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matlab模拟退火法 attachment 模拟退火法 找家的孩子 2011-10-15 35 9570 La_pluie 2014-8-13 17:59
有没有详细的退火算法的编程步骤? 模拟退火法 xiu束负 2011-10-27 2 4585 xttataat 2012-2-13 20:17
模拟退火算法在公交调度中的应用 attachment 全国大学生数学建模竞赛(CUMCM) cheney2011 2011-12-5 2 3692 shaoxiagang 2012-9-4 18:19
懂模拟退火法的请进 模拟退火法 zhaofengf22 2011-12-9 6 3256 memory198 2012-1-5 13:00
模拟退火算法 模拟退火法 xttataat 2012-1-13 18 7060 空木葬花 2014-3-7 21:25
模拟退火算法的应用 论文 attachment 模拟退火法 xttataat 2012-2-14 26 7674 弘道 2014-7-29 13:32
模拟退火算法 attachment 模拟退火法 tangengwu 2012-3-3 11 3252 魔力枫叶 2012-3-16 19:36
模拟退火算法,下一个必定更优吗? 模拟退火法 duiger 2012-3-24 3 16688 厚积薄发 2012-3-24 12:20
模拟退火算法如何增加每个点的权重? 模拟退火法 星陨ぜ魂少 2012-4-28 0 1970 星陨ぜ魂少 2012-4-28 16:59
模拟退火算法程序 attachment 模拟退火法 fd1040 2012-5-5 32 11246 448995215 2019-1-21 23:18
模拟退火算法的一些资料 attachment 模拟退火法 幻羽 2012-6-19 7 2630 弘道 2014-7-29 10:53
悬赏 跪求模拟退火在石油组成分析方面的程序 - [悬赏 1 点体力] 模拟退火法 幻羽 2012-6-19 4 2281 幻羽 2012-8-18 22:07
组合优化与物理退火的相似性 最优化算法 Seawind2012 2012-6-21 0 2227 Seawind2012 2012-6-21 12:10
模拟退火算法的资料 attachment 数模问题互助 wlwjh2008 2012-7-11 6 1943 liyi193328 2013-8-31 19:28
想请教一下退火算法名字的由来 模拟退火法 goodfriend007 2012-7-14 6 2306 adswjinjun 2013-1-15 13:22
模拟退火如何实现多个TSp的问题 模拟退火法 tangengwu 2012-7-23 2 2247 追梦人旭杰 2013-8-10 00:19
模拟退火(SA)问题&很好的美国课件 attachment 模拟退火法 447060554 2012-8-18 6 2506 空木葬花 2014-8-13 16:14
请问各位大神模拟退火的新解算法是不是任意都可以? 模拟退火法 eskoslovens 2012-8-21 0 1992 eskoslovens 2012-8-21 23:45
模拟退火法解决tsp问题!!! attachment 模拟退火法 liyangdy 2012-8-26 9 4149 1660449364@qq.c 2018-1-2 11:18
模拟退火法 attachment 模拟退火法 静水流深醉梦 2012-8-31 1 2219 ling111 2013-4-7 15:53


分享 看退火算法没看懂
lcubed 2013-1-10 11:17
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分享 模拟退火算法
trxiao2011 2012-9-2 15:56
模拟退火算法   模拟退火算法来源于固体退火原理,将固体加温至充分高,再让其徐徐冷却,加温时,固体内部粒子随温升变为无序状, 内能增大,而徐徐冷却时粒子渐趋有序,在每个温度都达到平衡态,最后在常温时达到基态,内能减为最小。根据Metropolis 准则,粒子在温度T时趋于平衡的概率为e-ΔE/(kT),其中E为温度T时的内能,ΔE为其改变量,k为Boltzmann常数。用固体退 火模拟组合优化问题,将内能E模拟为目标函数值f,温度T演化成控制参数t,即得到解组合优化问题的模拟退火算法:由初始 解i和控制参数初值t开始,对当前解重复“产生新解→计算目标函数差→接受或舍弃”的迭代,并逐步衰减t值,算法终止时的 当前解即为所得近似最优解,这是基于蒙特卡罗迭代求解法的一种启发式随机搜索过程。退火过程由冷却进度表(Cooling Schedule)控制,包括控制参数的初值t及其衰减因子Δt、每个t值时的迭代次数L和停止条件S。 3.5.1 模拟退火算法的模型   模拟退火算法可以分解为解空间、目标函数和初始解三部分。  模拟退火的基本思想:   (1) 初始化:初始温度T(充分大),初始解状态S(是算法迭代的起点), 每个T值的迭代次数L   (2) 对k=1,……,L做第(3)至第6步:   (3) 产生新解S′   (4) 计算增量Δt′=C(S′)-C(S),其中C(S)为评价函数   (5) 若Δt′0则接受S′作为新的当前解,否则以概率exp(-Δt′/T)接受S′作为新的当前解.   (6) 如果满足终止条件则输出当前解作为最优解,结束程序。 终止条件通常取为连续若干个新解都没有被接受时终止算法。   (7) T逐渐减少,且T-0,然后转第2步。 算法对应动态演示图: 模拟退火算法新解的产生和接受可分为如下四个步骤:   第一步是由一个产生函数从当前解产生一个位于解空间的新解;为便于后续的计算和接受,减少算法耗时,通常选择由当 前新解经过简单地变换即可产生新解的方法,如对构成新解的全部或部分元素进行置换、互换等,注意到产生新解的变换方法 决定了当前新解的邻域结构,因而对冷却进度表的选取有一定的影响。   第二步是计算与新解所对应的目标函数差。因为目标函数差仅由变换部分产生,所以目标函数差的计算最好按增量计算。 事实表明,对大多数应用而言,这是计算目标函数差的最快方法。   第三步是判断新解是否被接受,判断的依据是一个接受准则,最常用的接受准则是Metropo1is准则: 若Δt′0则接受S′作 为新的当前解S,否则以概率exp(-Δt′/T)接受S′作为新的当前解S。   第四步是当新解被确定接受时,用新解代替当前解,这只需将当前解中对应于产生新解时的变换部分予以实现,同时修正 目标函数值即可。此时,当前解实现了一次迭代。可在此基础上开始下一轮试验。而当新解被判定为舍弃时,则在原当前解的 基础上继续下一轮试验。   模拟退火算法与初始值无关,算法求得的解与初始解状态S(是算法迭代的起点)无关;模拟退火算法具有渐近收敛性,已在 理论上被证明是一种以概率l 收敛于全局最优解的全局优化算法;模拟退火算法具有并行性。 3.5.2 模拟退火算法的简单应用   作为模拟退火算法应用,讨论货郎担问题(Travelling Salesman Problem,简记为TSP):设有n个城市,用数码1,…,n代表 。城市i和城市j之间的距离为d(i,j) i, j=1,…,n.TSP问题是要找遍访每个域市恰好一次的一条回路,且其路径总长度为最 短.。   求解TSP的模拟退火算法模型可描述如下:   解空间 解空间S是遍访每个城市恰好一次的所有回路,是{1,……,n}的所有循环排列的集合,S中的成员记为(w1,w2 ,… …,wn),并记wn+1= w1。初始解可选为(1,……,n)   目标函数 此时的目标函数即为访问所有城市的路径总长度或称为代价函数:   我们要求此代价函数的最小值。   新解的产生 随机产生1和n之间的两相异数k和m,若km,则将   (w1, w2 ,…,wk , wk+1 ,…,wm ,…,wn)   变为:   (w1, w2 ,…,wm , wm-1 ,…,wk+1 , wk ,…,wn).   如果是km,则将   (w1, w2 ,…,wk , wk+1 ,…,wm ,…,wn)   变为:   (wm, wm-1 ,…,w1 , wm+1 ,…,wk-1 ,wn , wn-1 ,…,wk).   上述变换方法可简单说成是“逆转中间或者逆转两端”。   也可以采用其他的变换方法,有些变换有独特的优越性,有时也将它们交替使用,得到一种更好方法。   代价函数差 设将(w1, w2 ,……,wn)变换为(u1, u2 ,……,un), 则代价函数差为: 根据上述分析,可写出用模拟退火算法求解TSP问题的伪程序: Procedure TSPSA:  begin   init-of-T; { T为初始温度}   S={1,……,n}; {S为初始值}   termination=false;   while termination=false    begin     for i=1 to L do       begin         generate(S′form S); { 从当前回路S产生新回路S′}         Δt:=f(S′))-f(S);{f(S)为路径总长}         IF(Δt0) OR (EXP(-Δt/T)Random-of- )         S=S′;         IF the-halt-condition-is-TRUE THEN         termination=true;       End;     T_lower;    End;  End   模拟退火算法的应用很广泛,可以较高的效率求解最大截问题(Max Cut Problem)、0-1背包问题(Zero One Knapsack Problem)、图着色问题(Graph Colouring Problem)、调度问题(Scheduling Problem)等等。 3.5.3 模拟退火算法的参数控制问题   模拟退火算法的应用很广泛,可以求解NP完全问题,但其参数难以控制,其主要问题有以下三点:   (1) 温度T的初始值设置问题。   温度T的初始值设置是影响模拟退火算法全局搜索性能的重要因素之一、初始温度高,则搜索到全局最优解的可能性大,但 因此要花费大量的计算时间;反之,则可节约计算时间,但全局搜索性能可能受到影响。实际应用过程中,初始温度一般需要 依据实验结果进行若干次调整。   (2) 退火速度问题。   模拟退火算法的全局搜索性能也与退火速度密切相关。一般来说,同一温度下的“充分”搜索(退火)是相当必要的,但这 需要计算时间。实际应用中,要针对具体问题的性质和特征设置合理的退火平衡条件。   (3) 温度管理问题。   温度管理问题也是模拟退火算法难以处理的问题之一。实际应用中,由于必须考虑计算复杂度的切实可行性等问题,常采 用如下所示的降温方式: T(t+1)=k×T(t) 式中k为正的略小于1.00的常数,t为降温的次数 使用SA解决TSP问题的Matlab程序: function out = tsp(loc) % TSP Traveling salesman problem (TSP) using SA (simulated annealing). % TSP by itself will generate 20 cities within a unit cube and % then use SA to slove this problem. % % TSP(LOC) solve the traveling salesman problem with cities' % coordinates given by LOC, which is an M by 2 matrix and M is % the number of cities. % % For example: % % loc = rand(50, 2); % tsp(loc); if nargin == 0, % The following data is from the post by Jennifer Myers ( jmyers@nwu . edu) edu) % to comp.ai.neural-nets. It's obtained from the figure in % Hopfield Tank's 1985 paper in Biological Cybernetics % (Vol 52, pp. 141-152). loc = ; end NumCity = length(loc); % Number of cities distance = zeros(NumCity); % Initialize a distance matrix % Fill the distance matrix for i = 1:NumCity, for j = 1:NumCity, distance(i, j) = norm(loc(i, - loc(j, ); distance(i, j) = norm(loc(i, - loc(j, ); end end % To generate energy (objective function) from path %path = randperm(NumCity); %energy = sum(distance((path-1)*NumCity + )); % Find typical values of dE count = 20; all_dE = zeros(count, 1); for i = 1:count path = randperm(NumCity); energy = sum(distance((path-1)*NumCity + )); new_path = path; index = round(rand(2,1)*NumCity+.5); inversion_index = (min(index):max(index)); new_path(inversion_index) = fliplr(path(inversion_index)); all_dE(i) = abs(energy - ... sum(sum(diff(loc( ,)'.^2))); end dE = max(all_dE); dE = max(all_dE); temp = 10*dE; % Choose the temperature to be large enough fprintf('Initial energy = %f\n\n',energy); % Initial plots out = ; plot(loc(out(, 1), loc(out(, 2),'r.', 'Markersize', 20); axis square; hold on h = plot(loc(out(, 1), loc(out(, 2)); hold off MaxTrialN = NumCity*100; % Max. # of trials at a temperature MaxAcceptN = NumCity*10; % Max. # of acceptances at a temperature StopTolerance = 0.005; % Stopping tolerance TempRatio = 0.5; % Temperature decrease ratio minE = inf; % Initial value for min. energy maxE = -1; % Initial value for max. energy % Major annealing loop while (maxE - minE)/maxE StopTolerance, minE = inf; minE = inf; maxE = 0; TrialN = 0; % Number of trial moves AcceptN = 0; % Number of actual moves while TrialN MaxTrialN AcceptN MaxAcceptN, new_path = path; index = round(rand(2,1)*NumCity+.5); inversion_index = (min(index):max(index)); new_path(inversion_index) = fliplr(path(inversion_index)); new_energy = sum(distance( ... (new_path-1)*NumCity+ )); if rand exp((energy - new_energy)/temp), % accept it! energy = new_energy; path = new_path; minE = min(minE, energy); maxE = max(maxE, energy); AcceptN = AcceptN + 1; end TrialN = TrialN + 1; end end % Update plot out = ; set(h, 'xdata', loc(out(, 1), 'ydata', loc(out(, 2)); drawnow; % Print information in command window fprintf('temp. = %f\n', temp); tmp = sprintf('%d ',path); fprintf('path = %s\n', tmp); fprintf('energy = %f\n', energy); fprintf(' = \n', minE, maxE); fprintf(' = \n\n', AcceptN, TrialN); % Lower the temperature temp = temp*TempRatio; end % Print sequential numbers in the graphic window for i = 1:NumCity, text(loc(path(i),1)+0.01, loc(path(i),2)+0.01, int2str(i), ... 'fontsize', 8); end 又一个相关的Matlab程序 function =zkp(w,c,M,t0,tf) =size(w); L=100*n; t=t0; clear m; x=zeros(1,n) xmax=x; fmax=0; while ttf for k=1:L xr=change(x) gx=g_0_1(w,x); gxr=g_0_1(w,xr); if gxr=M fr=f_0_1(xr,c); f=f_0_1(x,c); df=fr-f; if df0 x=xr; if frfmax fmax=fr; xmax=xr; end else p=rand; if pexp(df/t) x=xr; end end end end t=0.87*t end P=fmax; X=xmax; %下面的函数产生新解 function =exchange_2(pi0,d) =size(d); clear m; u=rand; u=u*(n-2); u=round(u); if u2 u=2; end if un-2 u=n-2; end v=rand; v=v*(n-u+1); v=round(v); if v1 v=1; end v=v+u; if vn v=n; end pi_1(u)=pi0(v); pi_1(u)=pi0(u); if u1 for k=1:(u-1) pi_1(k)=pi0(k); end end if v(u+1) for k=1:(v-u-1) pi_1(u+k)=pi0(v-k); end end if vn for k=(v+1):n pi_1(k)=pi0(k); end end d_f=0; if vn d_f=d(pi0(u-1),pi0(v))+d(pi0(u),pi0(v+1)); for k=(u+1):n d_f=d_f+d(pi0(k),pi0(k-1))-d(pi0(v),pi0(v+1)); end d_f=d_f-d(pi0(u-1),pi0(u)); for k=(u+1):n d_f=d_f-d(pi0(k-1),pi0(k)); end else d_f=d(pi0(u-1),pi0(v))+d(pi0(u),pi0(1))-d(pi0(u-1),pi0(u))-d(pi0(v),pi0(1)); for k=(u+1):n d_f=d_f-d(pi0(k),pi0(k-1)); end for k=(u+1):n d_f=d_f-d(pi0(k-1),pi0(k)); end end pi_r=pi_1; 遗传算法GA 遗传算法: 旅行商问题(traveling saleman problem,简称tsp): 已知n个城市之间的相互距离,现有一个推销员必须遍访这n个城市,并且每个城市只能访问一次,最后又必须返回出发城市。如何安排他对这些城市的访问次序,可使其旅行路线的总长度最短? 用图论的术语来说,假设有一个图 g=(v,e),其中v是顶点集,e是边集,设d=(dij)是由顶点i和顶点j之间的距离所组成的距离矩阵,旅行商问题就是求出一条通过所有顶点且每个顶点只通过一次的具有最短距离的回路。 这个问题可分为对称旅行商问题(dij=dji,,任意i,j=1,2,3,…,n)和非对称旅行商问题(dij≠dji,,任意i,j=1,2,3,…,n)。 若对于城市v={v1,v2,v3,…,vn}的一个访问顺序为t=(t1,t2,t3,…,ti,…,tn),其中ti∈v(i=1,2,3,…,n),且记tn+1= t1,则旅行商问题的数学模型为: min l=σd(t(i),t(i+1)) (i=1,…,n) 旅行商问题是一个典型的组合优化问题,并且是一个np难问题,其可能的路径数目与城市数目n是成指数型增长的,所以一般很难精确地求出其最优解,本文采用遗传算法求其近似解。 遗传算法: 初始化过程:用v1,v2,v3,…,vn代表所选n个城市。定义整数pop-size作为染色体的个数,并且随机产生pop-size个初始染色体,每个染色体为1到18的整数组成的随机序列。 适应度f的计算:对种群中的每个染色体vi,计算其适应度,f=σd(t(i),t(i+1)). 评价函数eval(vi):用来对种群中的每个染色体vi设定一个概率,以使该染色体被选中的可能性与其种群中其它染色体的适应性成比例,既通过轮盘赌,适应性强的染色体被选择产生后台的机会要大,设alpha∈(0,1),本文定义基于序的评价函数为eval(vi)=alpha*(1-alpha).^(i-1) 。 选择过程:选择过程是以旋转赌轮pop-size次为基础,每次旋转都为新的种群选择一个染色体。赌轮是按每个染色体的适应度进行选择染色体的。 step1 、对每个染色体vi,计算累计概率qi,q0=0;qi=σeval(vj) j=1,…,i;i=1,…pop-size. step2、从区间(0,pop-size)中产生一个随机数r; step3、若qi-1rqi,则选择第i个染色体 ; step4、重复step2和step3共pop-size次,这样可以得到pop-size个复制的染色体。 grefenstette编码:由于常规的交叉运算和变异运算会使种群中产生一些无实际意义的染色体,本文采用grefenstette编码《遗传算法原理及应用》可以避免这种情况的出现。所谓的grefenstette编码就是用所选队员在未选(不含淘汰)队员中的位置,如: 8 15 2 16 10 7 4 3 11 14 6 12 9 5 18 13 17 1 对应: 8 14 2 13 8 6 3 2 5 7 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 1。 交叉过程:本文采用常规单点交叉。为确定交叉操作的父代,从 到pop-size重复以下过程:从 中产生一个随机数r,如果rpc ,则选择vi作为一个父代。 将所选的父代两两组队,随机产生一个位置进行交叉,如: 8 14 2 13 8 6 3 2 5 7 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 1 6 12 3 5 6 8 5 6 3 1 8 5 6 3 3 2 1 1 交叉后为: 8 14 2 13 8 6 3 2 5 1 8 5 6 3 3 2 1 1 6 12 3 5 6 8 5 6 3 7 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 1 变异过程:本文采用均匀多点变异。类似交叉操作中选择父代的过程,在rpm 的标准下选择多个染色体vi作为父代。对每一个选择的父代,随机选择多个位置,使其在每位置按均匀变异(该变异点xk的取值范围为 ,产生一个 中随机数r,该点变异为x'k=ukmin+r(ukmax-ukmin))操作。如: 8 14 2 13 8 6 3 2 5 7 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 1 变异后: 8 14 2 13 10 6 3 2 2 7 3 4 5 2 4 1 2 1 反grefenstette编码:交叉和变异都是在grefenstette编码之后进行的,为了循环操作和返回最终结果,必须逆grefenstette编码过程,将编码恢复到自然编码。 循环操作:判断是否满足设定的带数xzome,否,则跳入适应度f的计算;是,结束遗传操作,跳出。 Matlab程序: function =ga(d,termops,num,pc,cxops,pm,alpha) % %———————————————————————— % =ga(d,termops,num,pc,cxops,pm,alpha) %d:距离矩阵 %termops:种群代数 %num:每代染色体的个数 %pc:交叉概率 %cxops:由于本程序采用单点交叉,交叉点的设置在本程序中没有很好的解决,所以本文了采用定点,即第cxops,可以随机产生。 %pm:变异概率 %alpha:评价函数eval(vi)=alpha*(1-alpha).^(i-1). %bestpop:返回的最优种群 %trace:进化轨迹 %------------------------------------------------ %####@@@##版权所有!欢迎广大网友改正,改进!##@@@#### %e-mail:tobysidney33@sohu.com %#################################################### % citynum=size(d,2); n=nargin; if n2 disp('缺少变量!!') disp('^_^开个玩笑^_^') end if n2 termops=500; num=50; pc=0.25; cxops=3; pm=0.30; alpha=0.10; end if n3 num=50; pc=0.25; cxops=3; pm=0.30; alpha=0.10; end if n4 pc=0.25; cxops=3; pm=0.30; alpha=0.10; end if n5 cxops=3; pm=0.30; alpha=0.10; end if n6 pm=0.30; alpha=0.10; end if n7 alpha=0.10; end if isempty(cxops) cxops=3; end =initializega(num,citynum); for i=1:termops =f(d,t); =find(l==max(l)); trace(i)=-l(y(1)); bestpop=t(y(1),:); =select(t,l,alpha); =grefenstette(t); =crossover(g,pc,cxops); =mutation(g1,pm); %均匀变异 =congrefenstette(g); end --------------------------------------------------------- function =initializega(num,citynum) for i=1:num t(i,:)=randperm(citynum); end ----------------------------------------------------------- function =f(d,t) =size(t); for k=1:m for i=1:n-1 l(k,i)=d(t(k,i),t(k,i+1)); end l(k,n)=d(t(k,n),t(k,1)); l(k)=-sum(l(k,:)); end ----------------------------------------------------------- function =select(t,l,alpha) =size(l); t1=t; =sort(l,2);%fsort from l to u for i=1:n aftersort(i)=aftersort1(n+1-i); %change end for k=1:n; t(k,:)=t1(aftersort(k),:); l1(k)=l(aftersort(k)); end t1=t; l=l1; for i=1:size(aftersort,2) evalv(i)=alpha*(1-alpha).^(i-1); end m=size(t,1); q=cumsum(evalv); qmax=max(q); for k=1:m r=qmax*rand(1); for j=1:m if j==1r=q(1) t(k,:)=t1(1,:); elseif j~=1rq(j-1)r=q(j) t(k,:)=t1(j,:); end end end -------------------------------------------------- function =grefenstette(t) =size(t); for k=1:m t0=1:n; for i=1:n for j=1:length(t0) if t(k,i)==t0(j) g(k,i)=j; t0(j)= =crossover(g,pc,cxops) =size(g); ran=rand(1,m); r=cxops; =find(ranpc); if ru=2 for k=1:2:length(ru)-1 g1(ru(k),:)= ),g(ru(k+1), )]; g(ru(k+1),:)= ),g(ru(k), )]; g(ru(k),:)=g1(ru(k),:); end end -------------------------------------------- function =mutation(g,pm) %均匀变异 =size(g); ran=rand(1,m); r=rand(1,3); %dai gai jin rr=floor(n*rand(1,3)+1); =find(ranpm); for k=1:length(mu) for i=1:length(r) umax(i)=n+1-rr(i); umin(i)=1; g(mu(k),rr(i))=umin(i)+floor((umax(i)-umin(i))*r(i)); end end --------------------------------------------------- function =congrefenstette(g) =size(g); for k=1:m t0=1:n; for i=1:n t(k,i)=t0(g(k,i)); t0(g(k,i))= =geneticTSP(D,n,C,m,alpha) =size(D); farm=zeros(n,N);%用于存储种群 for i=1:n farm(i,:)=randperm(N);%随机生成初始种群 end R=farm(1,:);%存储最优种群 len=zeros(n,1);%存储路径长度 fitness=zeros(n,1);%存储归一化适应值 counter=0; while counterC for i=1:n len(i,1)=myLength(D,farm(i,:));%计算路径长度 end maxlen=max(len); minlen=min(len); fitness=fit(len,m,maxlen,minlen);%计算归一化适应值 rr=find(len==minlen); R=farm(rr(1,1),:);%更新最短路径 FARM=farm;%优胜劣汰,nn记录了复制的个数 nn=0; for i=1:n if fitness(i,1)=alpha*rand nn=nn+1; FARM(nn,:)=farm(i,:); end end FARM=FARM(1:nn,:); =size(FARM);%交叉和变异 while aan if nn=2 nnper=randperm(2); else nnper=randperm(nn); end A=FARM(nnper(1),:); B=FARM(nnper(2),:); =intercross(A,B); FARM= ; =size(FARM); end if aan FARM=FARM(1:n,:);%保持种群规模为n end farm=FARM; clear FARM counter=counter+1 end Rlength=myLength(D,R); function =intercross(a,b) L=length(a); if L=10%确定交叉宽度 W=1; elseif ((L/10)-floor(L/10))=randL10 W=ceil(L/10); else W=floor(L/10); end p=unidrnd(L-W+1);%随机选择交叉范围,从p到p+W for i=1:W%交叉 x=find(a==b(1,p+i-1)); y=find(b==a(1,p+i-1)); =exchange(a(1,p+i-1),b(1,p+i-1)); =exchange(a(1,x),b(1,y)); end function =exchange(x,y) temp=x; x=y; y=temp; % 计算路径的子程序 function len=myLength(D,p) =size(D); len=D(p(1,N),p(1,1)); for i=1:(N-1) len=len+D(p(1,i),p(1,i+1)); end %计算归一化适应值子程序 function fitness=fit(len,m,maxlen,minlen) fitness=len; for i=1:length(len) fitness(i,1)=(1-((len(i,1)-minlen)/(maxlen-minlen+0.000001))).^m; end 一个C++的程序: //c++的程序 #includeiostream.h #includestdlib.h templateclass T class Graph { public: Graph(int vertices=10) { n=vertices; e=0; } ~Graph(){} virtual bool Add(int u,int v,const T w)=0; virtual bool Delete(int u,int v)=0; virtual bool Exist(int u,int v)const=0; int Vertices()const{return n;} int Edges()const{return e;} protected: int n; int e; }; templateclass T class MGraph:public GraphT { public: MGraph(int Vertices=10,T noEdge=0); ~MGraph(); bool Add(int u,int v,const T w); bool Delete(int u,int v); bool Exist(int u,int v)const; void Floyd(T** d,int** path); void print(int Vertices); private: T NoEdge; T** a; }; templateclass T MGraphT::MGraph(int Vertices,T noEdge) { n=Vertices; NoEdge=noEdge; a=new T* ; for(int i=0;in;i++){ a =new T ; a =0; for(int j=0;jn;j++)if(i!=j)a =NoEdge; } } templateclass T MGraphT::~MGraph() { for(int i=0;in;i++)delete ; delete ==NoEdge)return false; return true; } templateclass T bool MGraphT::Add(int u,int v,const T w) { if(u0||v0||un-1||vn-1||u==v||a !=NoEdge){ cerr"BadInput!"endl; return false; } a =w; e++; return true; } templateclass T bool MGraphT:delete(int u,int v) { if(u0||v0||un-1||vn-1||u==v||a ==NoEdge){ cerr"BadInput!"endl; return false; } a =NoEdge; e--; return true; } templateclass T void MGraphT::Floyd(T** d,int** path) { d=new T* ; path=new int* ; for(int i=0;in;i++){ d =new T ; path =new int ; for(int j=0;jn;j++){ d =a ; if(i!=ja NoEdge)path =i; else path =-1; } } for(int k=0;kn;k++){ for(i=0;in;i++) for(int j=0;jn;j++) if(d +d d ){ d =d +d ; path =path ; } } } templateclass T void MGraphT::print(int Vertices) { for(int i=0;iVertices;i++) for(int j=0;jVertices;j++) { couta ' ';if(j==Vertices-1)coutendl; } } #define noEdge 10000 #includeiostream.h void main() { cout"请输入该图的节点数:"endl; int vertices; cinvertices; MGraphfloat b(vertices,noEdge); cout"请输入u,v,w:"endl; int u,v; float w; cinuvw; while(w!=noEdge){ //u=u-1; b.Add(u-1,v-1,w); b.Add(v-1,u-1,w); cout"请输入u,v,w:"endl; cinuvw; } b.print(vertices); int** Path; int** path=Path; float** D; float** d=D; b.Floyd(d,path); for(int i=0;ivertices;i++){ for(int j=0;jvertices;j++){ coutPath ' '; if(j==vertices-1)coutendl; } } int *V; V=new int ; cout"请输入任意一个初始H-圈:"endl; for(int n=0;n=vertices;n++){ cinV ; } for(n=0;n55;n++){ for(i=0;in-1;i++){ for(int j=0;jn-1;j++) { if(i+10ji+1jn-1){ if(D ] ]+D ] ]D ] ]+D ] ]){ int l; l=V ;V =V ;V =l; } } } } } float total=0; cout"最小回路:"endl; for(i=0;i=vertices;i++){ coutV +1' '; } coutendl; for(i=0;ivertices;i++) total+=D ] ]; cout"最短路径长度:"endl; couttotal; } C语言程序 #includestdio.h #includestdlib.h #includemath.h #includealloc.h #includeconio.h #includefloat.h #includetime.h #includegraphics.h #includebios.h #define maxpop 100 #define maxstring 100 struct pp{unsigned char chrom ; float x,fitness; unsigned int parent1,parent2,xsite; }; struct pp *oldpop,*newpop,*p1; unsigned int popsize,lchrom,gem,maxgen,co_min,jrand; unsigned int nmutation,ncross,jcross,maxpp,minpp,maxxy; float pcross,pmutation,sumfitness,avg,max,min,seed,maxold,oldrand ; unsigned char x ,y ; float *dd,ff,maxdd,refpd,fm ; FILE *fp,*fp1; float objfunc(float); void statistics(); int select(); int flip(float); int crossover(); void generation(); void initialize(); void report(); float decode(); void crtinit(); void inversion(); float random1(); void randomize1(); main() {unsigned int gen,k,j,tt; char fname ; float ttt; clrscr(); co_min=0; if((oldpop=(struct pp *)farmalloc(maxpop*sizeof(struct pp)))==NULL) {printf("memory requst fail!\n");exit(0);} if((dd=(float *)farmalloc(maxstring*maxstring*sizeof(float)))==NULL) {printf("memory requst fail!\n");exit(0);} if((newpop=(struct pp *)farmalloc(maxpop*sizeof(struct pp)))==NULL) {printf("memory requst fail!\n");exit(0);} if((p1=(struct pp *)farmalloc(sizeof(struct pp)))==NULL) {printf("memory requst fail!\n");exit(0);} for(k=0;kmaxpop;k++) oldpop .chrom ='\0'; for(k=0;kmaxpop;k++) newpop .chrom ='\0'; printf("Enter Result Data Filename:"); gets(fname); if((fp=fopen(fname,"w+"))==NULL) {printf("cannot open file\n");exit(0);} gen=0; randomize(); initialize(); fputs("this is result of the TSP problem:",fp); fprintf(fp,"city: %2d psize: %3d Ref.TSP_path: %f\n",lchrom,popsize,refpd); fprintf(fp,"Pc: %f Pm: %f Seed: %f\n",pcross,pmutation,seed); fprintf(fp,"X site:\n"); for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {if((k%16)==0) fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"%5d",x ); } fprintf(fp,"\n Y site:\n"); for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {if((k%16)==0) fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"%5d",y ); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); crtinit(); statistics(oldpop); report(gen,oldpop); getch(); maxold=min; fm =100.0*oldpop .x/ff; do { gen=gen+1; generation(); statistics(oldpop); if(maxmaxold) {maxold=max; co_min=0; } fm =100.0*oldpop .x/ff; report(gen,oldpop); gotoxy(30,25); ttt=clock()/18.2; tt=ttt/60; printf("Run Clock: %2d: %2d: %4.2f",tt/60,tt%60,ttt-tt*60.0); printf("Min=%6.4f Nm:%d\n",min,co_min); }while((gen100)!bioskey(1)); printf("\n gen= %d",gen); do{ gen=gen+1; generation(); statistics(oldpop); if(maxmaxold) {maxold=max; co_min=0; } fm =100.0*oldpop .x/ff; report(gen,oldpop); if((gen%100)==0)report(gen,oldpop); gotoxy(30,25); ttt=clock()/18.2; tt=ttt/60; printf("Run Clock: %2d: %2d: %4.2f",tt/60,tt%60,ttt-tt*60.0); printf("Min=%6.4f Nm:%d\n",min,co_min); }while((genmaxgen)!bioskey(1)); getch(); for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {if((k%16)==0)fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"%5d",oldpop .chrom ); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); fclose(fp); farfree(dd); farfree(p1); farfree(oldpop); farfree(newpop); restorecrtmode(); exit(0); } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ float objfunc(float x1) {float y; y=100.0*ff/x1; return y; } /**/ void statistics(pop) struct pp *pop; {int j; sumfitness=pop .fitness; min=pop .fitness; max=pop .fitness; maxpp=0; minpp=0; for(j=1;jpopsize;j++) {sumfitness=sumfitness+pop .fitness; if(pop .fitnessmax) {max=pop .fitness; maxpp=j; } if(pop .fitnessmin) {min=pop .fitness; minpp=j; } } avg=sumfitness/(float)popsize; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ void generation() {unsigned int k,j,j1,j2,i1,i2,mate1,mate2; float f1,f2; j=0; do{ mate1=select(); pp:mate2=select(); if(mate1==mate2)goto pp; crossover(oldpop .chrom,oldpop .chrom,j); newpop .x=(float)decode(newpop .chrom); newpop .fitness=objfunc(newpop .x); newpop .parent1=mate1; newpop .parent2=mate2; newpop .xsite=jcross; newpop .x=(float)decode(newpop .chrom); newpop .fitness=objfunc(newpop .x); newpop .parent1=mate1; newpop .parent2=mate2; newpop .xsite=jcross; if(newpop .fitnessmin) {for(k=0;klchrom;k++) oldpop .chrom =newpop .chrom ; oldpop .x=newpop .x; oldpop .fitness=newpop .fitness; co_min++; return; } if(newpop .fitnessmin) {for(k=0;klchrom;k++) oldpop .chrom =newpop .chrom ; oldpop .x=newpop .x; oldpop .fitness=newpop .fitness; co_min++; return; } j=j+2; }while(jpopsize); } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ void initdata() {unsigned int ch,j; clrscr(); printf("-----------------------\n"); printf("A SGA\n"); printf("------------------------\n"); /*pause();*/clrscr(); printf("*******SGA DATA ENTRY AND INITILIZATION *******\n"); printf("\n"); printf("input pop size");scanf("%d",popsize); printf("input chrom length");scanf("%d",lchrom); printf("input max generations");scanf("%d",maxgen); printf("input crossover probability");scanf("%f",pcross); printf("input mutation prob");scanf("%f",pmutation); randomize1(); clrscr(); nmutation=0; ncross=0; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ void initreport() {int j,k; printf("pop size=%d\n",popsize); printf("chromosome length=%d\n",lchrom); printf("maxgen=%d\n",maxgen); printf("pmutation=%f\n",pmutation); printf("pcross=%f\n",pcross); printf("initial generation statistics\n"); printf("ini pop max fitness=%f\n",max); printf("ini pop avr fitness=%f\n",avg); printf("ini pop min fitness=%f\n",min); printf("ini pop sum fit=%f\n",sumfitness); } void initpop() {unsigned char j1; unsigned int k5,i1,i2,j,i,k,j2,j3,j4,p5 ; float f1,f2; j=0; for(k=0;klchrom;k++) oldpop .chrom =k; for(k=0;klchrom;k++) p5 =oldpop .chrom ; randomize(); for(;jpopsize;j++) {j2=random(lchrom); for(k=0;kj2+20;k++) {j3=random(lchrom); j4=random(lchrom); j1=p5 ; p5 =p5 ; p5 =j1; } for(k=0;klchrom;k++) oldpop .chrom =p5 ; } for(k=0;klchrom;k++) for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) dd =hypot(x -x ,y -y ); for(j=0;jpopsize;j++) {oldpop .x=(float)decode(oldpop .chrom); oldpop .fitness=objfunc(oldpop .x); oldpop .parent1=0; oldpop .parent2=0; oldpop .xsite=0; } } /**/ void initialize() {int k,j,minx,miny,maxx,maxy; initdata(); minx=0; miny=0; maxx=0;maxy=0; for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {x =rand(); if(x maxx)maxx=x ; if(x minx)minx=x ; y =rand(); if(y maxy)maxy=y ; if(y miny)miny=y ; } if((maxx-minx)(maxy-miny)) {maxxy=maxx-minx;} else {maxxy=maxy-miny;} maxdd=0.0; for(k=0;klchrom;k++) for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) {dd =hypot(x -x ,y -y ); if(maxdddd )maxdd=dd ; } refpd=dd ; for(k=0;klchrom;k++) refpd=refpd+dd ; for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) dd =4.0*maxdd; ff=(0.765*maxxy*pow(lchrom,0.5)); minpp=0; min=dd ; for(j=0;jlchrom-1;j++) {if(dd min) {min=dd ; minpp=j; } } initpop(); statistics(oldpop); initreport(); } /**/ void report(int l,struct pp *pop) {int k,ix,iy,jx,jy; unsigned int tt; float ttt; cleardevice(); gotoxy(1,1); printf("city:%4d para_size:%4d maxgen:%4d ref_tour:%f\n" ,lchrom,popsize,maxgen,refpd); printf("ncross:%4d Nmutation:%4d Rungen:%4d AVG=%8.4f MIN=%8.4f\n\n" ,ncross,nmutation,l,avg,min); printf("Ref.cominpath:%6.4f Minpath length:%10.4f Ref_co_tour:%f\n" ,pop .x/maxxy,pop .x,ff); printf("Co_minpath:%6.4f Maxfit:%10.8f" ,100.0*pop .x/ff,pop .fitness); ttt=clock()/18.2; tt=ttt/60; printf("Run clock:%2d:%2d:%4d.2f\n",tt/60,tt%60,ttt-tt*60.0); setcolor(1%15+1); for(k=0;klchrom-1;k++) {ix=x .chrom ]; iy=y .chrom ]+110; jx=x .chrom ]; jy=y .chrom ]+110; line(ix,iy,jx,jy); putpixel(ix,iy,RED); } ix=x .chrom ]; iy=y .chrom ]+110; jx=x .chrom ]; jy=y .chrom ]+110; line(ix,iy,jx,jy); putpixel(jx,jy,RED); setcolor(11); outtextxy(ix,iy,"*"); setcolor(12); for(k=0;k1%200;k++) {ix=k+280; iy=366-fm /3; jx=ix+1; jy=366-fm /3; line(ix,iy,jx,jy); putpixel(ix,iy,RED); } printf("GEN:%3d",l); printf("Minpath:%f Maxfit:%f",pop .x,pop .fitness); printf("Clock:%2d:%2d:%4.2f\n",tt/60,tt%60,ttt-tt*60.0); } /*###############*/ float decode(unsigned char *pp) {int j,k,l; float tt; tt=dd *lchrom+pp ]; for(j=0;jlchrom-1;j++) {tt=tt+dd *lchrom+pp ];} l=0; for(k=0;klchrom-1;k++) for(j=k+1;jlchrom;j++) {if(pp ==pp )l++;} return tt+4*l*maxdd; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ void crtinit() {int driver,mode; struct palettetype p; driver=DETECT; mode=0; initgraph(driver,mode,""); cleardevice(); } /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int select() {double rand1,partsum; float r1; int j; partsum=0.0; j=0; rand1=random1()*sumfitness; do{ partsum=partsum+oldpop .fitness; j=j+1; }while((partsumrand1)(jpopsize)); return j-1; } /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int crossover(unsigned char *parent1,unsigned char *parent2,int k5) {int k,j,mutate,i1,i2,j5; int j1,j2,j3,s0,s1,s2; unsigned char jj,ts1 ,ts2 ; float f1,f2; s0=0;s1=0;s2=0; if(flip(pcross)) {jcross=random(lchrom-1); j5=random(lchrom-1); ncross=ncross+1; if(jcrossj5){k=jcross;jcross=j5;j5=k;} } else jcross=lchrom; if(jcross!=lchrom) {s0=1; k=0; for(j=jcross;jj5;j++) {ts1 =parent1 ; ts2 =parent2 ; k++; } j3=k; for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) {j2=0; while((parent2 !=ts1 )(j2k)){j2++;} if(j2==k) {ts1 =parent2 ; j3++; } } j3=k; for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) {j2=0; while((parent1 !=ts2 )(j2k)){j2++;} if(j2==k) {ts2 =parent1 ; j3++; } } for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) {newpop .chrom =ts1 ; newpop .chrom =ts2 ; } } else {for(j=0;jlchrom;j++) {newpop .chrom =parent1 ; newpop .chrom =parent2 ; } mutate=flip(pmutation); if(mutate) {s1=1; nmutation=nmutation+1; for(j3=0;j3200;j3++) {j1=random(lchrom); j=random(lchrom); jj=newpop .chrom ; newpop .chrom =newpop .chrom ; newpop .chrom =jj; } } mutate=flip(pmutation); if(mutate) {s2=1; nmutation=nmutation+1; for(j3=0;j3100;j3++) {j1=random(lchrom); j=random(lchrom); jj=newpop .chrom ; newpop .chrom =newpop .chrom ; newpop .chrom =jj; } } } j2=random(2*lchrom/3); for(j=j2;jj2+lchrom/3-1;j++) for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {if(k==j)continue; if(kj){i2=k;i1=j;} else{i1=k;i2=j;} f1=dd .chrom +newpop .chrom ]; f1=f1+dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; f2=dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; f2=f2+dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; if(f1f2){inversion(i1,i2,newpop .chrom);} } j2=random(2*lchrom/3); for(j=j2;jj2+lchrom/3-1;j++) for(k=0;klchrom;k++) {if(k==j)continue; if(kj){i2=k;i1=j;} else{i1=k;i2=j;} f1=dd .chrom +newpop .chrom ]; f1=f1+dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; f2=dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; f2=f2+dd .chrom + newpop .chrom ]; if(f1f2){inversion(i1,i2,newpop .chrom);} } return 1; } /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ void inversion(unsigned int k,unsigned int j,unsigned char *ss) {unsigned int l1,i; unsigned char tt; l1=(j-k)/2; for(i=0;il1;i++) {tt=ss ; ss =ss ; ss =tt; } } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ void randomize1() {int i; randomize(); for(i=0;ilchrom;i++) oldrand =random(30001)/30000.0; jrand=0; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%*/ float random1() {jrand=jrand+1; if(jrand=lchrom) {jrand=0; randomize1(); } return oldrand ; } /*%%%%%%%%%%*/ int flip(float probability) {float ppp; ppp=random(20001)/20000.0; if(ppp=probability)return 1; return 0; } 改进后用来求解VBR问题的delphi程序 unit uEA; interface uses uUtilsEA, uIEA, uITSP, Classes, GaPara, windows, SysUtils, fEA_TSP; type TIndividual = class(TInterfacedObject, IIndividual) private // The internally stored fitness value fFitness: TFloat; fWeConstrain: integer; fBackConstrain: integer; fTimeConstrain: integer; procedure SetFitness(const Value: TFloat); function GetFitness: TFloat; function GetWeConstrain: integer; procedure SetWeConstrain(const Value: integer); procedure SetBackConstrain(const Value: integer); function GetBackConstrain: integer; function GetTimeConstrain: integer; procedure SetTimeConstrain(const Value: integer); public property Fitness : TFloat read GetFitness write SetFitness; property WeConstrain :integer read GetWeConstrain write SetWeConstrain; property BackConstrain :integer read GetBackConstrain write SetBackConstrain; property TimeConstrain :integer read GetTimeConstrain write SetTimeConstrain; end; TTSPIndividual = class(TIndividual, ITSPIndividual) private // The route we travel fRouteArray : ArrayInt; fWeConstrain: integer; fBackConstrain: integer; fTimeConstrain: integer; function GetRouteArray(I: Integer): Integer; procedure SetRouteArray(I: Integer; const Value: Integer); procedure SetSteps(const Value: Integer); function GetSteps: Integer; function GetWeConstrain: integer; procedure SetWeConstrain(const Value: integer); procedure SetBackConstrain(const Value: integer); procedure SetTimeConstrain(const Value: integer); function GetBackConstrain: integer; function GetTimeConstrain: integer; public // Constructor, called with initial route size constructor Create(Size : TInt); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property RouteArray : Integer read GetRouteArray write SetRouteArray; // The number of steps on the route property Steps : Integer read GetSteps write SetSteps; property Fitness : TFloat read GetFitness write SetFitness; property WeConstrain :integer read GetWeConstrain write SetWeConstrain; property BackConstrain :integer read GetWeConstrain write SetBackConstrain; property TimeConstrain :integer read GetTimeConstrain write SetTimeConstrain; end; TTSPCreator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITSPCreator) private // The Control component we are associated with fController: ITSPController; function GetController: ITSPController; procedure SetController(const Value: ITSPController); public // Function to create a random individual function CreateIndividual : IIndividual; function CreateFeasibleIndividual: IIndividual; property Controller : ITSPController read GetController write SetController; end; TKillerPercentage = class(TInterfacedObject, IKillerPercentage) private fPer: TFloat; procedure SetPercentage(const Value: TFloat); function GetPercentage: TFloat; public function Kill(Pop : IPopulation): Integer; // Percentage of population to be killed property Percentage: TFloat read GetPercentage write SetPercentage; end; TParentSelectorTournament = class(TInterfacedObject, IParentSelector) public function SelectParent(Population: IPopulation): IIndividual; end; TTSPBreederCrossover = class(TInterfacedObject, IBreeder) public function BreedOffspring(PSelector: IParentSelector; Pop: IPopulation): IIndividual; end; TTSPMutator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITSPMutator) private fTrans: TFloat; fInv: TFloat; procedure SetInv(const Value: TFloat); procedure SetTrans(const Value: TFloat); function GetInv: TFloat; function GetTrans: TFloat; public procedure Mutate(Individual: IIndividual); published // Probability of doing a transposition property Transposition: TFloat read GetTrans write SetTrans; // Probability of doing an inversion property Inversion: TFloat read GetInv write SetInv; end; TTSPExaminer = class(TInterfacedObject, ITSPExaminer) private // The Control component we are associated with fController: ITSPController; function GetController: ITSPController; procedure SetController(const Value: ITSPController); public // Returns the fitness of an individual as a real number where 0 = best function GetFitness(Individual : IIndividual) : TFloat; property Controller : ITSPController read GetController write SetController; end; TPopulation = class(TInterfacedObject, IPopulation) private // The population fPop : TInterfaceList; // Worker for breeding fBreeder: IBreeder; // Worker for killing fKiller: IKiller; // Worker for parent selection fParentSelector: IParentSelector; // Worker for mutation fMutator: IMutator; // Worker for initial creation fCreator: ICreator; // Worker for fitness calculation fExaminer: IExaminer; // On Change event FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; procedure Change; // Getters and Setters function GetIndividual(I: Integer): IIndividual; function GetCount: Integer; function GetBreeder: IBreeder; function GetCreator: ICreator; function GetExaminer: IExaminer; function GetKiller: IKiller; function GetMutator: IMutator; function GetOnChange: TNotifyEvent; function GetParentSelector: IParentSelector; procedure SetBreeder(const Value: IBreeder); procedure SetCreator(const Value: ICreator); procedure SetExaminer(const Value: IExaminer); procedure SetKiller(const Value: IKiller); procedure SetMutator(const Value: IMutator); procedure SetOnChange(const Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetParentSelector(const Value: IParentSelector); // not interfaced procedure DanQuickSort(SortList: TInterfaceList; L, R: Integer; SCompare: TInterfaceCompare); procedure Sort(Compare: TInterfaceCompare); protected // Comparison function for Sort() function CompareIndividuals(I1, I2: IIndividual): Integer; // Sort the population procedure SortPopulation; public // The constructor constructor Create; // The destructor destructor Destroy; override; // Adds an individual to the population procedure Add(New : IIndividual); // Deletes an individual from the population procedure Delete(I : Integer); // Runs a single generation procedure Generation; // Initialise the population procedure Initialise(Size : Integer); // Clear ourselves out procedure Clear; // Get the fitness of an individual function FitnessOf(I : Integer) : TFloat; // Access to the population members property Pop : IIndividual read GetIndividual; default; // The size of the population property Count : Integer read GetCount; property ParentSelector : IParentSelector read GetParentSelector write SetParentSelector; property Breeder : IBreeder read GetBreeder write SetBreeder; property Killer : IKiller read GetKiller write SetKiller; property Mutator : IMutator read GetMutator write SetMutator; property Creator : ICreator read GetCreator write SetCreator; property Examiner : IExaminer read GetExaminer write SetExaminer; // An event property OnChange : TNotifyEvent read GetOnChange write SetOnChange; end; TTSPController = class(TInterfacedObject, ITSPController) private fXmin, fXmax, fYmin, fYmax: TFloat; { The array of 'cities' } fCities : array of TPoint2D; { The array of 'vehicles' } fVehicles : array of TVehicle; { The array of 'vehicle number' } fNoVehicles : ArrayInt;///////////////////// { The number of 'new cities' } fCityCount: Integer; { The number of 'old cities' } foldCityCount: Integer; { The number of 'travelers' } fTravelCount:Integer; /////////////////////// { The number of 'depots' } fDepotCount:Integer; /////////////////////// { Getters... } function GetCity(I: Integer): TPoint2D; function GetNoVehicle(I: Integer): TInt; function GetCityCount: Integer; function GetOldCityCount: Integer; function GetTravelCount:Integer; function GetDepotCount:Integer; function GetXmax: TFloat; function GetXmin: TFloat; function GetYmax: TFloat; function GetYmin: TFloat; { Setters... } procedure SetCityCount(const Value: Integer); procedure SetOldCityCount(const Value: Integer); procedure SetTravelCount(const Value: Integer); ///////////// procedure SetDepotCount(const Value: Integer); ///////////// procedure SetXmax(const Value: TFloat); procedure SetXmin(const Value: TFloat); procedure SetYmax(const Value: TFloat); procedure SetYmin(const Value: TFloat); function TimeCostBetween(C1, C2: Integer): TFloat; function GetTimeConstraint(Individual: IIndividual): TInt; function DateSpanToMin(d1, d2: TDateTime): integer; function GetVehicleInfo(routeInt: Tint): integer; procedure writeTimeArray; procedure writeCostArray; public { The constructor } constructor Create; { The destructor } destructor Destroy; override; { Get the distance between two cities } function DistanceBetween(C1, C2 : Integer) : TFloat; { Get the cost between two cities } function CostBetween(C1, C2: Integer): TFloat; function GetWeightConstraint( Individual: IIndividual): TInt; function GetBackConstraint( Individual: IIndividual): TInt; { Places the cities at random points } procedure RandomCities; { Area limits } property Xmin: TFloat read GetXmin write SetXmin; property Xmax: TFloat read GetXmax write SetXmax; property Ymin: TFloat read GetYmin write SetYmin; property Ymax: TFloat read GetYmax write SetYmax; { Properties... } property CityCount : Integer read GetCityCount write SetCityCount; property OldCityCount : Integer read GetOldCityCount write SetOldCityCount; property TravelCount : Integer read GetTravelCount write SetTravelCount; /////////// property DepotCount : Integer read GetDepotCount write SetDepotCount; /////////// { Access to the cities array } property Cities : TPoint2D read GetCity; property NoVehicles : TInt read GetNoVehicle; /////////////// end; implementation uses Math; { TIndividual } function TIndividual.GetFitness: TFloat; begin result := fFitness; end; function TIndividual.GetWeConstrain: integer; begin result := fWeConstrain; end; function TIndividual.GetBackConstrain: integer; begin result := fBackConstrain; end; function TIndividual.GetTimeConstrain: integer; begin result := fTimeConstrain; end; procedure TIndividual.SetBackConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fBackConstrain := Value; end; procedure TIndividual.SetFitness(const Value: TFloat); begin fFitness := Value; end; procedure TIndividual.SetWeConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fWeConstrain := Value; end; procedure TIndividual.SetTimeConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fTimeConstrain := Value; end; { TTSPIndividual } constructor TTSPIndividual.Create(Size: TInt); begin Inherited Create; SetLength(fRouteArray, Size); // fSteps := Size; end; destructor TTSPIndividual.Destroy; begin SetLength(fRouteArray, 0); inherited; end; function TTSPIndividual.GetRouteArray(I: Integer): Integer; begin result := fRouteArray ; end; function TTSPIndividual.GetSteps: Integer; begin result := Length(fRouteArray); end; procedure TTSPIndividual.SetSteps(const Value: Integer); begin SetLength(fRouteArray, Value); end; procedure TTSPIndividual.SetRouteArray(I: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin fRouteArray := Value; end; function TTSPIndividual.GetWeConstrain: integer; begin result := fWeConstrain; end; function TTSPIndividual.GetBackConstrain: integer; begin result := fBackConstrain; end; function TTSPIndividual.GetTimeConstrain: integer; begin result := fTimeConstrain; end; procedure TTSPIndividual.SetWeConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fWeConstrain := Value; end; procedure TTSPIndividual.SetBackConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fBackConstrain := Value; end; procedure TTSPIndividual.SetTimeConstrain(const Value: integer); begin fTimeConstrain := Value; end; { TTSPCreator } function TTSPCreator.CreateIndividual: IIndividual; var New: ITSPIndividual; i, j, Top, Temp : Integer; //trav:integer; begin // Get the number of cities Top := fController.CityCount; // Create the new individual New := TTSPIndividual.Create(Top); // Initialise it with a sequential route for i := 0 to Top - 1 do New.RouteArray := i; // Shuffle the route for i := Top - 1 downto 1 do begin j := Random(i); Temp := New.RouteArray ; New.RouteArray := New.RouteArray ; New.RouteArray := Temp; end; result := New; end; function TTSPCreator.CreateFeasibleIndividual: IIndividual; var New: ITSPIndividual; i, j, Top, Temp : Tint; Msg:TMsg; begin // Get the number of cities Top := fController.CityCount; // Create the new individual New := TTSPIndividual.Create(Top); // Initialise it with a sequential route repeat begin////////////////////////////////// for i := 0 to Top - 1 do New.RouteArray := i; // Shuffle the route for i := Top - 1 downto 1 do begin j := Random(i); Temp := New.RouteArray ; New.RouteArray := New.RouteArray ; New.RouteArray := Temp; end; //process message sequence////////// while PeekMessage(Msg,0,0,0,1) do/// begin /// if Msg.Message18 then /// begin /// TranslateMessage(Msg); /// DispatchMessage(Msg); /// end; /// end; /// //////////////////////////////////// end until (fController.GetWeightConstraint(New)=0)and(fController.GetBackConstraint(New)=0); result := New; end; function TTSPCreator.GetController: ITSPController; begin result := fController; end; procedure TTSPCreator.SetController(const Value: ITSPController); begin fController := Value; end; { TKillerPercentage } function TKillerPercentage.GetPercentage: TFloat; begin result := fPer; end; function TKillerPercentage.Kill(Pop: IPopulation): Integer; var KillCount, i : Integer; begin // Work out the number we have to kill KillCount := Floor(Pop.Count * (fPer / 100)); // Delete the worst individuals - assuming the population is sorted for i := 1 to KillCount do Pop.Delete(Pop.Count - 1); // Return the number killed Result := KillCount; end; procedure TKillerPercentage.SetPercentage(const Value: TFloat); begin fPer := Value; end; { TParentSelectorTournament } function TParentSelectorTournament.SelectParent( Population: IPopulation): IIndividual; var i1, i2 : Integer; begin // Select a random individual i1 := Random(Population.Count); // Select a *different* random individual repeat i2 := Random(Population.Count); until i1 i2; // Hold the tournament and return the fittest of the two if Population.FitnessOf(i1) Population.FitnessOf(i2) then Result := Population else Result := Population ; end; { TTSPBreederCrossover } function TTSPBreederCrossover.BreedOffspring(PSelector: IParentSelector; Pop: IPopulation): IIndividual; var Child, Mom, Dad, Parent1, Parent2 : ITSPIndividual; i, j, p : Integer; function AlreadyAssigned(City, x : Integer) : Boolean; var y : Integer; Found : Boolean; begin Found := False; for y := 0 to x - 1 do begin if Child.RouteArray = City then begin Found := True; Break; end; end; Result := Found; end; begin // Select a some parents... Mom := PSelector.SelectParent(Pop) as ITSPIndividual; Dad := PSelector.SelectParent(Pop) as ITSPIndividual; // Create a child Child := TTSPIndividual.Create(Mom.Steps); // Copy the route from parents to child for i := 0 to Child.Steps - 1 do begin // Choose a parent at random p := Random(2); if p = 0 then begin Parent1 := Mom; Parent2 := Dad; end else begin Parent1 := Dad; Parent2 := Mom; end; if not AlreadyAssigned(Parent1.RouteArray , i) then begin // Use city from Parent 1 unless used already Child.RouteArray := Parent1.RouteArray ; end else if not AlreadyAssigned(Parent2.RouteArray , i) then begin // Otherwise use city from Parent 2 unless used already Child.RouteArray := Parent2.RouteArray ; end else begin // If both assigned already then use a random city repeat j := Random(Child.Steps); until not AlreadyAssigned(j, i); Child.RouteArray := j; end; end; // Return the child Result := Child; end; { TTSPMutator } function TTSPMutator.GetInv: TFloat; begin result := fInv; end; function TTSPMutator.GetTrans: TFloat; begin result := fTrans; end; procedure TTSPMutator.Mutate(Individual: IIndividual); var P: Double; i, j, t : Integer; Start, Finish : Integer; begin with Individual as ITSPIndividual do begin // Should we do an inversion? P := Random * 100; if P FTrans then begin // Do an inversion (i.e. swap two cities at random) // Choose first city i := Random(Steps); // Choose a second city repeat j := Random(Steps); until i j; // Swap them over t := RouteArray ; RouteArray := RouteArray ; RouteArray := t; end; // Should we do a transposition? P := Random * 100; if P FInv then begin // Do a transposition (i.e. reverse a sub-route) // Choose random start and finish points Start := Random(Steps - 1); Finish := Start + Random(Steps - Start); // Reverse the sub-route for i := 0 to Floor((Finish - Start) / 2) do begin t := RouteArray ; RouteArray := RouteArray ; RouteArray := t; end; end; end; end; procedure TTSPMutator.SetInv(const Value: TFloat); begin fInv := Value; end; procedure TTSPMutator.SetTrans(const Value: TFloat); begin fTrans := Value; end; { TTSPExaminer } function TTSPExaminer.GetController: ITSPController; begin result := fController; end; function TTSPExaminer.GetFitness(Individual: IIndividual): TFloat; var i , weightConstraint, backConstraint : TInt; Distance , penaltyW, penaltyB : TFloat; Indi : ITSPIndividual; begin Indi := Individual as ITSPIndividual; Distance := 0; penaltyW:=FormGaPara.EditWeightConstrain.Value; penaltyB:=FormGaPara.EditBackConstrain.Value; for i := 0 to Indi.Steps - 2 do begin Distance := Distance + fController.DistanceBetween(Indi.RouteArray , Indi.RouteArray ); end; Distance := Distance + fController.DistanceBetween(Indi.RouteArray , Indi.RouteArray ); WeightConstraint:=fController.GetWeightConstraint(Indi); backConstraint:=fController.GetBackConstraint(Indi); Indi.WeConstrain:=WeightConstraint; Indi.BackConstrain:=backConstraint; Result := Distance+penaltyW*weightconstraint+penaltyB*backConstraint; end; procedure TTSPExaminer.SetController(const Value: ITSPController); begin fController := Value; end; { TPopulation } constructor TPopulation.Create; begin inherited; fPop := TInterfaceList.Create; end; destructor TPopulation.Destroy; begin fPop.Free; inherited; end; procedure TPopulation.Add(New: IIndividual); begin fPop.Add(New); end; procedure TPopulation.Clear; begin fPop.Clear; end; function TPopulation.CompareIndividuals(I1, I2: IIndividual): Integer; var A, B, D : TFloat; begin // Get the difference between the two individuals (real number) A := I1.Fitness; B := I2.Fitness; D := A - B; // Quickest way to convert that to an integer is... if D 0 then Result := 1 else if D 0 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; procedure TPopulation.Delete(I: Integer); begin fPop.Delete(I); end; function TPopulation.FitnessOf(I: Integer): TFloat; begin result := Pop .Fitness; end; procedure TPopulation.Change; begin if Assigned(fOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; procedure TPopulation.Generation; var Replace, i : Integer; New : IIndividual; begin // Kill some of the population Replace := fKiller.Kill(Self); for i := 1 to Replace do begin // Breed a new individual New := fBreeder.BreedOffspring(fParentSelector, Self); // Perform some mutation on the individual FMutator.Mutate(New); // Get the fitness of the new individual New.Fitness := fExaminer.GetFitness(New); // Add it to the population Add(New); end; // Sort the population into fitness order where first == best SortPopulation; Change; end; function TPopulation.GetBreeder: IBreeder; begin result := fBreeder; end; function TPopulation.GetCount: Integer; begin result := fPop.Count; end; function TPopulation.GetCreator: ICreator; begin result := fCreator; end; function TPopulation.GetExaminer: IExaminer; begin result := fExaminer; end; function TPopulation.GetIndividual(I: Integer): IIndividual; begin result := (fPop as IIndividual); end; function TPopulation.GetKiller: IKiller; begin result := fKiller; end; function TPopulation.GetMutator: IMutator; begin result := fMutator; end; function TPopulation.GetOnChange: TNotifyEvent; begin result := fOnChange; end; function TPopulation.GetParentSelector: IParentSelector; begin result := fParentSelector; end; procedure TPopulation.Initialise(Size: Integer); var i,feasibleCount: Integer; New: IIndividual; begin feasibleCount:=round(size*(FormGaPara.EditFeasible.Value)/100); //feasibleCount:=1; // Clear out the old stuff Clear; // Set the capacity first to save about 12 nanoseconds ;o) fPop.Capacity := Size; // Create the appropriate number of individuals for i := 1 to feasibleCount do begin // Create the individual New := fCreator.CreateFeasibleIndividual; // Get the fitness of the new individual New.Fitness := fExaminer.GetFitness(New); // Add to the population Add(New); end; for i := feasibleCount+1 to Size do begin // Create the individual New := fCreator.CreateIndividual; //////// // Get the fitness of the new individual New.Fitness := fExaminer.GetFitness(New); // Add to the population Add(New); end; SortPopulation; Change; end; procedure TPopulation.SetBreeder(const Value: IBreeder); begin fBreeder := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetCreator(const Value: ICreator); begin fCreator := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetExaminer(const Value: IExaminer); begin fExaminer := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetKiller(const Value: IKiller); begin fKiller := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetMutator(const Value: IMutator); begin fMutator := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetOnChange(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin fOnChange := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.SetParentSelector(const Value: IParentSelector); begin fParentSelector := Value; end; procedure TPopulation.DanQuickSort(SortList: TInterfaceList; L, R: Integer; SCompare: TInterfaceCompare); var I, J: Integer; P: IIndividual; begin repeat I := L; J := R; P := SortList.Items as IIndividual; repeat while SCompare(SortList.Items as IIndividual, P) 0 do Inc(I); while SCompare(SortList.Items as IIndividual, P) 0 do Dec(J); if I = J then begin SortList.Exchange(I, J); Inc(I); Dec(J); end; until I J; if L J then DanQuickSort(SortList, L, J, SCompare); L := I; until I = R; end; procedure TPopulation.Sort(Compare: TInterfaceCompare); begin if Assigned(fPop) and (Count 0) then DanQuickSort(fPop, 0, Count - 1, Compare); end; procedure TPopulation.SortPopulation; begin Sort(self.CompareIndividuals); end; { TTSPController } constructor TTSPController.Create; begin inherited; end; destructor TTSPController.Destroy; begin SetLength(FCities, 0); SetLength(FNoVehicles, 0); SetLength(FVehicles, 0); inherited; end; { Standard euclidian distance between two 2D vectors... } function TTSPController.DistanceBetween( C1, C2: Integer): TFloat; var temp:TFloat; i,j,intTemp,intTemp2:TInt; begin intTemp:=0; temp:=FormGaPara.EditWrongConstrain.Value; {if (Cities .id=1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount)and(Cities .id0) then begin fCities .serviceDepot:= fCities .serviceDepot; end; //} //8 if (Cities .id=1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount)and(Cities .id=1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount) then begin temp:=CostArray ; end; //1 if Cities .id=0 then begin for i:=0 to fDepotCount-1 do begin intTemp:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; if Cities .id =fOldCityCount + intTemp +1 then temp:=0; end; intTemp:=0; end; //2 if Cities .id=0 then begin for i:=1 to fDepotCount do begin intTemp:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; if Cities .id =fOldCityCount + intTemp then temp:=0; end; intTemp:=0; end; //5 for i:=0 to fDepotCount-1 do begin intTemp:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; { if (Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp +1)and(Cities .id=Cities .id+1) then temp:=10; /////////////////////////// } if (Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp +1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp+fNoVehicles ) and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp +1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp+fNoVehicles ) then temp:=0;//} end; intTemp:=0; //7 if (Cities .id=Cities .id)and(Cities .id fOldCityCount) then begin temp:=0; end; //3 if (Cities .id fOldCityCount)and(Cities .id=1)and(Cities .id=fOldCityCount) then begin //temp := Sqrt(sqr(Cities .X - Cities .X)+sqr(Cities .Y - Cities .Y)); temp:=CostArray ; end; //4 if (Cities .id=fOldCityCount)and(Cities .id=1)and(Cities .id fOldCityCount) then begin //if Cities .serviceDepot=Cities .serviceDepot then //back to the start point temp:=CostArray ; end; //6 intTemp:=0; for i:=1 to fDepotCount do begin intTemp:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; if Cities .id= fOldCityCount + intTemp then begin intTemp2:=0; for j:=0 to fDepotCount-1 do begin intTemp2:=intTemp2+fNoVehicles ; if Cities .id=fOldCityCount + intTemp2 +1 then if abs(Cities .id-Cities .id) fNoVehicles -1 then temp:=0; end; //} end; end; intTemp:=0; result:=temp; end; function TTSPController.CostBetween(C1, C2: Integer): TFloat; //matrix cij var distance:TFloat; begin distance := Sqrt(sqr(Cities .X - Cities .X)+ sqr(Cities .Y - Cities .Y)); //result:=distance+TimeCostBetween(C1,C2); result:=distance; end; function TTSPController.TimeCostBetween(C1, C2: Integer): TFloat; var cost:TFloat; i,j,penaltyW,penaltyD:TFloat; startTime:TDateTime; begin startTime:=strToDateTime(FormGa.EditStartTime.Text); penaltyW:=FormGaPara.EditWaitConstrain.Value; penaltyD:=FormGaPara.EditDelayConstrain.Value; if Cities .idfOldCityCount then fCities .totalTime:=0 else fCities .totalTime:=Cities .totalTime+Cities .serviceTime+timeArray ; fCities .waitTime:= max(0,DateSpanToMin(startTime,Cities .early)-Cities .totalTime); fCities .delayTime:=max(0,Cities .totalTime-DateSpanToMin(startTime,Cities .late)); if Cities .late0 then //consider time or not begin if Cities .early0 then //window or deadline cost:=penaltyW*fCities .waitTime +penaltyD*fCities .delayTime else cost:=penaltyD*fCities .delayTime; end else cost:=0; result:=cost; end; function TTSPController.DateSpanToMin(d1,d2:TDateTime):integer; var span:TDateTime; Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word; begin span:=abs(d2-d1); DecodeDate(span, Year, Month, Day); DecodeTime(span, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec); result:=Min; end; //return the position in the vehicles array function TTSPController.GetVehicleInfo( routeInt:Tint):integer; begin result:=routeInt-fOldCityCount-1; end; function TTSPController.GetWeightConstraint( Individual: IIndividual): TInt; var Indi: ITSPIndividual; totalCapacity,maxCapacity: TFloat; i,j:TInt; tempArray:array of TInt; tempResult:TInt; begin Indi := Individual as ITSPIndividual; SetLength(tempArray, fCityCount+1); tempResult:=0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if Indi.RouteArray =fOldCityCount+1 then break; end; for j:=0 to fCityCount-i-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; for j:=fCityCount-i to fCityCount-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; tempArray := tempArray ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //totalCapacity:=fCities ].supply; //supply maxCapacity:=fVehicles )].volume; totalCapacity:=maxCapacity; for i:=0 to fCityCount do begin if (FCities ].id=fOldCityCount)and(FCities ].id0) then begin totalCapacity:=totalCapacity+FCities ].supply-FCities ].demand; if (totalCapacitymaxCapacity)or(totalCapacity0) then begin tempResult:=tempResult+1; //break; end; end; if FCities ].idfOldCityCount then begin //totalCapacity:=fCities ].supply; //supply maxCapacity:=fVehicles )].volume; totalCapacity:=maxCapacity; end; end; SetLength(tempArray,0); result:=tempResult; end; function TTSPController.GetBackConstraint( Individual: IIndividual): TInt; var Indi: ITSPIndividual; i,j:TInt; tempArray:array of TInt; tempResult:TInt; begin Indi := Individual as ITSPIndividual; SetLength(tempArray, fCityCount+1); tempResult:=0; for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if Indi.RouteArray =fOldCityCount+1 then break; end; for j:=0 to fCityCount-i-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; for j:=fCityCount-i to fCityCount-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; tempArray :=tempArray ; {tempArray :=11;tempArray :=5;tempArray :=8;tempArray :=7; tempArray :=9;tempArray :=6;tempArray :=12;tempArray :=10; tempArray :=2;tempArray :=4;tempArray :=3;tempArray :=1; tempArray :=0;tempArray :=11;tempArray :=3;tempArray :=1; tempArray :=4;tempArray :=11;//10,2,2} for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if (Cities ].id=fOldCityCount) then begin fCities ].serviceDepot:= fCities ].serviceDepot; end; if (Cities ].id=fOldCityCount)and(Cities ].id=1)and(Cities ].id fOldCityCount) then begin if Cities ].serviceDepotCities ].serviceDepot then //back to the start point begin tempResult:=tempResult+1; // break; end; end; end; SetLength(tempArray,0); result:=tempResult; end; function TTSPController.GetTimeConstraint( Individual: IIndividual): TInt; var Indi: ITSPIndividual; i,j:TInt; totalTimeCost:TFloat; tempArray:array of TInt; tempResult:TInt; begin Indi := Individual as ITSPIndividual; SetLength(tempArray, fCityCount+1); tempResult:=0; for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if Indi.RouteArray =fOldCityCount+1 then break; end; for j:=0 to fCityCount-i-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; for j:=fCityCount-i to fCityCount-1 do begin tempArray := Indi.RouteArray ; end; tempArray :=tempArray ; totalTimeCost:=0; for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin totalTimeCost:=totalTimeCost+timeCostBetween(tempArray ,tempArray ); end; if totalTimeCost0 then tempResult:=1; SetLength(tempArray,0); end; function TTSPController.GetCity(I: Integer): TPoint2D; begin result := fCities ; end; function TTSPController.GetNoVehicle(I: Integer): TInt; begin result := fNoVehicles ; end; function TTSPController.GetCityCount: Integer; begin result := fCityCount; end; function TTSPController.GetOldCityCount: Integer; begin result := fOldCityCount; end; function TTSPController.GetTravelCount: Integer; begin result := fTravelCount; end; function TTSPController.GetDepotCount: Integer; begin result := fDepotCount; end; function TTSPController.GetXmax: TFloat; begin result := fXmax; end; function TTSPController.GetXmin: TFloat; begin result := fXmin; end; function TTSPController.GetYmax: TFloat; begin result := fYmax; end; function TTSPController.GetYmin: TFloat; begin result := fYmin; end; procedure TTSPController.RandomCities; //from database var i,j,k,m,intTemp,totalVehicleCount: Integer; tempVehicle:TVehicle; begin ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fNoVehicles :=0; totalVehicleCount:=0; for i:=1 to fDepotCount do //from depots database begin fNoVehicles :=fTravelCount +1; totalVehicleCount:=totalVehicleCount+ fNoVehicles ; //real and virtual vehicles end; SetLength(fVehicles,totalVehicleCount); intTemp:=0; for i:=1 to fDepotCount do begin for j:=intTemp to intTemp+fNoVehicles -2 do begin fVehicles .index:=j+1; fVehicles .id:='real vehicle'; fVehicles .volume:=50; end; with fVehicles -1] do begin index:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; id:='virtual vehicle'; volume:=0; end; intTemp:=intTemp+ fNoVehicles ; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// intTemp:=0; for i:=1 to fDepotCount do //depot 1--value begin intTemp:=intTemp + fNoVehicles ; end; for i := 0 to FOldCityCount do //from database begin FCities .id:= i; FCities .X := Xmin+0.5+(Xmax-Xmin-1.0)*Random; FCities .Y := Ymin+0.5+(Ymax-Ymin-1.0)*Random; FCities .early:=0; FCities .late:=0; //TDateTime FCities .serviceTime:=0; FCities .totalTime:=0; FCities .waitTime:=0; FCities .delayTime:=0; end; for i:=FOldCityCount+1 to FCityCount-1 do begin FCities .id:= i; if fDepotCount=1 then begin FCities .X := Xmin+0.5+(Xmax-Xmin-1.0)*RandomRange(2,4)/5; FCities .Y := Ymin+0.5+(Ymax-Ymin-1.0)*RandomRange(2,4)/5; end else begin FCities .X := Xmin+0.5+(Xmax-Xmin-1.0)*Random; FCities .Y := Ymin+0.5+(Ymax-Ymin-1.0)*Random; end; FCities .early:=0; FCities .late:=0; //TDateTime FCities .serviceTime:=0; FCities .totalTime:=0; FCities .waitTime:=0; FCities .delayTime:=0; end; for i := 0 to FOldCityCount do begin FCities .serviceDepot:=i; end; m:=FOldCityCount+1; for k:=1 to fDepotCount do begin for j:=0 to fNoVehicles -1 do begin FCities .serviceDepot:= fOldCityCount+k; m:=m+1; end; end; //supply and demand //////////////////////////from database FCities .demand:=0; FCities .supply:=0; for i:=1 to FOldCityCount do begin FCities .demand:=10; FCities .supply:=0; end; for i:=FOldCityCount+1 to FCityCount-1 do begin FCities .demand:=0; FCities .supply:=50; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// intTemp:=0; for i:=0 to fDepotCount-1 do begin intTemp:=intTemp+fNoVehicles ; for j:=2 to fNoVehicles do begin FCities .X :=FCities .X; FCities .Y :=FCities .Y; end; end; writeTimeArray; writeCostArray; end; procedure TTSPController.writeTimeArray; //database var i,j:integer; begin SetLength(timeArray,fCityCount,fCityCount); for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin for j:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if i=j then timeArray :=0 else timeArray :=10; end; end; end; procedure TTSPController.writeCostArray; //database var i,j:integer; begin SetLength(costArray,fCityCount,fCityCount); for i:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin for j:=0 to fCityCount-1 do begin if i=j then costArray :=0 else costArray :=costBetween(i,j); end; end; end; procedure TTSPController.SetCityCount(const Value: Integer); begin SetLength(fCities, Value); fCityCount := Value; RandomCities; end; procedure TTSPController.SetOldCityCount(const Value: Integer); begin fOldCityCount := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetTravelCount(const Value: Integer); /////////// begin fTravelCount := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetDepotCount(const Value: Integer); /////////// begin SetLength(fNoVehicles, Value+1); /////////////// fDepotCount := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetXmax(const Value: TFloat); begin fXmax := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetXmin(const Value: TFloat); begin fXmin := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetYmax(const Value: TFloat); begin fYmax := Value; end; procedure TTSPController.SetYmin(const Value: TFloat); begin fYmin := Value; end; end.
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分享 模拟退火(SA,Simulated Annealing)思想
む伈随风飞る 2012-4-2 23:14
爬山法是完完全全的贪心法,每次都鼠目寸光的选择一个当前最优解,因此只能搜索到局部的最优值。模拟退火其实也是一种贪心算法,但是它的搜索过程引入了随机因素。模拟退火算法以一定的概率来接受一个比当前解要差的解,因此有可能会跳出这个局部的最优解,达到全局的最优解。以图 1 为例,模拟退火算法在搜索到局部最优解 A 后,会以一定的概率接受到 E 的移动。也许经过几次这样的不是局部最优的移动后会到达 D 点,于是就跳出了局部最大值 A 。
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分享 大白话 模拟退火
hundunwei 2012-2-8 15:55
大白话解析模拟退火算法 Posted on 2010-12-20 17:01 heaad 阅读(10185) 评论(23) 编辑 收藏    优化算法入门系列文章目录(更新中):   1. 模拟退火算法   2. 遗传算法 一. 爬山算法 ( Hill Climbing ) 介绍模拟退火前,先介绍爬山算法。爬山算法是一种简单的贪心搜索算法,该算法每次从当前解的临近解空间中选择一个最优解作为当前解,直到达到一个局部最优解。 爬山算法实现很简单,其主要缺点是会陷入局部最优解,而不一定能搜索到全局最优解。如图1所示:假设C点为当前解,爬山算法搜索到A点这个局部最优解就会停止搜索,因为在A点无论向那个方向小幅度移动都不能得到更优的解。 图1 二. 模拟退火(SA,Simulated Annealing)思想 爬山法是完完全全的贪心法,每次都鼠目寸光的选择一个当前最优解,因此只能搜索到局部的最优值。模拟退火其实也是一种贪心算法,但是它的搜索过程引入了随机因素。模拟退火算法 以一定的概率 来接受一个比当前解要差的解,因此 有可能 会跳出这个局部的最优解,达到全局的最优解。以图1为例,模拟退火算法在搜索到局部最优解A后,会 以一定的概率 接受到E的移动。也许经过几次这样的不是局部最优的移动后会到达D点,于是就跳出了局部最大值A。 模拟退火算法描述: 若J( Y(i+1) )= J( Y(i) ) (即移动后得到更优解),则总是接受该移动 若J( Y(i+1) ) J( Y(i) ) (即移动后的解比当前解要差),则 以一定的概率接受移动,而且这个概率随着时间推移逐渐降低(逐渐降低才能趋向稳定)   这里的“一定的概率”的计算参考了金属冶炼的退火过程,这也是模拟退火算法名称的由来。   根据热力学的原理,在温度为T时,出现能量差为dE的降温的概率为P(dE),表示为:     P(dE) = exp( dE/(kT) )   其中k是一个常数,exp表示自然指数,且dE0。这条公式说白了就是:温度越高,出现一次能量差为dE的降温的概率就越大;温度越低,则出现降温的概率就越小。又由于dE总是小于0(否则就不叫退火了),因此dE/kT 0 ,所以P(dE)的函数取值范围是(0,1) 。   随着温度T的降低,P(dE)会逐渐降低。   我们将一次向较差解的移动看做一次温度跳变过程,我们以概率P(dE)来接受这样的移动。   关于爬山算法与模拟退火,有一个有趣的比喻:   爬山算法:兔子朝着比现在高的地方跳去。它找到了不远处的最高山峰。但是这座山不一定是珠穆朗玛峰。这就是爬山算法,它不能保证局部最优值就是全局最优值。   模拟退火:兔子喝醉了。它随机地跳了很长时间。这期间,它可能走向高处,也可能踏入平地。但是,它渐渐清醒了并朝最高方向跳去。这就是模拟退火。 下面给出模拟退火的伪代码表示。 三. 模拟退火算法伪代码 代码 !-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ -- /* * J(y):在状态y时的评价函数值 * Y(i):表示当前状态 * Y(i+1):表示新的状态 * r: 用于控制降温的快慢 * T: 系统的温度,系统初始应该要处于一个高温的状态 * T_min :温度的下限,若温度T达到T_min,则停止搜索 */ while ( T T_min ) {   dE = J( Y(i + 1 ) ) - J( Y(i) ) ;   if ( dE = 0 ) // 表达移动后得到更优解,则总是接受移动 Y(i + 1 ) = Y(i) ; // 接受从Y(i)到Y(i+1)的移动   else   { // 函数exp( dE/T )的取值范围是(0,1) ,dE/T越大,则exp( dE/T )也 if ( exp( dE / T ) random( 0 , 1 ) ) Y(i + 1 ) = Y(i) ; // 接受从Y(i)到Y(i+1)的移动   }   T = r * T ; // 降温退火 ,0r1 。r越大,降温越慢;r越小,降温越快   /*   * 若r过大,则搜索到全局最优解的可能会较高,但搜索的过程也就较长。若r过小,则搜索的过程会很快,但最终可能会达到一个局部最优值   */   i ++ ; } 复制代码 四. 使用模拟退火算法解决旅行商问题   旅行商问题 ( TSP , Traveling Salesman Problem ) :有N个城市,要求从其中某个问题出发,唯一遍历所有城市,再回到出发的城市,求最短的路线。   旅行商问题属于所谓的NP完全问题,精确的解决TSP只能通过穷举所有的路径组合,其时间复杂度是O(N!) 。   使用模拟退火算法可以比较快的求出TSP的一条近似最优路径。(使用遗传算法也是可以的,我将在下一篇文章中介绍)模拟退火解决TSP的思路: 1. 产生一条新的遍历路径P(i+1),计算路径P(i+1)的长度L( P(i+1) ) 2. 若L(P(i+1)) L(P(i)),则接受P(i+1)为新的路径,否则以模拟退火的那个概率接受P(i+1) ,然后降温 3. 重复步骤1,2直到满足退出条件   产生新的遍历路径的方法有很多,下面列举其中3种: 1. 随机选择2个节点,交换路径中的这2个节点的顺序。 2. 随机选择2个节点,将路径中这2个节点间的节点顺序逆转。 3. 随机选择3个节点m,n,k,然后将节点m与n间的节点移位到节点k后面。 五. 算法评价 模拟退火算法是一种随机算法,并不一定能找到全局的最优解,可以比较快的找到问题的近似最优解。如果参数设置得当,模拟退火算法搜索效率比穷举法要高。  from here : http://www.cnblogs.com/heaad/ 转载请注明
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