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我勒个去 D题改单位了 东北三省数学建模联赛 xyj1315689624 2012-5-7 1 1819 一枕清霜 2012-5-7 12:54
美国大学生建模比赛的颁证单位 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) 模型达人 2012-7-11 7 15835 darker50 2012-7-13 15:19
高斯扩散模型里单位距离和单位时间是等价的吗? 数模问题互助 pcxwz 2012-8-24 0 1877 pcxwz 2012-8-24 09:43
求一单位面积中两点距离的概率 概率论与数理统计 sldmwjy 2012-8-29 13 6369 zjz311 2012-8-30 15:09
美赛证书发证单位 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) 木鱼馄饨 2012-9-3 2 32095 HIT追梦人 2012-9-13 12:38
WP单位的详细解释 往届竞赛参考文献 darker50 2012-9-7 16 5185 xiaobai123 2012-9-9 18:21
大家的单位发电成本是多少呀,北墙贴不贴呀, 全国大学生数学建模竞赛(CUMCM) 一枕清霜 2012-9-11 6 2508 我能 2012-9-12 19:52
应用数学下的应用偏微分方程方向将来就业能去什么单位? 微分方程 zxj0322 2012-10-29 4 9214 fyzh 2012-11-17 09:41
关于中物院下属单位委托数学中国招聘行政人员通知 论坛公告区 厚积薄发 2012-11-13 4 5236 Marlinhz 2012-11-13 18:17
《美赛你应该知道的》 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) 数学真好玩 2013-1-31 0 1519 数学真好玩 2013-1-31 17:13
认识时间单位时、分、秒(苏教版 第六单元) 【三年级数学】 attachment 二年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1202 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:18
体积和体积单位(1)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1205 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:51
体积和体积单位(2)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1323 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:51
万以内数的认识复习教案-苏教版.【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1644 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:52
相邻体积单位间的进率(1)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1329 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:53
相邻体积单位间的进率(2)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1233 百年孤独 2013-2-26 15:53
一个数乘分数(2)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 4629 百年孤独 2013-2-26 16:08
体积和体积单位(1)教案-苏教版【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1256 百年孤独 2013-2-26 16:31
体积和体积单位(2)教案-苏教版 【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1309 百年孤独 2013-2-26 16:32
体积和体积单位(2)教案-苏教版 【六年级数学】 attachment 六年级数学论坛 百年孤独 2013-2-26 0 1201 百年孤独 2013-2-26 16:33


分享 《美赛数学建模你应该知道的东西》
数学真好玩 2013-1-31 17:12
数学中国 MCM/ICM 竞赛规则翻译 (任何单位转载须注明来源: www.madio.net ) MCM: 3 D% E7 v* k! l- I7 _ The Mathematical Contest in Modeling MCM :数学建模竞赛 ( D4 Tl! |) e% C, q ICM: ! B$ ]6 q- h$ { The InterdisciplinaryContest in Modeling ICM :交叉学科建模竞赛 ContestRules, Registration and Instructions 比赛规则,比赛注册和指导 (All rules and instructions apply to both ICM and MCM contests, except where otherwisenoted.) . d9 { p x; @' N7 Y1 @) t; f ( 所有 MCM 的说明和规则除特别说明以外都适用于 ICM ) Toparticipate in a contest, each team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor fromits institution. 每个MCM的参赛队需有一名所在单位的指导教师负责。 TeamAdvisors: Please read these instructions carefully. It isyour responsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and thatall of the following steps required for participation in the contest arecompleted: Pleaseprint a copy of these contest instructions for reference before, during, andafter the contest. Click here for the printer friendly version . 指导老师:请认真阅读这些说明,确保完成了所有相关的步骤。每位指导教师的责任包括确保每个参赛队正确注册并正确完成参加MCM/ ICM所要求的相关步骤。请在比赛前做一份《竞赛注册和指导 》的拷贝,以便在竞赛时和结束后作为参考。 # r+ S1 g7 h% `( }( }6 r% F8 ^* s COMAP is pleased to announce a new supplement to the MCM/ICM contest. Click here to read more details. 组委会很高兴宣布一个新的补充赛事(针对MCM/ICM比赛)。点击这里阅读详情! 1 c8 v' I+ N0 w0 L# k# l3 P3 e $ MV) H- u4 Q( ?- {$ 9 o3 P 发送电子版论文。 IV.WHEN THE CONTEST ENDS: A. Prepare Solution Packet B. Mail Solution Packet 6 f* D8 f# e! I 4. 竞赛结束的时候 $L% M, I9 ~6 p/ r' a0 _* T A. 准备论文打包 "d) H ]# v% g5 K B .邮寄论文 V.AFTER THE CONTEST IS OVER: A. Confirm that your team’s solution wasreceived B. Check contest results C. Certificates D. Prizes 5. 竞赛结束之后 -g* w+ C' L. P7 X3 G A. 确认论文收到 B .核实竞赛结果 C .发证书 \+P* o' A( d" `% 0 ~' @/ x2 q. @0 } IMPORTANT: Be sure to use a valid and current email address so that we can use it to contact you at any point before, during, and after the contest, if necessary. b. If you have already registered a team for this year’s contest and want to register a second team,click on Advisor Login , then log in with the same email address and password that you used when you registered your first team. Once you’re logged in, click on Register Another Team near the upper right corner of the page, then follow the instructions there. 9 G. j" d, O' c( k I; y- { Note: An advisor may register no more than two (2) teams.If you already registered two teams, the Register Another Team link will not appear. The system will not allow you to register more than two teams. c. Although each advisor can register only two teams, there is no restriction on the number of advisors or teams that can register from any particular institution or department. 1 n/ c8 x! }, m+ O) d] a. 如果您刚刚开始注册竞赛的第一个参赛队,请点击网页左边的Register for 2013 Contest 。输入所有需要的信息,包括邮箱地址和联系方式。 特别注意:必须输入一个可用的正确的E-mail地址!以便竞赛主委会与各参赛队在赛前、赛中和赛后都能保持联系。 'L. e E3 U+ ~; f+ l' \ b. 如果您已经注册过一个参赛队而想为另外一个参赛队注册,请点击 Advisor Login,打开页面后请您使用在注册第一支参赛队时使用的E-mail地址和密码进行登入。登入之后请点击网页右上角的 Register Another Team 链接,按照我们的指导进行下一步。 /B8 |0 E6 ?+ 3 m, y* t* x2 K 我们仅通过Mastercard 或者 Visa收取注册费。我们不接受其他方式的付款。我们会保护你信用卡的账号安全,系统在付账之后不会存储你的账号。 6 8 X8 Z 3 . After we receive approval from your financialinstitution (this takes only a few seconds), the system will issue a controlnumber for your team. Your team is not officially registered until you havereceived a team control number . Print the page thatdisplays your team control number: It is your only confirmation that yourteam has been registered. This page also lists the email address andpassword that you entered when registering; you will need this information tocomplete the contest procedures. Youwill NOT receive an email confirmation of your registration. 5 q d1 Q* R9 @( Y# @ 3. 一旦我们收到了您的信用卡机构的确认(这往往只需要数秒钟),我们的系统将为您的参赛队自动生成一个控制编号。参赛队在没有收到控制编号以前都是没有完成参赛注册的。将给出参赛队控制编号的网页打印出来:这是你已经注册的唯一的确认。该网页同时也包含了你注册时所提供的 E-mail 和密码的提示,您在完成比赛的整个过程中将会用到它们。 你将不会收到Email的确认注册信息。 6 t3 ]% l% N! I3 h 4。 If you need to change any of the information(name, address, contact information, etc.) that you specified when youregistered, you can do so at any point before or during the contest by loggingin to the contest web site with the same email address and password that youused when registering (click on the Advisor Login link on theleft side of the screen). Once logged in, click on the Edit Advisor orInstitution Data link near the upper right corner of the page. ) m2 A+ h4 ^- f3 b$ p, x1 Z o 4. 如果需要在赛前或是赛中改变任何您在注册时所填写的参赛信息(姓名、地址、联系资料等)时,你可以点击页面左边的 Advisor Login链接并使用你的 E-mail 和密码登入大赛的网站。登陆以后点击页面右上角的 Edit Advisor or Institution Data链接进行修改。 $ O0 _! I8 x" M! t( W# D: P, {% r 5. Check the contest web site regularly for anyupdated instructions or announcements about the contest. Except in extremecircumstances, COMAP will not send any confirmation, reminders, orannouncements by email. All communication regarding the contest will be via thecontest web site. + s( T. G* b" h" N; F O- n 5. 经常性地访问竞赛网站查看更新的说明或与竞赛有关的通知。除非在极端的情况下,COMAP是不会通过 E-mail 发出任何确认、提醒或是通知。所有与竞赛相关的消息将通过竞赛的网站发布。 / ?' C, H4 E" h z' W8 ` 6. You will return to the contest web siteduring the contest to enter and confirm information about your team, and toprint out your team’s Control Sheet and Summary Sheets, which you will use whenpreparing your team’s solution packet. Details on these steps follow in theinstructions below. / R+ W N+ p! Z; ?! W* m2 b 6. 返回组委会的网站,登陆并确认所有与您的队伍相关的资料,打印出您的队伍的控制和简历页面,这些将在您们准备参赛队的包裹密封的时候用到。请仔细阅读这些步骤的详细说明。 % z1 G" A/ YV B. Chooseyour team members: 1. You must choose your team members beforethe contest begins at 8PM EST on Thursda January 31, 2013 . Once thecontest begins you may not add or change any team members (you may, however,remove a team member, if he or she decides not to participate). 2. Each team may consist of a maximum of threestudents. 3. Each student may participate on only oneteam. 4. Team members must be enrolled in school atthe time of the contest, but they need not be full-time students. Team membersmust be enrolled at the same school as the advisor and other team members. ' L6 W1 M# A% a: ?' \" D- ^# ~) a 请确定参赛队成员:、 -E! T2 w O2 U% l6 V9 k6 a9 U- h3 C 1 . 您必须在在美国东部时间2013年1月31日(星期四)晚上8点大赛开始以前选择好您的参赛队的队员。一旦比赛开始,您将不能增加或是改变任何一个参赛队队员(但是如果参赛队员本人决定不参加比赛,您可以取消他/她的参赛资格)。 2 . 每个参赛队最多都只能由3名学生组成。 3 . 一个学生最多只能参加一个参赛队。 4 . 在比赛时间内,参赛队成员必须是在校学生,但可以不是全日制学生。参赛队成员和指导教师必须来自同一所学校。 ( V) C- m: u" v' x3 z3 S II. AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS: A. View the contest problems via the contest web site: Teams can view the contest problems via the contest web site when the contest begins at 8PM EST on Thursday January 31, 2013: 1. The contest problems will become available precisely at 8PM EST on Thursday January 31, 2013; team members can view them by visiting http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm . No password will be needed to view the problems; simply go to the contest web site at or after8PM EST on Thursday, January 31, 2013 and you will see a link to view the problems. 2. The contest problems will become available precisely at 7:50PM EST on Thursday January 31, 2013 on the following mirror sites: . N" U5 ~6 X( u# E: ?) I http://www.comap-math.com/mcm/index.html 1 y6 i$ ~4 v: w http://www.mathismore.net/mcm/index.html / Az3 V, U* n! S, Y6 `+ i C .参赛队准备解决方案: 1. 参赛队可以利用任何非生命提供的数据和资料——包括计算机,软件,参考书目,网站,书籍等,但是所有引用的资料必须注明出处,如有参赛队未注明引用的内容的出处,将被取消参赛资格。 $ p9 p8 Z, y/ Y/ d! { ' ^/ n, h: D! n; yB 2. Team members may not seek help from ordiscuss the problem with their advisor or anyone else, except other members ofthe same team. Input in any form from anyone other than student team members isstrictly forbidden. This includes email, telephone contact, and personalconversation, communication via web chat or other question-answer systems, orany other form of communication. ! r4 y- j: O% 1 U3 f* @/ I' K$ Z0 c 4. Summary Sheet: The summary isan essential part of your MCM/ICM **. The judges place considerable weighton the summary, and winning **s are often distinguished from other **s based on the quality of the summary. To write agood summary, imagine that a reader will choose whether to read the body of the ** based on your summary: Your concise presentation in the summary shouldinspire a reader to learn about the details of your work. Thus, a summaryshould clearly describe your approach to the problem and, most prominently,your most important conclusions.Summaries that are mere restatementsof the contest problem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from theIntroduction are generally considered to be weak. ) T5 B- Z7 O- l 4. 摘要格式 摘要是 MCM 参赛论文的一个非常重要的部分。在评卷过程中,摘要占据了相当大的比重,以至于有的时候获奖论文之所以能在众多论文中脱颖而出是因为其高质量的摘要。好的摘要可以使读者通过摘要就能判断自己是否要通读论文的正文部分。如此一来,摘要就必须清楚的描述解决问题的方法,显著的表达论文中最重要的结论。摘要应该能够激发出读者阅读论文详细内容的兴趣。那些简单重复比赛题目和复制粘贴引言中的样板文件的摘要一般将被认为是没有竞争力的。 7 c2 B/ l% e* N9 |- s9 q) q EachSummary Sheet should include: - T9 Ts! S* m+ ]0 W$ N $ mi Z0 O- \# }4 e , L: @. a8 QH' F$ u" R " t! yL6 e+ c7 K) z! b Restatement and clarification of the problem: State in your own words what you are going to do. ( \5 Z- j4 ~+ } x1 W. U 每个概要要包括: * v7 k. q|2 ` * t/ `# P, E% u0 K, o5 7 X5 o B4 Ti 6 e2 B1 i3 W0 q6 g% } # L- ~1 _$ i5 V; n" u Include your model design and justification for type model used or developed. 5 T- k. o7 r# D* U 对于已经用过的或者应用到的模型的构建与证明。 Describe model testing and sensitivity analysis ,including error analysis, etc. 模型的测试与灵敏度分析,包括误差分析等。 " M: r2 q' I% N7 D- S1 J. D + g* _ D8 P$ v$ _ ! U" C |* p3 `, c6 c i - l0 N, _6 ^! B2 Q9 j ' @' N: J, b, \; ) L7 I, k 美国工业与应用数学协会 (SIAM) 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为SIAM的优胜奖。 - a6 M: c. B" g7 O7 }. i9 h 美国数学协会(MAA) 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中为MCM选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为MAA的优胜奖。 3 d/ u' Yu1 `0 `; k7 v 4 Ua0 L3 ?2 z The BenFusaro Award 奖,是从为评选优秀奖论文的候选论文中选出来的,这些论文具有创造性,但是有些瑕疵使得它没有被评为优秀奖。为了达成 Ben 的愿望,这个奖用来奖励上面描述的队伍!
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