!
lance313 2012-4-28 10:37
C1025 http://www.madio.net/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=138861fromuid=160582 以上为网址,谢谢朋友们 2012.4.28
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缘朽 2012-4-7 10:05
2004年A题《奥运场馆中临时商业网点设计》题目、论文、点评 http://www.madio.net/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=18489fromuid=424142
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分享 数学建模竞赛论文写作方法
顺其自然178510 2012-3-8 21:58
一、写好数模答卷的重要性 1. 评定参赛队的成绩好坏、高低,获奖级别, 数模答卷,是唯一依据。 2. 答卷是竞赛活动的成绩结晶的书面形式。 3. 写好答卷的训练,是科技写作的一种基本训练。 二、答卷的基本内容,需要重视的问题 1. 评阅原则:假设的合理性, 建模的创造性, 结果的合理性, 表述的清晰程度。 2. 答卷的文章结构 a. 摘要 b. 问题的叙述,问题的分析,背景的分析等,略 c. 模型的假设,符号说明(表) d. 模型的建立(问题分析,公式推导,基本模型,最终或简化模型 等) 3 . 模型的求解 ▲ 计算方法设计或选择;算法设计或选择, 算法思想依据,步骤及实现,计算框图;所采用的软件名称; ▲ 引用或建立必要的数学命题和定理; ▲ 求解方案及流程 4 .结果表示、分析与检验,误差分析,模型检验 …… 5 .模型评价,特点,优缺点,改进方法,推广 ……. 6 .参考文献 7 .附录 计算框图 详细图表 …… 8. 要重视的问题 摘要,包括: a. 模型的数学归类(在数学上属于什么类型) b. 建模的思想(思路) c . 算法思想(求解思路) d. 建模特点(模型优点,建模思想或方法,算法特点,结果检验,灵敏度分析,模型检验 ……. ) e. 主要结果(数值结果,结论)(回答题目所问的全部 “ 问题 ” ) ▲ 表述:准确、简明、条理清晰、合乎语法、字体工整漂亮;打印最好,但要求符合文章格式。务必认真校对。 1 .问题重述。略 2 .模型假设 跟据全国组委会确定的评阅原则,基本假设的合理性很重要。 ( 1 )根据题目中条件作出假设 ( 2 )根据题目中要求作出假设 关键性假设不能缺;假设要切合题意 3 .模型的建立 A. 基本模型: a. 首先要有数学模型:数学公式、方案等 b. 基本模型,要求 完整,正确,简明 B. 简化模型 a. 要明确说明:简化思想,依据 b. 简化后模型,尽可能完整给出 C. 模型要实用,有效,以解决问题有效为原则。 数学建模面临的、要解决的是实际问题,不追求数学上:高(级)、深(刻)、难(度大)。 A. 能用初等方法解决的、就不用高级方法, B. 能用简单方法解决的,就不用复杂方法, C. 能用被更多人看懂、理解的方法,就不用只能少数人看懂、理解的方法。 D. 鼓励创新,但要切实,不要离题搞标新立异数模创新可出现在 ▲ 建模中,模型本身,简化的好方法、好策略等, ▲ 模型求解中 ▲ 结果表示、分析、检验,模型检验 ▲ 推广部分 F. 在问题分析推导过程中,需要注意的问题: u 分析:中肯、确切 u 术语:专业、内行;; u 原理、依据:正确、明确 , u 表述:简明,关键步骤要列出 u 忌:外行话,专业术语不明确,表述混乱,冗长。 4 .模型求解 ( 1 ) 需要建立数学命题时: 命题叙述要符合数学命题的表述规范,尽可能论证严密。 ( 2 ) 需要说明计算方法或算法的原理、思想、依据、步骤。 若采用现有软件,说明采用此软件的理由,软件名称 ( 3 ) 计算过程,中间结果可要可不要的,不要列出。 ( 4 ) 设法算出合理的数值结果。 5 .结果分析、检验;模型检验及模型修正;结果表示 ( 1 ) 最终数值结果的正确性或合理性是第一位的 ; ( 2 ) 对数值结果或模拟结果进行必要的检验。 结果不正确、不合理、或误差大时,分析原因, 对算法、计算方法、或模型进行修正、改进; ( 3 ) 题目中要求回答的问题,数值结果,结论,须一一列出; ( 4 ) 列数据问题:考虑是否需要列出多组数据,或额外数据对数据进行比较、分析,为各种方案的提出提供依据; ( 5 ) 结果表示:要集中,一目了然,直观,便于比较分析 ▲ 数值结果表示:精心设计表格;可能的话,用图形图表形式 ▲ 求解方案,用图示更好 ( 6 ) 必要时对问题解答,作定性或规律性的讨论。最后结论要明确。 6 .模型评价 优点突出,缺点不回避。改变原题要求,重新建模可在此做。推广或改进方向时,不要玩弄新数学术语。 7 .参考文献 8 .附录 详细的结果,详细的数据表格,可在此列出。但不要错,错的宁可不列。主要结果数据,应在正文中列出,不怕重复。 检查答卷的主要三点,把三关: n 模型的正确性、合理性、创新性 n 结果的正确性、合理性 n 文字表述清晰,分析精辟,摘要精彩 三、对分工执笔的同学的要求 四.关于写答卷前的思考和工作规划 答卷需要回答哪几个问题 ―― 建模需要解决哪几个问题 问题以怎样的方式回答 ―― 结果以怎样的形式表示 每个问题要列出哪些关键数据 ―― 建模要计算哪些关键数据 每个量,列出一组还是多组数 ―― 要计算一组还是多组数 …… 五.答卷要求的原理 u 准确 ―― 科学性 u 条理 ―― 逻辑性 u 简洁 ―― 数学美 u 创新 ―― 研究、应用目标之一,人才培养需要 u 实用 ―― 建模。实际问题要求。 建模理念: 1. 应用意识:要解决实际问题,结果、结论要符合实际;模型、方法、结果要易于理解,便于实际应用;站在应用者的立场上想问题,处理问题。 2. 数学建模:用数学方法解决问题,要有数学模型;问题模型的数学抽象,方法有普适性、科学性,不局限于本具体问题的解决。 3. 创新意识:建模有特点,更加合理、科学、有效、符合实际;更有普遍应用意义;不单纯为创新而创新。
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分享 数学建模《比赛注意事项及论文写作》QQ文字直播
顺其自然178510 2012-3-8 21:55
第四期培训专题通知: 培训专题:《比赛注意事项及论文写作》 培训人:数学中国CEO(huashi3483) 培训时间:2010年9月6日晚8点 第四期为数学中国在国赛前准备的最后一期培训专题,CEO会向大家介绍比赛中的相关注意事项及论文写作的相关事宜,敬请期待! 我为模狂(825340193) 19:59:11 培训现在开始! 我为模狂(825340193) 20:00:04 huashi3483(20694876) 19:58:57冰强 谢谢主持人 huashi3483(20694876) 19:59:03冰强 下面开始培训 huashi3483(20694876) 19:59:24冰强 很高兴时隔一年又和大家见面 我为模狂(825340193) 20:00:11 有不少新面孔,也有不少老朋友,数学中国发展到现在也差不多第8个年头 我为模狂(825340193) 20:00:46 我是数学中国的创始人之一 小帅, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:01:02 接下来的一周乃至三个月内 我都会陪伴着大家 我为模狂(825340193) 20:01:39 每年这个时候,我们数学中国都会迎接新的一批参赛者,送走一批获奖者 我为模狂(825340193) 20:02:34 从去年开始,我们进行了网络线上培训的尝试 我为模狂(825340193) 20:02:45 在前几期里,数学中国的培训讲师对《思想方法大全及适用范围》《元胞自动机》《lingo》进行了系统的分析 我为模狂(825340193) 20:03:06 由于我最近工作比较忙,所以今天这次培训,讲的内容很浅 ,欢迎大家拍砖。下面进入正题: 我为模狂(825340193) 20:03:30 周末就是竞赛了,有些同学是第一次参加,有的同时已经参加两次以上了。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:03:41 相信参加过国赛的同学都有自己的经验与总结。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:03:53 这里我简单的说一些大家竞赛中容易犯错的 地方。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:04:15 首先讲竞赛的目的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:04:44 凡事都有目的性,没有目的的行动,不可能取得成功 我为模狂(825340193) 20:05:01 大家的目的各有不同,有的是要为了拿奖获取学分,有的要为保研做准备,有的就是混张奖状。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:05:31 呵呵,当然这些都属于人之常情。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:05:38 但是我认为,假如大家能够把参赛当成一次学习的过程,那么你收获的只有成功。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:05:56 抛开功利不谈,数学建模之所以用竞赛作为推广手段 我为模狂(825340193) 20:06:12 是因为他可以是你升学、深造、工作、研究的必备工具 我为模狂(825340193) 20:06:26 也许大家现在还不清楚 我为模狂(825340193) 20:07:06 你走到我这样的工作岗位,同样也需要数学建模 我为模狂(825340193) 20:08:04 竞赛不单单是为了拿奖, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:08:13 即使拿了国家一等奖,不去总结经验,不去学习他人的做法 我为模狂(825340193) 20:08:40 那么同样你只能收获一张奖状 我为模狂(825340193) 20:08:48 走出校门,奖状一分不值。 凌波微步(569692342) 20:09:06 厉害 我为模狂(825340193) 20:09:52 所以请大家认真思考一下自己为什么要参加数学建模竞赛、你的参赛目的是什么 我为模狂(825340193) 20:10:03 第二:答案 真正领悟数学建模的同学都知道:数学建模没有答案 我为模狂(825340193) 20:10:11 就像极限一样,你的答案只能无限接近于真理,却不是最佳结果 我为模狂(825340193) 20:10:30 参加研究生竞赛的同学肯定知道, 四天四夜是做不出来结果的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:10:50 因为研究生竞赛的数据量之庞大,计算之复杂 你无法想象 我为模狂(825340193) 20:10:59 本科生竞赛虽然没有研究生竞赛那么难, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:11:23 组委会也会最终给出相应的解题思路。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:11:45 但是如果你是一个爱好 收集竞赛论文的同学,你就会知道, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:12:13 有的论文会针对特等奖的论文提出质疑 我为模狂(825340193) 20:12:40 有的论文应用更先进的算法得到更为精确的结果 我为模狂(825340193) 20:12:47 所以请大家在竞赛过程中不要去比较论文答案 我为模狂(825340193) 20:13:09 这些完全没有任何意义,数学建模不是1+1=2 我为模狂(825340193) 20:13:56 往往看了别人的结果,一看自己的结果总是不对劲,乱了分寸 我为模狂(825340193) 2010/9/6 20:14:28 三、论文中心思想 我为模狂(825340193) 20:14:41 很多同学都会犯这么样的一个错误 我为模狂(825340193) 20:15:01 很多同学都会犯这么样的一个错误 我为模狂(825340193) 20:15:07 就是拿到了参考资料,就把题目往参考资料上套。不管适用不适用 我为模狂(825340193) 20:15:16 我评审了三年的挑战赛论文,年年如此。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:15:41 告诫大家一句,这个方法万万不可取。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:15:48 参考资料你有,我也有,大家都有 我为模狂(825340193) 20:16:01 假如一个题目的参考资料很少的情况下,雷同卷往往是最多的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:16:32 上面讲到了数学建模是没有标准答案的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:16:54 那么当大多数论文都用同一种方法的时候 我为模狂(825340193) 20:17:01 那么这些论文讲都会被评委抛弃 我为模狂(825340193) 20:17:34 不知道大家看不看小说、或者选秀节目 我为模狂(825340193) 20:17:54 当一个小说都是千篇一律打打杀杀的场景 我为模狂(825340193) 20:18:02 当选秀节目都是一样的套路 我为模狂(825340193) 20:18:25 同理 数学建模论文一定要有自己的中心思想。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:19:43 你三天三夜没有算出结果,但是你的论文恰当的表述了你的思考过程、解题方案、模型评价与应用, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:19:55 那么你这篇论文至少要比那些所谓用答案套模型的论文要强。 我为模狂(825340193) 20:20:12 讲一个笑话 我为模狂(825340193) 20:20:29 也是今年数学中国挑战赛的事情 我为模狂(825340193) 20:20:44 我收到电子档后,进行初次分类 我为模狂(825340193) 20:21:20 按照模型,结果发现了一篇很惊奇的论文,整篇论文除了摘要几乎没有其他字了 我为模狂(825340193) 20:21:33 写了有30页 我为模狂(825340193) 20:22:18 所谓的论文,全部都是用QQ截图把参考资料拼凑起来的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:23:25 我就纳闷了,与其这样交论文,不如把参赛费拿去 吃几顿好的也好 我为模狂(825340193) 20:23:50 言归正转 我为模狂(825340193) 20:24:02 四、创新性 我为模狂(825340193) 20:24:26 什么是创新性!中国达人秀就是创新性 我为模狂(825340193) 20:24:41 论文当出现大多数平庸的时候,就需要创新,这个创新不是狭义的创新 我为模狂(825340193) 20:24:57 很多同学自认为用高级算法解答,就认为是创新 我为模狂(825340193) 20:25:46 但是 往往 创新模型来源于更能直接的解决问题、便于广泛的推广 我为模狂(825340193) 20:26:25 能用微分方程解决的问题,你偏偏用神经网络算法 我为模狂(825340193) 20:26:44 结果算到最后,把自己算进入了 我为模狂(825340193) 2010/9/6 20:27:57 上面有两层含义,一要简单、二要实用,数学模型不是书本上的知识,他要让你用他能够解决更多的现实问题 我为模狂(825340193) 2010/9/6 20:29:05 下面将些实际的问题 我为模狂(825340193) 20:29:20 五、细节问题 1、引用 我为模狂(825340193) 20:29:56 上面说到参考资料,参考资料是可以套,而且现在也是普遍行为 我为模狂(825340193) 20:30:12 但是怎么套有说法 我为模狂(825340193) 20:30:44 不能像刚才那样的 用QQ截图来直接当论文,这样太贬低你大学生的身份了 我为模狂(825340193) 20:31:18 大家可以会后去美赛区去看一看,有一篇07年的文章 我为模狂(825340193) 20:31:59 是讲中国的两所大学的两组参赛队被美国大学生数学建模取消特等奖的说明 我为模狂(825340193) 20:32:11 专门讲了引用 我为模狂(825340193) 20:33:06 记住一句话,凡事引用了别人的观点,别人的公式、别人的图表、都要在引用的地方加以标注: 我为模狂(825340193) 20:33:24 这往往是大家最忽略的地方 我为模狂(825340193) 20:33:42 也是目前国赛、研赛查的最严的地方 我为模狂(825340193) 20:34:33 也许你的论文写的很好,但是就是因为该引用的地方没有标注,有可能会影响到你的成绩乃至你的整个学业 我为模狂(825340193) 20:34:49 这个是基本的学术道德问题 我为模狂(825340193) 20:36:14 有些比赛题目需要用图说明,有些是需要参考资料上的表格数据 我为模狂(825340193) 20:36:46 这些千万不要直接用截图工具直接复制过来 我为模狂(825340193) 20:36:48 数学建模不是唐骏 我为模狂(825340193) 20:37:12 他的成功你是复制不起来的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:37:41 能自己做图的 就自己画图 我为模狂(825340193) 20:38:02 表格么 自己用word或者excel打 我为模狂(825340193) 20:38:59 同样也要标注 我为模狂(825340193) 20:39:20 huashi3483(20694876) 20:38:08冰强 但是即使你画出来的图和打出来的表格 huashi3483(20694876) 20:38:14冰强 同样也要标注 huashi3483(20694876) 20:38:35冰强 记住一句话,评委不是傻子 我为模狂(825340193) 20:39:28 当然,额外说明:公式不会也截图吧! 日期:2010/9/6 我为模狂(825340193) 20:39:59 3、目录 我为模狂(825340193) 20:40:18 全国大学生数学建模竞赛和全国研究生数学建模竞赛的论文格式没有做目录要求 我为模狂(825340193) 20:41:04 但是你的论文正文超过了25页(不含封面摘要、附录) 我为模狂(825340193) 20:41:26 就最好在正文之前写个目录 我为模狂(825340193) 20:41:37 相当于提纲 我为模狂(825340193) 20:42:07 很多情况下,评委每个5分钟就要看一篇论文 我为模狂(825340193) 20:42:22 当然各个赛区的评审方式不同 我为模狂(825340193) 20:43:33 当你的论文有几十页的情况下,需要引导评委第一时间能看到你的论文构成 我为模狂(825340193) 20:44:11 很多情况下 我为模狂(825340193) 20:44:53 评委最不愿意看的就是大几十页的论文,这样他的评审效率大大的降低 我为模狂(825340193) 20:45:08 评委也是人 我为模狂(825340193) 20:45:31 4、格式 我为模狂(825340193) 20:45:48 这点论文格式已经写的很清楚了 我为模狂(825340193) 20:45:59 每年官方都会在赛前进行格式说明 我为模狂(825340193) 20:46:27 但是很多情况下,到了最后一夜,你很难保持清醒的头脑去按照格式要求去写 我为模狂(825340193) 20:46:49 这里再讲一个笑话 我为模狂(825340193) 20:47:14 今年的美赛,2月的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:47:51 中国参赛队仍有不少UNSP,就是不成功参赛奖 我为模狂(825340193) 20:48:01 事后很多同学抱屈 我为模狂(825340193) 20:48:20 说,我只不过把参赛队号写在了论文正文里,就得了unsp 我为模狂(825340193) 20:48:37 这样的低级错误永远避免不了 我为模狂(825340193) 20:48:47 希望不是你犯的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:48:59 5、模型检验、优化 我为模狂(825340193) 20:49:34 今年在评审挑战赛论文的时候,很多论文都忽略了这一点 我为模狂(825340193) 20:50:22 而往往这一块的论文正文比分最重 我为模狂(825340193) 20:51:01 评委看完摘要,基本上直奔这里 我为模狂(825340193) 20:51:21 假如你不对你的模型进行检验、优化、评价 我为模狂(825340193) 20:51:40 评委是不相信你的自信的 我为模狂(825340193) 20:51:50 凤姐除外 我为模狂(825340193) 20:52:25 模型检验的过程,大多数老师都会讲到,这里不再阐述 我为模狂(825340193) 20:52:40 如果你还不知道的话,赶紧去看特等奖论文 我为模狂(825340193) 20:52:52 6、结论 我为模狂(825340193) 20:53:19 一篇好的论文,绝不是虎头蛇尾,要善始善终 我为模狂(825340193) 20:53:49 至于怎么写结论,往往也是老师讲课忽视的地方 我为模狂(825340193) 20:54:09 不能带有:希望评委老师怎么怎么样 我为模狂(825340193) 20:54:19 这不是写自荐书 我为模狂(825340193) 20:54:50 结论通常是你的整篇论文的概括, 我为模狂(825340193) 20:55:03 加上 你论文的不足之处 我为模狂(825340193) 20:55:12 这里不是谦虚 我为模狂(825340193) 20:55:46 要客观的评估你和你的队友三天的劳动成果 我为模狂(825340193) 20:56:35 最后,在讲 7、摘要 我为模狂(825340193) 20:56:48 为什么要最后讲,这个是关键 我为模狂(825340193) 20:56:58 评委第一眼就看你的摘要 我为模狂(825340193) 20:57:48 摘要占据了你的论文总体评分的30%-45% 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:01 怎么写摘要 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:09 还是一句话 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:21 看历年特等奖论文 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:37 接下来的几天大家不必再去模拟竞赛了 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:47 多看看优秀论文 我为模狂(825340193) 20:58:57 注意他们的写法 我为模狂(825340193) 20:59:18 用词 我为模狂(825340193) 21:00:48 好了,数学中国CUMCM\GMCM赛前培训,第四期结束,期待大家有好的成绩!和往年一样,我们在比赛前15分钟内与官方同步发布赛题、在比赛三小时内发布参考资料 我为模狂(825340193) 21:01:04 谢谢大家 TěáRˇ↓ loveyajlove@qq.com 21:01:39 深职-忠祥(1094669621) 21:01:47 河北理工—风(627566117) 21:01:49 谢谢老师! 欧亚学院杨尚杰(361797513) 21:01:50 O(∩_∩)O~.....谢谢老师...... 天科--小泠(1009830069) 21:01:55 河北理工 执著(592871271) 21:01:49 河北理工齐会梅(760809721) 21:01:57 谢谢 天科--小泠(1009830069) 21:01:59 谢谢老师 河北理工 冰焰(1049636231) 21:02:01 谢谢 文理。lamb chenlamb@126.com 21:02:02 谢谢
个人分类: 数学建模|477 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 篇二该怎么设计?!
zj-jscsbao 2011-11-26 18:42
似乎之前认为的最大难题:断点检测已经成功解决了,接下去遇到的问题是题目是什么?围绕哪个中心开展,对于事件研究法,应怎么确定事件。金融危机、宏调政策、加息等如何让确定时点,如果没有时点,那么该如何做呢?! 等到真正做起来,遇到了一连串的麻烦。对策:一个个解决。
个人分类: 论文写作|0 个评论
分享 入选优秀报告论文,感谢评委老师,周勇……
zj-jscsbao 2011-11-3 15:16
今天终于看到了结果,入选了,很高兴! 在刚结束的第13届中国管理科学年会上,提交了论文。在之前去参加,还是不去参加时,犹豫了很久。之后付出了很多的努力,修改文章,发言准备等…… 付出总会有回报,哪怕是一点点。辛勤努力,争取成功。努力了,不存遗憾。把不确定控制到最小,由天意决定吧。终于可以放松下心情了,舒了一口气。想想接下来如何走! 入选之后,希望能顺利发表,谢谢你,中国管理科学!^_^
0 个评论
分享 2011-08-31
西方狼 2011-8-31 20:58
数学建模论文基本格式 摘要 ( 200-300 字,包括模型的主要特点、建模方法和主要结果。 ) 关键词 ( 求解问题、使用的方法中的重要术语 ) 内容较多时最好有个目录 1 。问题重述 2 。问题分析 3 。模型假设与约定 4 。符号说明及名词定义 5 。模型建立与求解 ①补充假设条件,明确概念,引进参数; ②模型形式(可有多个形式的模型); 6 。进一步讨论(参数的变化、假设改变对模型的影响) 7 。模型检验 ( 使用数据计算 结果,进行分析与检验 ) 8 。模型优缺点( 改进方向,推广新思想 ) 9 。参考文献及参考书籍和网站 10 。附录 ( 计算程序,框图;各种求解演算过程,计算中间结果;各种图形、表格。 ) 小经验: 1 。随时记下自己的假设。有时候在很合理的假设下开始了下一步的工作,就应该顺手把这个假设给记下 来,否则到了最后可能会忘掉,而且这也会让我们的解答更加严谨。 2 。随时记录自己的想法,而且不留余地的完全的表达自己的思想。 3 。要有自己的特色,闪光点。 如何撰写数学建模论文 当我们完成一个数学建模的全过程后,就应该把所作的工作进行小结,写成论文。撰写数学建模论文和参加大学生数学建模时完成答卷,在许多方面是类似的。事实上数学建模竞赛也包含了学生写作能力的比试,因此,论文的写作是一个很重要的问题。 首先要明确撰写论文的目的。数学建模通常是由一些部门根据实际需要而提出的,也许那些部门还在经济上提供了资助,这时论文具有向特定部门汇报的目的,但即使在其他情况下,都要求对建模全过程作一个全面的、系统的小结,使有关的技术人员(竞赛时的阅卷人员)读了之后,相信模型假设的合理性,理解在建立模型过程中所用数学方法的适用性,从而确信该模型的数据和结论,放心地应用于实践中。当然,一篇好的论文是以作者所建立的数学模型的科学性为前提的。其次,要注意论文的条理性。 下面就论文的各部分应当注意的地方具体地来做一些分析。 (一) 问题提出和假设的合理性 在撰写论文时,应该把读者想象为对你所研究的问题一无所知或知之甚少的一个群体,因此,首先要简单地说明问题的情景,即要说清事情的来龙去脉。列出必要数据,提出要解决的问题,并给出研究对象的关键信息的内容,它的目的在于使读者对要解决的问题有一个印象,以便擅于思考的读者自己也可以尝试解决问题。历届数学建模竞赛的试题可以看作是情景说明的范例。 对情景的说明,不可能也不必要提供问题的每个细节。由此而来建立数学模型还是不够的,还要补充一些假设,模型假设是建立数学模型中非常关键的一步,关系到模型的成败和优劣。所以,应该细致地分析实际问题,从大量的变量中筛选出最能表现问题本质的变量,并简化它们的关系。这部分内容就应该在论文的“问题的假设”部分中体现。由于假设一般不是实际问题直接提供的,它们因人而异,所以在撰写这部分内容时要注意以下几方面: ( 1 )论文中的假设要以严格、确切的数学语言来表达,使读者不致产生任何曲解。 ( 2 )所提出的假设确实是建立数学模型所必需的,与建立模型无关的假设只会扰乱读者的思考。 ( 3 )假设应验证其合理性。假设的合理性可以从分析问题过程中得出,例如从问题的性质出发做出合乎常识的假设;或者由观察所给数据的图像,得到变量的函数形式;也可以参考其他资料由类 推得到。对于后者应指出参考文献的相关内容。 (二) 模型的建立 在做出假设后,我们就可以在论文中引进变量及其记号,抽象而确切地表达它们的关系,通过一定的数学方法,最后顺利地建立方程式或归纳为其他形式的数学问题,此处,一定要用分析和论证的方法,即说理的方法,让读者清楚地了解得到模型的过程上下文之间切忌逻辑推理过程中跃度过大,影响论文的说服力,需要推理和论证的地方,应该有推导的过程而且应该力求严谨;引用现成定理时,要先验证满足定理的条件。论文中用到的各种数学符号,必须在第一次出现时加以说明。总之,要把得到数学模型的过程表达清楚,使读者获得判断模型科学性的一个依据。 (三) 模型的计算与分析 把实际问题归结为一定的数学问题后,就要求解或进行分析。在数值求解时应对计算方法有所说明,并给出所使用软件的名称或者给出计算程序(通常以附录形式给出)。还可以用计算机软件绘制曲线和曲面示意图,来形象地表达数值计算结果。基于计算结果,可以用由分析方法得到一些对实践有所帮助的结论。 有些模型(例如非线性微分方程)需要作稳定性或其他定性分析。这时应该指出所依据的数学理论,并在推理或计算的基础上得出明确的结论。 在模型建立和分析的过程中,带有普遍意义的结论可以用清晰的定理或命题的形式陈述出来。结论使用时要注意的问题,可以用助记的形式列出。定理和命题必须写清结论成立的条件。 (四) 模型的讨论 对所作的数学模型,可以作多方面的讨论。例如可以就不同的情景,探索模型将如何变化。或可以根据实际情况,改变文章一开始所作的某些假设,指出由此数学模型的变化。还可以用不同的数值方法进行计算,并比较所得的结果。有时不妨拓广思路,考虑由于建模方法的不同选择而引起的变化。 通常,应该对所建立模型的优缺点加以讨论比较,并实事求是地指出模型的使用范围。 除正文外,论文和竞赛答卷都要求写出摘要。我们不要忽视摘要的写作。因为它会给读者和评卷人第一印象。摘要应把论文的主要思路、结论和模型的特色讲清楚,让人看到论文的新意。 语言是构成论文的基本元素。数学建模论文的语言与其他科学论文的语言一样,要求达意、干练。不要把一句句子写得太长,使人不甚卒读。语言中应多用客观陈述句,切忌使用你、我、他等代名词和带主观意向的语句。在英语论文写作中应多用被动语态,科学命题与判断过程一般使用现在时态。 最后,论文的书写和附图也都很重要。附图中的图形应有明确的说明,字迹力求端正。 参加数学建模竞赛的十大秘诀 1 诚信是最重要的 数学建模竞赛是考查学生研究能力和实践能力的一场综合性比赛,有很多方面的知识和能力可以考查,但其中我觉得最重要的是诚信。我感到中国在这方面的教育还远远不够,我知道有很多同学写论文并不是实事求是地去做,而是编造数据、修改结论,明明自己没法编程实现却硬说自己做出来了,还编了一些数据。这些行为也许能够骗过评委,也许可以因“此”而获奖,但是这对他们将来是很不利的 , 希望能够引起足够的注意。 2 团队合作是能否获奖的关键 在三天的比赛中,团队交流所占用的时间可能会超过一半。在一个小组中,出现意见不一是非常正常的,如果一个队意见完全一致,我想他们肯定不会拿奖。出现分歧的时候应当如何解决是很关键的,甚至直接决定你是否可以获奖,我的建议是“妥协”,这似乎是个贬义词,但我的意思是说不要总认为自己的观点是正确的,多听听别人的观点,在两者之间谋求共同点。如果三个人都是自傲类型的人,也许每个人都非常强,但一旦合作,分歧就无法解决,做出来的就是一团糟,也就是说“三个诸葛亮顶不上一个臭皮匠”。我奉劝这样的话最好别组成一队了。合作在竞赛前就应当培养,比如一块儿做模拟题什么的,充分利用每个人的优点,也可以张三准备图论,李四准备最优化方法,然后几天后大家一块交流,这些都是可以磨合团队之间的关系的。 通常在比赛时,三个人的分工是明确的,一个是领军人物,主要是构建整个问题的框架并提出有创意的 idea ,自然其他部分比如论文写比如程序设计比如计算他也能参加,应该算是一名全能型的人物;第二个是算手,顾名思义,主司计算方面的问题,比如编程计算一个微积分或者手工计算一条最优路径等。优秀的团队算手一般会精通(是精通不是入门)一个软件的应用,比如 C 比如 MATLAB 比如 LINGO ;最后一个是写手,主要工作在于论文的写作和润色上。好的论文要让人一眼就明了其中的意思,所以写手的工作还是需要一定的技巧的。当然,最重要的还是三个队员之间的讨论和交流,同心协力,在整个比赛过程中形成一种良好的交流氛围。 3 时间和体力的问题 竞赛中时间分配也很重要,分配不好可能完不成论文,所以开始时要大致做一下安排。不必分的太细,比如第一天做第一小题,第二天做第二小题,这样反而会有压力,一切顺其自然。开始阶段不忙写作,可以将一些小组讨论的要点记录下来,不要太工整,随便写一下,到第三天再开始写论文也不迟的。也不要到第三天晚上才开始。另外要说的就是体力要跟上,三天一般睡眠只有不到 10 个小时,所以没有体力是不行的,建议是赛前熬夜编程几次,既训练了自己的建模能力,也达到了训练体力的目的,赛前锻炼身体我觉得没什么用处,多熬夜就行了,但比赛前一天可不许熬。 4 重视摘要 摘要是论文的门面,摘要写的不好评委后面就不会去看了,自然只能给个成功参赛奖。摘要首先不要写废话,也不要照抄题目的一些话,直奔主题,要写明自己怎样分析问题,用什么方法解决问题,最重要的是结论是什么要说清楚,在中国的竞赛中结论如果正确一般得奖是必然的,如果不正确的话评委可能会继续往下看,也可能会扔在一边,但不写结论的话就一定不会得奖了,这一点不比美国竞赛,所以要认真写。摘要至少需要琢磨两个小时,不要轻视了它的重要性。很有必要多看看优秀论文的摘要是如何写的,并要作为赛前准备的内容之一。 5 论文写作要正规 论文一定要大致按照摘要、问题重述、模型假设、符号说明、问题分析、(建立、分析、求解模型)、模型检验、参考文献、附录等等的方式来写。一篇论文结构上如果失败的话,比赛也一定不会成功,一般初评会先淘汰一些结构失败的文章,如果论文没有好的结构,内容再好也没有用。论文前面的结构一般都不会变,后面可以按照实际情况来安排,省略的部分可以有结果说明、灵敏度分析、其他模型、模型扩展、优缺点分析等等,多看些优秀论文就知道还有哪些形式了。附录可以贴一些算法流程图或比较大的结果或图表等等。 6 分析问题要认真 一般竞赛题目自己肯定没有见过,而且我发现近些年来的赛题都不是书上哪个模型可以直接套成功的,很多根本就没有固定的模型可以参考,所以分析问题不是一个去找书本的过程,依赖书本就意味着自己的思想被束缚起来。可以完全按照自己的分析去完成,平时练习的时候学习的是一种方法,通过以前学到的方法来解决,不是套用书本来解决,没有模型套怎么办,只有靠自己去实际分析。我估计在前面说的五点也许会有三分之一的队可以做到,而且可以做的很好,但是这一点上就需要真本事了,平时多努力,比赛发挥正常,这一点做好是没有问题的。 7 编程求解是重要手段 美国竞赛时,美国学生中的论文很多是编程数据的说明,比如 99 年 A 题行星撞地球那题,他们也能够模拟出撞击后果,这对我们来说简直是不可思议的。美国学生实践能力较强,而中国学生擅长理论分析,所以我把编程放在了分析的后面是有中国特色的。数学建模竞赛特别强调计算机编程解决实际问题的能力,最近几年尤其强调,编程方面的能力不是一朝一夕可以练成的,需要长期刻苦的训练,常用的工具有 MATLAB 、 Mathematica 、 C/C++ 等等,一个人只需要会一门语言就行了,但需要精通它。比如要画柱状图该怎么做,要用 Floyd 算法怎么办,赛前不准备是没有办法在比赛中很好运用的,因此每个常用的算法都自己去编程实现一下。 8 模型的假设与模型的建立 评委看完摘要后紧接着就是看模型假设了,有一个万能的方法就是可以抄题目中可以作为假设的几句话,这样会给人留下好的印象,毕竟说明你审题了。但不能全抄,要加上自己的一些假设。一般假设用文字描述就行了,最好不要太具体了,一些重要参数不要被定死只能取某些值,否则会让人感觉论文的局限性较强。模型的建立是根据你对问题分析而来的,提出的数学符号和建立模型最好要比较接近,在同一页最好,以便评委可以对照符号来看,数学公式要严谨,推导要严密,这些都反映了参赛者的数学素质和能力,即使你推导不对,别人看到你的阵势也首先会误以为你是对的。那么多的试卷,评委不可能顺着你的公式一直推下去,但你要写得显得有数学修养才行。 9 图文表并貌可以增色 我听说一个不确切的信息是评委老师喜欢用 MATLAB 编程的论文,不知道有没有这回事,但这说明了老师需要看一个具有图或表在其中的论文,一篇如果像**书那样写的论文估计没有人会对它感兴趣的,尤其是科技论文。 MATLAB 编程之所以受到青睐是因为 MATLAB 提供的图形处理能力很强大。图表的说明性特别强,如果结论有很多数据的话,最好做成图表的形式加以说明,会令你的论文更有说服力,也更容易受到评委的好评。 10 其他 其他内容还是有很多的,说也说不完,挑几个重要的讲。比如不要上网讨论,网上的人水平参差不齐,你不知道谁是对的,而且很多人想得奖,不会告诉你正确的,反而骗你说相反的,有时真理往往掌握在少数人手里。还有就是论文写作中灵敏度分析不要写太多,大致说明一下就可以了,不要喧宾夺主。最后想到的就是要使用数学公式编辑器来写论文,不要用什么上下标来表示,论文字体用小四,分标题用四号黑体等等。
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分享 数学建模优秀论文
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